#new birh missionary baptist church
pimppreacher · 8 years
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Pimppreacher.com 05/07/2016
Our Pimp Preacher Mascot, Eddie Long, has decided to write and release a new book called The Untold Story. His subtitle of Adversity, Pain and Resilience is simply bait. You can bet your bottom dollar he will not discuss his sexuality and his affinity for boys. He will not be disclosing his mastery of how to groom preteens and teen boys how to get into grown men. And still, it makes you wonder .... what WILL he say? This is one of the most calculating moves he has made in a while. Why do I say this?
Back in February, brows were raised when he was captured on video with this performance:
Discussing it among my colleagues, we all agreed that he had some type of angle in this video, but we just couldn’t figure out why. We thought he was about to do something big though like launch some new ministry. Eddie does nothing like this without some type of strategy behind it. Well now we know -- he’s releasing a book he wants you to buy. Well I hope he addresses some key questions I have had for some time.
Question #1: Why do you refuse to repent?
Question #2: Why do you continue to wear that ridiculous New Birth Jewelry? Did it/does it give you super powers to carry on? Or are you holding on to  an empire long past?
Question #3: Have you spoken to Centino since this whole scandal?
Question #4: Why didn’t you take an extended leave of absence afterwards?
Question #5: Who are you accountable to for checks and balances?
Question #6: Whatever happened to Renny McClean?
Question #7: Have you ever considered closing the doors?
Question #8: Why write this book now instead of five years ago?
Question #9: Do you ever visit your friend Ephren Taylor in jail?
Question #10: What are your desired outcomes with this book?
Just a sample list, but Eddie would never sit down for an interview unless they are puff-ball questions highlighting his feigned comeback. In short, I predict Eddie will attempt to re-paint himself through this book as a victim that overcame. But if he did not tell the truth, there is nothing to see here.
Ms. Justice,
Churchfolk Revolution
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