#new fit / cult / and new henchmen check
alexxmason · 2 years
❛ there’s nothing you could have done. ❜ for ariel and edward
😭😭😭 bestie please enjoy this one shot turned thing, and forgive me that it’s literally been months. This actually became it’s own thing and I got a bit into it more than I expected. Also thank you to @hoesephseed for looking this over 💕💕✨✨
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Prompt: “There’s nothing you could have done.”
Word count: 1716
Warnings: grief, loss, character deaths, minor violence, probably something else I’m missing.
When she heard on the radio that Carmine Falcone had been apprehended by the Batman, she and all her fellow officers and detectives rushed to the lounge. Only she ran for her own reason.
She took her own vehicle. She couldn’t bear to wait for anyone to join her.
All it took was Falcone in the light; this would all be over, and everything would be exposed.
The corruption and the vileness slowly cleansed after all this time.
But she arrived at the scene, and she was too late. She and others waited too long to join the chaos.
The Riddler shot Carmine Falcone, but he wasn’t fast enough to slip away to the diner as his plan.
Riddler was shot by a rookie officer. His death was instant and painless.
Too good for him, officers would say.
But not Gordon. He saw Edward’s face and recognized it. He’d seen the man before at a Christmas party with one of his detectives, Ariel Herrera.
She called him her boyfriend.
So when she arrived at the scene, it was a terrible wailing that confirmed Ariel knew him.
It didn’t take long for officers to try to console her and keep the detective back from the scene.
She was shouting she had to see him. Ariel had to, but Gordon held her and told her it was okay.
The commissioner made sure to have Ariel arrested or detained for questioning.
Ariel had been sobbing and wailing for hours, inconsolable. Unfortunately, she was too late; maybe she should have hitched a ride with another officer.
It was possible he might’ve needed her to escape if his plan didn’t go well, but she never would've thought some beat cop would shoot the Riddler down.
Now his name exposed and slandered, along with his cause doused in lies.
“Can I see him?” She asked Gordan when he entered the interrogation room and handed her a coffee.
Her mentor was hesitant to answer her. He felt betrayed, and he almost couldn’t look at her, “Did you know about this?”
Ariel didn’t answer his question. Instead, she only repeated her own again. Then when Gordon told her soon, she nodded and said, “Did he suffer?”
“No, Ariel. He didn’t.”
Her deep, brown eyes shut tightly. Still moving her head up and down. It took all her strength to keep in her broken sobs. Ariel’s trembling and frantically shaking hands didn’t stop no matter how much she rubbed them.
Her dark eyes stare at the one way glass. She’s sure that the so-called great Batman was on the other side.
Listening. Judging. He was likely feeling some kind of pride that his adversary was out of the picture.
Edward put so much faith in this caped crusader and believed they were an unofficial team. Though, Ariel knew better. She had observed this Batman during her work with Gordan and when he’d just appeared uninvited to crime scenes. He was stoic and cold, but not afraid to pass judgment on those less fortunate. Those who had no choice but to turn to crime. He likely didn’t understand their world. Her world.
She hated him for that. A level of distrust grew from that resentment. If things were different, Ary and Eddie would’ve been dropheads or petty thieves. Maybe dead.
Or alive, in this case.
Oh, Edward, she thought about him as Ariel eyed her own reflection, there had to be something I could’ve done..
Rapidly blinking her eyes back, fighting the tears back, Ariel asked Gordan again, “Can I see him?”
Before he could shut her down, her hands slammed flat to the table and she bit her lip, “Please, I wanna say goodbye…Please, Jim..”
Either sympathy or pity got the better of him, and he arranged a special trip to the Gotham City Morgue.
The buzzing, cruelness of the fluorescent lights were not flattering as they lit about the cold table. A sheet over Ariel’s lover pained her when she nodded and looked down to the still corpose with her red, stiff eyes. She had no more tears, Ariel’s face felt so stiff from all her weeping hours before.
Confirming what Gordan already knew, Ariel confirmed, “Yes,” she choked back a sob, “That’s Edward Nashton.”
The very words tore her up when they spilled out and if not for the mousy and squirrely looking coroner, Ariel would have broken down all again.
His thick glasses looked down to the ground, away from her. Stepping behind Gordon to stay out of the way.
Ariel made the bold choice to take Edward’s cold hand and put a soft kiss to his stiff knuckles. The tears flowed down once more. I should’ve been there.
“I’d like to.. start making arrangements, Jim.”
Gordan scoffed and sneered, and he began to berate her, “No, Herrera. That’s out of the question.”
