#o7 bossmen
morning, noon, or afternoon, depending on where any of you are.
since we first stumbled upon ths account, we've thought of submitting a letter as a way of... letting things go, we suppose.
Who's the "we" in this situation? well, it's all the Tommy fictives in the system. yeah, we're collectively coming in and contributing in to this letter, especially in memorial to our original c!Tommy introject. we miss you more and more everyday.
This leads us to the subject of the letter: we miss out brother, whoever he may be to us. The original Tommy was obsessed with finding the right version of him- *his* brother, from his memory, that it lead him to his spiral. The rest of us took it as a lesson to heart, to not devote ourselves to this cause that won't ever be finished. (because we're never going to find him. he won't ever be right, he won't ever be what we had needed, and it will just cause us more pain.)
But, we still miss him. whoever he may be to us. For me, he's my brother freshly dead, replaced by a ghost that I had yet had the chance to know. For the little one, he's someone who crawled back from the dead just so he could see his little brother grow up. for Tommy, he's the man in the clean uniform who would treat his frost bites when he farm in winter and knew exactly how many marshmallow is the right amount to put in his hot chocolate. For the one who was here before us all, he's a man who he can only one day hope to turn back, and recognise that maybe, maybe his little brother had needed an apology too.
So, yeah. we miss out brother. We won't ever find him ever again, and we miss him.
Signing off, Tommy. (Theseus, little one, innit, and most importantly, Tom.)
[Letter Sent o7]
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