#not 'better bring these things... might have to use them šŸ˜°' but 'better bring these things... might have to use them šŸ‘€'
blujayonthewing Ā· 2 months
weird to be a person with anxiety and also, separately, a person with a lifelong fascination with wilderness survival
I feel like people catch wind of my desire to have, like, a backcountry water filter or multiple firemaking methods with me for car camping or day-hiking or whatever else and think I'm catastrophizing and overpreparing because of The Neuroses but I can't emphasize enough that I don't actually have any fears about The Shit Hitting The Fan or whatever preppers are on about, I just really really really like the idea of drinking out of a river or building a little fire
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mieeaahhh Ā· 3 months
All for the game headcannons (so so so many)
(might delete because Iā€™m embarrassed)
-Aaron and Andrew hang out at least once a week because bee said they should give it a try and then once they graduate and live separately they call once a week instead.
-Aaron has a slightly stronger southern accent than the rest of the foxes and they like ā€˜mockā€™ him by repeating what he says sometimes. (idk if that makes sense and Iā€™m not American so idek if heā€™d have a southern accent I just saw other people saying the foxes wouldšŸ˜°)
-the foxes usually go to Aaron if Abby isnā€™t around when they have like a small ache in their arm or something along those lines.
-on Valentineā€™s Day since Eric lives so far away and Seth is yk šŸ’€ the foxes do small things to try make nicky and Alisonā€™s day better. Matt and Dan invite them to tag along their plans sometimes, Andrew and Neil leave them extra ice-cream in the freezer, Renee makes gets Allison flowers and sometimes takes Allison on a walk if sheā€™s up to it, Aaron and katelyn let Nicky watch movies with them sometimes, and they also just hang out with each other and somewhat ā€˜bondā€™ about being by themselves on Valentineā€™s Day šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
-Aaron had piercings before meeting Andrew without his mumā€™s permission which obviously made her absolutely furious, so then Andrew had gotten them as well because he knew she hated them. (And he thinks theyā€™re cool)
-the twins share a lot of their shoes. Like theyā€™re is only one pair and itā€™s neither Andrews or AaronsšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
-Neil named sir and king because when he suggested that Andrew should name them, Andrew just said something lazy like ā€œcat one and cat twoā€.
-Katelynā€™s personality is like Nickyā€™s and Reneeā€™s combined. Also I like to think that Aaron is an absolute MESS around Katelyn and the foxes do NOT leave him alone about it.
-Randy is like one of those mums thatā€™ll ask you to invite people you are barely friends with over for tea and she started doing it with Matt about Aaron. (I like to think that Aaron and Matt end up becoming really good friends)
-Aaron doesnā€™t like sleeping by himself and will sometimes awkwardly ask whoever heā€™s with if he can sleep in their bed with them (only if he trust them like A LOT and is obviously like close with them??) and most of the foxes are aware he does this but never bring it up as they all do things that are a little childish to make themselves feel better(safe)
Heā€™s slept In Nickyā€™s, Andrews and obviously Katelynā€™s bed the most.
-Matt always gives people those double high-fives after good games (like thisšŸ™Œ) and one time turned towards Andrew for one without thinking and then put them down with a quiet apology while Andrew stared at him. Andrew silently set his hand out for Matt to give him a high five and he hesitantly did.
-there is a photo of Seth (that Allison picked) on the foxes photo wall with a metal plate thing next to it that has his name, exy position and t-shirt number.
-they take a ā€˜team photoā€™ every year for the photo wall and itā€™s probably the most awkward looking photo in the world.
-Katelyn is an accessory girlyšŸ¤ž she constantly has hair clips and jewellery and whatever else on and when she gets sick/annoyed if having a hair clip in around Aaron she will wordlessly clip it somewhere onto him. His jumper, his hair, his bag, his shoe etc etc and a lot of the times he doesnā€™t even notice.
-Katelyn has videos of Aaron singing his absolute heart out while drunk and she reminds him of it whenever heā€™s being difficult
-a lot of the foxes sing while drunk so it often leads to a mini concert when they drink together
-Wymack has a mug signed by all the foxes that he uses every day because they got it for him on Fatherā€™s Day as a joke (Kevinā€™s name is the biggest)
-the twins have both been caught standing on countertops soooo many times trying to reach stuff but nobody is brave enough to mention it.
-Andrew helps dye Reneeā€™s hair and Renee helps paint Andrews nails.
