beyejun · 9 months
leaf & bean.
the ambient music playing through out-of-sight speakers, the gentle (and sometimes no so gentle) sounds of steaming water and grinding beans, the ever present scent of a fresh brew lingering in the air. the romanticizations of cafes and coffee shops is something that yejun can admit to indulging in. it's especially sweet in a familiar place during a slow period, long after the morning rush has calmed and the only other patrons are retirees with an excuse to go out or stay-at-home moms just looking for a brief respite from the demands of their hectic home lives. both parties are hardly more than a distant murmur in the cafe atmosphere, adding to an ambiance that yejun already adores.
however, one would never be able to tell his contentedness from his current posture. he looks like the perfect portrait of a miserable college student; one lukewarm, half-finished drink to his left, an open macroeconomics textbook directly in front of him, and yejun's eyes painted with dark circles and heavy bags. as if the weight of his eyelids has finally become too much for him to bear, his whole upper body slowly, yet intentionally, buckles in half. he lays his head down on the open book, facedown, and lets out one of the top ten biggest sighs of his life.
"god, if you were merciful, you would just kill me now," he pretends to pray, though the few sunday school lessons he went to as a kid are far from usual practice for him these days. it's only a few moments of letting himself wallow in misery before he turns, his cheek now pressed against the book, and finds the face of his old friend and companion of the moment, park namu. "you were smart to drop out," he sighs again, though that twinge of jealousy can't help but rear it's head, despite how yejun tries to bury it down. "i'll pay you to finish reading this chapter for me. i never want to think about aggregate demand ever again. this is awful."
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behaein · 7 months
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — @namube
haein had been looking for her friend for about five minutes before giving up. surely, she'd return because haein hasn't moved from her spot. however, the game that she'd been wanting to play has finally opened up in front of her, and she had nobody to play it with.
pursing her lips together, she looked around in line before the person hosting the game pulled her up along with another individual who looked like he was here alone. "hi! how good are you at this? because i really want that puppy plushie that's up there!" she said with a chuckle before pointing out one of the dolls that was hung up behind the booth.
"i'm pretty sure we have three tries each to get the ball in the basket." with that, she picked up one of the balls being handed to her before realizing she hadn't even introduced herself because she was so immersed in the game. "i'm haein by the way!"
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bexmatt · 8 months
make it new
matt wishes for one day someone else to do his makeup, to sit before a performance and get his hair and make up made, already have an outfit picked out for him, but that day hadn’t come yet, he has to wait. for now, matt was focused on his own skills, he’d been practicing make up in his time in korea, tried to save up money for it. he’s watched a million videos on youtube as to how to do your make up or how to style your hair. but he’s always been alone, sitting in his room trying his best to recreate what he sees on others. mattheo has come far in his make up skills, but he also has far to go.
that’s why namu is here today, matt is tired of doing the same tutorial on his face over and over again, as much as he loves make up, he just needs a little change. “so thankful for you coming over namu” he sends the other a smile “i apologize about my table being filled with make up and hair products. would you like anything to drink?”.
follow me - @namube
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bexsua · 8 months
trouble brewing. feat. @namube
there's always some sort of entertainment happening at the pc bang. even if it's minuscule. rambunctious groups of friends coming in, screaming fans trying to nab tickets to events, upset gamers pulling at their hair.
but this is a bit more...discreet. one of the patrons is playing (attempting more rather--) overwatch. which, props to him. sua's never been able to get a grip on that game. too much screen clutter for her, personally. but she feels a little bad. every time she's popped up to check in, his screen is showing that rather upsetting results.
after the fourth respawn in a row, sua wincing when the screen flashes his character's resting form- she can't do it anymore. pushing off from her station, she carefully makes her way over, coming to a stop near his shoulder. clearing her throat, sua's gaze flickers over the screen. "excuse me..." she starts plainly. "would you like another recommendation?" gaze moving to the screen, then back to the man, expression unimpressed. "you're just playing respawn simulator at this point."