With a slight whimper, Ariel looked up and glared, “Why not? He’s my only family and I’m not gonna leave him here!” She slammed her hand on a nearby metal tray, “I owe him a proper burial!”
Guilt built up and tears pooled in her eyes, “I should’ve been there. Maybe… maybe I could have done something or helped Eddie.”
“Helped him how? He’s a killer, Ariel. He killed our people. He was sick-”
“You don’t know him! He wasn’t this monster. He actually cared about all this corruption more than anyone. He wasn’t some psycho doing these things for kicks. He had a purpose! Edward was someone worth more than any of those officers..” Her voice cracked and her words were almost like whimpers as Ariel went on, “I should’ve been there. I could’ve.. he wouldn’t be gone..”
Gordon took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes hard when he said, “Do you not understand what’s gonna happen? They're gonna want someone else to burn for this. Ariel, even if he’s dead, your fellow officers are gonna want Justice. These are your people,” he ranted. Referring to her colleagues and coworkers as some kind of family she’s never had.
A lie.
“And they are gonna want someone to pay for this.”
“Someone like him deserved better. He was worth something. I’m just no one. It should’ve been me,” she said. Slowly getting off track with her words.
Gordan only took in a deep inhale. Then, scrunching his nose as he groaned quietly in frustration, “Ariel, stop it! You’d die for a murderer, is that it?”
“He wasn’t just some killer!”
Her frustrated mentor shouted for her to stop, and it was enough. No amount of self pity would change the facts, he told her, “You and I know that everyone’s gonna want someone to answer for this. I don’t want it to be you. You’re a good kid. You have so much to live for. Don’t throw your life away for this.”
Ariel knew what would happen, she’d go to prison for her own crimes. Aiding and abetting Edward, or Riddler. And without him in her world, she was ready to take on his punishment.
“I don’t have a life anymore. It died with him.” She muttered, putting one final kiss to her late lover’s hand, “I failed him.”
A hand on her shoulder made her cringe, squirm away when Gordan said, “There’s nothing you could have done. You can still do good.”
No, I can’t.
Before anything else can be said, there was the sound of a metal trap slamming into Jim Gordon’s head. Knocking the officer unconscious.
The commotion took Ariel by surprise, jumping from the sound. Her heart pounded as she eyed the now untrustworthy coroner; Ariel could still hear his sheepish nature when he said, “I know him. Or knew him.” He pointed to Edward, and when Ariel looked back at the stranger, “I’ve watched his… I watched them.”
It dawned on her that he was talking about Edward’s broadcasts. His propaganda.
Even with her guard up, he reached into his pocket and handed her an envelope with her crudely written name, “This… was in his coat.”
She took it and peeked up, “His coat?”
As if she requested, the coroner was quick to hand her Edward’s belongings. And offered to help her, “I’m sure it’s what he wanted.”
She sees the deep, dark green coat. One she’s held tightly before, his coat. She held it tightly then and to her chest.
Still hesitant, she lets the stranger aid her. And her escape. Quickly taking the Riddler’s body to the coroner’s van and helping Ariel to the vehicle. She doesn’t know where they’re going, it didn’t matter.
Her hand trembled when she opened the letter, its vague. But she understood it. An address. And instructions, “You’ll know what to do. I trust you..”
The location is some small crematorium. Abandoned but it was Edward’s. Inside looked just like his scattered home with news clippings and carefully laid out plans. Handcrafted traps. Another base of operations for Riddler.
Ariel had never been there, but she had no time to explore. She was already looking over his plans to flood the city. And more so, men to help him carry out his plans of anarchy.
She almost couldn’t believe it. He was so careful to hide these plans. But now they’re hers. His operations belonged to her, you’ll know what to do.
The runaway coroner already prepped Edward’s body. Preparing to give him a proper send off, but not before Ariel put her head on his chest. On the dark shirt, sobbing and telling him she wouldn’t fail him again.
Ariel brushed the brown locks of hair from his forehead before putting a kiss to the cold skin, “I’m sorry. I could’ve done something. I will do something.”
After saying her final goodbye, his body was cremated. Stored carefully for her.
But she knew what to do as Ariel slipped the large green coat on, the bright white Riddler mark displayed with grief now. It took her longer than she wanted to wrap the plastic cling around her dark hair. She held Riddler’s mask and Edward’s glasses tightly as she took in a deep breath.
Gordon’s words replayed in her head, “There’s nothing you could have done.”
He was wrong, this is what she could do. She would finish Edward’s work, I know what to do.
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Adrichat Craziness plus Miraculous/Batfam Crossover
In light of this new trend I had an urge to do this. This is a Miraculous/Batfam crossover. I'm sorry.