-Aaronā€™s septum is ALWAYS squint and it drives Katelyn mad so she always just fixes it for him and he just kinda stares at her in confusion because he honestly forgets he has piercings sometimes.
-jeans new hobby is drawing (I saw Nora say he picks up a new hobby and Iā€™m hoping, wishing and praying itā€™s art related)
-Jeremy has a habit of doing this šŸ¤™ all the time in photos.
-Kevin and Wymack start going out for lunch once a week after the books take place.
-Andrew fiddles with his piercings and picks his nail varnish when heā€™s bored/anxious.
-Aaronā€™s glasses are bent slightly from always falling asleep on them at his desk
-Neil is the only fox who isnā€™t afraid of spiders so heā€™s the designated spider remover whenever they see one.
-Neil likes holding Andrews face a lot and sometimes Neil will squish his cheeks slightly too annoy him.
-we all know Andrew has a resting bored face but I think Aaron has the worst case of rbf knows to man bro. Like he will look at Matt or something and Matt will feel the need to apologise.
-Dan, Allison and Renee invite Katelyn for girls nights and slumber parties because they know it annoys Aaron and they actually just really like her.
-Aaron likes the smiths
-Kevin has dimples
-Aaron and Andrew have freckles on their nose, Neil has freckles all over and Jeremy has freckles on his cheeks
-Aaron apologises whenever he cries (trauma response??) and when he lived with Andrew and Nicky theyā€™d always try tell him that he has nothing to apologise for which made him cry even harder
-Neil wears caps and Andrew hates it so whenever Neil wears them Andrew flicks them off his head
-Katelyn is the tallest out of Neil, Andrew and Aaron
-Dan always sends the photos she takes to the person in said photo so that they have a copy of it as-well as it being on the wall.
-Dan and Matt have soooo many matching clothes itā€™s ridiculous
-Andrew has smoker lungsšŸ’”
(he coughs so much itā€™s concerning sometimes)
And his voice is like raspier than Aarons is
-whenever the twins say something or do something at the same time they just automatically say something like ā€œshut upā€ or ā€œstopā€ as if the other did it on purpose.
-the twins always sit weirdly because if they donā€™t theyā€™re feet will go numb from not being able to reach the floor.
-Dan made a group chat for the foxes that barely ever ended up getting used but after everyone graduates and goes on with their own lives it ends up getting used a lot more for calling/FaceTimes each other
-Nicky sometimes tags along in the twins weekly hang outs/calls
-after that big sleepover the foxes had after getting Neil back they start doing things like that regularly. Having sleepovers, trips, movie nights, baking, board games/game nights, etc because they do start realising that maybe they do care about each other more than they say they do and it should be shown towards one another a lot more or it could be too latešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Sorry bro there is so much and I canā€™t think of any more right now šŸ’€
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lliminall Ā· 2 years
Hello hello I am the same feitan loving anon from before!! I just had to let you know that the line ā€œpower wash 3000 sloppy toppyā€ absolutely killed me and I was reading this in the car with my mom šŸ’€ I forced myself to read it multiple times because it made me giggle so damn much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ also loved Paku and Machi šŸ„ŗ they wouldn't treat me right but I love them anyways šŸ’™
I figured since I'm here I might as well ask this too: how tf would yanderes deal with a darling during their period šŸ˜” feel like feitan would just be so mean about it! Mocking my pain and pawing at my boobs even though they hurt šŸ˜­šŸ˜° mean, mean man right there
Anyways, periods are homophobic and I hate them but lovely writing as always!!
anon!! thank you for the kind words, Iā€™m glad my dumbass sense of humor landed well with you lol šŸ˜­
the power this question holdsā€¦our brains must be syncing because Iā€™ve been thinking about period sex with the yans lately, so I had to take this as an opportunity to write out some headcanons for some of my faves hehe
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Feitan is absolutely an asshole about it but heā€™s also very, very into it. Firstly because it allows him to indulge his sadistic side a bit more, given how sensitive your body is. Youā€™re absolutely right about the boob thing, heā€™d be kneading the tender fat on your chest and pinching your tits just to see how your face twists up underneath him.