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bejun · 7 months
𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐅𝐄, 𝐒𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋, Seoul, SK October 28th, 2023 w. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐔
There’s really nothing like the strong, bitter kick of coffee to wake Jun up in the unpleasant hours of the morning when everything seems irritating and as if it were invented to do nothing but upset him. He’d been trying out the coffee shops surrounding the company building for some months now, and it was only recently that he’d found one that, while perhaps not his favourite in terms of their coffee, was definitely his favourite when it came to baristas. Perhaps there was something other than coffee that could perk a man up in the morning, and it came in the form of a young man with a breathtaking smile, shining eyes, and a cute mop of hair that Jun found himself imagining his fingers buried in most mornings. 
Today, he enters as he does most mornings—with his hands thrust deep into the pockets of his large buffer jacket, his chin tucked into the collar to keep the chill out of the neck hole. His ears hurt from the cold, and he’s sure his cheeks are red, as though slapped by the November air. There aren’t too many customers this early in the morning, so as he waits behind the only other person in there, taking their sweet time ordering their drink, he lets himself appreciate the view of the pretty boy behind the counter taking orders and preparing them with skill. While Jun had never worked in a cafe before, he’d bought his own rather obnoxious coffee machine a couple years ago, to make himself drinks before college classes. It had been going largely unused in the past few months, thanks to his new schedule, but he could still follow along with every step of the process that the boy goes through. 
When, finally, he reaches the counter, he can’t help but smile, releasing his hands from the confines of his pockets and raising his head to properly look at him. “Morning, can I have my usual?” He asks, just because he likes to know that the barista, Namu, remembers it. He always goes for the same in the mornings, and on the few afternoons he makes time to run in, he gets something different, but always the same for that time of day. This morning, it’s his usual Americano, though no ice, given the temperature outside. He’s not sure he wants to be freezing inside as well as out. “Sorry I didn’t come in yesterday. I missed you.” He knows it’s not necessarily polite to flirt with someone whose job it is to be nice to you, and they can’t just walk away, but Namu’s just too cute, and while it could just be wishful thinking, he had the feeling he didn’t really mind Jun’s ‘friendliness’.
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be-points · 7 months
festival 1: +3 vocal [ link ]
festival 2: +3 dance [ link ]
festival 3: +3 aesthetic [ link ]
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bejoomi · 8 months
supermassive halloween plotcall + tracker
hello everyone!!! now that the cat's out of the bag (joomi being signed to delta) i can finally make this plotting post. i have been WAITING for it to become public knowledge since obviously that will impact what he's up to this month. i like to put a plotcall together for all my muses at once, too, so this post is long overdue and will now be massive. i'll list what each muse is up to regarding the events they can participate in as well as trackers under the cut. please like this if you'd like to plot. plotting even for non-event stuff is also fine, we'll figure stuff out!
