#oc: layla shephard
apinchofm · 2 years
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"Our youngest, Aisha was one of those children." Bertrand smiled fondly at the thought of his daughter, "She is in Bath, at the moment. She has a bookstore. Layla is.." 
"Where Layla wishes to be," Miriam smirked. She knew full well where she was - but keeping her father on her toes was a fun task for mother and daughter. 
"Mmhm, like Phoebe used to do during Uni. She would be holed away in a museum somewhere or in the archives and wouldn't tell us when she would be coming home!" Padma said fondly and Edward cracked a smile for the first time that evening.
Chapter 2 - The Shephards.
The living children of Miriam and Bertrand in the 21st Century
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apinchofm · 2 years
The Shephards
Requested by anon: Could I request some family fluff with Miriam, Bertrand, and all their children? Maybe it’s shortly after Phoebe is turned? Like maybe she’s getting introduced to the rest of her siblings?
Enjoy! Set during Time's Convert - here is the family explainer!
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Phoebe was nervous the day she was to meet all of her new siblings.. She had only been a vampire for thirty days and was worried they would not accept her. Especially Miriam's remaining daughter, Layla.
Phoebe made her way downstairs to see multiple suitcases near the front door and could
"Ummi!" One of the girls embraced Miriam tightly. Miriam hugged her in return and smiled at her gently.
The second girl - who Phoebe could identify based on what she saw in her sire's blood - hugged Miriam quickly and kissed her on the cheek and then Jason gave Miriam an exaggerated kiss on the chee, making her smile.
Bertrand had been watching the three fondly, happy to see his family reunited. He looked at Phoebe and smiled at her.
"Phoebe." He grinned, encouraging her to come in, "How lovely to see you! Immortality suits you." He kissed her on both cheeks kindly.
"I did not wish to intrude."
"My dear, this is family. You never intrude." He pointed out, placing his hands on her shoulders and presenting her to the new family, "Phoebe, these are your siblings - Jason, Layla and Aisha. Jason and Aisha are of my blood, Layla of Miriam's. But we do not do the whole step-sibling ordeal here."
Aisha was clearly the youngest - at least physically of the three - with long dark hair cascading down her back and an olive green mini dress that complimented her golden-brown skin. In her right hand, he had a bunch of fragrant yellow tulips that matched her bright smile.
"बहिन! (Sister!)" As soon as Aisha noticed Phoebe, she wrapped her arms around her in a tight hug that she gingerly returned.
"Aisha, let the poor girl down. She's a baby!" Bertrand remarked, laughing at his daughter's excitement.
"Sorry. I'm just really excited." Aisha said, releasing Phoebe, "You are so very pretty! Marcus was not exaggerating for once." She handed her the bunch of flowers, "I do hope you like them. I am not sure how you have decorated your room here but I do hope they provide inspiration."
"They are beautiful. Thank you." Phoebe smiled, glad that she was so welcoming. She had not had time to customise her bedroom here.
"Layla." She too was stunning, her dark hair curly and shorter than her sister's. She was taller, in distressed jeans, jumper and heeled boots and more intimidating. She looked at Phoebe more scrutinizingly.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Miriam speaks highly of you."
"Do you, amma?" Layla smirked at Miriam, "I am glad." The look she gave her eldest was not unkind.
"And Jason," Bertrand introduced his son, "My eldest." He was handsome, around the same height as Marcus with black curly hair and piercing blue eyes that were kind.
As Phoebe held out her hand, Jason bent down and kissed her hand instead and she snatched it away just as quickly.
"You are supposed to shake it," Her voice shook angrily, but Jason merely smirked and held up his hands in mock surrender.
But he grinned and looked at his mother, "Well done. She didn't bite or scratch my throat out." 
"She has been doing well for being only a month old." Miriam complimented.
They all sat down around in the drawing-room, relaxing and catching up. Aisha was most talkative, speaking excitedly about a story she was writing.
Phoebe noticed Persephone skulk into the room and picked her up, sitting her in her lap and stroking her gently. Bertrand eyed her, impressed by her control of strength.
"Fantastic, another one who keeps the pet," Aisha sighed seeing Phoebe feed Persephone.
"What's her name?" Aisha asked.