He also loves how needy you become during that time of the month. You can try your hardest not to show it, but heā€™s more than aware of how good an orgasm feels when youā€™ve been miserable in bed with cramps all day. Maybe he can even pat himself on the back for it later, when youā€™ve come three times and the endorphins have numbed your poor body enough that you can finally drift off to sleep. Good boyfriend behavior if he says so himself, you should show a little more gratitude to him for it tbh. (not that heā€™d ever EVER call himself something as sappy as your boyfriend but you get the point lol)
And of course the blood is nothing heā€™d shy away from, if anything itā€™s an added bonus. Not only because it works as a natural lube, but also because it creates such a raw, carnivorous experience for him. Cutting people down is a hobby of his. Heā€™s done it for long enough that the smell of blood becomes exhilarating, and to smell it while heā€™s driving his hips into yours only gets him that much more worked up. It paints such a striking mess across your torsos, smearing down your thighs, the sheets, and everywhere his hands touch after he fingers you to climax. Itā€™s Feitan lmao I hope yā€™all werenā€™t expecting it to be wholesome šŸ˜­
can I be extra gross and say that heā€™d even be willing to eat you out, if you got him riled up enough? hm maybe another time lmao
Chrollo doesnā€™t mind the blood. It isnā€™t particularly off-putting or attractive to him. What he loves about period sex is the opportunity it gives him to prove how well he can take care of you. Your cramps are keeping you up? And the painkillers arenā€™t working? How unfortunate. Lucky for you, he knows just the thing that will take your mind off of it :)
You just donā€™t have the energy to talk back and refuse him when youā€™re like this. Andā€¦it does make you feel better. Heā€™s so gentle with your body, asking you what feels good, what hurts, bringing you to climax as many times as youā€™ll allow him. Heā€™s basically a dream boyfriend through all of it. Itā€™s confusing and frustrating, and 100% intentional on his part. He wants to show you how good he could be to you, how prepared he is to give you everything you want (minus a few minor things like, uhh your freedom) if youā€™d just behave for him.
Heā€™ll take care of you in any way youā€™ll let him. Ordering in comfort foods, bathing you, throwing a heating pad in the microwave, putting on any dumb show you want to watch and cuddling on the couch. In the beginning I think he would offer all of this himself, but after you two have been through it a few times and you get used to it, I can see him being a little shit and making you ask for it yourself. Youā€™re looking at him all expectantly and he just plays dumb. Youā€™re going to have to ask for it and he wants you to be very specific. Tell him you want him to fuck you or itā€™s not happening. Ugh
Machi feels a little bad about it, but she comes to almost look forward to your periods. Sheā€™s a high-level nen user and hers donā€™t bother her much, but the same sure canā€™t be said about you. You just look so pitiful lying on the bed with your heating pad clutched to your belly. So when she comes to offer you help, she can act like sheā€™s doing it for your benefit, obviously. If itā€™ll get you to stop moping around then fine, sheā€™ll finger you a bit, if she must šŸ™„āœ‹
It lets her feel like sheā€™s doing something good for you. Getting you painkillers, bringing you a hot pad, refilling your pads and tampons without being asked. She feels more guilt than sheā€™d like to over forcing you to be here with her, and providing for you like this soothes that ache a bit. Of course, sheā€™ll never admit any of it. Youā€™ll probably feel like youā€™re a burden to her, like she does it all out of begrudging obligation. Maybe someday youā€™ll be familiar enough to see through the act.
Donā€™t call her bluff though. Itā€™s humiliating enough to be so wrapped around your finger, but for you to become aware of that factā€¦it might be more than she can gracefully handle.
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paulinawoodpecker Ā· 19 days
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Max finally hurts his feelings while Jack and Pickles kept hurting their feelings and Reena and Jasmine heard that theyā€™re about to hurt their feelings and they have to stop them before itā€™s too late!
(Takes place when pickles and Jack kept hurting Ramirez and Victorias feelings)
Max enters
Tad: what do you want max?
Max: well if youā€™re the bravest hero, then maybe you should start to learn what itā€™s like when people hurt your feelings. For example, you hurt Ramirez and Victorias feelingsā€¦
Tad: šŸ˜Ø how did you know that?
Max: it was told by an old friend of yoursā€¦
Tad: what?!
Max: also you took her away from me! And you made her your girlfriend! How could you! She was always mine.
Tad: not anymore!
Max: and you destroyed the museum and the Mona Lisa!
Tad: that wasnā€™t me! How is this my fault!
Max: and also this is what you get when you hurt us! We get to steal someone who you love!
Tad: šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø
Tad: then where are the other two?
Max: busy hurting the ladiesā€™s feelings
Tad: what?
Max: so I might do the same thing as my daughter Tiffany!
Tad: what? Tiffany is your daughter?
Max: so itā€™s time for ā€œoperation: break manā€™s heart!ā€
Tad: noā€¦no no! She taught you that?!
