#oc dina becher
ratnukegenius · 2 years
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this was my piece for the one year anniversary for PROLEGOMENON... drawing it was kind of hell on earth but i'm still pretty proud of it. putting an ID on this one and writing all the tags is also super messed up because of how much is going on here but it's still fun.
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Poll 1
Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Why Should Your OC Win?
where do i even start. dina is a short king. its a disaster bi whose whole life has been dictated by the whims of forces outside its control. the embodiment of the whole universe talked to dina just to tell it dad jokes the entire time. dina played too much LoL growing up and has had its vocabulary permanently impacted by this. it started playing a stupid game that spawned it into a firey hellzone. its the most unlucky person in the world. help it out a little. it needs some kind of W. please. please
What is Your OC Like?
looks: pretty short, short brown hair in dreads, light to mid brown skin, hazel eyes, default expression is nervous or grumpy.
personality: lonely, paranoid, and determined. it just wants to have fun and be itself but there are noobs to pwn and ladders to walk under.
dina is from my webcomic PROLEGOMENON, available on neocities.org ^_^
Solveig (She/Her) by @spellinwaiting
Why Should Your OC Win?
her life is so fucking hard she needs to win something just once
What is Your OC Like?
solveig is my tes oblivion oc and she has just SO many problems. imagine being severely mentally ill in a medieval fantasy setting with no access to proper mental health care. one time someone tried to mug her but then realized she had nothing and they felt so bad for her and the whole state she was in the mugger was like 'ok you need help' and became her friend. shes blessed to have an orc wife who loves her no matter how many times she sprints off into the woods in the midst of a manic episode. what else? she has a horse named 'horse' because she couldnt come up with anything better. she wants to be a heroic knight but is far better at killing people than saving them. her solution to most of her problems is to lie face down on the floor motionless for a while (also the picture is done by my friend whose url is @symbie not by me, i hope thats alright, also i put that here cause i didnt know where else to)
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ratnukegenius · 2 years
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prolegomenon pride! pride for prolegomenon! this baby can fit so many trans people! etc!
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Poll 1
Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Why Should Your OC Win?
where do i even start. dina is a short king. its a disaster bi whose whole life has been dictated by the whims of forces outside its control. the embodiment of the whole universe talked to dina just to tell it dad jokes the entire time. dina played too much LoL growing up and has had its vocabulary permanently impacted by this. it started playing a stupid game that spawned it into a firey hellzone. its the most unlucky person in the world. help it out a little. it needs some kind of W. please. please
What is Your OC Like?
looks: pretty short, short brown hair in dreads, light to mid brown skin, hazel eyes, default expression is nervous or grumpy.
personality: lonely, paranoid, and determined. it just wants to have fun and be itself but there are noobs to pwn and ladders to walk under.
dina is from my webcomic PROLEGOMENON, available on neocities.org ^_^
Mick Venus (He/Him) by @biracy
Why Should Your OC Win?
He's kinda smarmy, a little salacious, and very, very stupid. He's an okay guy but he's ultimately kind of an idiot who somehow stumbled into "music pioneer" status. He's also just unfathomably bisexual. Definitely had a much rowdier, "horrendous", dangerous life before he met his wife and kinda settled down. Quote my gf, "he contains multitudes. Multitudes of drugs and stuff"
What is Your OC Like?
He's an 80s glam metal rockstar, a biker, a trans icon who manages to stay "stealth" bc he's just So stupid that no one believes him when he says these scars are from when he cut his tits off. Married an opera singer and doesn't really know what opera is. Began as like a 70s lesbian separatist hippie singer when he was a kid and grew into "trans bisexual glam metal" as an adult.
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Poll 1
Hinata (She/They) by @to-hell-with-good-intentions
Why Should Your OC Win?
Okay buckle up. First of all? Bisexual. Painfully so. She’s in love with a girl and it’s adorable and sickening. She spends every waking hour being like “I get to see Chloe today. I love Chloe. I can’t wait to talk to Chloe.” When she’s actually IN A BUILDING with Chloe she’s a wreck. Cannot stop giggling. Looks up every time someone passes by in case it’s Chloe. She’s trying to figure out how to ask her out but her only ideas have been “Scientists are interested in science just like I’m interested in you” or “Want a raisin? No? How about a date?” She’s the frontman of an emo cover band and also plays the bass. She’s got CFS and uses a wheelchair. She’s a scene girl with an ungodly amount of hair dye in her closet. She burns water. Sets fire to instant ramen. Can’t figure out how to work a tea bag. She’s horrible functionally but wonderful in theory. She’s my favourite. My blorbo. My skrunkly. She deserves to win everything ever.
