#nofna fruit
brynsdoodles · 4 months
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Nofna Week, day 4! This was a free day so I drew Preserves from the written Fruit nofna story. She’s looking a bit like she’s scheming here…
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nofna · 3 months
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Scenes from the novella Fruit, drawn in 2021. I'm sharing these because I'd like to share the Glyptography equivalents soon, as well.
Looking at these makes me miss markers. I don't currently have the coated postcards that are able to support them.
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gynandromorph · 28 days
I presume most wild animals are integrated or recruited into society by Members of their species or a closely related species. But lemurs are so isolated that there wouldn't really be anyone to explain to PS that the sounds they're making is language in... Lemur base language. I imagine whatever member of society saved her clueless ass from extinction gave her fruit and like pointed at it and said its name enough for her to get it, then once she got it she would NOT shut up, she would constantly ask for the fruit like a lab rat mashing the treat button. Probably a huge hurdle to get her to comprehend that it's a word for a category of objects and not a trick she does for food
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natures-art · 5 months
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New year, new opportunities to make... art! We are back with the annual event for NofNA fans – the Fan Art Week!
Complete as many or as few prompts and you’d like, and share the fruits of your labour on social media. Painting, sculpting, poetry, music – all kinds of art are welcome here. You can also submit your work directly to us, and we will share it on the blog. Don’t worry about getting everything done, the point is to enjoy yourself and have fun!
This community-organised event will run from 22nd until 28th of January, 2024.
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brynsdoodles · 5 months
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meander chompin fruit! for nofna week day 1 prompt, local cuisine :3
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gynandromorph · 3 months
When the animal society in NofNA banishes a citizen for murder... They are just unleashing a guy with a taste for blood and at least one automatic weapon built into their body onto a population much much much less capable of defending themselves so that it doesn't have to be society's problem anymore. Like. The wilderness you're banishing them to. There are people living there. They are all aware of this. They have border wars with them. Fruit explicitly nods at banished society members with styles being untouchables among the wild population.
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gynandromorph · 10 months
curious as to whether or not you'd recommend nofna and if so how to start reading, i know liking something/thinking it is good/being able to recommend it are three very different things and i was wondering how it shapes up for nofna
i suppose that i would recommend it with a cautionary asterisk to know that it has many issues. i respect what it tries to do more than any good but uninteresting webcomic brings to the table -- but it only TRIES to bring those ideas to the table. it is best interacted with in a sort of talmudic fashion, where it is approached knowing that the source material has many unsavory sentiments and contradictions, and trying to rationalize these is the game.
order i would recommend the stories:
10%+ and its addendum. the first nofna comic made, which holds your hand a little more than the others about the setting. read the glossary with this story. as the first story, there is a lot of passion and youth put into the art, making it the prettiest story by far.
emancipation. the first story arc, chronologically. i would recommend it first if 10%+ didn't look so much better.
secretary prime. print-only version of secretary. displays the message of secretary in a more cohesive way than the original as it does not try to end with the narrator going insane.
syconium. bizarre, but memorable and compelling.
the original secretary and its addendum. you are now sufficiently primed to tolerate the strange and esoteric nature of secretary. the addendum is very enjoyable, but the best part of it is only in the printed version; the electronic version doesn't have it.
solar system. worth reading. ONCE.
fruit. it isn't a comic. it's just prose. the story is enjoyable.
wild style and lycosa are not worth reading, but if you want to read them, that would go here.
rotary is a work-in-progress. if it were finished, i'd probably place it after syconium.
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gynandromorph · 11 months
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I haven't thought too hard about how her style would work but I'll post more about it if I end up fleshing it out. Because characters in NofNA often have multiple styles, I figured she would have a reality-bending style that manipulates the cognitive narratology of memory structure and sensory processing — eg. a style that forces the recipient to believe and actualize modifications to what they remember and what they perceive because these things are generally stored as parts of one continuous narrative in the mind — and a "rule of funny" style that forces the recipient to actualize desired actions and scenarios by manipulating mirror neural connections, which are active both when interacting with fiction and when mirroring the behaviors of others, such as when one laughs because someone else laughed, without even thinking about it. The rule of funny style could be expanded to be more than just mirroring laughter, but it is refined to focus on "entertainment" both as stories made to make you laugh and the actual emotion of being entertained, and transforming this into "entrainment." This is largely due to Legend's personality. The two styles were probably initially one style which was eventually split into two separate theses for precision, like SV's malice style. We also made the joke that her supreme facture would just be materializing some "deal with it" shades and telling someone to kill themselves. If they think it's funny then the actual contact of the facture is pretty catastrophic for a recipient. The former narrative style achieves telenoesis by extending the idea that people see the world as chronological, related events — narratives — to reality literally being chronological, related events through cause and effect irreversibly linked in time. Its main limitation is that it MUST be linked to something that already exists in some way. Legend can't conjure a banana out of thin air like Jessie can; she has to redefine a tree 5 feet away as a banana tree, which is bearing fruit. Legend's style also relies on disinformation and may be denied by someone adequately informed about a particular facet of life as long as they can identify how it doesn't make sense, whereas Jessie's powers aren't limited by logic or continuity.
Her name, Legend, plays on all of the definitions of the word: a story generally considered historically true but unable to be verified; someone who is powerful or famous; and a section of a graphic or document which provides definitions for what various elements are supposed to mean.
I would feel bad about making her so powerful, but if Egress can do it Legend certainly could.
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natures-art · 1 year
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Starting off the brand new year with a bang~ 🔴💥🔵 We’re back with the announcement of NofNA fan art week for 2023!
Complete as many or as few prompts and you’d like, and share the fruits of your labour on social media. Painting, sculpting, poetry, music - all kinds of art are welcome here. You can also submit your work here on this blog. Don’t worry about getting everything done, the point is to enjoy yourself!
This community organised event will run from 9th to 15th of January 2023.
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natures-art · 2 years
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Nature of Nature’s Art Appreciation Fanart Week is precisely what it says on the tin – a chance for you to flex your artistic muscles and show off exactly what you like about NofNA! Complete as many or as few of the prompts as you wish, and share the fruits of your labour on social media. You can also submit the artwork here on this blog. Don't worry too much about getting everything done in a week, the point is to enjoy yourself!
This challenge is a community-organised event that will run from 10th until 16th of January, 2022.
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gynandromorph · 2 years
wild people in nofna are literally serial killers who vore members of society instead of eating fruit because tradition and i’m not joking--
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gynandromorph · 3 years
“you can’t just announce publicly that you don’t eat any fruit that takes more than 60 seconds to prep, you’re going to sound like you Literally Never do that” “well, i don’t” “right but from an outside perspective, ‘‘‘‘‘you’‘‘‘‘ do, that’s just me doing it for you instead so i don’t die of scurvy. it’s just gonna be this huge scandal about how i said i don’t eat fruit yet here’s a photo of me eating like a fucking pomegranate or something” “ “ “don’t fucking mime nofna panels at me bro i hate that i know what you’re even referencing”
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