Max: and the other gentlemenā€¦
Max: so whatā€™s the matter vomit mouse, arenā€™t you going to throw up on me?
Tad: if I know how toā€¦
Max: well there you go. You donā€™t know how to. Well I can see that youā€™re just a pathetic hero
Jasmine and Reena: *watches*
Max: all you care about is your lame discoveries and you donā€™t even want to share your spotlight with anyone! Not even the triple teamā€¦
Tad: šŸ˜°
Reena: *while listening* poor tad.
Jasmine: what can we do?
Reena: we have got to stop them from hurting the triple teamā€™s feelings.
Max: and for the crystal, I bet that you wonā€™t be able to make it! Sooner or later, itā€™ll be destroyed and youā€™ll never get cured!
Tad: *tears form in his eyes*
Max: and I got this with me, it might bring you back to that memory of the spider trickā€¦
Tad: spider?
Spiders come out
Max: *laughs*
Max: Tiffany was right. Theyā€™re so much better than this!
Tad: MAX! Youā€™re gonna pay for this!
Tad: *finally smashes the spiders*
Tad: šŸ„ŗšŸ˜°
Reena: we have to do something.
Jasmine: like what?
Reena: follow my leadā€¦
Jasmine and Reena entered
Jasmine: whatā€™s with the crushed spiders?
Tad: Reena? Jasmine?
Jasmine: max!
Jasmine: how dare you break his heart! You hurt his feelings, I might do the same as you too!
Jasmine: help is on the way max!
Max: huh? Oh no..
Jasmine: help is on the way!
Max: *screams and runs away*
Jasmine: there. Now thatā€™s what I call a prank.
Reena: dude? Are you okay?
Tad: šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
Tad: *broke down*
Tad: what did it took me back time to when Tiffany did that same trick on me?!
Tad: *broke down sobbing silently*
Reena and Jasmine: *hugs him to cheer tad up*
Tad: *hugs them tightly* thank you ladiesā€¦
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alyhollywood Ā· 8 months
Omgzz I literally was talking last night about how badly Iā€™ve wanted a corpse bride costume and upset no one has truly made one that was even semi decent. I have only seen one prior and it was horrible. This is the first one Iā€™ve seen not only meet my expectations but surpass them! The only thing it doesnā€™t thrill me on is the price šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜°šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
If you are wondering what my standards are for a costume to qualify as passable good,it is pretty simple. They must be as accurate as possible to the actual outfit the character wears in the film/comic strip/book illustration as possible. I want to feel like I have transformed into that character stepping into their shoes and walking their stride enveloping the specifics in how they speak and organically move bringing it all to life in real time! I guess some would call it cosplay these days. Ive just always felt that way when I put on a costume I am no longer myself, I become whoever Iā€™ve decided to mĆ©tamorphosiez into. I am that characterā£ļø
So back to this costume. I am so torn disheartened at finally having found the costume and it being wayyy out of my budget. Let alone letā€™s not forget the accessories!!! I mean do you see those amazing platform heel shoes of grandiose greatness!?! And canā€™t be the Corpse Bride without the veil. Though I wouldnā€™t mind finding some cheap one at goodwill or some random hole in the wall outdoor mall shop lol. At that point though if you are buying the shoes and dress I mean might as well say fuck it and get the veil. Gahhhā€¦ā€¦
Well if anyone wants to gift me this Halloween costume Iā€™m an xs and shoe size 7 ( they only run whole sizes I donā€™t typically wear a 7 lol) or if you want to help me afford to buy it myself my cashapp is $AlyHollywood so feel free and put a note what itā€™s for when šŸ’øšŸ’ø so I can easily keep tally on what goes towards it. I wish cashapp had a savings option to make some funds be put aside to save for a specific item but hey it canā€™t be exactly like the big banks right!? Lol.
I mean this costume is perfect. My hair is like those shades of blues and purples and whatnot. I truly before seeing this was starting to consider making my own costume and keeping my eyes peeled for used slightly damaged wedding dresses for sale at really discounted prices especially since then being damaged I figured would make it easier to get at a affordable price. Then factoring how to paint, dye, treat, etc the fabrics and alter to make look like hers including the tear with exposed ribs though the corseted torso. I loved this character from the first time I saw the film and can never get tired of this movie. I think she is such a poetic tragedy and beautiful in an unusual way. Decaying beauty. I also adore how she when finally at peace transforms into those beautiful rebel of butterflies šŸ¦‹ which are like the well established symbolism of transformation into becoming anew and moving forward onto the future. It was just so perfect and quotes I could really relate to such as
ā€œIā€™ve been in the dark for so long I forgot how beautiful the moonlight isā€
Not that I have plans but Iā€™m sure I could find some lol better question is if I did rock this costume who would be my Vincent!? Lol. I actually found a decent costume for him but his outfit wouldnā€™t be that hard to recreate from real clothes from not costume shops lol.
