#newborn help
clown-owo · 10 months
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puppetmaster13u · 25 days
Prompt 301
Ellie, during one of her stints of what do I do with my life right now, decides to, with the help of her Original Dad-Person (Look he’s aging and she’s not and it gets less questions the older he gets if he says daughter instead of sister with how the Fentons are getting older too) creates a Boo-Tube channel. No, not a Youtube channel, those are stuck to a single dimension.
Bootube on the other hand? Due to being through the Realms (and wow is Tucker getting so much income from creating it) is interdimensional. Which is so cool honestly. And she doesn’t know what to do at first, and honestly there’s already so many travel blogs that she kind of just… decided to do something that she wished someone had done for her and her brothers and Danny when she was new to the world. 
So she creates the channel CAAW: Clone Awareness, Accommodations, and Welfare. They had to learn things through trial and error, but maybe she can help someone out there learn how to find their own selves, or even help someone not melt. 
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introspectres · 6 months
A strategy for creatives who share art online that has helped me tremendously:
step 1: finish art
step 2: share w/ small peer group for immediate "good job"s / positive feedback
step 3: wait a week or more then post it online. Ideally by scheduling it in advance.
After the week buffer, I'm usually already excited about my next project, so I tend to care a lot less about how the first is received on social media. No notes? No worries, we'll keep moving forward
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saccharinerose · 7 months
Furina 🤝 Sigewinne
being called daughters to men younger than them just bc these men use the tall male model
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drawfee-quot3s · 2 months
alfred secure the hams
it's too late bats! i've eaten all your hams
- jacob
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astraystayyh · 8 months
israel bombed a HOSPITAL in gaza murdering so many children and newborns and women and elderly and men i feel so sick to my stomach i just saw a video and they're all scattered on the ground lifeless my god how can you still stand with that evil evil state? how can you still have the audacity to utter to even think 'Pray for Israel'?? why did the world give up on its humanity where are the international laws where are the fucking repercussions?? israel won't stop until it wipes off the entirety of gaza i am so angry and sad and i feel so fucking powerless im shaking what has our world come to
"Intentionally directing attacks against hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected is prohibited under international humanitarian law, provided they are not military objectives. Any such intentional attacks are WAR CRIMES." LIKE WHY ARE WE WATCHING AS ISRAEL COMMITS WAR CRIME AFTER WAR CRIME???? to attack a hospital murdering more than FIVE HUNDRED people and for it to go unpunished????? what is this what the fuck is going on why is this not maddening anyone
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iheartjameshetfield · 7 months
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three small joys/victories from yesterday:
I made my first Big Parenting Decision on my own despite pressure/guilt from my (beloved but at times overbearing) family. I feel secure in my choice and I spent a lot of time thinking about the underlying reasons for it, which was a good values-defining exercise. and you know I love a values-defining exercise.
I don’t know many lullabies but I discovered that he really likes it when I sing “but daddy I love him” to him slowly and with dramatic facial expressions. you can tell this kid was subjected to a lot of tswift in utero lol
pip is being almost unbearably sweet and gentle with baby 😭 he’s my velcro dog and loves to sit in my lap so I was worried he’d get territorial about me holding the baby all the time. but he’s just seamlessly adapted and now he curls up next to me or by my legs when my lap is occupied. he’s also been a lot calmer in general, which might pass once the initial shock of A New Arrival wears off but is helpful right now as we settle into routines.
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liquidstar · 7 months
Oh fuck tomorrow I'm going to be a little birthday boy I keep almost forgetting
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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adrien and rua take amaya to meet rua's side of the family! rua's nephew, broderick, makes his introductions too!
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rubahlicik · 2 months
Ada yang pengalaman rawat kucing newborn tanpa induk?
Kemarin ada newborn kitten dalam dus di gudang lantai 2. Karena emang tempatnya dipake jemur baju jadi sering kebuka. Trus kemaren pas sahur ada bunyi meong meong. Ternyata kucing newborn dalam dus. Uda kebuka sih dusnya, si newborn ada di sela sela perintilan bekas tujuh belasan taun kemarin.
Tapi iduknya ga ada,..
Dibiarin ampe menjelang siang ga ada induk yang nyamperin. Aink inisiatif bawa turun karena disana emang panas banget kalo siang. Kalo mati kering kan berabe.
Aink sempet nemu kucing betina dgn perut besar deket TKP. Dia emang suka masuk dapur buat nyari makan. Pas ketemu di luar rumah, aink ambillah, trus dideketin ke si kitten. Eh malah ngamuk.
Mungkin bukan dia ibunya 🙃
Ga mirip juga sih bulunya, sama sekali beda. Tapi, mana induknya? Iseng banget ngedrop anak baru lahir dalam dus trus ditinggal gitu aja.
Menjelang sore, aink coba tetelin air pake jari ke mulutnya, diemutin. No idea mau diapain lagi.
Pas malem nyoba di sekandangin sama si omo, malah omo nya histeris🥲
Yauda aink masukin laci yang diisi kain dengan ventilasi secukupnya. Ampe pagi hari masi survive, alhamdulillah.
Trus pagi ini aink beliin susu kucing, diinput pake spuit
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Tapi malah berontak. Masukin 4ml aja setengah mampus. Ga paham lah mesti diapain lagi. Di lepas ke alam bebas juga ga mungkin.
