villrhjarta · 5 years
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It was a complete and utter downpour, the large drops of rain coming down in hard waves that felt the sky was dumping countless buckets of water on Valin’s head. Her hair and clothes were drenched, her hands shook with the chill that was settling nicely into her bones, and there was nothing she could do about it. She didn’t have a place of her own, nowhere she could go to protect herself from the storm until it passed.
Never mind the cop- familiar to her only in the sense that they had run into each other before- that was currently shouting at her to come with him. Darkened blue eyes giving him a pointed look from behind waterlogged strands of hair that very clearly showed she didn’t trust anything he was currently saying to her. She also flipped him off, to make sure he really got the hint to leave her alone, middle finger raised in his direction for a few good seconds before she let it go to curl both arms around herself.
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sigrfridr · 5 years
The text had worried him greatly, and Adam nearly called her to see what was wrong, but in his mind, that would have been wasting time. He made quick work getting into his car and speeding over to her place. He was surprised to be greeted immediately at the door, noting that her appearance was fine, and from what he could see in view of the doorway there was nothing wrong or disturbed with the interior of the house. So what was the emergency?
Apparently, pie was the emergency. He was frozen in place as his mind repeated what he heard a few times, thinking maybe he didn’t hear her correctly. “P–pie?”
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“Yes, pie.” 
She points towards the kitchen, holding the door open for him to come inside. “Look, it’s pi day -- you know, March 14th, three-fourteen? three point one four? Pi -- and you have you make pie on pi day. I mean it’s pie day. But, uh, I kind of made... a lot of pies...” 
It would be only a slight exaggeration to say that there are pies on every surface of her kitchen. (But only slight.) There are no less than ten pies. 
“I can give one to my dad, but what am I going to do with all the pie? I need help, Adam.”
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dolceleone-blog · 5 years
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“Buongiorno, amico mio!” Alessio exclaimed as he stopped by his Adam’s desk on his way to the locker room. Hip resting against the other cop’s desk as he leaned over to place an affectionate kiss on the man’s head. The sweet smell of sugar and spicy tinge of cinnamon cling to him today, giving off a hint of what is in the still warm tupperware container that gets placed on top of a growing stack of papers. “How long have you been here?”
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kiantrev · 5 years
@nomadkiing from x
The officer’s visit was a surprise, really. The home will usually get calls beforehand when someone is visiting, to set appointments and clean the manor a little. When the officer arrived, Kieran was almost flushed with embarrassment with how there are toys and stacks of books are randomly in the corners or on tables. Well, it happens when there are more than 10 children or varying ages in under one roof.
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“Yes, we can use the study to talk,” Kieran nods, passing the coffee to him. Before he could lead them to said room, the caregiver is stopped at least three times by different kids, one with a question about her homework, one politely asking for a biscuit for a snack, another asking if he could go to town on the next weekend to find a textbook for school.
Once they’re in the study, the caregiver gives a breath of relief. “The children shouldn’t bother us in here. It’s a common rule to not bother the staff when they’re in a meeting in the study,” he explains with a smile, drawing the curtains open to let some sun light in. The study did not reflect the chaos that sat outside, it was obvious that the kids rarely venture in here.
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“Don’t think so.” Though the honest answer is probably the opposite, his trial having made it to the news several times some nine years ago on account of his alleged affiliation with a prominent Chicago crime family -- Levi certainly isn’t going to volunteer that information willingly. Instead, an arm leaned against the counter, he holds his own half-a-finger of bourbon up with his free hand in a silent cheer before taking a short sip.
“Just trying to spare you the terrible hangover you’re going to have tomorrow.”
@nomadkiing, from this.
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kingsmanmakings · 5 years
“Did you hit your head?”
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       “Yeah, but I’m alright, it wasn’t too hard.” Eggsy’s bell was rung, but he experienced no dizziness or blurry vision. His biggest concern was the bruise he could already feel forming on the top of his head. “Fuck me, where did you learn to drive?” It was not his fault, really. Just because Eggsy knew how to street race, he did not expect that everyone did, and, if he was being honest about it, he could have easily ended up in the same ditch, his car laying ass over tea kettle after the way the pursuit went.  Being upside down, he had to kick out a window to escape the passenger seat, but he was no worse for wear if he did not consider how sore he would be when he woke up the next morning. “Are you alright?”
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villrhjarta · 5 years
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As if the fury burning in her eyes wasn’t enough then Valin was signing to him so fast that her wrist popped with the force of how hard she was flinging her hand around. ❝You saw what happened and did nothing!❞
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sigrfridr · 5 years
"I don’t wanna lose a friend"
@nomadkiing | meme ( accepting )
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“Who – me?” She frowns, shaking her head at him and leaning in, her weight on her elbows. “You won’t, that’s the whole point of friends. You can tell me anything and you won’t lose me.” Shifting her weight, she holds her hands out towards him, resting the backs of her hands on the table, palms facing upwards to coax him to take hold of her hands with his. “Tell me what’s bothering you, it’s okay.”