What is Your OC Like?
She’s so caring. She carries around candies and hair clips in case her friends are sad. She’s kind and kinda stupid and gentle and confused all the time. She loves to laugh and does so often. She gives all of herself to others without expecting anything in return (this is often not a good thing). She considers everyone she’s ever talked to her bestie but is nervous to say so in case they don’t reciprocate. She gets her mom to adopt all her closest friends. She’s failing almost every class, especially English. And she’s a disaster. And autistic. And ADHD. End scene.
Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Why Should Your OC Win?
where do i even start. dina is a short king. its a disaster bi whose whole life has been dictated by the whims of forces outside its control. the embodiment of the whole universe talked to dina just to tell it dad jokes the entire time. dina played too much LoL growing up and has had its vocabulary permanently impacted by this. it started playing a stupid game that spawned it into a firey hellzone. its the most unlucky person in the world. help it out a little. it needs some kind of W. please. please
What is Your OC Like?
looks: pretty short, short brown hair in dreads, light to mid brown skin, hazel eyes, default expression is nervous or grumpy.
personality: lonely, paranoid, and determined. it just wants to have fun and be itself but there are noobs to pwn and ladders to walk under.
dina is from my webcomic PROLEGOMENON, available on neocities.org ^_^
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Poll 1
Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Why Should Your OC Win?
where do i even start. dina is a short king. its a disaster bi whose whole life has been dictated by the whims of forces outside its control. the embodiment of the whole universe talked to dina just to tell it dad jokes the entire time. dina played too much LoL growing up and has had its vocabulary permanently impacted by this. it started playing a stupid game that spawned it into a firey hellzone. its the most unlucky person in the world. help it out a little. it needs some kind of W. please. please
What is Your OC Like?
looks: pretty short, short brown hair in dreads, light to mid brown skin, hazel eyes, default expression is nervous or grumpy.
personality: lonely, paranoid, and determined. it just wants to have fun and be itself but there are noobs to pwn and ladders to walk under.
dina is from my webcomic PROLEGOMENON, available on neocities.org ^_^
Vicki Monrovia Jr. (She/Her) by @dragonquest-ix
Why Should Your OC Win?
She accidentally overthrows the government of the largest city on the planet through an unplanned series of murder and robbery she's great.
What is Your OC Like?
Vicki Monrovia is a bandit first and foremost. She's a trans woman batgirl and carries a giant axe with her everywhere she goes. She has coke-bottle glasses and a minecraft hat from when she used to scavenge instead of steal. She's promiscuous and loves all forms of vice, from gambling to substances, and she's probably already stolen your wallet. Sorry!
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Poll 2
Faizan Ayaz (They/He/It) by @blackwickcounty
Why Should Your OC Win?
They have been through so much. They attempted to kill someone and got kicked out of their old job and everyone who knows loathes them. He has no longterm romantic relationship (the person he attempted to kill was his ex). Literally a failguy in every aspect but he DOES have a weird qppship/fwb going on
What is Your OC Like?
Faizan Ayaz is a 38 year old bi nb person who is an eadali (closed race, basically kind of like a stone person) . They are Pakistani/Turkish coded (if they were human theyd be those ethnicities) . They are transmasc and have chronic pain, autism, ADHD and depression. He loves pretty daggers, drinks at the local bar and his friend Ernest.
Dina Becher (It/Its) by @sanfielle
Why Should Your OC Win?
where do i even start. dina is a short king. its a disaster bi whose whole life has been dictated by the whims of forces outside its control. the embodiment of the whole universe talked to dina just to tell it dad jokes the entire time. dina played too much LoL growing up and has had its vocabulary permanently impacted by this. it started playing a stupid game that spawned it into a firey hellzone. its the most unlucky person in the world. help it out a little. it needs some kind of W. please. please
What is Your OC Like?
looks: pretty short, short brown hair in dreads, light to mid brown skin, hazel eyes, default expression is nervous or grumpy.
personality: lonely, paranoid, and determined. it just wants to have fun and be itself but there are noobs to pwn and ladders to walk under.
dina is from my webcomic PROLEGOMENON, available on neocities.org ^_^
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