shankhani · 1 year
How does Metaverse Transform the Creator Economy?
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As a content creator, are you feeling the squeeze of traditional monetization methods? Is it becoming harder and harder to make a living from your work? If so, Metaverse is here for you. 
Metaverse is transforming the creator economy with blockchain-based solutions that provide new ways for creators to generate revenue from their passions. In this article, we will explore how the virtual world is revolutionizing the way content creators can earn money from their craft. So read on and discover how the virtual world can help propel your career in content creation!
The History of Creator Economy
The creator economy has come a long way since its emergence in 2012. In its early stages, platforms such as WordPress, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook supplied everyday people with the means to create and distribute content without spending a fortune. 
Initially, these social media giants planned to capitalize on user-generated content without any financial obligations. But gradually, creators started to demand payment for delivering traffic and ad revenue.
Besides financial rewards, some users also began to achieve a certain level of fame on these platforms. These include Shawn Mendes, who first showcased his musical talent on Vine, and Justin Bieber who rose to stardom by posting videos on YouTube. Seeing the potential of such users, YouTube referred to them as "creators" who are neither celebrities nor stars but individuals with a large following.
Since then, the creator economy has been rapidly evolving and transforming into something more professional. Thanks to platforms that directly support creators financially, fans can now even choose to follow their favorite content creators.
Metaverse: The Future of Creator Economy
The virtual universe provides numerous opportunities for content creators to reach larger audiences, create more immersive experiences, and monetize their work in ways that weren't possible before. This technology not only makes it easier for content creators to make money but also opens up previously unimaginable possibilities for creative expression and collaboration. Let us discuss a few ways in which virtual platforms change the landscape of the creator economy. 
Immersive interaction with Fans 
As a content creator, you can connect with your fans and audiences directly in the virtual world, unlike today's social media channels. Metaverse provides immersive virtual platforms that allow you to interact with your followers in real-time. 
You can organize virtual events for your fanbase, giving them a chance to come together from anywhere around the world. The digital world also offers custom avatars and detailed virtual worlds filled with exciting activities, so you can design experiences tailored to your fanbase. Plus, allows for a virtual universe of more direct interaction between creators and their audience by offering chatrooms where fans can engage directly with you. 
Digital ownership of content
Content creators will no longer have to worry about their content being stolen or used without authorization in the Metaverse. This revolutionary technology provides content owners with full ownership of their work through the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). 
NFTs act as a kind of digital signature, which makes it impossible for anyone else to use, duplicate or counterfeit your work. With virtual platforms, you have complete ownership over your creations and can easily monetize them in a safe and secure environment. 
Metaverse also provides content creators with in-app purchasing options which allow them to generate revenue from their work. This is exactly what COMEARTH virtual world does by lowering the barrier to entry for content creators who may have otherwise not had the opportunity or resources to monetize their talent.
Earning Royalties 
Are you a digital artist and looking to get a greater return on your creativity? Blockchain and smart contracts are here to help you achieve this. 
Blockchain technology helps ensure that payments for items bought in the Metaverse are secure and tracked accurately. Smart contracts act as legally binding agreements between buyers and sellers in the digital universe, ensuring all parties are protected during transactions. This means that if digital art is sold multiple times, the original creator will always receive fair compensation for every sale due to an ongoing royalty agreement made through smart contracts.
Exclusive Opportunities with NFTs
Metaverse offers a unique opportunity for content creators, fans, and viewers to get the most out of their online experience. With the help of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), virtual platforms provide users with secure access to exclusive events hosted by content creators. 
NFTs are digital assets that are stored on the blockchain and they’re uniquely identifiable. They allow content creators to gate their digital products or services and control who can access them. This means that content creators can create limited edition items, providing exclusive access only to those who have tokens. 
If you're looking for exclusive opportunities where you can gain access to special events hosted by your favorite content creator, the virtual world is the right place to go. With tokens and other forms of digital goods launched by the creators, you can attend virtual events and meet your favorite creator. 