Imagine Damian, Marinette, and Adrien are friends.
How they met and all that backstory stuff is up to you.
Maybe Damian was sent in on a League mission or maybe it was an exchange program.
Maybe Adrien went to a gala with his father or Marinette's parents was catering a party in Gotham or something.
The important part is that they know eachother.
They could all be in a poly, just friends, cult members, secret relatives, a couple and a third wheeler, whatever.
Oh! And they know eachother's identities.
That's important too.
The great thing about this relationship is that no one knows about it except for the tree of them.
It's been hard hiding it from their family and other friends but they already have secret identities.
Lying and making excuses is easy for them.
They have weekly video chats, online movie nights, group chats, revenge plans, black mail, all that good stuff.
They know eachother better then they know themselves at this point.
So one day Damian is at Gotham Academy just scrolling through Tumblr when he finds this gem on #1 trending.
There are adrichat memes, adrichat fanfics, adrichat comics, ADRICHAT.
The reaction is instant.
He bursts out in laughter, scaring everyone in the vicinity.
The Ice Prince LAUGHING?!?
Either the world is ending or it's the Joker.
Cue the panic and screaming.
Everyone is either running out, looking for places to hide, frozen in fear, or something else along those lines.
After a bit everyone has calmed down a bit and their has masks on they start to notice things.
Wait, where's the henchmen? The rumbling ground? The crazed laughter?
The only laughing that can be heard is Damian's.
Now as they look around they realize that there's no gas seeping out from the windows, under the doors, or through the walls either.
What is happening??
The Batfam arrives and observes from the shadows for a bit.
The cafeteria is full of people but non of them are really reacting like they normally do in some sort of villain attack.
Wait, why is everything just standing around awkward? Where's the henchmen, the guns, the JOKER?!
After a few minutes they come out and start questioning people.
The students and staff just sorta point to a corner of the cafeteria where they are greeted at the sight of a hysterical Damian on the floor.
After the shock of seeing Damian LAUGHING wore off, Nightwing instantly went into panicking mother hen mode and gave him the Joker laugh gas antidote.
It didn't work.
He's still laughing.
At this point the rest of the fam snaps out of it and tries to figure out why the antidote isn't working while panicking. (Well they weren't outwardly showing it so that the civilians could see but they were.)
Through his laughter and tears-wait. TEARS?! Damian tells them to get his phone and call someone called Angel?
Confused Red Robin picked up his phone from off the floor (he dropped and kicked it away during his fit) and looks through Damian's contacts.
As he scrolls through he sees them, Jon, and someone called 'Banana Sunshine Boi' before coming across "Scary Pastry Angel".
He calls them, puts them on speaker, and is surprised when he hears a accented tired female voice say "Dove? *groan* Why in the kwami are you calling me in 2 in the flipping morning?"
From where he is on the floor clutching his stomach, he makes a grabbing motion with one of his hands.
Once the phone is passed to him and he brings it to his ear he wheezes out "M-Mari."
Now panicked Marinette says "Omg are you crying?! Or are you laughing? It's hard to tell?"
"It's b-both actually. But t-that's not what's imp-portant here. Have you *wheeze* c-checked tumblr y-yet?"
"No? I literally just woke up. Wait, Lemme jussstttt......."
After that there was a long pause.
They thought maybe he accidentally hung up when the mystery person whispers through the phone.
"I... I can't... is this for real?"
"........... Heh.... Hhehe. Ehheeheheh. HehEHWHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Slowly the voice on the other side delves into uncontrollable laughter, triggering Damian to laugh harder as well.
He drops the phone again only for it to be caught by Red Hood before it hit the ground.
"What the hell are we supposed to do now? What even HaPpEnEd?!" Asked the anti-hero as he turned to his brothers.
They all just sorta look at eachother before Damian tells them to add Banana to the call.
"Excuse me. WHO?!?" Asked Jason before the phone was snatched out of his hand by Tim.
He does as Damian tells him to and after a few rings another tired accented but now male voice is heard.
"Guys why are mew calling me so early?What's happeting? Mew know I have a furto shoot in the meowning."
'Even half asleep he's still punning.' thinks Damian as Marinette answers his question.
"We c-called because ppttt C-can you check t-tumblr please. I-It's important."
"Umm. Okay?" Was the reply.
They all waited for a few moments before Adrien's voice was heard again.
"Is this real?"
"So I'm actually trending on Tumblr?"
"*wheeze* y-yeah?"
"And hundreds of people are writing fanfics, making memes, and drawing comics about me dating myself?"
