@nitronineandcheetahs gets a computer expert.
Mel stares down at the walkman. It had been through hell. Never mind that the casing was broken in six places, hunks of plastic missing. The motherboard was scraped, dinged, and had...was that a bite mark?
“I don’t think even I can salvage this, Ace...”
Then she pauses, looks up. “What happened?”
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“What did you do?!”
“I may have...” Frobisher pulled an uncomfortable face. “Already been thrown out of that bar... twice... while transformed as...” He tried to cough while he said this word to keep Ace from hearing it. 
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eightandonly · 8 years
"Trick or treat"
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wordswithkittywitch · 8 years
((Drabble meme: Ace/Tegan, 18))
I’m going to attempt to write these drabbles as exactly 100 words, as apparently drabbles were written on the ancient internet.
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.”
“Have you still got those explosives?” Tegan asked, “I haven’t bowled since school, but I think we could just about get them under that spaceship from here.” Tegan ducked her head back under the cover of some conveniently placed rocks.
“That is, if you’re willing to donate them to the cause.”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” she replied with a laugh. Ace squeezed her hand and grinned at Tegan, who shook her head.
“Don’t think I don’t I appreciate your support, but my stupidest plan was definitely moving to England.”
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holomoriarty · 8 years
[Happy birthday]
Thanks! :D
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Wine isn't flammable enough. You need vodka or something.
“I’ve been sayin’ that all night... oh, ya mean to burn this place down?”
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dialmformara · 9 years
[ *screams because Big Finish is going to do Torchwood audios* ]
They are? Cool.
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drinkingsand · 9 years
[OOC: I've started reading Human Nature and I realise why you chose Bernice. She's awesome :) }
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haha be prepared to be hit with a brick of feels
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“What is this? Does it do tricks?”
“Yer guess is good as mine on the trick part.” said Frobisher, eyeing the mechanical figure cautiously. It was boxy, blue with red knobs and an uncomfortably friendly face on its display screen, which managed to be both pixilated and pixelated.
“It rolled in here by itself, but that ain’t any indication of how independent it is. I fer one don’t tend to trust robots that try that hard to look like a robot.”
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ninthrun · 10 years
"I choose you"
The Doctor nipped at Ace's ankles, trying to get the girl to notice him at his now much shorter height. He growled at her, tail wagging furiously.
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drinkingsand · 9 years
Just … try not to be like ( yourself ) … ❞
the wolf among us || starters
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    ❝ What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean? ❞ Bernice shouted, clearly missing Ace’s point. ❝ I’m a wonderful crukkin’ person ya’ know     and I too have feelings just like everyone else. You can’t just go and tell me not be myself! As if my personality is somehow not good enough for you! ❞ she continued, not realizing that her half-drunk rant had already alerted at least ten police officers to her and Ace’s location. Perhaps Benny was just too offended to remember that she was running from the cops.
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“ Keep your voice down, they’re listening.” [AU please?]
The fairy ducked his head down and glanced suspiciously over his shoulder. He hadn’t expected to find a girl hiding in this bush when he dived into it, which surprised him. The very fact it surprised him surprised him. He was used to surprising other people, not the other way around. The girl had been very quiet indeed.
The fairy shifted uneasily. His cloak of feathers rustled, almost as if they were wings.
“And what will they do if they find ya?” he asked softly, though his voice wasn’t suited to it. “More to the point, what’ll they do if they find me?”
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dialmformara · 10 years
[ *throws a snowball at you* :) ]
Ow! *bends down and makes a snowball to throw back*
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