Metaverse, blockchain, and smart contracts are here to offer you numerous opportunities to create and monetize your content. It provides immersive virtual platforms where you can interact with your fans in real time, giving them a chance to come together from anywhere around the world. Additionally, Metaverse provides content owners with full ownership of their work through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). 
Not only does the virtual world provide secure access for content creators but it also gives them a greater return on their creativity. Furthermore, it offers exclusive opportunities with NFTs that grant users access to special events hosted by their favorite content creators. So, explore Comearth Metaverse today and start taking control of your career as a content creator!
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nftcraftt · 2 years
Hi! Check out #Halloween witch on #nftically. Witch is greeting you with Halloween.
#nft, #nftart, #nfts, #nftartist, #nftcollectibles, #nftcollection, #nftartwork, #buynft, #buynfts #nftically, #witch, #video, #Halloween, #animation
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nftically · 2 years
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How Do I Swap Tokens Across Different Blockchains
Users must act as an intermediary by using one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies, such as BTC or ETH, in place of fiat money. Where can I use token swaps? And how? Let’s know.
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nftmarketsblog · 1 year
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nft-calmfaw · 1 year
What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY
Are you an artist or creator looking to get into the world of non-fungible tokens? If so, then you know that minting NFTs can be expensive. With high gas fees and a complex process, many would-be creators are put off by the cost associated with minting. But there is an alternative: lazy minting of NFTs. Lazy minting is a relatively new concept that allows users to create digital collectibles. You…
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uniultra · 1 year
What is an NFT Marketplace? How does an NFT Marketplace work?
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have taken the arena via typhoon, with digital art work promoting for loads and lots of greenbacks. But how do you surely purchase and promote NFTs? That's in which NFT marketplaces are available in. In this newsletter, we are going to discover what an NFT marketplace is, the way it definitely works, and some famous options for purchasing and selling NFTs.
What is an NFT Marketplace?
An NFT marketplace is a decentralized platform that permits customers to create, buy, sell, and keep non-fungible tokens. These marketplaces permit for NFT minting and searching for and promoting on a worldwide scale, with blockchain generation making sure transparency and an immutable file of the digital asset tokenization and trading method. Additionally, NFT marketplaces offer NFT garage talents.
NFT marketplaces are experiencing a surge in reputation in industries which embody gaming, paintings, social networking, and tune, amongst others, and are nearly ubiquitous in markets that deal with digital property. With the upward thrust of Metaverse responsibilities, NFT marketplaces have come to be even more applicable and first rate.
As time is going on, NFT marketplaces are upgrading their competencies, with boundaries collectively with the shortage of NFT interoperability being addressed. Some of the superior capabilities of present day-day-day NFT marketplaces encompass go with the flow-chain bridging, area of hobby-precise NFTs, NFT swapping, and compatibility with more than one Metaverse obligations.
Types of NFT Marketplaces
When it includes NFT marketplaces, there are various types that cater to brilliant dreams and interests. Non-curated NFT marketplaces are open to virtually anybody who registers to buy or promote their NFTs, offering a self-company platform this is to be had to a large target audience. On the alternative hand, curated NFT marketplaces are noted for his or her immoderate amazing and real recognition because of the reality they carefully vet and approve artists earlier than allowing them to promote their NFTs. These marketplaces often function film movie celebrity artwork and creations, along aspect an element of exclusivity.
Mass NFT marketplaces are similar to famous web web sites like eBay and offer each auctions and fixed-fee options. They enchantment to a massive shape of customers because of their large interest on NFTs and take shipping of bills through every crypto and credit rating rating score card. Conversely, region of hobby NFT marketplaces are centered spherical a specific asset or state of affairs, such as track, artwork, sports activities sports, gaming, or actual belongings. These marketplaces offer a more specialized and targeted preference of NFTs and might offer professional services on the side of tips to cater to their place of hobby target audience. Whether you are searching out or selling NFTs, your unique pursuits and goals will determine which kind of marketplace is the top notch suit for you.