"Dang. I never though about me and Chat like that but I guess we do make a cute couple. After all, the dashing royal and the smooth knight has always been one of my favorite tropes."
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writerforprompt · 6 years
Kai Anderson x Reader pt.2
Warnings: Oral Sex, Manipulation, Mention of Drug Use, Vaginal Sex, Dark Themes, Pregnancy
Author’s Note: I don’t own AHS: Cult or any of its characters. Hope you enjoy this short story! Let me know what you think.
You were kneeling in between Kai’s legs, head tilted towards the sky, arching your throat into his grip. You brought your chest forward to make sure it was directly within his line of sight. Based upon the number of hungry glances he shot down your plunging neckline, you’d say it was.
Upon your arrival, a few hours prior, Winter raced you past the men on guard, taking refuge in her room. You sat on her bed, listening to her warn you away from Kai until he calmed down from his fit of rage. His polls had seen a slight decline and he was livid; So were you for that matter. The chants downstairs were him getting his frustration out and rallying the troops. You and Winter took that opportunity to talk.
With Winter, it was easy. You curled your pinky around hers and listened as she told you all her secrets. She was so reckless that it was almost endearing how she mimicked Kai.
It wasn’t long before the racket downstairs subsided. Winter had gone to wash the scent of marijuana off her skin, obviously giving Kai no room to speak to her had he wanted to.
While she hid from him, you sought him out.
“Kai?” You bounced down the steps slowly, giving him time to expect you. With every step, you emphasized the length of your legs and shape of your body. You passed one of his henchmen along the way. He didn’t bother to pry his eyes from your hardly covered chest. Your eyes never strayed from Kai’s.
He stood at the center of the room, arms wide in invitation, palms pointed at the ceiling. His shoulders were tense, and his smile was tight
“What brings you here, sweet one?”
You stopped about a foot away from him, raising your chin upward to look him in his eyes. Lips parted, the two of you noticed of the lack of in-between each other. It would have been so easy for him to just lean down and capture your mouth with his, but you had other things in mind. Daringly, you held out a pinky for him to take.
“I need some alone time with you,” you confessed with a sinful and seductive shit-eating grin.
His eyes flickered with want, roaming down your body to admire your figure. All traces of anger faded from his face. Instead it held a feral grin as he gestured to the table. You sat at the edge of your seat, giving him the opportunity to appreciate the view. You saw him bite the inside of his cheek in hunger.
“Assume the position.” He rolled his shoulders backward and you could see lean muscles of his arm. You moved to take his pinky again, but he reared his hand back from yours.
“No. I’m talking about the one you were in last night.”
Your jaw dropped slightly in surprise. Of course, he already knew. Heart aflutter, your face flushed in embarrassment. You searched his eyes to see no hint of amusement. He demanded compliance.
You kneeled in front of his chair.
“Good girl,” He cooed, brushing your hair away from your face. His tone sent shivers down your spine and electricity through your nerves. “Such a good girl, so obedient; It’s too bad you’re ruled by your cunt.” You flinched. He tsked sadly.  “I could almost trust you.”
Your mind drifted to last night and the young Officer Jay Bradley. Kai had requested that you to break into the law office you worked at after everyone had gone home for the night to get some information about State Attorney Michael Linton, or StricktDaddyDom69, according to gaybdsmwrld.com. Everything went according to plan until you were spotted by a local cop on patrol in the parking lot.
“You, uh, got any reason to be here after hours, Miss?” He had asked. USB already hidden in your shoe, you turned to face the man. He was tall, tan, and fit; that was what you first noticed. Next, it was how his eyes lingered over your frame.
“I work here and I just needed to grab some work that needs be done by tomorrow.” You would have gotten away with that lie, if it had not been one in the morning, and had you not have been wearing all black.
“Ya see, I don’t believe you, darlin’.” Despite his words, you could only wonder how that Texas accent make it all the way out here in? You bit your lower lip gently, glanding to your left and right, making sure no one was in sight.
“So what do I have to do to get a little trust ‘round here?”
Next thing you knew, your nose was pressed against the dark patch of curls that lay at the base of Officer Bradley’s cock. His left hand held the back of your head steady as he thrust in and out of your throat in slow, deep strokes. His pants were around his thighs and he was leaning against the trunk of his cruiser. Every few seconds, he checked that no one was around.  You wouldn’t care if there was; you were having the time of your life.  
He held you on his shaft for a moment before removing himself from your mouth. He grabbed your forearm and pushed you to lay over the trunk. He took his dick in hand and, with a quick look to both ways as if he were to cross a street, slid into you.
