#not taging this becaus i dont want to
Shhh~ Embrace the insanity~
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two uploads this week?! WAIT?! I feel bad for taking forever to upload so why not?
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keithsblackknight · 6 years
Ok I just read and rebloged @ilovelocust post about Galra portion and Keith getting drunk because they gave him too much alcohol. And I freaking love it! I really do! But!! Now here me out. I make a counter hc/though? Like again I loved their post to bits!! And it made me think of this so here!
What if, now hear me out, every thing is the same as in ilovelocust's post but!!! Keith, is the only person stone cold sober? Like I'm under the assumption that alcohol varies depending on the species. Like how catnip is only a herb to humans but to cats it's a drug that acts like weed would to a human, the galra equivalent to alcohol is just juice to a human. And I can just imagine Keith going 'wtf guys!!?! Why are you all acting intoxicated? It's just apple juice!!'
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