01zfan · 4 months
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my name is ninona (knee-no-nuh) you can also call me nona! i’m the only writer on this account but i do have a few nicknames but they’re all me! i also have an ao3!
2001 (twenty-three) // entj // media studies major with a focus in screenwriting and directing.
on this account i will only be posting riize but i am a casual listener of alot of groups.
although i write i have other interests as well. i love music, movies, cooking, traveling, any kind of gaming, and so many other things!
don't be afraid to talk to me! i love to befriend people and i try to reply to all of the comments and asks i get sent.
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click 'ninonaz' for more about me!
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01zfan · 4 months
not a request but i wanted to know what your creative process is when it comes to writing fics?
love your work btw :)
first thank you for loving my work! i really appreciate it!
my creative process when writing fics is pretty simple i would say. it either starts off with a prompt (like a request or just an idea that pops into my head) then i imagine a specific scene i want to happen in the fic and it snowballs from there.
like for example in third i had a very specific image in my mind of sungchan perched at the end of his girlfriend's bed rubbing her feet. after getting that image i flesh it out to make it a scene. like what time of day is it? why is he rubbing his girlfriend's feet? what does the room look like around them? are they watching television? are they alone? then from there once i get that i kind of just keep writing from that point on.
i'm very much screenwriting driven in my fics. i want to set the scene and have the reading play out for you like a movie, the same it does in my head. usually my mind is running through the story like a movie and my fingers are working overtime to keep up. like in savior i had the image of a dark rundown church in the middle of nowhere with leaky ceilings and a statue thats face is hidden in the darkness. or the scene where wonbin is outside of the church doors asking to be let in, i imagined him looking to either side of him in paranoia of being alone in the stormy night while rain fell hard past the porch of the church and the night sky glowing blue behind him as lightening touched down near him. i sometimes see myself as the omniscient viewer in the scenes that play out in my head. like the part in savior when the reader looks through the crack of her bedroom door/storage closet to get a glimpse of wonbin changing. i saw myself behind her trying to describe what she sees. (i really like savior LMFAO)
i want to get better at setting descriptions and incorporating more feelings into my work. sometimes my writing feels choppy because it's very action based, especially the sex part lol.
i really liked the way i was able to set the scene in this shotaro wip called first snow though
“can i have one more present?” shotaro asks quietly.
“anything.” you say, nodding your head.
shotaro suddenly stands up from the couch and grabs your hand. you have no time to react as he pulls you up, running towards the front door of his house. you barely have time to grab your jacket off the back of the couch before a gust of wind and snow hits you. the sudden cold doesn’t stop shotaro, he takes it in stride as he runs through his door with you behind him.
shotaro runs down his steps and launches his body into the soft snow. you don’t give your hesitant body a second to think before you follow after him.
shotaro giggles at how shocked you are next to him. white puffs of vaporized air come out of your mouth in gasps as you to try to adjust to the sudden cold. your mouth is open just wide enough for snowflakes to fall past your lips, melting on your warm tongue. you’re still on the ground when shotaro stands next to you, bending down to move your hands and feet to make a snow angel. even though you are cold and you are sure you’ll become frostbitten, you let him move your body. you eventually start moving your limbs on your own, and shotaro looks down at you with a smile on his face. he starts running around you in circles while you trace out the snow angel, just like he used to do when you were kids. snow continues to fall on your face as you follow shotaro’s body that runs circles around you. 
when shotaro finally tires himself, he purposely falls on top of you. he knocks the air out of you and you giggle underneath his weight and his puffer jacket he haphazardly threw on before throwing his body into the snow. when shotaro looks down at you, the light post that stands tall behind you two lines up perfectly with his head, illuminating the snowy night sky like shotaro is the sun. you focus on him and the tiny shadows of the snow that falls around you both. you can see the flakes in his eyes, in his hair, and on his lips as he leans down to kiss you.
you reciprocate the kiss, soft and gentle like the snow you lay on top of. you bring a hand to shotaro’s face and touch his surprisngly warm cheeks. when shotaro pulls away to look at you, snow from his eyelashes fall on your face.
“would you run away with me?” shotaro asks.
thank you for asking the question about my work! i really appreciate the curiosity!
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01zfan · 1 month
don’t know if you’ve already talked about this but can you take us through your writing process? do you write on a computer or your phone? how do you find the motivation? do you make a plan before writing or do you just wing it? do you read/listen to anything for inspiration? how many words do you write in one sitting? how do you tackle a writing slump? 😁😁😁😁🤍
omg first of all thank you so much for your interest in my writing it really means alot agh. i do talk about my process here and here but i will gladly talk more about it because i LUV talking about writing heh.
usually my writing process begins one of two ways. i either have a concept of what i want to do that comes to me as a fleeting idea while im working on a screenplay or an assignment. sometimes i save it in my memory but sometimes i’ll write it really quick in my notes so i don’t lose it. the other way i get ideas is from the requests you guys send me! it inspires me alot, definitely a majority of my fics are from requests you guys have sent me. my favorite thing is when i can put multiple requests together to kinda curate a really good fic for you guys (and that way i get to do multiple peoples requests in one go!)