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A long post about Humans-B-Gone and some other bug stuff
Iā€™ve been thinking about @humansbgone again since the new episode came out, and it got me motivated to keep working on some fanart that I never got around to finishing. Thankfully, Iā€™ve still got plenty of time to finish it before the fanart contest deadline.
The seriesā€™ role-reversal theme was on full display as Rose the tarantula was startled at the sight of a human, just like how we might react to seeing a spider. Well, those of us that arenā€™t bug and/or spider enthusiasts, that is. I will admit, I used to be much more skittish around them as a kid, and even now, my subconscious mind still isnā€™t convinced that theyā€™re not threats.
Last week or so, I woke up screaming from a nap because I dreamed that a praying mantis lunged at me. Thatā€™s what happens whenever I get too hot while Iā€™m asleep- insects and/or spiders start appearing in my dreams, and theyā€™ll keep appearing everywhere I look until one of them jumps towards me and scares me awake. Usually itā€™s a spider, but this time it was a praying mantis. I donā€™t remember dreaming about a praying mantis before. šŸ¤”
Also it turns out that itā€™s ā€œprayingā€ mantis and not ā€œpreyingā€ mantis. I wasnā€™t sure which one was right because technically both are true- they put their forelimbs together like theyā€™re praying, and they prey on other bugs, so theyā€™re praying and preying mantises.
As for whatā€™ll happen next in Humans-B-Gone, I canā€™t say. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø What I can say is what Iā€™m hoping will happen next. What Iā€™m curious about is if weā€™ll get to seeā€¦
Where Sophodraā€™s going to bring all the humans she caught in episode 3 to. I wonder if theyā€™re still in her backpack, trying desperately to find a way out?
If the humans have a safe place to take their hazmat suits off.
Even more macrovolutes! I wonder if they have giant luna moths? Luna moths are cute, but I feel bad for them because they canā€™t eat anymore, so they have to find a mate quickly, because theyā€™ll starve to death within a week. I wonder if that also applies to their macrovolute version, or if theyā€™ve found a way around that? šŸ¤” On the other hand, I wonder if weā€™ll see a macrovolute version ofā€¦ *shudder* antlion larvae?! šŸ˜° I mean, i-itā€™s fine, it wonā€™t stop me from watching if we do see antlion larvae, Iā€™m not scared or anythingā€¦ but they are the reason why I canā€™t bring myself to watch a playthrough of the PC version of SimAnt. šŸ˜“
And of course, on the gub side of things, Iā€™d like to see more of the weird mutant vertebrates- besides mammals and birds, Iā€™m also curious about how the reptiles, amphibians, and fish are different from real ones. Especially the fish. We know the sky isnā€™t safe because of the mutant birds, but what about the water? Something tells me it probably isnā€™t any saferā€¦ šŸ¤Ø
Gregorsa said that insects and arachnids can become macrovolutes, but other arthropods canā€™t, not even when theyā€™re the same size as the macrovolutes. So that would mean that centipedes and millipedes canā€™t be macrovolutes, nor can crabs, lobsters, or shrimp. I wonder what theyā€™re like, then? Are they just wild animals, like the mutant vertebrates? Is there a reason they canā€™t be macrovolutes? Oh, and that reminds me, thereā€™s still that mysterious ā€œbolecoreā€ that both Gregorsa and Sophodra mentioned. We donā€™t know what it is yet, but I have a feeling itā€™s the key to how the macrovolutes ā€œconquered the square-cube lawā€ as Gregorsa put it. That, and the lack of gravity.
What could those ant-agonistic ants be plotting? What is their scheme? What horrors shall they wreak upon macrovolute-kind? Theyā€™d better keep their hands- er, legs? ā€¦off of Roseā€™s cute little family, or else Iā€™llā€¦ uhā€¦ Iā€™llā€¦
ā€¦frown and dejectedly say ā€œnoooooā€¦ā€ I guess. šŸ˜”
So I guess thatā€™s it for now. Whoā€™d have thought Iā€™d be so interested in a series about giant bugs?
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