#oc: drakyr ssaovine (lore)
janzoo · 11 months
How does your OC feel about each member of the polycule?
(Original meme) Thanks for the prompt! And also your patience. ^^; When I first received this, I thought, "Oh I haven't delved into this topic yet so this will require some thinking, I'll set it aside and do it later." And thus later is now, whoops. I found it easier to answer in-character, so here we go -
(Mild spoilers for Heavensward and Endwalker)
Drakyr on Aymeric:
"Gods, where do I even start?" she begins, cheeks pinched in a wide, bright smile. "There's a...balance to him. He's refined and poised, while still warm and sincere. He's confident and intelligent, while still humble and considerate. Life as a politician hasn't dulled his compassion."
"During that ill-fated dinner, when he asked me what I want for myself...he was the first person to ask me that since I became the Warrior of Light. It had been far too long since someone else seemed to truly see me. And I don't doubt that if I'd gotten to tell him my wants for life, he would've hoped I'd get them."
"Sure, he does work much too hard. I think sometimes that even now, he feels as though he needs to prove himself worthy of his own life," she adds with a little shrug. "But nobody is perfect, not even Ser Aymeric de Borel. I but try to assure him that he's already more than worthy in my eyes and my heart."
Drakyr on Estinien:
"Oh, I adore Estinien's simplicity and frankness. After spending so much time around lofty scholarly types, there's something refreshing about getting a straightforward answer. Don't get me wrong - I don't think Estinien is less intelligent. I just feel that his intelligence is more grounded and practical."
She pauses, a hand coming to her chest as her expression turns bittersweet. "After the end of the Dragonsong War, I wasn't sure what to expect of him. He's been through so much. A lifetime spent driven by hatred and revenge will leave its mark. But the more we caught up after I returned from the First, the more I saw what Hydaelyn pointed out in the Aitiascope: that without the shackles of vengeance, Estinien had an incredible heart, brimming with love. Like a forest grown anew after a wildfire."
"I think I saw some of myself in that," she adds. "After the death of my tribe in the Calamity, and the ordeals on the First, I felt as though the two of us had gone through some kind of healing together. I don't know how to describe it otherwise. Our hearts just seem to know each other."
Drakyr on both of them:
"Despite their differences, I trust the two of them see me for me, regardless of my status or reputation, or what have you. We are sanctuaries to one another."
"I did fall in love with Aymeric first. We all know that. I don't know when I fell in love with Estinien too, just that the love is there now." She pauses and smiles, holding her arms out. "And that I'm glad for it. Besides, I've got two hands for a reason!"
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