He fucked you hard and fast, quick and rough. Kind of like Kai.
But he wasn’t Kai.
After that first encounter, your supreme leader had gotten caught up in work. The relationship, if you could call it that, was still too new - You didn’t know if Kai had meant everything he said, or if it had all just been in the heat of the moment. You tightened your lips as you thought about him fucking Meadow. The possibility alone was enough reason to kill her. Kai was yours.
You felt like you were losing your mind slowly. You were obsessed. You were furious.
You were fucking a cop in the parking lot outside your work after you stole your best-friend’s file on Senator Linton. Once that file gets out, Angela was done for. But your cause would further. What’s one life to change a nation?
You threw your guilt to the back of your mind and focused on the sound of Officer Bradley’s harsh pants as he fucked into you mindlessly. You threw a low, appreciative moan in his direction. He was a good distraction. You felt the cold, gold band around the ring finger of his left hand each time Jay grabbed slapped your ass. You supposed you were a good distraction too.
Jay finished quickly after that, though he made up for it in the back seat of his cruiser, licking the wet cavern in between your thighs until you were sated.  
Later that night, the policeman’s number was kept safe in your phone on the bathroom sink counter as submerged yourself in your tub.
Done, You texted Kai. Putting on some music, you put the USB in the safe and removed your clothes in the process. Thank God you rolled that pair of blunts before you left, knowing you’d need it.
Your phone buzzed, but you couldn’t hear it over your thoughts.
Lighting the cigarillo, you wondered what Kai would think if he knew what you had done that night. It wasn’t as if you were his, you dismissed. You let the warm bath and drug relax your body. You flicked the ash in the candle that was closest to you. Winter had confessed he kissed Meadow. You slammed your left hand against the wall in hurt and betrayal. She was going to die. You took a deep hit to calm yourself.
Kai didn’t deserve you but you loved him; so, you didn’t care. You needed him, so he was yours. He kissed Meadow, so your little moment of intercession meant nothing, you concluded.
Therefore, he had no right to say shit.
Your eyes darted up to meet his. “You can trust me,” you insisted to Kai’s deaf ears. He slapped you and you were hit with arousal.
“I thought we were being honest to each other.”
Kai’s large, callused hand cupped the back of your throat, pushing his thumb against your windpipe. His hair fell loosely in front of his shoulders. His forearms bulged with the amount of pressure he placed on your throat. You felt yourself gasping, lungs desperately grasping for air. The image of Kai started to darken and blur.
His hands released you and you automatically fell into his lap, left cheek making contact with his stomach through his black sweater.  Oxygen burned the inside of your throat and you trembled while  you tried to get a hold of yourself. You weren’t afraid. You knew Kai would let you breathe eventually. Still weak, you exhaled and coughed into the soft cotton of his pullover.
Kai moved your hair out of your face and wiped at your cheeks with soft swipes of his thumb. Teardrops clung to your lashes and blurred your vision, still. Before you got your bearings, you felt something poke at your face from beneath you. You tried to move, but a callused hand held your head to it. A dark excitement wordlessly floated through your mind. He still wanted you, even when your head was still swimming, dizzy from your asphyxiation. You lifted your eyes to stare at Kai with a shy lust.
He parted his lips and a groan of pleasure escaped. He immediately circled his hips to thrust against your cheek. You parted your lips to mouth at the outline of his cock. He grunted and tore his hand into his pants, lifting his hips up to yank his jeans down, uncovering his hardening dick.
You could see his dark eyes flaring in excitement as he grabbed the back of your head to dribble your spit across his length. He shook your head rapidly against his balls, coating them with  saliva. He humped your face mercilessly, as if he owned you. He probably did.
“Yes, you filthy fucking, slut. Open your mouth.” He ordered. You swallowed him whole. “Fuck!” He swore, thighs bucking wildly. You hoped Meadow heard. You contracted your throat around him, making him shout again. His hands were now gripping your soft hair, setting a quick rhythm.
“You’re so fucking good at this, you little slut. Yeah, Daddy knows, Daddy knows everything you’ve been doing behind his back. He’s dead. You hear me? That fucking cop is going to die.” You caught his eyes. He meant every word.
But so did you.
You dug your nails into his thighs and he let go of your head. You wiped your mouth and lifted your skirt to your stomach. You weren’t wearing any panties.
You climbed into his lap and stopped yourself just above his eager dick.
“Along with Meadow.”