"I told her not to name it," Miriam said sternly
"Persephone," Phoebe said.
"I had a dog when I was turned. A german shepherd. I named him Kiko and then Jason let him out and he was trampled!" Aisha said.
"It is not my fault he did not see the carriage," Jason defended, "Should have trained him better, sis."
"Or you were upset that he tore up that caveat." Bertrand pointed out, amused.
Phoebe found this new family of hers very different to the de Clermonts. There was still a clear hierarchy, but the environment was much calmer. Fun even. Phoebe was surprised to see her maker crack a laugh and smile. She began to feel more comfortable around them as the afternoon went on.
"You are Indian, are you not?" Layla asked when Phoebe was speaking of her family.
"Well, my mother is-" Phoebe began.
"So are you." Layla said pointedly, "You look it, no matter how English you are in spirit."
"Have you chosen your names?" Jason asked
Phoebe tied bot to blush out of embarrassment, "Yes. I have five."
"Five names is excessive," Layla said.
"But the de Clermonts-"
Layla scoffed, "Do not make the de Clermonts your entire world." The disgust in her tone told Phoebe there was a story there.
"Layla." Bertrand warned gently, "Let your sister choose. Tell us, Phoebe, your names." 
"Phoebe Alice Catherine Taylor," She recalled, lifting her chin in defiance.
"Those are so plain," Aisha said, but not unkindly.
"Well, Baldwin likes them." Miriam shot her daughter a quick glare and Phoebe felt she should not have mentioned that.
"Baldwin is an old Roman crone," Aisha commented, "And you are not a de Clermont yet. You are a Shephard."
"Phoebe." Bertrand said gently, "It is improper to name yourself and then consult the head of a different family. It is an insult and well, makes us think you do not want to well, join us."
"I apologise," Phoebe said sincerely. She did like them, but she had been focused on marrying Marcus, she had forgotten she was joining another family by becoming a vampire.
"Well, my mother named me Phoebe, so I want to keep it. Catherine was Marcus' mother's name. It's also Greek." Phoebe defended, "Alice was my grandmother on my father's side and Taylor for my dad."
"I'm Greek, so I very much like your names. Pure and Bright." Bertrand complimented, "I met a few Phoebes. One was an Amazon. Tried to kill me."
"Is that not how women flirt with you?" Jason cheekily said, winking at Miriam who rolled her eyes.
"I won't try to stab you," Phoebe promised.
"Wait until father gets onto his war stories. Then you may change your mind," Jason said with a wink.
"Why not your mother's mother's name?" Aisha asked, "In this family, her name would not be as foreign."
Phoebe shifted in her seat. She supposed she had been viewing her name in view of joining the de Clermonts, who were all very European.
"Her name was Anjali." She said.
"Much prettier than Alice. No offence intended to your other grandmother." Aisha complimented, "Phoebe Anjali Catherine..."
"Yara?" Layla suggested
"Illi?" Bertrand chimed in with a thoughtful look, "I've always liked that name."
They were all debating names from Ana to Shyla to Adira, their voices all over one another.
"Najima." Miriam said decidedly, ending the argument Bertrand smiled. Phoebe looked at her surprised, "It's Arabic, for bright."
"Phoebe Anjali Catherine Najima Taylor." Layla tested it on her tongue and offered Phoebe her first real smile, "I like it."
"So do I," Phoebe was surprised to find herself agreeing, "May I ask, where does Shephard come from?"
"It's mine." Bertrand said, "I was a shepherd's son when I was human. When my maker moved me to France, I wanted to hold onto it but I became de Toulouse instead. I used the name on and off and apparently, it stuck."
"Now that is out of the way," Jason rubbed his hands together, "Baby's first day out?"
"Oh definitely." Layla agreed with a grin and Aisha looked to Miriam. Even Bertrand deferred to her, thinking Phoebe was ready.
"Go. All of you. Out of my sight." Miriam ordered, closing her eyes stressed and Bertrand chuckled as they all eagerly left the room.
Wrapping his arms around his wife, Bertrand kissed her neck, "I like having a full house again."
"You say that. Wait until they return, maxing out your credit card that Aisha took when she hugged you." Miriam snorted.
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