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joomi is a studio delta trainee!! wooo!! exciting! he started october 11th, so he did have some time before that to do the halloween events around seoul. he actually worked at lotte world before becoming a trainee as well, so we could probably do something with pre-trainee joomi hatingggg his job working during the halloween stuff SDFSDGSDG. trainee joomi can probably only do festival stuf on sundays, unless there's stuff going on at like, 1 am. he'd honestly love to go. now he is also a trainee just in time for the TRAINEE HALLOWEEN EVENT which will be amazing. what a first impression right. joomi doesn't mind horror stuff but he's going to find the entire experience very strange LMAO but he might get into it!! fun bonding experience, right? he'll be a good sport about it even if he's probably quite stressed having to dance again after thinking he never would...honestly the halloween night in will probably be a welcome break for him. TRACKER: festival thread 1: @beyejun (4/4) ✓ festival thread 2: @kouxbe (3/4) ✓ festival thread 3: @miyeonbe (4/4) ✓ escape room thread 1: @beseojun (3/4) escape room thread 2: @behyejin (4/4) ✓ bonus escape room thread: @bejinyoung (4/4) ✓ bonus escape room thread: @bechaerin (4/4) ✓ meeting the seniors: @beyuji (4/4) ✓
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nayoung is our workaholic, so it's unlikely you'll get her out to any of the events around seoul, but you're welcome to try. for the axis horror story event, she's probably going to be something boring like the red queen. i think she kind of thinks it's stupid, or at least she will at first, but she might end up having fun! she's competitive so she'll want to "win" for sure, and she's probably going to end up bossing people around as usual. she's also very hard to scare. she might jump a bit from jumpscares but otherwise will just Stare. so she's here to aide our weenie trainees in need. TRACKER: festival thread 1: @behaneul (3/4) ✓ festival thread 2: open festival thread 3: open escape room thread 1: @renxbe (3/4) ✓ escape room thread 2: @bedohyun (4/4) ✓ meeting the seniors: open
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ahyoung, as devilspawn herself, naturally loves halloween. she loves horror, she loves fashion, she loves makeup, so she gets super into it. she is definitely going to be going to Both costume contests. she told me she's going to be sexy freddy krueger for one. and she might be zombie barbie or something for the other. and she's probably going to go do festival things on other days and wear other costumes for those days too. she will happily do literally anything and encourage everyone else to do everything too. very loud karaoke, being way too excited to eat something that looks like a human eyeball, trying to flirt and puppydog-eye her way into getting extra chances at the carnival games, talking shit about the people doing facepaint at lotte world because she thinks she can do better, etc... TRACKER: festival thread 1: @namube (2/4) festival thread 2: @behaein (4/4) ✓ festival thread 3: @bexjae (3/4) ✓ bonus festival thread: @bexstevie (3/4) ✓
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wannaberp · 7 months
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welcome to wannabe rp’s weekly activity check! we require that all muses post at least once every fourteen days to be considered active. those who do not meet this requirement will be removed from the directory and all points they’ve accumulated will be forfeit.
all muses who do not appear on this list have passed activity requirements. as a reward for posting in the last seven days, any muse who is not on the removed or warning list may collect +5 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation. please link back to this post on your points sheet. no further verification is required.
acceptances will immediately follow this post on a queue.
the following muses are currently on hiatus and are exempt from the activity check. they may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.
@jindallaebe • until 11/15 * TODAY !
@sarangbe • until 11/15 * TODAY !
@minjube • until 11/15 * TODAY !
@kianbe • until 11/15 * TODAY !
the following muses have not posted in the last seven days and may only collect +3 points to distribute toward any skill or ancillary point categories. these points cannot be applied toward reputation.​
the following muses have not posted in the last fourteen days or have voluntarily dropped and have been cleared from the directory. these faceclaims are now available to be reserved by others.
@namube • lee sohee (riize)
@bechaeyeon • park chaewon (loosemble)
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beseolhyun · 7 months
❝ —— Screaming Study Murder 》 w/ @namube
cramming for an exam the day before was one of the dumbest decisions seolhyun has ever made in her life. she regretted skipping so many classes, turning her assignments in late, and just over all being a bad student. she wouldn't be in this predicament if she just put in a little bit more effort, but then again she didn't see the point in algebra. she could count way past 100 if she wanted, she could even do basic math; addition, subtraction, multiplication...who cares if she needed to use her fingers? or even a calculator for the harder problems? her professor apparently cared. the only person in the world who cared about seolhyun's ability to do math. so here she is. in some little café, books sprawled all over her table. maybe if she stared at the textbook hard enough, the information will telepathically go to her brain. she looked over her notes, hoping they will somehow help her. she let out an aggravated huff noticing all the doodles of hearts, flowers, smiley faces... and the clear lack of anything math related written inside.
deciding to take a break from her studies, or really procrastinating on getting started, seolhyun deicides to order. she ordered when she first arrived, a muffin sitting on her table, but she needed caffeine. that's something college students need when they crammed for an exam, right? walking over to the register, she looked over the menu, deciding on a seasonal item, and walked over to the cashier. she smiled and let out a friendly greeting, "hi there! tis the season for pumpkin spice! can i get a medium, with extra sweetener please!"