You sank onto him and bucked into him hard. His hands went to grab your ass from behind your thighs. Your breasts hit his chin with every bounce until he lowered his mouth to latch onto your tit. Kai was an animal. He attacked your breasts with his lustful lips, biting and sucking and kissing every inch of your chest.
You grabbed his hair and exposed his throat to you, never ceasing your hungry, desperate pace. You let your hand encircle his neck; you could feel his throat swallowing underneath your palm.
“You’re going to kill her.” You demanded.
He could have easily tossed you off him, but he simply raised a curious eyebrow, letting you sit on his cock with a hand on his throat.
“I’m pregnant.”
His eyes immediately glossed over. He let out a huff of bewilderment, letting a smile dominate his face. “I’m going to be a daddy?” He whispered.
“I thought you were already my daddy?” You slid your hand to cup his sharp jaw and swiveled your hips, making him release a groan of arousal.
“That’s right, baby.” He pulled you down to kiss him, but you covered his mouth with your hand. You leaned in so that all he could see was your face and how serious you were.
“I’m giving birth to our messiah. You need to get the world ready for him.” Your brows furrowed, and your eyes hardened. “Starting with Meadow’s death.” You let out a fake sigh. “Kai, a pregnancy is very intimate. I can talk to the baby. I can feel him. He doesn’t want Meadow here anymore.”
“You can feel all that? He doesn’t want her alive anymore?” Kai was so gullible sometimes. He looked at you like you were made of gold.
“Yes,” you breathed, smiling down at him because he finally lost his sanity. You blinked away false tears. “Yes, Kai. He’s so proud of you. He can’t wait to meet you. He loves you so much and what you stand for, don’t you see?” You grinded down on his lap.
“Yes.” He brushed your hair out of your face with both hands, arching his pelvis up to meet your body. He was beautiful when he smiled.  “Yes, I see.”
“You’ll kill Meadow for him?” You sped up your bounce, taking leverage of his shoulders. He pulled you in closer and helped you keep your speed.
“Yes.” He huffed into your ear, losing some of his rhythm – a clear sign he was going to cum. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t wearing a condom; it wasn’t as if you were worried about getting pregnant.
“Oh Daddy, we’re so happy.” You whispered in his ear. You felt his hips stutter and you shivered around him as you reached your own peak.
“I love you.” He kissed your throat as you breathed heavily against his hair.
“I love you too.” Came your automatic reply.
He pursed his lips and lifted his pinky. “Promise?”
You smiled. Everything was all going according to plan.
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doomonfilm · 5 years
Favorites : Mean Girls (2004)
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Tina Fey is not only one of the funniest talents in recent times, but she has a knack for thinking outside the box when it comes to writing that makes her product stand out from that of her contemporaries.  A shining example of this talent can be found in Mean Girls, and adaptation of a self-help book titled Queen-Bees and Wannabes.  Outside of Woody Allen’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex*, I’m hard-pressed to come up with another example of a self-help book adaptation to the big screen, but this one works in ways that few adaptations ever can, or will. 
Cady Heron (Lindsey Lohan) is preparing for her junior year of high school, but the changes she faces are drastic.  Raised by Betsy (Ana Gasteyer) and Chip Heron (Neil Flynn) in Africa during their zoologists days, Cady faces the transition from home-schooling to high school as she joins the student body at North Shore High School in Evanston, Illinois.  After a rough first day, Cady befriends Janis Ian (Lizzy Caplan) and Damian Leigh (Daniel Franzese), who navigate her through the social hierarchy of North Shore, including the infamous Plastics, a notorious group of stuck-up and privileged girls consisting of Gretchen Wieners (Lacey Chabert), Karen Smith (Amanda Seyfried), and the leader of the pack, Regina George (Rachel McAdams).  The Plastics take a liking to Cady, inspiring Janis to convince Cady to act as a double agent in hopes of sabotaging the Plastics from within.  It is around this time that Cady meets (and develops a crush) on Aaron Samuels (Jonathan Bennett), Regina’s ex-boyfriend.  As the emotions and tensions begin to swirl between the Cady, Janice, Regina and all those around them, the students of North Shore get drawn into the gravity of their bickering, resulting in near chaos that Principal Ron Duval (Tim Meadows) aand Ms. Sharon Norbury (Tina Fey), the calculus teacher, are forced to clean up.
