#now I’m still stuck working at the groom shop that is actively rotting bc i don’t want to be straight up unemployed while job searching
samuraisharkie · 10 months
I’m still fuming thinking about that second hand game shop I applied to and had an interview at, where the dickhead manager acted weird about me being “a girl” (did not want to risk outing myself in an interview so I let it go) bc all of the other employees were guys, then acted like it was just impossible to hire me bc I didn’t have experience in console repair and price haggling. as if those are things one encounters and can gain experience in outside of this very specific instance. I know y’all aren’t that busy that’s what training is for. holy fuck. then he was all “I really like you I think you would be a great addition but I’ll have to think about it. oh we’ll call you btw” and then ghosted me entirely. I still have to use that place bc it’s very close to my house and has a decent supply but goddamn I am so filled with rage everytime I enter. They have a ‘now hiring’ sign still but obviously they don’t need employees that bad. Fuck that guy
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