chesspens · 1 year
I know it said spammed with ANONYMOUS asks but... I'm just gonna spam you with regular asks.
What is your favorite interpretation of the Joker vs your favorite of Batman/Bruce Wayne?
Of course I love new 52 batjokes! There is just so many things going on with those two, alas the comic introduced me to superwonder and this scandalous but I ship them quite a bit, but that is not what we are talking about. I personally love new 52 because joker is pretty serious about their relationship, it could be read as obsessive but really, like fogman said it is a humanizing factor. I personally love that, and bruce is always constantly trying to understand joker but also distances himself from him, as though afraid of truly knowing him. Afraid of truly knowing that at the center of all this evil, of all his crimes, is batman. It's like... Joker's entire existence is a love letter to batman in the worst way possible. God the ending had me beat, bruce ends up crossing the line, the line joker pretends to have crossed, bruce threatens him, threatens joker with the one and only thing that could ever scare him, his past. Then he falls to his death, or at least what was supposed to be his death. There is honestly so many reasons why new 52 would be every batjokes shippers favorite, the disguise, the uncompromising and unconditional love that joker feels, that bruce fears, and in the end lays beside him, the man that has caused him so much pain and loss, ends up calling him a friend. I love them. Eric border is utterly adorable though, honestly joker pretending to be a good boi has to be everything I ever needed in life. But amnesiac joker is everything to me, I hate scott snyder for giving such a good concept only for it to fit four pages of a comic book, like god! I am so pissed, they deserves so much better. I wanna see him get re-jokerized I want bruce to find out that the guy he met on that bench was joker, I want to see that information sink in. The information that joker pleaded for him not to go back, I also wanna see him chuckle with regret when joker told him that he's talking about the lake. How utterly stupid he was for not listening. Imagine him facing joker again with that knowledge? Looking at him with regret whilst he brandishes a knife with the intent to slice through layers of kevlar, remembering the gun that he held under his chin, how the flower that sat in his pocket used to be the color purple, you remember the the color of brown illuminated by that strangely orange lamp when you see green strands flowing in the wind. You wonder now, the skin of his ears would have reddened with blood in this cold, but it stays that same acid bathed color no matter the weather. You regret ever having met him, that man on the bench for now you wonder, would he have smelled of that rotten and festering green apple scent or would he have worn perfume or cologne, would he have preferred the scent of lavender or wood? You then feel a cold sharp stab of pain in your rib, not too deep and your senses are once again engulfed with him and all you feel is regret.
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