So much about this film, at face value, screams ‘THIS IS NOT FOR YOU’, but I am glad that I ignored my short-sighted intuition, as this film is not only intensely hilarious from front to back, but it teaches lessons that EVERYONE needs to learn without being preachy or talking down to the audience.  Almost everyone who takes the time to view this film will find someone that they can connect to on some level, which not only increases engagement in the film, but allows you the chance to connect with other characters upon repeat viewing, where you receive new perspective.  It is truly impressive how deeply tangled and complex of a narrative that the team behind Mean Girls was able to develop, considering the non-narrative nature of the source material.  The ‘fish out of water’ aesthetic certainly lends itself to the use of obvious tropes, but Mean Girls somehow finds a way to make even obvious jokes land.
Like most anyone that has attended high-school, I have a love-hate relationship with that time spent, but not many movies take me back to the feelings experienced during that time quite like Mean Girls is able to.  The laughs are played for all they are worth, but the heart-felt moments between Cady and Janis, the outlandish personalities of characters like Damian and Kevin Gnapoor, or the cliquish but catty nature of the Plastics hit the ‘art imitating life, or vice versa’ button quite hard.  The obligatory labeling of cliques scene takes place (as one would expect in a high-school film), but Janis’  personality and artistic skill make it fresh, again allowing a moment of connection for the viewer as they reminisce about where they fit in the tiers of their high-school days.  Even the staff is given range and depth, be they overbearing and clueless like Principal Duvall, genuinely concerned for their students like Ms. Norbury, or highly problematic like Coach Carr.
Being in the writer’s room for these sessions must have been a real treat, and the balance of what feels like scripted dialogue in the movie versus improvised moments is near perfect.  Everyone in the cast fully commits to their roles, giving a suspension of disbelief that pulls you into the film’s world from the opening moments.  Much of the actual production is rather elementary, but it works to great effect, as this film is less about visual flourish and more about giving people the chance to think outside of their normal perspective and take into account how they interact with others in the world.  In all honesty, I cannot recall another film that has both taught and entertained me simultaneously at such a high level.
Lindsay Lohan was initially a red flag for me, as I was not in her target demographic, but her comedic and dramatic range surprised me in this film, as I actually still care about her each time I watch this film.  I recently had a revelation that Rachel McAdams was Regina George, and it surprises me I did not recognize her, as I’ve become a major fan of hers... I realize now that it wasn’t that I disliked her performance, it was more that she did a great job of making us hate Regina George.  Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried easily could have been McAdams’ one-note henchmen, but each actress made the most of the moments they were given (especially Chabert, who has turned Gretchen Wieners into a sort of modern day cult-character icon).  Lizzy Caplan stole the show, in my opinion, with her high energy and dead-eye comedic timing, balancing perfectly against Daniel Franzese’s equally high (but totally unique) energy.  Jonathan Bennett was given the short end of the stick in terms of moments to work with, as he is mostly fodder for Cady and Regina to fawn and fight over, but he does turn a few moments with Cady into genuinely touching and funny ones.  The SNL faithful that is Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Amy Poehler and Ana Gasteyer all more than hold up their end of the bargain, while comedic character actors Neil Flynn and Dwayne Hill also turn in hilarious moments.  I must mention Rajiv Surendra as well, who wins the award for milking his moments the most.
If you’ve not seen Mean Girls yet, do yourself a favor and take the time to check it out.  If you know someone who struggles with self-esteem or interacting with others, invite them to check it out as well, and everyone will feel better all around.
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 24 (Multi Liverpool players)
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gta-5-cheats · 6 years
Far Cry 5 Review
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Far Cry 5 Review
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Far Cry 5 is an open-world first-person shooter for the PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs set in the US state of Montana. You don the role of a rookie deputy whose first day on the job has you trying to arrest Joseph Seed — the charismatic leader of a doomsday cult known as the Project at Eden’s Gate. Naturally, things don’t go as planned and you find yourself leading a resistance against Seed and his army. Far Cry 5 was announced just before E3 2017 and followed by a demo that, while entertaining, wasn’t as technically convincing as it could be – what with wonky gunplay and so so visuals. We were curious to see what the game would ultimately deliver, particularly after getting a peek at the thought process behind Far Cry 5’s development.
Unlike earlier instalments such as Far Cry 3, Far Cry 4, and Far Cry Primal, Far Cry 5 has you playing a nameless protagonist. You aren’t Jason Brody, Ajay Ghale, or Takkar, and you have no voice and no backstory to speak of. You’re quite literally playing an avatar of yourself with various cosmetic choices in terms of skin, hair, and clothes. As you’re soaking in game’s events minus any interruptions or monologues from the character you play as, they have more of an impact. Going with a silent hero turns Far Cry 5 into a very different experience. While you may feel robbed of an origin or even simply the wisecracks your character would make in past games, it gives the game’s varied cast room to shine. From bit players like conspiracy theorist Zip Kupka, to big bad Joseph Seed himself, you get a better understanding of their motivations and narrative this way.
