tempest2k · 4 years
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[PAGES /2 - /84]
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So, Vast Error, huh? I’m finally getting around to this thing after being aware of it for many, many years. For a long time I intended to get around to reading it, but it never seemed to happen. For last year I’ve actually been kind of avoiding it for unspecified reasons, but I’m finally ready to give it a shot, and I’m so glad I did. So far, I’m really enjoying myself. I’ve written quite a few notes, so let’s try to convert them into something professional before I pass out at my desk for the night.
Vast Error starts off as any typical fanventure would: an “enter name” gag, and an outline of our protagonist’s interests. Nothing really out of the ordinary. Wriggling days are unsignificant, and the 22nd bi-lunar perigee of the dark season's 3rd blink seems to be Arcjec’s. Oh right, his name is Arcjec Voorat. Moving on. We can tell from the Mountain Dew Code Red cans around the room that he appears to be the Repitonian equivalent of an alcoholic, assuming soda and alcohol have the same parallel on Repiton as on Alternia. So far I have no real way of knowing, but it’s safe to assume I could be wrong here. Just an interesting detail I noticed, because it makes Arcjec out to be even more of a supposed loser than he is already established to be (which I assume is the point, I don’t find his character uncompelling due to these traits).
Skorpe is a pretty obvious take on Skype, which immediately dates this comic to having started back when people still used Skype. I feel so fucking old saying that. Damn. Arcjec’s handle is animatedHumorist, which is funny because this guy seems to not be very animated unless he’s falling out a window. XDXD Also, his quirk is cringe. XDXD
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On the subject of windows, some asshole throws a pebble at his. Following is a REALLY nice scrolling panel on page /28. I never get used to smooth scrolling in this art style, but I always absolutely adore it. Even early on, the tech on panels seems to be ahead of what I can imagine was its competition. Arcjec feels pretty certain he’s going to fucking die, so as all brave warriors do, he goes to hide under his desk. Unfortunately his plan is foiled when some asshole messages him. “Blue guy”, or windlessArtificer seems to want Arcjec to play a game, a trope all too common to fanvetures. We need you in the gaaaaame Arcjec. But of course he says no, as his life is in a bit of immediate danger.
It’s at this time I’d like to point out that Skorpe is a horrifying program, and I made a joke about it wanting to kill me in my notes so... maybe there’s something there. I don’t know. Let’s go back to windows, that was a fun subject.
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Arcjec falls out of the window, and we move on to a different character. Before we do, though, we get some interesting prose here. It seems to imply that Repiton used to be a different place, or at least that Arcjec used to be in a much different situation. I’m curious how exactly Repiton was different, but it’s not as though there are a lot of clues. Perhaps the violent injustice used to be more comparable to Beforus’ civilization, rather than what appears to be a clear parallel to Alternia? I’m not really sure. Let’s be another character already. Not the blue guy though, because apparently he’s too good for us.
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But there’s nothing to worry about apparently, because it’s clown time. I’m sure the audience is ecstatic, but please calm down. I haven’t even hit post yet. I haven’t even pasted the image in yet!
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Ok, now you can lose your minds clapping.
That is, if clowns and wrestling are your sort of thing. This is Taz. No full name included here, but that’s alright. Another standard intro plays out, though this time more aggressive. The Merthful Messiahs we’re all so used to from Homestuck seem to be replaced by the much more present and violent Merthamaniacs. This appears to just be Repitonian wrestling, turned into a religion, complete with the violence and death provided by troll societies. Also Hulk Hogan is the twin-president usurper-equivalent on Repiton, I think. I understand what happened, I’m just not sure how to phrase it.
Not a whole lot happens here, though something very noteworthy is that the ocean is totally fucked up. Is this what that prose from earlier was referring to? The oceans are so poisoned and radioactive, that all sealife has become incredibly hostile and cannibalistic. Trolls have naturally evolved to avoid water at all costs. That’s like... a lot of worldbuilding to just casually drop? But I assume it’s going to come in handy for keeping our protagonists from cheesing their way out of predicaments.
I had some notes regarding the ferocity waver and Taz’s Skorpe handle, preniciousOverkill, but I don’t really have anything to say about the subjects. I also wrote “the clown wants to kill me, it’s like Skorpe all over again” in my notes, so if there’s any kind of running joke that would work here, please let me know.