NFT Marketplace Functionality
In order to discover ways to bring together an NFT market, it is essential to understand how an NFT marketplace operates from the thoughts-set of a consumer. In reality, all NFT systems observe the identical number one device. For instance, NFTically is a platform for converting non-fungible tokens. On NFTically, you could open your very very very very own keep in just a few mins. NFTically gives alternatives for minting, selling, and buying NFTs.
To begin with, clients need to create an account at the platform and login. Once they've got created their account, they may down load a virtual pockets to keep their NFTs. Users can add their belongings to reveal off their artwork and specify the charge tokens they preference to gather, in addition to set prices if the platform lets in it.
Follow https://uniultra.xyz/  to update more interesting knowledge about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency investment!
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ragunath12 · 1 year
How to Develop a NFT Marketplace on POLYGON
Polygon was launched in 2017 as Matic Network in India by developers Jainty Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun and Mihailo Bjelich.
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Polygon blockchain overview :
At that time, their main goal was to create a second layer / layer solution for the Ethereum blockchain with faster and cheaper transactions, as well as full compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
But in February 2021, the project team decided to rebrand and change the direction of development to create a full-fledged multi-chain system similar to Polkadot, which would allow all heterogeneous blockchains to be connected into one network. They also changed the name of their blockchain platform NFT marketplace platform development service from Matic Network to Polygon, while retaining the designation of the network’s native token — MATIC.
Thanks to the rebranding and further development, the scope of Polygon is now much wider than just launching tokens , smart contracts and dApps:
As before, Polygon is still a second-layer protocol for scaling Ethereum-compatible smart contracts and dApps, capable of speeding up transactions and reducing transaction costs.
In addition, Polygon allows you to create applications that will run on one blockchain, use data from another blockchain, process it on a third one, and transfer it to a fourth one.
All of this makes Polygon an ideal platform to launch NFT marketplace development , especially if you want to implement the NFT 2.0 protocol, which will allow tokens to roam between heterogeneous blockchains (for example, from Polygon to Solana, and then to Polkadot), while maintaining their value, liquidity and security.
Benefits of Polygon for NFTs
With fast and cheap transactions, extremely high throughput, and rich developer tools, Polygon has become the leading platform for scaling Ethereum-compatible Web3 solutions. So, over the past six months alone, the number of decentralized applications in the Polygon network has grown six times — from 3,000 in October 2021 to 19,000 in May 2022. Moreover, a significant part of these applications are NFT projects such as Uniswap, NFTically, Opensea, Aavegotchi and Decentral Games ICE Poker. This growth was made possible thanks to the sum of the advantages that Polygon provides for decentralized applications and NFTs:
Low transaction fees
Incredibly fast transactions
High potential for scaling
Access to quality infrastructure
Venture capital and LP
Access to the PolyBuilders network
Technical support and assistance
How to develop an NFT marketplace on Polygon :
The NFT Marketplace platform development is a trading platform where users can create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens in the way they are used to. That is, approximately the way we create, buy and sell goods on eBay, Amazon or Alibaba. Its only significant difference from such sites is that all transactions on the NFT trading platform are processed by smart contracts and recorded on the blockchain (in our case, on the Polygon blockchain).
Step 1: Define your niche Step 2: Choose a Blockchain Developer Step 3: Choose a project monetization model Step 4: Decide on the features of the marketplace Step 5: Design a Nice Interface Step 6: Design Smart Contracts Step 7: Develop the back end Step 8: Test Your Product Step 9: Launch NFT Marketplace
Polygon (formerly known as Matic Network) is a second layer solution for Ethereum focused on providing a more scalable, faster, and cost-effective platform for smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Next, we will look at how the Polygon blockchain is better than the Ethereum blockchain .
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fitmintwear · 1 year
Are NFTs just artifacts or the next big thing for Authentication and Security?
