#not that I see it very often with the Fusehound community (y’all make me CRY with your fics it’s beautiful)
timaeusterrored · 2 years
Another little ‘gaming hot take’ I have is with Fusehound. I’ve seen people say they can’t support it bc Fuse is older than Bloodhound, Boone from what I’ve read was also older than Bloodhound(correct me if I’m wrong please) (clearly they have a type, don’t blame them Fuse is hot). My thing is the amount of movies and media I’ve read with the women getting together with the ‘gray fox’ of the movie and everyone swoons. Houndy (gonna use their nickname. It’s cute😭) is a consenting adult. Y’all don’t like it because y’all don’t know know what BH has (doesn’t matter. Their non-binary.) Fuse is pan, it’s a legal relationship, and it’s cute. Just say you’re homophobic and move on
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