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beseojun · 8 months
ꜱʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛ
for @namube
maybe it was due to him being naive that he never expected anyone to recognize him. sure he had being on next gen under his belt which he knew a lot of people had watched but there was also his youtube channel that he didn't cover his face in. it was out there for everyone to see but maybe a small part of him thought it wouldn't matter. he didn't know why his mind thought that way when he remembers stevie saying he saw his youtube videos before. guess that doesn't matter in his mind at all since he's forgotten already that his face is all over the internet.
though once he's not preoccupied with his own little problem, he has to catch himself from almost accidentally hitting his face into the door of a cafe. he hadn't been here before so he takes the chance to go inside and eagerly wants to enjoy some of the treats that might be offered. maybe a drink to, he needs something to combat the sweetness of whatever he decides to order. his mind is hoping he isn't too paranoid though since the thought of being recognized seems to wanna disturb his mind again as he tries to look over the different items on the menu.
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reawakenedbell · 3 years
[Faktor X, Sebuah Hipotesis]
Sebenernya kalau dipikir-dipikir, diitung-itung, buat nyelesain keseluruhan diktat Azhar yang mungkin udah dikurangi kisi kisi buat ujian dalam 20 hari adalah sebuah kemustahilan.
Walaupun dibagi sedemikian rupa juga pasti ada hal-hal yang belum sempet kebaca ataupun terbahas.
Makanya aku punya hipotesis lain tentang ujian Azhar atau mungkin secara umum ujian yang Allah berikan ke kita; bahwa ga semuanya tentang usaha langsung menuju tujuannya, melainkan selalu ada Faktor X yang bakalan jadi pembeda, penentu hasil akhir yang sudah kita usahakan.
Selanjutnya hipotesisku ini menuju ke pembagian beberapa hal yang akhirnya bisa jadi Faktor X tersebut:
1. Bantuan Allah berjalan tidak selalu sesuai dengan logika kita, sebagaimana Syariat Allah datang menjadi solusi atas masalah-masalah kita namub dengan cara yang terbalik.
Seperti sedekah, logikanya orang kalau ngasih hartanya ya pasti berkurang ya secara zahir, tapi Allah menjelaskan bahwa di sana ada pahala, dan pengembalian yang berlipat ganda.
Begitupula usaha kita terhadap ilmu, selama kita membantu yang lain dalam kesusahan menujunya, maka dengan janji Allah kita harus yakin bahwa 'tangan-tangan' Allah berada di sisi kita.
2. Tangan Allah
Sebagaimana Asyarian menjelaskan bahwa Tangan Allah adalah bantuanNya, akupun berhipotesis bahwa Tangan Allah ini dalah salah satu koneksi yang paling penting dalam sebuah permasalahan.
Seperti tes CPNS yang harus melewati ribetnya birokrasi dan tes-tes formalitas, ada segelintir orang yang akhirnga menggunakan koneksi jalur dalam untuk menembus celah celah tidak tergapai oleh kebanyakan orang.
Ya begitu juga aku rasa Ujian Azhar dan ujian ujian kehidupan lainnya memang harus mengetuk pintu dalam agar dapat menjalaninya dengan lebih mulus, dalam konteks ini dalah menguatkan hubungan dengan Allah ta'ala, melalui ibadah-ibadah wajib serta tambahan-tambahan rayuan kepadaNya.
3. Yang terakhir adalah dalam tambahan-tambahan rayuan tersebut termasuk ialah panjatan harap kepadaNya. Bahwasanya tidak ada yang berhak mewujudkan usaha, ibadah, dan panjatan keinginan kita selain Allah ta'ala sebagaimana Sabda Kanjeng Nabi yang kurang lebih menjelaskan betapa malunya Allah ketika ada hambanya yang meminta dan Ia tak mengabulkannya.