Oh hey, a new Skorpelog. This time it’s with Murrit. I know I haven’t been introduced to him yet, but I’ve known three characters in Vast Error long before I ever started reading: Arcjec, Ellsee, and Murrit. Murrit seems pretty fun. I like how he just seems to streamroll the conversation into his favor. He also talks about that pesky game we heard about before. I smell a SBURB session, but maybe not a SBURB session because honestly anything could happen here. These tropes are all being set up, but will they be subverted? Who knows. Well, you might, if you’re reading this. Is Austin reading this? Hey Austin, how’s it going? Oh shit, sorry, no time to chat, I’ve gotta get back to this blog post.
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Cool shot of Murrit. Not much to say here. The fish stuff I mentioned before is actually brought up AFTER this conversation, I kinda fucked up. Anyway, Murrit mentions something about an informant, and based on what little I know about this comic, I’m going to assume it’s the guy we see in a couple pages. Or in this case, the very next section.
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Fuck is up with this dude? On the very first sound page, we see Arcjec have some kind of dream about this guy who I’m assuming is Murrit’s mentioned informant. When he wakes up, the narration says it happened “again”, implying skull guy is a regular cast member of Arcjec’s dreams. I don’t have much in the way of wrapping things up, so I’ll end with a random theory I just thought of. Is this guy related to why Repiton’s changed, assuming that’s what the prose meant? Does this guy know a guy who was responsible? Who’s to say?
This has been fun, but it’s 1:30am, and I need to get some sleep. Catch you next time.
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
"Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (Disco Gratuito)
“Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (Disco Gratuito)
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 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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tempest2k · 4 years
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[PAGES /85 TO /109]
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Back at it again. Not as many pages this time because I value a good night’s sleep. Sort of. I meant to start my Homestuck reread blog before continuing Vast Error, but I have suddenly become so enamored by glimpses of what’s in store here that I just needed to keep reading this. If you’re waiting for my Homestuck reread blog, it’s coming. Just... don’t hold your breath.
After that weird note that Arcjec woke up to, I’m introduced to Albion! Albion is... interesting. She reads to me as a stock My Little Pony character, which is actually a kind of compelling concept for a character in a story like this. She’s also like Chip from Sonic Unleashed; extremely involved in some grand “prophecy” with a destiny of self-sacrifice (ignore the bits where Chip starts Sonic Unleashed with amnesia, it’s not 1:1). I don’t feel like I need to go over the entire story in every batch of pages I read, but I’m going to be experimenting with the format as I go here. Let me know what works, if you care.
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Albion seems to be themed around a lot of superstitious ideas. Her guardian is supposedly a ghost of the previous twelve “star children”, which is evidently another descriptor of our protagonists. “Star Children” supposedly have gifts, of which Albion has none. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean she lacks eccentricities. In fact, she’s practically all eccentricities. She forms pictures in constellations that supposedly tell old stories of Repiton, she does weird smell shit, she does it all, folks. She also has the mood ring in the picture above that you might have been waiting for me to get to. Alright, I’ll get to it already.
The mood ring is much like a real mood ring, except it’s pretty responsive, and actually seems to work. The different colors mean different things, and I wrote them all down in my notes, but as far as we’re concerned, Green is stable, Pink is love, and Red is rage.
Albion also seems to enjoy translating old scriptures, such as the one on her table. From what I can tell, old Repitonian text is flipped (y) flipped (x) daedric? I didn’t take a close look or compare it to anything, but I’m assuming it’s either default Alternian (flipped (y) daedric) and English like you and I are reading right now is New Repitonian, or Modern Repitonian or whatever, or old Repitonian is double-flipped, and modern Repitonian is single-flipped. Anyway, she’s translating this for her matesprit who is supposedly “behind on planetary customs” because of a sheltered life, whatever that implies. Based on the names that I remember, I’m going to pull a guess from a hat and say this mysterious matesprit is (digs through the hat and pulls out a small piece of paper) Jentha.
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The recooperacoon is completely unremarkable. This is not a place of honor.
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Oh god I forgot about funky modi. It’s been so long, but I’m not sure my brain can keep up with the logic train here. I’m gonna TRY, so hang with me.
