#nice to feel attached to characters that hopefully are not doomed to die lol
somnaliusfern · 1 year
I'm really enjoying some random NPCs now that I'm replaying Oblivion and doing all the side stuff too. Since my mods are actually working this time, I'm trying a companion mod too to enhance my immersion for NPC Relationships because that's the most fun part of RPGs for me.
- Velwyn: Idk I love him. Underrated. From what I can see his family is middle class from his clothing (perhaps formerly upper probably given the manor and the Lich) and I assume they make mead (Benirus Mead). He foists his manor off on the first sucker (HoK) he can so he can go live his life and join his family in the Imperial City. He's just so relatable? "Layabout" I mean of course, he's depressed; he lives in an Inn in a pretty dead town trying to sell a manor that he can't stay in and no one wants. (On that note, wish Anvil felt like more than an abandoned suburban development .) Sure he misleads us, but I don't hate characters for lying or being interesting in plotlines. He helps out with the sealed portal and runs out bc he's really not great in a fight, but he helps and he sounds genuinely happy that everything worked out for you after and likes the HoK. I drag him around as a companion and he yells the most comedic stuff tbh when there's combat. I consider that for benefits for him, he is hopeful her growing fame will rub off on him and present some opportunities for his future. Ana finds him relaxing to be around and a good source of humor (albeit often at his expense). "The manor... Is Finally Cleansed." FR I might be the only person setting this dude as essential and dragging him everywhere for companionship. I'm a fan.
- Maglir: I remember him from Skingrad but last time I didn't do all the factions with Anadrya (she's not really fighter/warrior type but tbh actually I'm kinda living for this knight imagery stuff in some of the content). He's genuinely funny, I was dragging him around with Velwyn so someone would be there to actually be of help in combat. I actually really like him--he's kinda loose about morality which I actually prefer in companions really. I picked up something I shouldn't have and he was like "Oh! I didn't see anything!". I just like his voice-acting, and I love bosmer. Not sure if his family is legit, and I'm hoping he doesn't end up crooked in the quest-lines moreso (ofc I covered for him, dude just follow me around and I'll do most of the work just hang out and don't die). I was in a player home with him and Velwyn swapping out gear from my closet in the bedroom, and he says something like "I have a feeling we're about to be getting much closer." What a great little angry smarmy dude. Like give us a quest instead to help him with his (family) life or something. I mean, he just wants money and stability, super relatable.
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