#next lenguage is portuguese
kelzzzsleeping · 3 years
ranting abt lenguages (bitching abt english)
i’m so mad lenguages is writen like that in english idek why. anyways i’m bilingual but i’m currently learing a third lenguage (already did a1 so technically i’m already trilingual???) and mY HEAD IS LIKE FUZZY ALL THE TIME HOW DO PEOPLE DEAL WITH THIS, IT ISN’T EVEN FUNNY I’M FORGeting my mother lenguage and why is enGLISG SO SIMPLE LIKE I NEED MORE TENSES AND WORDS BC STUFF NEVER TRANSLATES CORRECTLY, i’m pISSED that you, formal and informal, is the same????? and singular and plural iS ALSO THE SAME. AND DON’T GET ME STARTED WITH THE FACT Y’ALL NEVER USE COMMAS,,,,,,,, THEY EXIST FOR A REASON YOU KNOW???????????? also why do y’all feel the need to abbreviate everything? like yeah sure some sentences are pretty long you might want to make a few words shorter (aka, abbreviations) but y’ALL MAKE TEN WORD ACRONYMS AND WRITE FULL PARAGRAPHS LIKE HUH????? i get stuff like: hmu, ttyl, ly, gn, hOWEVER, imagine learning english and (FOR US NON NATIVE SPEAKERS IT LOOKS LIKE THIS) recieving a text saying: jslnshdkjhgfddnkkgcdttylly. so yeah. en fin, french is reall hard, i hate phonetics and they have way too many exceptions for a rule to even be a rule, but i feel so good when i have a specific vibe i want a word to have and THAT WORD ALSO EXIST???? BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD. WORTH EVERY HEADACHE AND CRYING FIT THROWN AT MY HOMEWORK. and well, spanish sucks. that’s it. au revoir everyone.
any of y’all monolinguals dares to correct any grammar mistakes i will scream.
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An*rmal Festival 2018 Convoca / Open Call
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// English version below //
Anormalxs del mundo!
Anormal es un festival internacional de postpornografía, feminismos y sexualidades disidentes y está buscando materiales en formato de vídeo para su 2ª edición en la Ciudad de México.
Entendemos la postpornografía como cualquier expresión que reflexione y represente sexualidades subversivas y sexo explícito no normativo. Generalmente estas producciones vienen de los feminismos, de las políticas cuir, kuir y queer, o de personas inquietas y disconformes que no encuentran en la pornografía convencional espacio para sus cuerpos, prácticas y expresiones sexuales.
Para nuestra segunda ediciòn estamos buscando materiales en formato de video con un corte NO-BLANCO/NO-HUMANO*. Lxs invitamos a participar con sus producciones porno-polìticas, monstruosas, feroces, cyborg-mutantes-biomàquinas, aliens, furry, splatter-punk y todas esas cosmovisiones que salen del caos de nuestros hùmedos orificios.
Hacemos un llamado abierto a todxs las monstruas que quieran enseñar su trabajo/deseo/registro anormal, para compartirlo en México DF, durante el 2º Festival Anormal, que tendrá lugar en  noviembre de 2018.
Los vídeos deberán ser enviados a través de tu ftp o alguna plataforma virtual (wetransfer, yousendit, rapidshare, dropbox, o la que quieras) en un formato apropiado para su proyección. Si el idioma originario no es el español se pide encarecidamente que incluya subtítulos, y en caso de no poder que se envíe un documento de texto con la transcripción de los diálogos (español, portugués o inglés).
Te pedimos también que el vídeo lo envíes en calidad de proyección pero que no exceda 1GB de peso. Los trabajos deberán tener una duración máxima de 14 minutos 59 segundos y podrán pertenecer a cualquier género audiovisual (vídeo, cortometraje, documental, experimental, animación, entrevista, documentación de performance o de acción directa, etc.) tanto que, esté relacionado con la postpornografía o la representación de la sexualidad desde una perspectiva feminista y/o no normativa acorde los temas de esta convocatoria: NO BLANCO/ NO HUMANO.
Para enviar los vídeos hazlos llegar por internet y adjunta por favor la siguiente información a [email protected]
*Ficha técnica:
Género audiovisual:
Sitio web:
E-mail de contacto (si no quieres que sea publicado en la web, no lo pongas):
Otrxs miembrxs del equipo técnico (cámara, edición, sonido, música, interpretación, etc):
* Sinopsis (máx. 10 líneas):
* Dos fotogramas para publicar en la web (300kb máx.)