So rather than following all the lines, I think the Spirograph modus is actually kind of simple? I see it more as a bunch of funky rings. than a big connected line. The center piece can be taken out at any time, and will naturally affect the flow of the other items inside. There are also certain rings where items are accessible at any time. There’s some organization shit you can do with this, but as far as I’m concerned that’s all you really need to know. Anyway, Albion is opening her sylladex to access her Astral Projector, which is a really cool brain computer.
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I haven’t been this organized a day in my god damn life.
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Ok ok ok ok this is fucking sick actually. We’re doing Astral Projection now don’t question it. There is a line here about “THE CELL” which is a wee bit fucked up and ominous. Don’t know what that’s about.
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Welcome to Windows 3095. The brain is typically a place ripe for exploring a character, but there’s honestly not a lot here to tell us about Albion. It’s a pretty vague, abstract place. It’s organized and peaceful, sure but I’d imagine that’s kind of the point when you’re astral projecting. Also, this seems like a lot of work just to answer some messages and go to Newgrounds.com. That’s my headcanon for Albion, by the way. She is an avid Repitonian-Newgrounds visitor and has been for the last 4 sweeps, but has never made an account. Her favorite game is Super Mario Scene Creator.
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Yo sweet desktop. Now we can really get analyzing. Here’s where the RIPE shit is. Actually, it’s not very ripe at all, since the narration heavily implies that the creature depicted here is what she’s going to combine with when the world ends? Or something? It made sense when I read it but it’s late. Also those are Homestuck clock hands, I’m pretty sure. They aren’t important but it seemed noteworthy. Once again I’m impressed by the tech here on these panels.
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Skorpe, my arch-nemesis, returns for a third bout, but this version is weirdly the most normal setup so far. I mean yeah, Arcjec’s was pretty plain, but this feels more in-line with wacky Homestuck antics, which is the obvious point of comparison for something like this. Also, I didn’t mention it before, but Albion’s handle is demiurgeQuantified, which sounds like an achievement I would get after killing enough demons in Devil May Cry.
This conversation between Taz and Albion goes something like this:
TAZ: hey murrit told me about some game do you know about that shit
ALBION: the world is going to end and the twelve of us specifically are going to survive because of me
TAZ: oh cool
ALBION: you should probably talk to arcjec because if you think we’ll survive without FRIENDSHIP then you’re dead wrong sister
TAZ: ughhhhh fine
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The page this panel from clarifies that Arcject and Taz are a bard and sylph respectively, which is interesting I guess. I also really like this art. It’s silly.
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Anyway the ghost guardian (named Alavida) shows up and says “um actually you’re all gonna fucking die, IDIOT.” And that’s where my reading ends. Obviously they’re not going to die, but this makes me think that this is related to the titular “Vast Error”. The Big Mistake. The Gargantuan Fuck-up and so-on.
As usual this has been fun. See you next time! Sorry I didn’t really have much to say towards the end here.
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tempest2k · 4 years
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oh right im doing something else too #nukeve
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
"Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (Disco Gratuito)
“Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (Disco Gratuito)
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 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
"Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
“Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
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 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
"Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
“Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
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 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
"Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
“Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
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 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
Más de 500 Descargas... Disco con "Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
Más de 500 Descargas… Disco con “Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
Tumblr media
 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
Descargar "Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
Descargar “Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
Tumblr media
 Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras.
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz Superior) 06 Rovuk (Visión Superior) 07 Ekirun (Conexión Superior) 08 Energia Mayor Espiritual
Descargar CD: www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk(pesa…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
Descargar "Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior" (CD Gratuito)
Descargar “Sonidos Para Recibir Energía Mayor Superior” (CD Gratuito)
                Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras. Recomendamos bajar el CD en calidad 320 Kbps, para bajar el cd pueden hacerle click acá https://www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk (pesa 113,2MB).
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05…
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despiertacordoba · 7 years
Sonidos Para Recibir Energia Mayor Superior (CD 320 kbps)
Sonidos Para Recibir Energia Mayor Superior (CD 320 kbps)
Los primeros 7 sonidos están armados con las notas y frecuencias correspondiente para cada chakra, más la palabras activadoras. Recomendamos bajar el CD en calidad 320 Kbps, para bajar el cd pueden hacerle click acá https://www.mediafire.com/?b5cik3yb9djd6hk (pesa 113,2MB).
01 Nukev (Raíz Superior) 02 Unken (Esencia Superior) 03 Rehun (Poder Superior) 04 Devoku (Amor Superior) 05 Umori (Voz…
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