#norton simp hours
nogenderbee · 5 months
I'm obsessed with this persons Norton cosplay I downloaded the video and have been watching it on repeat for 2 hours straight I'm not even kidding
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Officially forgot to answer ToT
But omg I see in what era you are! We've all been in era when we simped for a cosplayer... and honestly I see nothing bad with it as long as someone's not a total creep and so!
But aoooh their cosplay is certainly pretty accurate! I may not play it but from what I saw, I think I can judge a bit ^^
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zevexsii · 3 years
norton campbell  sfw + nsfw hcs (gn s/o)
holy shit i love norton campbell  
cut for length! 
norton’s a very complicated guy. he’s seen some shit, done some shit, and quite frankly hates most of the world around him. not because he actually thinks it’s bad- he just pushes away everything and everyone he cares about as a defense mechanism. 
he wouldn’t necessarily realize that he was developing feelings for his s/o right off the bat- he’d get closer and closer to them without actually thinking about the butterflies that your smile gave him or the protective urges that enveloped most of his critical thinking skills during matches. 
it really depends on how easily you open up to him. especially if you’re emotionally available early on. i doubt he would entirely open up to you about the mining incident, or even about the root of any of his problems, but if you were there on norton’s bad days to calm him down or let him vent, he’ll fall head over heels for you even quicker. 
not particularly talkative. norton doesn’t really know how to keep a conversation going and deflect too-personal questions at the same time, so most days he just enjoys sitting with you. 
right before The ConfessionTM, norton begins to isolate himself more than usual. he does his best to avoid you at mealtimes, will ditch matches that you’re both playing in, paying no mind to the consequences. it’s hard for him to even look at you without losing his composure- either spacing out and making heart eyes in your direction or having graphic thoughts of your death at his hands. it would be accidental, of course. he’d lash out and hurt you; make a mistake in a match and leave you bloody. 
if you seek him out, it might make it worse; he’ll probably snap at you, but he can’t hold up his apathetic front for long. he breaks down as you turn to leave, grabbing for your hand or your wrist. he hangs his head and asks you not to go in a low, hoarse whisper. he’s sniffling. 
this is the first time norton would seek out physical comfort from you. his movements are shaky and apprehensive as he tugs you closer to him- depending on where you managed to corner him, norton’ll ask to sit down and be held by way of burying his face in the crook of your neck. he’s terrified you’re going to pull away the entire time.
indulge him. gently card your fingers through his messy, dark hair or rub gentle circles onto his back and he might cry. poor guy’s repressed to hell and back. 
norton’s feelings for you are quite obvious at this point, but he needs to make sure to let you know, just in case. when he says that he’s in love with you, he’s breathless and the words are harried. if he’s able to look at you at all, his brown eyes are anxious and searching- begging for an answer, even if it’s one that would destroy him completely. he doesn’t really expect you to reciprocate his affections- he’s high maintenance at the very least in his own eyes. 
when you tell him that you love him too, norton is awestruck. he has to verify that he heard you correctly- tell him again and he lets out a watery chuckle proceeded by a shit-eating grin. 
hold onto him a little while longer. he needs it. 
now that norton’s confessed and you’re officially together, his behavior towards you in public doesn’t change too much- in lobbies before matches or mealtimes he lingers by you, keeping up a low conversation about mundane things. he’s unsurprisingly uninterested in pda, except for special occasions. 
in private, there are a lot of casual, domestic touches. norton’s inclined to come up and wrap his arms around you from behind, or rest a hand on the small of your back as you’re working away at a task. 
adores forehead/cheek kisses. the simple things make him soft beyond belief. deep, passionate kisses are usually reserved for when things are getting hot n’ heavy, plus they trigger norton’s claustrophobia very easily. norton normally despises any sort of attention drawn to his scars- they’re a massive insecurity of his, not to mention the horrible reminder of his past that they bring up, but if you give him small smooches on his upper cheek, or the border between scarred flesh and his normal tan, he’ll melt. 