However Far Cry 5’s silent hero isn’t the only trick up its sleeve. What’s also changed is how you progress through the game. In past entries, you uncovered vast swathes of territory to explore by climbing and activating radio towers, but you won’t have to do that anymore. The previous approach had become somewhat of a running joke and it’s something Ubisoft acknowledges here, by having one of your earliest allies tell you that you won’t be hunting for towers (save for one) for the duration of this experience. What this means is, exploring the vast world of Montana gives you a lot more freedom. Each region is controlled by one of Seed’s henchmen (or heralds as they’re known) and you’re free to tackle them as you see fit.
  In order to do so, you’ll rescue members of the local resistance, bring down shrines and silos put up by the cult, reclaim outposts, and inevitably duke it out with each herald yourself. All of the aforementioned actions and story missions earn you Resistance Points. With enough of them, you’ll earn an audience with the herald at regular intervals, which will give you an idea of what you’re up against. These are tense moments shedding light into why cults are formed and add another dimension to these odd, sinister individuals.
Along the way you’ll use all manner of explosives, guns, and vehicles to wage war. Like in previous games in the series, you’ll use a pair of binoculars to scope out enemies before planning your approach. While you are rewarded for using stealthier means to get the job done, it’s more entertaining to call in an airstrike, or enlist the help of a ferocious bear to join the fray with the game’s Guns for Hire system. While this system was present in past games, its more meaningful this time around due to the larger, organised nature of the foes you’re up against. You’ll end up leaning on the Guns for Hire to aid you in tougher encounters, such as squaring off against an enemy fighter plane or a helicopter.
That said, Far Cry 5’s progression is not too dissimilar to another Ubisoft game — Assassin’s Creed Origins. You’ll find yourself indulging in many a quest to get to the next point in the story. The difference is that most of what you do in Far Cry 5 directly impacts the plot, while in Assassin’s Creed, it felt like busy work before you can take on missions that push the story forward. Thanks to this, Far Cry 5 feels all the more natural as every outpost won, every silo blown up, and every resistance member rescued, all go towards taking you forward in one way or another. It extends to your own abilities or perks. Kill enough enemies with a specific weapon, call in a certain number of air strikes or just strangling an opponent to death earns you points that can be used to increase your health, carry more weapons, or even stay underwater longer.
Far Cry 5’s meaningful sense of progression is backed up by fun moment to moment gameplay. Guns feel responsive with an adequate amount of heft and weight, while driving vehicles is a tighter experience than in past games from the series. It doesn’t hold back in terms of the toys at your disposal, granting you access to everything from bows and arrows to rocket launchers (and even a gaudy armoured truck with guns called the Death Wish) at a steady clip. The game’s arsenal is one of the more generous ones in recent years.
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All these features go a long way in keeping Far Cry 5 interesting. Granted, Ubisoft has waxed eloquent on how its choice of setting is still exotic, but the familiar-looking forests, farms, and enemy encampments would wear thin if not for all the creative ways you have to turn them into smouldering flames. Coupled with this being the lushest, most visually arresting locale we’ve seen, it staves off any sense of boredom.
On that note, Far Cry 5 looks absolutely gorgeous on the Xbox One X. From water reflections to expansive grasslands and even detailed character models, it’s a visual treat. Though it does suffer from one of the oldest issues plaguing open-world games — veer too far off the map and you’ll respawn, breaking immersion (pictured below). And considering that Far Cry 5 is in first-person, its cosmetic micro-transactions seem a bit redundant. Other than weapon and vehicle skins, purchases that give you a different look are wasted as you can’t see them.
In addition to this, Far Cry Arcade, which lets you create your own custom missions, is clunky to use with a controller. It tries to streamline the process with radial menus allowing you to choose between laying down different landscapes, but it’s far from intuitive to use. While we’re yet to check it out on PC, chances are that would be the way to go given that the flexibility of the keyboard and mouse are better suited for such tasks.
These issues notwithstanding, Far Cry 5 is a welcome entry in a series that’s been consistently entertaining over the years. The campaign is filled with memorable characters, robust progression, and action galore that all combine to make it a treat to play.
Robust progression system
Solid gameplay
Great graphics
Clunky Far Cry Arcade controls
Redundant micro-transactions
Minor immersion-breaking quirks
Rating (out of 10): 8
Gadgets 360 played a review copy of Far Cry 5 on the Xbox One X. The game is available on the PS4, Xbox One, and Windows PCs at Rs. 3,499 ($60 in the US) from March 27.
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