#obv the song he's humming is neath dark waters
akirakirxaa · 1 year
14. Rubbing your partner's back until they fall asleep
Slams hand down on the WoL x Emet button
This is a continuation drabble based on my fic Unwound because now I have the brainworms. The fic can be found here. More info in the tags.
Akira lay on her stomach, face pressed into her pillow as if trying to hide from the decision she had made with full faculties, with no drink to blame. She could hear the voices of everyone she cared about asking her what was she thinking? And yet, she didn't want to take it back. She just more wished the situation was different. That she wasn't who she was and he wasn't who he was.
"A bit late for second thoughts don't you think, Hero?" Emet-Selch's hand ran up and down her back, fingers lightly tracing along each obsidian scale. If she could just get rid of this guilt, it would probably lull her to sleep. She lifted one arm and pressed her index finger over his mouth, still not looking up.
"Stop talking," she grumbled into her pillow, and she felt him pull away from her.
"Well, if you want me to go-" Her hand snapped to his wrist without her full permission, as if now that she'd admitted to herself that she wanted him she was going to keep him right where she wanted him. He resumed his ministrations with a small huff of laughter, so quiet she almost missed it.
"I'm getting mixed signals, Hero."
"So am I." The noise he made was louder this time, a scoff of protest.
"I have been very clear-"
"Not from you." He was quiet for several moments and she sighed, knowing he was waiting for her to explain. Even though she knew he knew. He had to know, right? She pointed at her still hidden face as her explanation.
"Ah. You're still not sure what it is you want." She could hear the smirk in his voice.
"No. Just not sure I should want it." Akira curled her arms under the pillow, the soft material giving under her horns. She could feel some threads catching but she'd long since gotten past feeling bad over every pillow her horns ruined. He gave a long suffering sigh and, before she could protest, hauled her by arm and leg over him until she draped across his torso, her head nestled into the crook between his neck and shoulder. The tip of one horn was not even an ilm from his throat, but if it bothered him he didn't show it.
"What're you doing?" she asked cautiously, still tense at the sudden movement.
"You don't want me to leave, so I was planning on getting some sleep if you don't mind," the words sounded irritated, but his hand had resumed its gentle rubbing of her back, not put off in the least by the body she still regarded at times as strange and unfamiliar. She wondered if he was trying to lull her into a false sense of security. As if he could read her mind, he let out another sigh.
"I'm not going to kill you in the night," he insisted. "I said I wanted cooperation and I meant it."
"Somehow I don't think this is what you originally meant."
"Besides," he continued, as if he didn't hear her. "You deserve to know when your death is coming for you." Akira was quiet for several long moments. What a strange compliment, but it did feel like one. Still uncertain, she leaned on her Echo senses. They were never wrong, and while in the midst of battle she might miss their signs, when it was quiet and she was still, she could hear them clearly.
Nothing. No looming danger. He was telling the truth. She was still loath to sleep while someone she knew for a fact would prefer her dead or at least gone was still in her bed, but asking him to leave felt even worse. She swallowed hard, then tried to relax, finding it somehow far too easy now that she'd established even with her preternatural danger senses that she was safe.
"Goodnight," she mumbled quietly, feeling her face heat just slightly as she adjusted just a little, just enough to assure herself she wasn't going to accidentally stab him with her horn in the night.
"Sweet dreams, Hero," he replied, and she could hear the slight smile in his voice, the softness that crept in occasionally when his guard fell ever so slightly.
Akira closed her eyes, letting her lose herself in the small circles he was now rubbing into her back, and as she was drifting off she could hear him humming something. It was just this side of familiar, like something she'd heard long ago, something she'd forgotten. But she was too far gone now.
Sleep claimed her, dragging her under to gentle touches and quiet songs sung by her enemy.
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