#next favourite is to ride Dettlaff into the morning to show his strength/stamina and put on a show until Dettlaff caves and fucks him stupid
afterhoursfic · 3 years
Okay but Geralt walking into Eskel/Dettlaff when Dettlaff is in his higher and his first thought is 'fuck Eskel looks hot getting dicked down like that' and then he realises 'oh thats a monster gotta save my brother' but they stop him just before he pulls his sword out.
Geralt somehow manages to blush although it should be impossible and quickly leaves (not before he hears the snarls of Dettlaff turning back into his higher form and Eskels desperate begginf to be bred).
Somehow he finds his way to Regis and stammers through asking if he would be willing to do the same. Maybe just Eskel and Dettlaff coaching them through it, just fucking side by side which quickly turns into a competition vetween the two vampires, quicklu ended when Eskel and Geralt start making out wifh each other and trying to jerk each other off.
Lambert is just there like what the fuck is going on and how do I join in.
But basically feel free to send me Dettlaff/Eskel stuff because I am feeling soft and horny for them.
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