#not tg i just worship biblically accurate alicent hightower
iliveinarainbow · 14 days
people being mad at aemond for calling alicent a fool or at aegon for yelling at her confuse me
just as a reminder: alicent raised her children in fear of rhaenyra, she told them that rhaenyra would kill them at the drop of a hat just to sit on a chair, all this whilst rhaenyra still lived in their home and viserys was getting sicker and sicker.
alicent made her kids live in constant fear for their lives knowing that there was a chance their dad would die in the middle of the night and they would be woken up by someone coming to get them cus rhaenyra took the throne and now they had to die.
this fear is what lead aegon to take a throne he did not want which then started a war, said war lead aemond to stormsend where he killed luke, which then lead to jaehaerys’ death.
there is a leaked video from the set of s2 where during jaehaerys’ funeral someone is telling the crowd that this is the work of rhaenyra the cruel. so they’re either fully going to pin b&c on rhaenyra instead of daemon, or they might just assume it was her.
so im sorry but if after all that alicent is still pleading for aegon to have mercy on rhaenyra, and apparently giving aemond reason to believe she still holds any love for her (the person who called for him to be “sharply questioned” whilst he was missing half his face, and who he was raised to believe would kill him to sit on a bunch of melted swords), then yes, im sorry but he has valid reason to call her a fool.
like just think about the emotional whiplash they’re experiencing.
they went along with the whole usurpation thing bc she made them fear for their lives, only to then have to hear her beg for mercy for the person she raised them to be terrified of.
ryan condal wants rhaenicent to be canon so bad that he is willing to make both alicent and rhaenyra plain stupid.
alicent begging for rhaenyra’s life during the green council even after two whole decades of treating her like shit and genuinely believing her capable of murdering her kids, which according to sara hess was all forgotten about thanks to one decent moment over dinner (ridiculous).
and rhaenyra crying on that fucking bridge bc of a page from 20 years ago (which was a clear manipulation tactic on alicent/otto’s part and you can argue with the fucking wall about that), clinging to a friendship that died 20 YEARS AGO and ignoring everything that alicent did to her and her kids in the meantime all bc of a page?
idc wether you like rhaenicent or not, i personally did not have an issue with it AT THE START, bc i thought it could make their dynamic interesting and it did for a while.
but if they keep sticking to trying desperately to ride this dead horse and refusing to give either of them some growth i’m going to lose faith in this show.
the writers are so stuck on this narrative that bc alicent did not have any control over her own life, that automatically means that she can not even try to learn how to properly wield the power she has, we saw her do it like twice to spite rhaenyra and that’s it.
this is a woman who has every reason to be angry and to want to use this power she has, if she really did believe rhaenyra would kill her kids that would’ve been an opportunity for the show to give us some growth within her character with her truly understanding the power she holds and wielding it to protect her kids, which in my opinion is just about the most noble of causes.
but no.
no growth for alicent, she was a victim with no autonomy at the start and this is the cage they will force her in until the end.
i hope i’m wrong but who knows.
btw im sorry but i’ve seen some posts saying that if either alicent or rhaenyra abandon their family for the other then it will be fine bc “they’re finally doing something for themselves and not the men in their lives”… girl…
they both have reason to believe that the other’s actions caused the death of their kids (or grandkid in alicent’s case), i do not care that they were pals. there is no version of this universe where it would make any actual sense for either of them to just “forget” everything that has happened just to have a fairytale ending to a friendship that has been dead for decades.
but whatever ig
i miss you book alicent and i hope you know that
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