#not to mention vocaP write their songs
red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
theres pkmn, okami, omori, eo, totsukuni, & the southern reach trilogy & i think thats all of my current interests that i cant tie to vocaloutaite as to why im into it. possibly yume nikki but thats sketchy bc theres an utattemita related to it that i really like. possibly also spirit of the north bc i think about replaying that 30 times a day every day. i am starting that petition for u guys to get me a normal interest
new ask game try to convince me to get into a media u like (difficult)
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shiikiyun · 2 months
i wish more people gave Rockwell more credit when they talk about milgram music. I see so often the entire project credited on deco when the area he has the most involvement in is lyrics, and some songs he didnt even write entirely himself! (Meme needed rockwell's assistance because deco said, nonverbatim, he found it too hard to find lyrics that could fit rockwell's amazing sound) not to mention the writing(voice dramas, timeline convos, novels) is like, entirely on takuya yamanaka.
and i have so many grievances with this franchise i would fistfight these men if given the chance (joke) and obviously deco being the producer gets to discuss about the story (and i believe he is in charge of voice direction?) but it just irks me that so much work is totally attributed to one man and the rest (specially teddyloid and rockwell) get overshadowed and not mentioned at all
Its not like im making this up either go check the milgram channel and you'll see theres a good amount of songs where rockwell is credited for music production and arrangement while deco only gets lyrics credits and he is also directly credited under music production in the milgram site, as well as only yamanaka getting credited under story/author in the site
This multimedia project has multiple people working on it, acknowledge them all, its not everything thanks to your favorite vocap
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