* Declarar si nos autorizas a proyectar tu vídeo en futuras ediciones del Festival Anormal
FECHA LÍMITE: DOMINGO 9 de septiembre
Si tu trabajo ha sido seleccionado te lo comunicaremos
/*/*/NOTA1: Festival Anormal trabaja principalmente con licencias libres (CopyFigth, Copyleft o Creative Commons). Si tu trabajo no tiene alguna de estas licencias te pedimos que por favor adjuntes un documento firmado por la persona propietaria de los derechos cediéndolos al Festival Anormal. Sin este documento NO se exhibirá ningún trabajo con copyright. Un trabajo que no especifica su licencia tiene, legalmente, por defecto un copyright. Para utilizar sonido o música con licencias libres puedes recurrir a las siguientes bases de datos o netlabels:
- ccmixter: http://dig.ccmixter.org/
- daax!: http://www.noconventions.mobi/x!/
- jamendo: http://www.jamendo.com
- freesound: http://www.freesound.org
- cctrax: http://www.cctrax.com/
- x-net (sugerencias): http://whois–x.net/repertorio/musica-libre-descargar-escuchar
/*/*NOTA2: Festival Anormal es un festival autogestionado y la entrada es un donativo, el cual será repartido integralmente entre lxs artistas seleccionadxs
Abnormals of the world!
An*rmal is an international festival of postpornography***, feminisms and dissident sexualities and it´s looking for work in video for it´s 2nd edition in Mexico City.
We understand postpornography as any expression that reflects on and represent subversive sexualities and non normative explicit sex. Generally these productions com from the feminisms, queer, cuir, kuir politics, or from restless and non conforming people that don´t find on conventional pornography a place for their bodies, practices and sexual expressions.
For our secund edition, we are calling for Works in video format on the theme NON HUMAN/ NON WHITE*. We invite you to participate with your porno-politic productions, monstruous, fierce, ciborg-mutant-bio-machines, and all those cosmovisions that come out of the chaos of our wet orífices.
We are extending an open call to all the monsters who want to show their dirty works/desires/films in Mexico City during the 2nd An*rmal Festival, that will take place on November 2018.
The videos must be sent by through your FTP or some virtual platform (wetransfer, yousendit, rapidshare, dropbox, or similar platforms) in MP4 format.
The videos will be projeced with subtitles in spanish, therefore we need you to send your work with spanish subtitles, if that is not posible, please send the transcript of the dialogues in a separate .doc file in english, spanish or portuguese and we will generate the subtitles from there.
The works must be sent in projection quality but the weight of the file must not excede 1 GB, with a máximum duration of 14 minutes 59 seconds, and they can be any audiovisual genre related to post-pornography/-non normative/feminist representations of sexuality (video, short film, documentary, experimental, interview, etc.) that fit under the theme of this open call: NON HUMAN/ NON WHITE.
To send the videos make them arrive through internet to this email:  [email protected]
When you are sending your work, please make sure to attach the information below :
Tech info:
Web site:
Other members of the technical team (camera, edition, sound, music, actors/actresses, etc):
*Synopsis (max. 10 lines):
*Please include two (2) publicity pictures for publishing on the festival website (300kb máx.) and a trailer (if you have one).
*Declare if you would like Anormal Festival to project your work in future editions of the festival:
The deadline for all applications will be Sunday, September 9.
If your work has been selected, we will contact you.
/*/*/IMPORTANT NOTE #1: Anormal Festival works mainly with open licenses (copyleft or Creative Commons). If your work doesn’t have one of these licenses, we will ask you to attach a signed document of the person who owns the rights of the work, giving us commission for the screening rights in the context of the festival. Without this document, we will not screen any copyrighted work. Any work without a specific license is, legally, automatically copyrighted.
To use sound or music with open licenses we suggest you to check the next sound bases or netlabels:
- ccmixter: http://dig.ccmixter.org/
- daax!: http://www.noconventions.mobi/x!/
- costellam: http://costellam.net/releases.html
- jamendo: http://www.jamendo.com
- freesound: http://www.freesound.org
- cctrax: http://www.cctrax.com/
- x-net (suggestions): http://whois–x.net/repertorio/musica-libre-descargar-escuchar
/*/*/IMPORTANT NOTE #2: Anormal Festival is a DIY, and the entrance is with a voluntary donative, which will be eqully divided among all the selected artists.
+info: https://anormalfestivalblog.wordpress.com
***Postpornography is any expression representing and reflecting on subversive sexualities and non-normative explicit sex. Generally these productions come from feminism, queer politics and/or from people in disagreement who don’t find on mainstream pornography a space for their bodies, practices and sexual expressions.
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OMG You started to young! I started when I was like 7 and also bc my parents forced me and my brother, mainly bc it was after school and we were so tierd. But at the end I'm very grateful they did it, it gives you a lot of opportunities. And now I love to learn new lenguages, right now I'm taking french classes and next semester I will take portugese classes :)
{{let’s make a deal! You teach me spanish and I’ll teach you portuguese!!!! x.x
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