#no television series has or ever will be this dumb...my precious brain cells
cecilyneville · 4 years
the spanish princess ep 5 
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i really don’t want to do this anymore lol
i choose to believe lina calling catherine “highness” and not “your majesty” is a deliberate sign of disrespect towards her shitty friend, and not emma frost’s shitty writing
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2020 mood
love the idea that charles brandon has to just hang out with this eight year old all the time until he marries her??
oh, so i guess this is the episode where henry starts to go full excess party king and ruairi is...genuinely bad at it, sorry dude
you know, i wish they’d just ripped off the tudors masque scene instead of giving us...whatever this is
side note i take back what i said about laura carmichael being a bad actress. she’s good, just ends up in bad roles. i’d like to see her in a comedy (by which i mean a show that is *intentionally* funny)
love the idea that thomas more, who by this point had written a history of richard iii, apparently has no clue who maggie’s parents are
remember when andrew buchan was absolutely killing it in broadchurch and the honourable woman? great times
so...you’re telling me...maggie & more are self isolating after being exposed to an extremely infectious disease...oh god this is too 2020 to handle
YES finally some thomas boleyn plotting! i like this dude, he’s hot, but i miss nick dunning’s slimy scheming, that was so much FUN
the editing on this show, even to my untrained eye, is so bad
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can’t wait for tsp stan twitter to put me on a watchlist for being mean to their girl, but i guess there’s no accounting for taste
we’re not getting the year of the three queens??? i wanted a margaret and mary reunion!!!
i like meg’s riding outfit, idk if she’s supposed to be in disguise as a man or whatever, but i’m digging it
albany is nice but he’s still not HOT (i am the only person complaining about this)
“and wolsey? why do you let him humiliate me before the court?” catherine don’t deny me the one pleasure i get from this show
henry being all like “if bessie has a boy i’ll know it’s not my fault” while catherine is in his arms is too funny
“who says he punishes us?” catherine you’ve been saying it for the past few episodes, get a brain
i like how they style maggie in this ep with her hair down, she looks so young and carefree
elizabeth of york mention, isabel neville mention, i just automatically hiss like haloumi hitting a hot pan
god catherine is just truly an almighty piece of shit and i cannot wait for this all to come crashing down on her, it will be so satisfying to me personally
mary gets cute costumes
meg’s red riding cape is also nice
my shitlist has expanded from ef & ch to include whoever did the soundtrack, it’s abysmal
stan jane stewart! call out your trash boyfriend! let him know!
i am DYING at mary’s fake tears, i love her so much
“i ran my own household when i was forced into poverty” yeah and you were bad at it lol. ALSO!!! QUEENS RUN THEIR OWN HOUSEHOLDS!!!
“let’s fall in love then” but...aren’t...you...already...in love??
lina keeps calling catherine highness it’s SO funny
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she is an ICON
“i merely burn” maybe don’t say that when the plague’s about, maggie
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are you ‘avin me on, mate?? are you ‘avin a laff??
why do they not have midwives in this show, it’s so bizarre
oh bessie’s calling her “your highness” now too, love that
catherine of aragon performing a literal episiotomy is categorically the stupidest thing i have witnessed in any episode of television ever and that, folks, is why i have to keep watching this until the end
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henry: “catherine, give me a son” / catherine: LOL OK
are they going to go full tobg and have catherine claim henry fitzroy as her ward and be like HE’S MY SON NOW BESSIE
what must it be like inside emma frost’s galaxy sized brain
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