#nymian restauration lets go
scholars-of-nym · 2 years
23. Pitch
They’d gotten a letter from the Eorzean Alliance, Alka announced excitedly. He’d waved the official-looking parchment in front of her and Surito. An answer! Setoto had written to the Grand Companies for aid in the effort in restoring Nym and curing the Tonberries, but to be quite honest, she had not expected anything. Let alone so soon! 
Already, other people were drawn to the little settlement and had started working on clearing the rubble. In particular there were two adventurers - once, the miqo’te and Hyur men had been sent to fight the tonberries in the castle. Now, they were living happily among them - together, like they couldn’t where they previously called home.
They’d given the letter to Surito to read. As the de facto leader of the little Tonberry settlement sprung from the ruins, he ought to be the first to know. Alka Zolka and Setoto were quiet while Surito read on, barely containing their excitement.
At last, Surito looked up. “They propose a trade,” Surito said, with fascination in his voice. “They will send us men and supplies… two craftsmen, two recruits, two volunteers, and two convicts for us to keep. They wish to see if perhaps with hard work they can yet be useful.” 
Alka Zolka’s eyes went wide. “Convicts!? Did they say who?” 
Surito adjusted his glasses and skimmed over the letter. “Ah… two men… Laurentius and Yuyuhase.” 
This didn’t ring a bell with Setoto. It did, however, with Alka Zolka, who immediately started to rant, wildly gesticulating with his arms.
“Hells no! They are the worst! Traitors, backstabbers, murderers, who think of naught but themselves! I will not let the likes of them anywhere close to you, they are far too dangerous!” 
Surito motioned to calm Alka. “Now, now, calm down, Alka. I think we must hear them out. I do not believe they would send them to us if they were incapable of redemption.” Carefully, he folded the letter back into its envelope. “I will not deny the severity of their crimes - certainly, they have much to atone for. And where better than here, where they may rebuild instead of destroy?” 
Alka frowned, his arms crossed. “What if they fall back to their old ways of betrayal? What if they hurt us?” 
Surito gazed in thought. “We mustn’t - nay, are unable to give them the opportunity to. The Alliance knows this - we are a remote settlement with a people many still fear indeed. Not many will come close, and those who do are known with the Nymian Marines. No secret messages will leave this settlement, and any attempt to flee will be met with immediate capture with the soldiers that are present - and they will not be kind. I believe they will know this.” 
Setoto considered this. “I am in agreement with Surito. We can give them a chance… and, I must say, we need all the help we can get.” 
Alka grunted in frustration. “Very well. But I will keep a close eye on them! I will not let them come close enough to hurt us… hurt you.” he said, eyeing Setoto with worry. 
Surito nodded. “Very well. Then I shall send a letter to the Alliance with our agreement.” He turned away and made for the Palace. 
Alka was about to say something to Setoto, but she interrupted him. “I realize you are worried for me, but it is my wish to help people, including those the masses have decided are undeserving of help. After all, people believed Tonberries to be monsters too… I realize this may be idealistic, but it is my dream to build a Nym that is welcome to all.” 
Alka’s expression softened, and he nodded. “I think it’s a wonderful dream, Setoto. It may be dangerous… but I shall be here, every step of the way.” 
Setoto smiled. “Thank you, Alka. That means a lot.” 
And so, they started preparations for the arrival of the new party.
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