Maka dari itu semua, kehidupan memang tidak sesederhana usaha saja, namun juga tidak serumit apa yang kita bayangkan. Faktor-faktor X ini yang membuatnya ada dalam kesemenjanaan atau kesederhanaan dalam menjalani segalanya.
Memberikan tenang, pun tak menjadikan sombong sebagai makhluk ciptaanNya.
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srifafa · 3 years
Jangan Rawat Penyesalan
Mudah sekali mengumpat kalimat "Andai aku...", "Seharusnya aku...", "Jika aku tadi...". tanpa beban karena hal itu sudah terjadi dalam hidup kita. Berandai kita dengan sesuatu yang sudah terlampaui dan akhirnya tuaian sesal yang kita ucapkan berkali-kali.
Buruknya kita sering merawat penyesalan dengan sering berandai sesuatu yang tak pernah kita perjuangkan. Jeleknya kita biasa aja dengan kata penyesalan dan menyalahkan diri kita sendiri.
Siapa sih yang gak pernah menyesal? Orang terpandai, secerdas apapun pasti pernah mengalaminya. Namub mereka tahu bagaimana menyikapinya agar penyesalan tak berulangkali diucapkannya sebagai kebiasan atas sesuatu yang tak dilakukannya.
-Sri Fafa
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yang-terpendam · 5 years
Aku Pernah
sekitar 5 tahun yang lalu waktu aku masih duduk di bangku SMA tentu saja aku pernah naksir/suka dengan teman satu sekolahku. dan anehnya Tuhan selalu mengabulkan apa yang aku inginkan. katakan saja aku suka dengan si A. tak lama kemudian dia menghubungiku. bagaimana hati gak girang, orang yang diam-diam disukai tiba-tiba chat duluan. tapi tak banyak dari itu, semuanya hanya berlangsung singkat. lalu aku menebak teka-teki Tuhan selama ini. "ternyata Tuhan belum mempertemukan aku dengan seseorang yang baik menurut-Nya, sedangkan aku sudah terlebih dulu memberi cap dia yang terbaik". dan hingga sekarang aku masih sendiri saja. tapi aku sangat yakin kepada Tuhan, jika tiba waktunya pasti akan dipertemukan.
aku memiliki kisah SMA yang mungkin saat ini dijuluki toxic relationship. dulu aku bener-bener tunduk dan selalu minta maaf kepada dia, padahal memang dia yang salah. dia posesif banget, bahkan aku cuma duduk di bangku depannya cowok dia bisa marah-marah. perkara makan diluar kl ga keinginan dia, dia juga bisa ngamuk. aku chat sama temen cowo sekelaspun dia bisa cemburu banget. pokoknya beelebihan banget tingkahnya. dan setiap hari harus sama dia. yangjaman SMa aku ga di ijinin pacaran sama orangtua, terpaksa aku backstreet dan kalaupun pergi keluar sama dia di hari libur selalu diam-diam. ya Tuhab bodoh sekali diri ini dulu tak bisa melawan kejahatan. dan iya kalau memang dia cinta ga seharusnya dia mengekang aku kan. benar saja memang Tuhan belum memberikanky lelaki yang bauj menurut-Nya. akhirnya hubungan kita kandas di tengah jalan.
beberapa temanku tidak menyetujui hubunganku dengan dia. karena ada yang berubah dari aku ketika mengenalnya. aku bisa merasa tiba-tiba sedih, nangis, marah, kemudian bisa sekejap saja tertawa. sampai-sampai aku mengecap diriku sendiri terkena penyakit bipolar. tapi sekarang aku sadar kalau dulu terlalu banyak hal yang aku pendam sendiri tanpa menceritakan ke sahabatku. sehingga hal itu menjadi tekanan dalam diri ini. stuck, dan gatau ingin melakukan apa. makanpun aku tak selera. melamun setiap hari sudah menjadi langganan. sampai-sampai nilai raportku anjlok.
aku trauma dengan kejadian tersebut dan terbawa hingga aku kuliah. aku merasa mengenal lelaki itu selalu memiliki maksut tersendiri. aku takut jika menjatuhkan hati ditempat yang salah. aku selalu menunggu jawaban dari Tuhan perihal jodohku. namub hingga saat ini Tuhab belum berkenan memberikannya. mungkin aku harus memperbaiki diri dan intropeksi lagi. supaya dia yang dipilihkan Tuhan untukku juga sebaik diriku.
