#not to mention the fact that rain world’s karma is just a more concrete form of buddhist karma lmao
seven-skies-above · 8 months
ok so to preface my knowledge of buddhist culture/philosophy/anything is very limited
but going by the likely buddhist inspirations rain world uses for ancient philosophy, are the iterators tangential to the idea of bodhisattvas?
from what i could garner off of a brief wiki skim, bodhisattvas (at least those of the mahayana belief/branch) are those who are on the path to achieving awakening for the benefit of all others. The oxford dictionary describes them as capable of reaching nirvana, but delaying doing so in order to save other beings from their suffering.
in a sense, iterators are forced bodhisattvas: enlightened beings designed to never ascend, forced to remain in the hopes of bringing ascension to the ancients. They are designed to achieve awakening for everyone but themselves—self-sacrifice, without the choice that usually comes with it.
artificial bodhisattvas… hmmmm….
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