can cook surprisingly well! norton’s been alone for the great majority of his life- not to mention he lived with a bunch of bachelors, so he knows the basics. however, anything you make will be devoured within seconds. really enjoys sweets!! uses excess frosting on your lips or cheek as an excuse to kiss you <33
is a pretty big eater!! norton’s a beefy guy and he tells you that he’s gotta keep himself strong in order to protect you <3 he’s also got a phat ass
norton’s a bit clueless when it comes to asking for cuddles; he’ll just sort of drape himself over you or mumble about being tired, hoping you’ll take the hint. on bad days, he doesn’t even want to get out of bed. everything’s just too much, he hopes you’ll understand. 
let norton rest his head in your lap or hide his face in your shoulder. sometimes it’s humiliating for him to let you see him like this- hold him close and gently play with his hair or intertwine your fingers in his. actions like that help ground norton. 
coo soft things in his ears. tell him you love him, that it isn’t his fault. that you’ll stay with him no matter what. these reassurances in particular help combat his overwhelming abandonment issues. 
on regular days, norton’s favorite cuddle positions are probably those that involve you laying your head on his broad chest, or him holding you from behind. 
very outdoorsy! go on walks with him and he’ll point out interesting rocks and the two of you will pocket geodes to take home and crack open. offer norton small things that you found on the way home, or gems that you pilfered from the golden cave map. it may not seem like a lot, but realizing that you care enough about norton to remember the small things that he enjoys makes him feel endlessly loved. 
i can’t stress enough how much norton appreciates domesticity. dude’s had a rough life, at this point he just wants to settle down in a stable place with someone who loves him, hopefully with a few kids, if his s/o is up for that!
norton is practically a connoisseur of intense, rough sex. as mentioned above, he’s got a lot of repressed shit to deal with and most of his more ‘vulnerable’ emotions are turned into anger. unhealthy coping mechanisms go brrrrr. 
needless to say, it’s best to use a safeword with norton. 
that’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy slow, passionate stuff- most days he’s perfectly happy to bury himself inside you however you need. 
during slow, soft sex, norton prefers to be ridden. it allows him to sit back and revel in the pleasure of being fucked by his lovely, lovely s/o. 
his fear of abandonment also comes into play during sex. he’ll get you begging for his cock, whimpering uncontrollably about how badly you need him inside of you. deep down, norton yearns to be needed by someone. 
not the most vocal partner, but lets loose a plethora of gasps and grunts once he’s got your tight hole stretched around him- most dirty talk consists of half-formed, growled curses that go straight south. 
always preps you with oral. he doesn’t care how ready you are for his dick, he needs to finish you off with his mouth first. norton’s definition of finishing you off consists of bruising and biting all over your hips and upper thighs before moving on to rub a calloused finger over your clit or give light strokes to your cock, paying special attention to the vein running along the underside. by the time he’s done, you’ll have cum at least twice and that’s if norton’s rushing it. 
unsurprisingly addicted to marking you. nothing riles norton up more than watching you interact with the other survivors while they frantically try to ignore the bruises and hickeys that have crawled up your neck and right under your jawline. if said survivor glances to norton afterward, he’ll toss a sleazy smirk in their direction. you’re fucking him and everyone knows it. 
not really a fan of missionary. norton’s partial to fucking you from behind and leaving small scratches and bruises from how tightly his massive hands grabbed your hips. 
he’s a thigh and an ass guy. ‘nuff said. he doesn’t have anything against boobs, though!
won’t introduce choking or restraining you- norton wants to revel in every little twitch and movement you make while he shoves himself between your thighs. of course if you ask for either of those things, norton will indulge you. choking would probably do well with his size kink. 
definitely has a breeding kink. all he wants is to completely fill you up with his seed- he’ll go as many rounds as he can, desperate to stuff you full of his cum. he’ll degrade you while he does this- calling you his little whore, going on and on about how desperate you are for his cum. 
a fair bit into overstimulation. it feeds norton’s sorely battered pride that no one else can see you like this- flushed and nearly in tears, letting out strangled mewls of pleasure while his cock slams against your prostate/g-spot. don’t even think about hiding your face in a pillow, either. the noises and expressions you make are part of how norton is assured he’s doing a good job- he also thinks you’re damn beautiful, all unraveled for him like this. 
