#not pictured- all the warmup sketches from the models posing for Dark Garden Corsetry!
simply-sithel · 2 years
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Waaaaay back on April 1st, there was the Edwardian Ball!! A fantastic event to throw myself back into Life after covid lockdowns. A quick email check shows I’ve been attending the Ball every year (minus 2021) since 2008- back when they were at the Great American Music Hall! 
It’s been good, it’s been great, it’s been iffy, it’s been meh, it’s been a long time. This year was one of the better and I cherish in particular the memory of dancing like mad while staring up at the pulsing lights and firmly holding onto the feeling of ‘this is what a good time feels like’ - tending to a particular itch that hadn’t been scratched since 2020... 
I’ve been sketching at the Ball for years  [2018 / 2015 / 2015 / 2013 / 2013 / 2008 / 2008 / 2008 ] in notebooks purchased or made (before bookbinding I used my sewing machine to make a booklet 😅) and this year was no exception. The “book” was a little speed-run of assembly that afternoon focusing on: toned pages, a secure clip to hang from belt, coptic stitch to open easy/wide, and a yellow tone to match my outfit. Success? 
One of the highlights for me was seeing both new acts & attendees but also the old & familiar ones. In particular I’ve been sketching Justin Katz (first picture) from Rosin Coven (contrabass) this whole time. Distinctive, friendly, easy to capture from stage’s edge or balcony. Seeing him (and nailing a not-bad imo sketch) of him brought great joy-- is this what playing Pokemon feels like? Also beloved is Shovelman (third picture)! Big fan of his music (bought a CD years ago) and of his look- been enjoying (and sketching) his act for years, even caught him at Make Faire once! 
More pictures & mutterings under the cut
Really appreciated the removal of the VIP level this year-- I used to purchase it and the spirit of elitism does seem in-line with the theme of the Ball but it’s just better gone. Curious to see how it goes next year-- sad that it’s moving back to early February -- seemed fitting to be on April Fool’s day and I didn’t get fucking rained on waiting to get in....   
Being able to stand basically in-line with the stage, perched at the far end of the balcony, is a boon for sketching. I mean, yes, I do enjoy a good dance & doodle but that’s hard to maintain the whole night. 
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Downstairs, in the vendor hall, sports a charming little stage that I enjoy visiting. This year had a trio working it for large stretches- some sort of... swing? Makes me think of a French cafe? My naming of genres is weak... Was able to (poorly) captured the artists from a couple different angles however. Of seven sketches, only two came out- one of which is my favorite of the night (image above, between pictures of spines) which suggests something to me about trying and not giving up and failure is a side effect of process and eventual success or something. 
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Used somewhere around 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the pages, probably good for one more concert/event. For I swear-- attending a show w/ sketchbook in hand (provided there’s enough ambient lighting to see your page) is one of the best ways to consume live music. Can always tuck it away if the jams are particularly divine but to sway and sketch.... some quality active listening there and you get artifacts better than a photo to recall the event by!
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