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dolceleone-blog · 5 years
continued from x
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Thankfully, Alessio was used to staying up until somewhere around this time so he wasn’t quite as tired. Even so, he still shared the gratitude towards Denny’s and their unholy hours. “You look pretty beat. Do you want me to drive you home? I can come back for my ride and you could always eat those waffles in the morning.”
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kiantrev · 5 years
@nomadkiing from x
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“You are too kind, officer.. but, please, at least accept a slice of the cake?” the caregiver tries again, bringing the box over to his lap. The bakery packed the cake complete with a plastic cake knife and forks, and napkins. It seemed almost too perfect to have a chocolate cake picnic on a beautiful day at the park. 
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1, 3, 17
1. If you could only give one piece of information or one brief anecdote to summarize your muse, what would it be?
If I had to pitch him in just a few seconds, I’d probably just say disillusioned veteran turned criminal. However, seeing as to how that accurately describes about half my characters (what can I say, I am both a military and true crime buff), if I wanted to differentiate Levi from the rest of my boys, I’d say he’s definitely my trust issues guy. Don’t get me wrong, I have characters so fucked up by paranoia it’s demolished all other aspects of their personality (folks who know me from my previous blogs will know who I’m talking about) -- but trust and paranoia aren’t exactly the same and I definitely don’t feel like I can say Levi’s paranoid -- at least no more than his position requires him to be. Long story short, if I had to describe him in a way that would differentiate him from the rest of my boys, it would be something along the lines of man feels repeatedly betrayed by family and country, decides to look out for himself the only way he knows how.
3. What is something your muse won’t admit to themself, or hasn’t yet realized about themself?
The aforementioned trust issues, probably (and his ongoing battle with alcoholism, though I’d argue they both sort of feed one another). He’s not entirely oblivious, but I don’t think he realizes the severity of his situation yet. It becomes more apparent, perhaps, when compared to his sister, who, despite having come from the same lousy upbringing, has had the entirely opposite reaction and constantly seeks more people to have around her and call her family, whereas Levi’s circle of people he trusts keeps on shrinking.
It will, however, become more apparent in the future, if what I have in mind for future arcs comes into play the way I plan it to.
17. What is your muse’s least favorite part of their job or their everyday life?
NGL, it’s probably dealing with Marco’s kids. Or, well, kid -- he gets along just fine with Sofia, the younger daughter - but the eldest son, Luca, fucking hates his guts and Levi hates his guts right back. He frequents the Bianchi household on a near-daily basis, so you can imagine the two of them run into one another quite often. Mind, though, Levi will claim most of the problem stems from Luca’s attitude towards him, and he’s not entirely wrong; the two of them would have probably gotten along much better if it weren’t for Luca being jealous of Levi’s position both within the firm and within the household. He views Levi as a foreign threat trying to take over a throne that is rightfully Luca’s and it appears that sense can’t be talked into him, so Levi has voluntarily taken on the role of the villain and plays into their rivalry despite knowing full well that he shouldn’t.
He also most definitely hates having to deal with other criminal organizations. He recognizes the importance of alliances and maintaining the peace and he is a pretty decent diplomat (which is the reason why he became Marco’s second-in-command to begin with; that and his ride-or-die mentality) - but LBR, diplomacy is fucking frustrating and exhausting af even when you’re well-versed in it.
@nomadkiing / unusual and/or prying character questions.
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villrhjarta · 5 years
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“What is your family like?” Valin signed curiously, turning herself around slightly to face him more as she does so.
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sigrfridr · 5 years
@nomadkiing replied to your post: Sigrid likes to utilize nicknames or otherwise...
adam wants to know his
oh Adam for sure is “Call the cop” because yeah she’s that lame.
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dolceleone-blog · 5 years
continued from x
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“Oh--- come here.” Alessio sighed, reaching up to tilt the other man’s head to the side so he could see the extent of the bruising a little better. He wasn’t one to tell other people how to live their lives, but he also didn’t like seeing his friends hurt like this. All he could hope for is that it looked worse than it felt “Have you done anything to get the swelling down?”
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kiantrev · 5 years
Now that the patrol car has stopped, the kids all rush towards it, crowding at the open window. "We wanna buy Kieran a present cause it's his birthday but we don't have enough money! Can you give us some money like a present? A present for another present? We only have 15 dollars but the birthday cake at the bakery is 20 dollars!" One of them explains, though they seem to chat and babble altogether, creating a mess of noise and excited talking, because a policeman's car looked cool inside.
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"it’s too late. i’ve been insulted."
“Aww, don’t worry about it, egghead – it’ll grow back eventually.” Tone dripping with feigned pity, the sharky grin stretched across Levi’s face disappears only briefly as he brings a half-finished cigarette to his lips and takes a quick drag. “’Sides, if you have any qualms, best take them up with your parents. Definitely not my fault your head is so fucking egg-shaped.”
@nomadkiing / free fire sentence starters.
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