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Just like any other cryptocurrency, Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a one-of-a-kind segment in the world of crypto. Even though the technology and the concept have been around since 2014, however, NFTs are getting increased acclamation and traction these days because of their increasingly popular way of allied use cases. This clearly indicates that NFTs will stay for long because of the boundless opportunities and possibilities beyond collectibles and celebrities’ tweets or photos. Even researchers are predicting the future of non-fungibles in businesses and economic applications.
Toshendra Sharma, Founder & CEO of NFTically, a Polygon-backed NFT marketplace, says, “NFTs are slowly but surely becoming an essence of our everyday lives. And it will stay for long.”
Transactions are everywhere and whatever we do today is completely transactions based. It is crucial to understand that authentication is the key to facilitating any transaction and providing proof of ownership. That is where non-fungible tokens came into the limelight. 
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The true power of non-fungible tokens is to provide authentication and facilitate the transfer of ownership. In addition, it is noteworthy that new ownership opportunities and transactions that were not possible with conventional systems are possible by NFTs. The best part is that not only digital but physical assets can also be authenticated through NFTs. 
An excellent example is BlockBar, a platform that offers NFTs of well-known alcoholic beverages, including a Glenfiddich whisky from 1973, a Penfolds shiraz cabernet, and a 1976 Dictador rum in a Lalique bottle. The rare physical liquor bottles, kept in a climate-controlled and secured facility in Singapore, are authenticated by the NFTs. Each NFT signifies ownership of a rare tangible liquor bottle that can be sold or transferred between parties anywhere in the world without the need to have the actual bottle handy. This transfer of ownership might theoretically continue for years until the bottle is finally opened. 
Non-fungible tokens make transactions and the authentication process quite transparent, which is never possible in traditional methods. Because authenticating physical items involves several attorneys, notaries, and other intermediaries, which is a lengthy and tedious task. While on the other hand, NFTs make these transactions simple and cost-effective. In NFTs, you do not get the traditional paper but an NFT certificate named ‘Smart Contract’ that stores every detail in the form of records. 
*A smart contract in the blockchain is a self-executing contract that comprises an agreement’s terms between buyer and seller, directly written in the line of code. The codes and agreements it contains; exist across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. The codes control execution, and transactions are trackable & irreversible. 
Also, each coin in the NFT system is indestructible since all its data is recorded on the blockchain using smart contracts. The ownership of the token is also immutable, meaning players and collectors—not the firms that produce them—actually own their NFTs. 
NFTs are also verifiable. It means they can track back to the original product owner, enabling authentication without needing third-party verification, which is another advantage of maintaining historical ownership data on the blockchain.
In conclusion, it is safe to say that initially, even if attention has been mainly given to digital artworks, gaming, and crypto collectibles, NFTs are not constrained only to them. Instead, they can be used to demonstrate the possession & ownership of tangible assets, data, gadgets, and a license (such as a professional or marriage license). “From digital art to ticket sales, luxury items, collectibles, music, and gaming—NFTs have the potential to transform the way we interact,” says Vikas Ahuja, CEO at crypto trading platform CrossTower India, adding that India’s NFT market had the potential to grow to $1 trillion-plus. 
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Non-fungible tokens can democratize various industries, including technology, real estate, healthcare, etc., by proofing ownership and enabling authentication through NFT certificates. Even in the metaverse, NFT use cases for businesses are crucial. Without it, the metaverse will be unable to function and grow (and other blockchain applications). At the same time, the usage of NFTs in business and economic applications is boundless, making transactions smoother, safer, and more transparent. Hence, it is needless to say that non-fungible tokens aren’t just artifacts but definitely a big stepping stone for the authentication and security process. 
“India’s NFT market had the potential to grow to $1 trillion-plus.”
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creatiview · 1 year
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cryptonewss · 1 year
NFTICALLY, SmartR team up for NFT auction at Asian Television Awards
NFTICALLY, SmartR team up for NFT auction at Asian Television Awards
Asian Television Awards is all set to appreciate and honour the excellence of those who made the Asian Television industry a roaring success. However, this time around, our fans and followers are going to experience more engaging and rewarding fanfare, as show producers are bringing in Web3 functionality to the 2022 Awards Show via a unique Mystery Winner NFT Auction in association with…
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shankhani · 2 years
What is a white label marketplace? And How much does a white label NFT marketplace cost?
