novaemberbingo · 1 year
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Novaember Bingo 2022
Hello hello everyone! Tomorrow is the start of November, which means we're also so close to the start of Novaember! For those who weren't around last year or would like a refresher, Novaember is a month long Novae-centered creative event. We (the admins of the Novae Galaxy discord server) have put together a bingo card filled with prompts, and the idea is to create a bunch of awesome Novae fan content and have fun in the community!
Continue reading to see our Rules, Guide, & the 2022 Card
These prompts are not limited to fanart! If you would like to explore and share other means of expression - like music, fanfic, poetry, cosplay, collage, quilting, etc - please do so!
Do not feel restricted to romantic relationships! If you would like to explore platonic, queerplatonic, familial, etc. relationships, please do so.
Please keep your works SFW if you would like us to reblog/retweet/highlight your works, and adhere to the guidelines of the site/community you are posting to - be it the Novae Galaxy Discord, Tumblr, Twitter, or Instagram (links available in the sidebar)
Please use the tags #novaember #novaemberbingo and/or #novaember2022 and tag our account @novaemberbingo if you would like to see your works shared (if not, just let us know!)
We want everyone to have fun with these! The goal is to bring the community together and create more fanworks. Don’t be afraid to make friends and spread the love for Novae!
If you have any questions or would like clarification on anything, shoot us a message and we’ll get back with you as soon as we can!
In the same way we read the ‘column + number’ on a BINGO card (B2, B4, I29, etc.), each column title is paired with a box in its same column.
On Novaember cards, each column is labeled with a category, and each box represents a prompt, so together they are read as ‘category + prompt’.
For example, the first box in the first column on the default card is read as ‘Date: Death’.
How you interpret each pairing of category + prompt is completely up to you, and if you get stuck, you can always choose a different pair.
Novaember 2022 Card
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Or click here to get this year’s card. This page may not appear if you are on the Tumblr app from an Android device. If this happens, open the link from your web browser in mobile.
Standard BINGO
Cross out a line of five
Cross out the diagonals OR
Cross out the middle column and middle row
Cross out every box
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novaemberbingo · 1 year
It's December now, which brings this year's Novaember to a close! Thank you for your participation and support this year!!
Though the event itself is over, the prompt card for this year will still be available if you want to look back on it. If any prompts happen to catch your eye, please feel free to share, even if it's well past November~!
Check out our Twitter for more entries [here]
Thank you again! Until next time~!
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