once i have the idea i usually write a bulk of it on my computer. i’m honestly a very impulsive writer when it comes to fanfiction so i used to jump around alot when i was writing. like for example i remember when i was writing argue with you part three i jumped around alot to different parts of the story and then kinda bridged the gaps. sometimes i’ll jump around to different fanfics i’m working on as well like sometimes i’ll be working on three at a time just jumping around to wherever my mind goes. i used to write straight through all the way to build my tolerance of making a linear story but now i just kinda go with whatever i feel like. i write on my phone too, but mainly when i write on my phone im tweaking stuff and editing bc i’m usually on the go when i’m on my phone. (i have edited so many fics and perfected smut scenes on public transit LMFAO)
i find the motivation to write because i love it a whole lot like it’s kind of hard to explain it but it’s like an innate part of me now to write and always wanting to write. like sometimes i can’t go to sleep until i write something whether it’s an assignment, a screenplay, a fanfic, a journal entry etc. i haven’t gone a single day without writing something in god knows how long. so i’ve never been too much in a writing slump, usually i just read where i left off and let my mind run from there. i find motivation also in reading books and other authors work. i don’t usually listen to music when i’m writing, unless it’s a request or i hear a song that reminds me of a member and an idea comes from that.
i truthfully wing most of the fics i write on here especially if it’s a request i kinda just go with a vibe and follow it till i eventually reach the end. i’m always driven by the same goal to kinda make it read like a reformatted screenplay to kinda transport you there. i think personally i did this the best with in the middle and should’ve told me. but sometimes i’m really driven by story and personalization of the members like i did with bike peg, your birthday, and trigger finger. i really want to become a better writer at feelings and incorporating more analogies and figurative language in my writing because i think it would take me to the next level. human like me was like a very amateur teaser of what i want to write (not as tragic of course but just very emotionally driven)
i genuinely couldn’t tell you the most i’ve ever written in one sitting. i’m gonna say 5-6k words because i wrote non-refundable in one sitting and i was also jumping around writing other stuff while i was woking on that one (i guess i can consider sungchan as a muse?)
sorry if i talked too much but i really love writing a whole bunch i could talk about it till the cows come home. if you ever want me to break down certain passages or excerpts in my fic and how i came up with it i would love to do that so freaking much you have no idea. once again thank you for asking and having an interest in my writing process :D
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01zfan · 4 months
i love your work so much :) this is not really a request but i wanted to know the process of you writing, as i would like to get into it too.
whenever you write you always use the right words and it just feels so eloquent, how do i get to that stage? i often find when i want to write it’s hard to find the right words.
omg hi! thank you so much for this question i would love to explain my writing process/progression to you! it's quite long but i find it exciting to talk about so i hope you don't mind.
so i want to say first and foremost i do not take myself as seriously as it may seem. i feel like writing stuff like fanfics comes pretty easily to me personally, just because they're quick ideas you can just kinda spit out if you have enough time. it's the writing i do for my professional career that comes as a challenge for me.
in my life outside of tumblr i'm a media studies major pursuing a career in screenwriting/directing/film curation. i also was a writer/editor for my unis newspaper pre-covid. so i do ALOT of writing.
my process usually starts with a fleeting idea while i'm screenwriting or taking a break from screenwriting. if i feel like it's an idea i can't expand upon i usually put it in my notes app on my phone or i just remember it. if i can expand on it i'll usually incorporate it into the scripts i'm writing lol.
but from there i kind of assign the idea to a member i feel like suits them best and i just start writing. now when i write i used to just push through beginning to end in a linear pattern. i did this to kind of build up my discipline for writing, forcing myself to write through the parts i found to be boring. now that i've been writing for awhile though i have given myself grace to jump around to the parts i wanna write. sometimes i feel like the story sometimes flows differently when i write linear as opposed to non-linear. i think you can even tell in some of my fics when i do one opposed to the other. it's not a good thing or a bad thing, just different style.
i would say to get to the point of writing "eloquently" it has alot to do with reading! i take things that stick out to me from the books and screenplays i've read in the past including style, words, etc. reading helps you become a better writer truly. also just actively researching and imagining the point of view while writing. i usually have a thesaurus or tab open on google looking up synonyms and antonyms of words to kinda...diversify? the writing. to try and not say the same thing over and over.
i understand that this may be a little intense for just being a riize self insert fanfic writer on tumblr LMFAOOO but writing is my life outside of this website. i would say seriously just try and work through every idea beginning to end even if it's grueling even if it turns out awful! experience helps, it helps you find your own way to do things as well.
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01zfan · 5 days
haiiii i genuinely rlly love ur work and im sure u got many similar asks but how do u make ur fics detailed 😖 i wanna get into writing and i have SOO many ideas im just unsure how to start and how to not make it seem like... cringe?? in a way???
i want to be more descriptive without making it seem like im just yapping and stretching one scenario out for too long. like using figurative language but i have no idea how to apply to what i wanna write maybe i just lack creativity 😭😭
thank you so much for the compliment omgee. i would say in the beginning don’t be afraid to feel like you’re yapping! just keep writing the descriptions like where they are, what they’re feeling, what they’re doing and how that all ties into the scenario. i sometimes start with what time of day it is and then i close the world in smaller and smaller until i get down to the two characters. by the time i’m done with that i remove things i don’t find to be important to the story and then go from there.
honestly sometimes i feel the same way like my work is cringe but i think that comes with the territory of literally writing about two people doing it LMFAO you just gotta own it and keep writing! i think writing like its a real life tangible couple helps eliminate some of the cringe as well. eventually i think you will find your own groove and once your mind picks up a lead just keep following it! when you feel like you’re lacking in creativity you could always ask other writers or anons for inspo more often than not they will gladly help you. i also think reading books really helps with creativity as well. i hope to see your fics in the future heh🕺
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