Kasian banget, baru lahir uda sendirian. Mana masi buta dan ga bisa nyari makan sendiri🥲
Kalo ada yang punya pengalaman boleh lah share, atau kalo ada temen orang bandung yang bersedia nampung boleh banget😭
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 188
Pariah stares down his muzzle at the scrap of a ghostling hissing up at him, still waking up from an eternity of sleep. Something he honestly hadn’t expected to awaken from any time soon, even if it had been several thousands of years. 
But that was not important at the moment. No, what was concerning him was the fact that there was a ghostling, practically a fetus really, with itty bitty fangs bared and tiny wings puffed up in an obvious attempt to make themself look bigger. 
Not to mention the fact another ghostling tried to attack him from behind the moment he leaned down to get a better look. Which meant moving very carefully to not accidentally crush said ghostling while dislodging them from the spikes across his spine. 
Ugh, he’d just woken up, why was there a pair of ghostlings in front of his prison? Where was whoever had decided to free him? …
Please don’t tell him that the sarcophagus was opened by a pair of ghostlings that shouldn’t even be out of their caretaker’s nest yet. Alright. How did they even get- Why is his Keep in this location? Where is, ah, there Fright Knight is. 
Please do tell him you at least know what’s going on, because while feeling quite better than before his mandated nap, he’s also not up for active conquering or anything close at the moment. Actually he still feels exhausted and- would you stop trying to bite him tiny ghostlings-
Oh Realms, why are there two hatchlings this sick?! One had one of the worst infections he’s ever seen, and he became an adult in the middle of the Zone’s warring days! The other- dear Flame, what is he even looking at?! Why are their cores like that?! What in the Realms’ Name has happened while he was imprisoned that there are ghostlings with cores looking like that?
No no no, he has eternity to continue conquering if he wishes to attempt that again, but he has to fix this immediately. If there is something wrong with the Nesting sites where ghostlings arrive and form to the realms then there is something very wrong. 
Why is there a literal tear in the Zone?! Ow, stop trying to bite him you tiny ghostlings, he’s not setting either of you down until he can figure out how to deal with this and get you medical care! Fright Knight, you’re in charge of investigating this portal-tear, he’s going to see what the fuck has happened. 
Heroes and civilians alike are very concerned about the multitude of literal dragons suddenly going all across the midwest and would really like answers now. Perhaps also answers as to why several government buildings have been (seemingly accidentally… maybe) wrecked? Maybe? Please? 
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paragonrobits · 4 months
"why did Zuko's memories portray Azula Like That? Is he an unreliable narrator? do the authors hate younger sisters"
Azula was openly Ozai's favorite, and even at that age she had enough political savvy to know that she can functionally do no wrong; the only time anyone expresses any kind of open disapproval of her at all is when her mother tells her off or complains about it. A rich child of that age who is also the favored daughter of one of the most powerful men in the country (and as Iroh doesn't seem to have much interest in politicking at all, Ozai likely had more political power than Iroh ever did), she could get away with pretty much anything she felt like doing, and she knew it
the most significant factor being, in addition to that, that she is emulating everything Ozai says and does; even if she doesn't BELIEVE it herself (and based on her other statements and actions at times when she doesn't have anything to gain by toeing the party line, she probably does), that is still going to color her world view and personal decisions
so, assuming Zuko's memories ARE accurate (and the show doesn't really do unreliable narrator that much), its pretty clear why Azula is Like That. It's because she's the openly favored child of a notoriously violent and cruel tyrant, and already a pampered child of the most powerful family in a country that reveres power and ferocity above anything else, and she is actively imitating that violent and cruel tyrant.
Given that we have little reason to believe anyone ever disciplined her in any shape or form beyond Ozai expressing disapproval of her actions (and its quite possible he's never really done that either), her behavior isn't surprising at all; if anything she should be significantly worse.
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nat-seal-well · 5 months
Sucking on someone’s fingers is hot. Putting them in someone’s mouth is hot in general but in this case it isn’t gonna be for smut. It’s gonna be awkward and soft and tender
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ofsappho · 4 months
Hey y’all
I’m asking my followers, friends, and mutuals to please share this gofundme (and donate if you can).
Lina is 25 years old. She was born in 1998. She’s married to Youssef.
She’s 9 months pregnant with a baby boy and due any day. Gaza right now is practically a concentration camp for pregnant women and she NEEDS $5000 to get across the Rafah Crossing into Egypt to deliver her baby safely. She’s sheltering in a hospital with no medical supplies and no anesthesia.
She and her husband are raising funds for the costs to get her into Egypt, and once their goal has been met, for her husband to join her.
She told me she wants to name her baby Omar - inshallah. If Allah wills it. IF she gets the chance to meet her first child, the baby she’s kept alive inside of her though 3 months of uninterrupted humanitarian crisis / genocide of her people, the baby that if she were anywhere else in the world, she wouldn’t have any doubts that she’d get to hold him in her arms…
His name will be Omar.
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windvexer · 6 months
hi! creature magic sounds cool, whats that like?
first of all thank you for expressing interest in my new paradigm. being about an hour old I am not feeling it is incredibly fleshed out.
as with all newborns, it is perhaps best kept secreted away in the cauldron until it's flesh grows in.
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