#oakbriar fc
frogclangen · 2 months
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Moon 45
Uhhh meet Hatsune Miku! I laughed out loud when a cat named that joined haha
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frogclangen · 4 months
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Fresh kit designs for ya.
Top Row: Almondkit, Cinnamonkit
Bottom Row: Daffodilkit, Oakkit
All are female except for Oakkit, the sole boy of the litter.
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frogclangen · 2 months
As the ceremony drew to a close, Daffodilpaw sat at the edge of the clearing, her tail twitching, face unreadable. Her mentor, Rainshade, sat behind her, and although she was also unmoving and expressionless, Daffodilpaw could feel their muscles tensed underneath their fur, pressed close to them as she was. She didn't seem too happy about this either, but what could they do?
Daffodilpaw lifted her head as she saw her littermates trot towards her, holding their heads high with smiles on their faces. Her whiskers twitched, and she forced herself out of her stiff crouch into a more relaxed sitting position, trying to force a smile onto her own face.
“Hey, you two. Watch out, we got some big scary warriors over here.” She teased, trying to keep her voice light. Almondbramble snorted in amusement, but Oakbriar merely gave her a strange look, to which Daffodilpaw couldn't hold her gaze.
“I think Wildstar just wanted some extra paws to manage Leaf-Bare.” Oakbriar murmured, and Daffodilpaw noticed she was also looking away. Was her explanation her way of trying to make Daffodilpaw feel better? Well, it didn't work! It didn't make sense, anyways. Her set of paws worked just as hard as her sisters! Her paws were just as capable! Why had her sisters been made Warriors early only for her to be left behind? Maybe if Cinnamonpaw were here, she wouldn't feel so alone…Was she watching this from Silverpelt?
“Um, so…” Almondbramble meowed uncertainly, and Daffodilpaw snapped her head up, not realizing how lost in her thoughts she had gotten. Her whiskers twitched and her face burned as she hoped that her thought had managed to leave her mask of an expression untouched.
“Oakbriar and I were about to see Boneripple to get put on patrol… Did you want to come with us?” Almondbramble continued, and once again, Daffodilpaw found herself unable to meet her sisters gaze. Tears prickled in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall in front of her littermates, in front of the Clan’s newest warriors…
She quickly sprung to her feet, nudging Rainshade as she did so. “No thanks.” Daffodilpaw quickly meowed. “I should patrol with my mentor.”
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