as stated above, norton prefers to cum inside of you, but if you’re not up for that he’ll pull out and cum on your ass or in his hand. 
pulls your hair quite a bit- he’s pulled strands out in the past and apologizes like hell afterward. it’s not his intention to hurt you. 
aftercare!! soft. norton’ll offer to wash your hair and wash your back- his hands are strong and more often than not, he ends up massaging your shoulders. wash his hair and he’s in heaven. lots of mildly soapy forehead kisses and whispered “i love you”s as the two of you crawl into bed, your head tucked under norton’s. 
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blxckbutterfli · 4 years
I really like that tome traveling darling one, would it be alright if you did some time traveling darling but with the darling showing video games to people?
Various: Time-traveler Introduces Video Games
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Wordcount: 661
Note: I’m gonna switch to ‘You’ headcanons instead of ‘Darling’ because I keep changing my mind about writing styles im sorry-
Among Us
Friendships are going to end because of this game
No one is to be trusted
Emma, when she first played, kept following Emily around, but then one time Emily got impostor and-
I’m just gonna say this, you, Mike, and Norton are buddies now.
You guys have formed the triangle of trust
One time when you were impostor, you vented and KILLED right in front of them and they didn’t even report you :D
Of course, you didn’t kill them
True friendship, guys
Kreacher will always be your first victim if you become Impostor >:)
It is terrifying to play with Jack because how the FUCK is he so good at finding out the impostor??
Like one time he made Robbie cry because of his intense detective skills :0
Kevin, being the simp he is, would never kill you if you’re a girl
Well, at least would never kill you first
He’d offer to go with the girls into electrical if they’re scared but the girls always declined
Would still follow them though, which one time scared Fiona so much that she hit the emergency button and voted him off
In the end, he wasn’t Impostor...
Tracy is a poor baby :(
She wanted to join in on the fun so she played with everyone but whenever she’s Impostor, she can’t bring herself to kill
Why would she ever kill her friends?!
But she’s also paranoid to go near other crewmates because they can also be Impostor
Please comfort this poor girl after each round :(((
Robbie is going to LOVE Minecraft!
Do you see how many things you can make by just punching a TREE?
And with the help of mods, he can plant so many pretty trees :D
Luca will be the new MumboJumbo
He doesn’t even bother with survival mode, it’s too hard to find all the resources he needs there
Luca being Luca, he’s gonna spend too much time and Minecraft and need to be reminded once in a while to go shower and eat
Mike here exploded your two-story HOUSE
You spent WEEKS building and decorating that shit!
The next time you’re in a match together, you’re gonna push Mike towards the hunter’s direction >:)
Galatea is honestly so cute
Not only can she sculpt in real life but now she can also sculpt in Minecraft
She’s the best builder out of all of you guys
And because you’ve been so nice to her and introduced her to Minecraft, she built this super cool and detailed statue of you in the game!
Otomes because why not
Ngl I think Michiko is actually really gonna like otomes
Ozmafia, Mystic Messenger, and surprise surprise
Hakuōki: Kyoto Winds
Well, of course, she likes Kyoto Winds, it’s literally set in historical Japan
If you play otomes too, you bet you two will fangirl over these hawt boys 👀
Honestly, I think Wujiu and Bi’an might join you two for the shits and giggles XD
That’s because I headcanon Wu Chang and Michiko as buddies since they’re both uh… Asian
Eli is precious
He’s gonna join in on every single game and make sure everyone is having fun
I really feel like he’s kinda fatherly (?) To the group
Like he’s probs younger than most people in the mansion but he’s so mature and caring
Eli is gonna make sure none of you guys play those games for 2+ hours because that’s unhealthy >:(
Murro is just… confused
Hell Ember is trying his best to play with his daughter but he just doesn’t understand anything :(((
Emma is just rambling like “Papa, this game is soooo cool! Play with us! Play with us!” but his fat fingers on the tiny phone always seem to fail him :’)
But he’ll always join his precious daughter if she asks him to hang out with he
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