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soraghea · 4 years
Ia menyukai icecream matcha dan mint choco.
Ia menyukai manis dan asin, tak terlalu menyukai makanan masa.
Tradisional indonesian food terbaik baginya, akan tetapi ia juga tidak menolak makanan barat. No oriental.
Ia half technopad, ia sendiri tak mempercayai keahliannya itu namun itu sangat nyata. Bahkan ia takut seseorang mengetahuinya.
Ia menjadi berdarah dingin sejak pelatihannya dimulai pada tahun 2013 diusianya yang sangat dini. Namun ia masih takut terkadang. Ia akan otomatis berlari saat lawannya tergeletak, namun ia lebih suka menggunakan laras panjang untuk melumpuhkan musuh.
Ia dapat mengendalikan hampir semua senjata. Ia sangat cantik saat menggunakan sword ucap sang pelatih. Bahkan sangat mahir tak terkalahkan oleh yang lainnya.
Ia dapat menyusun sebuah misi besar hanya dalam sehari berkat keahlian technopad dan bertarung yang ia miliki.
Ia memiliki sahabat sampai sebelum pindah bernama giordani raffi
Ia selalu menjadi pemimpin kelompok karna susah percaya oleh orang lain kecuali itu adalah jo atau adi, sang kakak.
Ia cenderung diam tak banyak bicara. Namun ia akan menjadi sangat berbeda saat melakukan penyamaran. Ia sangat lihai mengelabuhi musuh bahkan fbi sekalipun.
Ia memiliki Code: Fluff yang dimiliki sejak pelatihan. Ia menjadi incaran tentara rahasia di amerika berkat pencuriannya terakhir kali di 5 bank besar dalam satu malam. Namanya semakin besar ketika ia berhasil menyelundupkan senjata secara massal ke rusia namub tak ada yang tau fluff hanya seorang gadis kecil.
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ceritabasi-blog1 · 6 years
Hari ini ku terdiam mencari lagi alasan untuk sebuah kemunafikkan sehingga aku dapat mengelak dari kata-kata "aku suka kepadamu".
Hari ini ku terdiam mencari sebuah sebuah dalih bahwa aku tetap menjadi temanmu dan perasaanku tak lebih dari itu. Namun dusta ini tak beruaya. Dusta ini malah bersimbiosis dengan kebohongan lainnya.
Hari ini ku terdiam. Tak dapat membendung aliran yang ingin aku katakan bahwa "aku sungguh mencintaimu"
Hari ini ku terdiam. Melihatmu menceritakan sebuah panutan, sebuah perasaan yang kau pendam lama, namub aku tau kau menangis menginginkan dia yang menginginkan orang lain
Hari ini ku terdiam. Curah hati selalu berkata bahwa bisakah kau menjadi milikku yang utuh, yang pilu, yang baru.
Hari ini ku terdiam. Tetap di depanmu tak berkata apapun dan tak ada alasan untuk menatap mukamu, hingga aku berkata "mau kah setengah dari hidupmu menjadi milikku? "
Hari ini ku terdiam. Di dalam bayang-bayang ketakutan terjadi di dalam palung pertemanan dan kedekatan yang akan melebar jika lidah sudah liar dan hati mulai tak karuan
Hari ini ku terdiam dan aku mencintaimu dan tetap aku tak dapat mengatakannya padamu
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be-points · 8 months
Moodboard/Edit: +3 sing [ link ]
Playlist: +3 sing [ link ]
Solo/Headcanon 1: +3 sing [ link ]
Solo/Headcanon 2: +3 sing [ link ]
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