The application and use cases of blockchain technology have steadily expanded, as demonstrated by non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The current "NFT revolution" in the crypto sector as a new asset class was started by these cryptocurrency tokens. So much so that in the first half of 2021, these digital assets generated total revenues of more than $2.5 billion.
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nftcraftt · 2 years
Masked Anime Girl.
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nftically · 2 years
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What Can Be Done at an NFT Marketplace?
As a result, numerous singers, artists, and creators—including Sophia the AI robot—have started making and selling NFTs. What role does the market place play in the NFT ecosystem, and how can you choose the best substitute? Let’s find out.
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nftmarketsblog · 1 year
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nft-calmfaw · 1 year
Porsche Entered Web3 With Its First NFT - Porsche 911 NFT - NFTICALLY
Porsche Entered Web3 With Its First NFT – Porsche 911 NFT – NFTICALLY
German automobile manufacturer Porsche has announced its foray into the ever-growing non-fungible token (NFT) art market, becoming the latest automobile company to jump on the bandwagon. It is as thrilling as it gets!  The globally renowned brand, known for its high-performance sports cars, SUVs and sedans, debuted its NFT collection featuring the legendary 911 model at Art Basel in Miami,…
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Developing an NFT Marketplace
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If you're interested in developing an NFT marketplace, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, you need to determine which domain you want to target. That way, you can better estimate the time required for development. Second, you should determine what type of UI/UX design you'd like. This will improve the platform's look and usability. A UI that is easy to navigate is a great first step. Learn more about  developing an NFT marketplace here.
To use an NFT marketplace, you must create an account on the platform. Once you've done that, you can download a digital wallet that stores NFTs. You can also upload your assets and set up any fees. Once you've done that, you can start listing products on the market and begin bidding. This can be done on a fixed price basis or through an auction.
Another important thing to consider is how to organize your products on your NFT marketplace app. You can use filters to narrow down your results. Using filters will make navigation through your website easier and increase your clients' satisfaction. For example, you can organize your assets by type, due date, and listing status. Lastly, your NFT marketplace app should allow customers to buy, sell, and trade NFTs. For example, if you're selling collectibles, you can provide users with an option to buy or sell NFTs.
There are several NFT marketplaces that are worth checking out. One of the oldest and largest is OpenSea. This site hosts a wide variety of NFTs, including celebrity NFTs. Plus, it supports more than 150 different crypto payment tokens. The site is also easy to use, and you can create an account for free.
Creating an account on an NFT marketplace is a crucial step for collectors. They should also connect their crypto wallet to the platform. This is an essential component of any blockchain system. Members of the crypto community require wallets to use different platforms, sign transactions, and manage balances. With these features, NFT marketplaces and crypto platforms eliminate the need for users to store their personal data. Linked here is more tips on NFT metaverse building.
There are several NFT platforms that provide a fixed price option. This option is convenient for collectors as it eliminates the hassle of waiting for a drop date and auctions. The price for a fixed price is often quoted in a cryptocurrency decimal and may not be accompanied by a fiat value.
Another NFT marketplace that is worth checking out is Rarible. This platform allows you to buy and sell artworks individually or as a collection. It is particularly popular with gaming, sports, and media brands. The site also promotes decentralisation by using its own token, RARI. In addition, users have the chance to participate in platform moderation and vote for upgrades.
A NFT marketplace uses smart contracts to control connections between buyer and supplier. This type of technology is often used in cryptocurrency exchanges to promote online artworks. These contracts include NFT-specific identifying data. Several NFTs have tapped the digital art market to generate profit. The NFTically platform, for example, allows users to buy, sell, and send digital art. Check out this related post that will enlighten you more on this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token.
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