#némain óg mactíre
sapphic-scylla · 2 years
In case the very few people that care about the Sword Baes Universe, I figured I’d kinda explain how their polycule is organized at the moment. This is liable to change if @queencharliesshadow aka @sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu adds anything or wants Némain to formally date and/or marry them, but this is how it’s organized as far as relationships go.
Petra and Lyria
Petra and Némain
Petra and Alcina
Lyria and Némain
Lyria and Alcina
Petra and Emily
Petra and Verity
Verity and Emily (not canon yet)
Lyria and Aerin (not canon yet)
If Mébh has anything to add here that I’m missing, we’ll use this as a thread most likely to flesh out all of the ties here.
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
Resident Evil VII and VIII Characters As Dungeons And Dragons Races, Classes And Alignments According To Némain Óg MacTíre.
Mother Miranda: Changeling, Warlock, chaotic evil
Alcina Dimitrescu: Vampire, Barbarian Druid (for Wild Shape), chaotic neutral
Bela Dimitrescu: same as Alci
Cassandra Dimitrescu: same as Alci
Daniela Dimitrescu: same as Alci
Donna Beneviento: Drow (homebrew), Druid (because of her garden), true neutral.
Angie Beneviento: Magic item, living doll, draws runes to help Donna garden, chaotic neutral.
Karl Heisenberg: Warforged, Artificer, chaotic good.
Salvatore Moreau: Triton, Ranger, chaotic neutral
Ethan Winters: human, paladin, true good
Mia Winters: human, wizard, chaotic good
Eveline (E-001): Changeling, Necromancer Sorcerer, true chaotic.
Jack Baker: undead human, fighter, lawful chaotic
Marguerite Baker: undead human, druid (the fucking bugs-), lawful chaotic
Zoe Baker: human, fighter, true good
Lucas Baker: human, fighter, true asshole
Chris Redfield: Human (maybe), Monk, True Good.
@luzura-blight, @dani-dimitrescu, @cassandradimitrescu99, @baeladimitrescu (hi, welcome to my ocs sideblog lovelies!).
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@transgirl-artemis Némain with the blade legs after the incident of Collapse. Steampunk Némain is best Némain.
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Némain as a hellhound (used a lot of Loona pics as references, but Némain's floofy hair for the hair, naturally). @luzura-blight. Colouring this in will be fun as hell.
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nemain-og-mactire · 2 years
Alcina, about Miranda and Mia: And they were lab partners.
Némain: oh my god they were lab partners
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
Alcina, opening a door: “Excuse me, is anybody-”
Némain and Miranda: *in a sexual position.*
Alcina: “...”
Miranda and Némain: “...”
Alcina: *slowly closes the door.*
Némain, angry and launching herself at her tall wife: “DON'T JUST PRETEND LIKE YOU DIDN'T JUST SEE ME!!!!!!”
Alcina: *Horrified yelling at her wife's sudden nakedness being launched at her face in anger.*
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nemain-og-mactire · 2 years
Since I hate myself I guess, here's this; basically, I've been doing a lot of Némain complying to LoL/Arcane lore while also neglecting the lore for WolfWalkers, which is the movie she's based on as a WolfWalker. So, while I type this, I just hope WW lore won't affect LoL lore in this fic. Such is the task when creating crossover ocs- trying to keep two lores in balance. @transgirl-artemis for you ♥️
Piltover's WolfWalker.
Némain looked over to Fiadh, who was staying over at their house, probably in hopes to grow closer to her biological child. “So... Have you had any wolf dreams?” The auburn haired woman asked, leaning closer as she could over a table. Némain frowned. “Not for years. Had it beaten out of me when I was... Well, it's fine.” She shook her head.
“You know you've got connection to the arcane, right?” Fiadh asked lowly, as mentioning anything about the arcane was considered taboo. The strange question made Némain lean backwards, puzzled and shaking her head. “No. No. I have no connection to the arcane. It's dangerous.” She stood, shaking. “This conversation is over.”
Fiadh stood too. “Némain, please listen to me. The arcane is about as dangerous as your blade legs. If you're fine with those,” she pointed at the legs. “So what's wrong with having a thing of magic? You're a WolfWalker, like me.”
“No. No, absolutely not. And these, must I remind you, are because I lost mine!” Némain felt hurt that her supposed mother said that. Camille entered the kitchen, noticed the ice and, turning to Fiadh, told her to leave.
That night, Némain couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about Fiadh's words, and was terrified that the "wolf dream" would just be her mind pretending it's real. Finally, she fell asleep.
In her dreams, a giant red brown furred wolf with the same eyes as her approached her. It looked sad. Her dream self blinked, as it was in first person, as if she was watching it approach. Then, she saw her own face when she opened her eyes in the dream.
And she awoke.
The first thing she noticed was the scents. Everything smelled stronger, she could see these scents. Everything also seemed smaller, and she looked down.
And yelped.
She was a wolf.
And her body was before her, fast asleep and peaceful.
Némain fell off her bed, and she heard Camille walk towards the sound of the loud thump. “Némain? Are you alright?” She heard her mother ask, feeling the vibrations of the movement that came towards her room. “No, no, no.” When she spoke, all Camille would have heard were barks and whines, which made Camille enter Némain's room faster. Leg raised to strike, Camille saw the direwolf standing in Némain's bedroom, on the floor. She lunged forth, but the massive wolf somehow managed to dodge and run out of the door, whining the whole time. Camille gave chase around the house, always behind but never close enough to actually slash the wolf. Némain managed to get back to her bed, tapping her paw on her hand. “How do I reverse this?” She whined. Camille appeared at the door, her eyes glowing as she calculated the best way to kill the wolf without hurting Némain. Golden light emitted from Némain's hand and paw, the wolf's body becoming a golden light, the light entering Némain's body just as she jolted up in bed, gasping. Camille stood down, confused. “Némain? What... What was that? I do not understand.” Not even the cyborg understood.
Gasping, Némain whispered, “I'm a WolfWalker...” Némain told Camille what Fiadh told her, of the wolf dream. “And this is an arcane thing?” Camille asked. Neither knew, as arcane was, still, taboo. “What if this happens again? What am I supposed to do? Touch grass?” Némain began freaking out.
“I'm not sending you out of Piltover just to touch grass. We'll find grass here so you can ground yourself.” Camille cracked a smile as Némain gave her a weird look. “Did you just... Make a joke? You? Queen of having a stick up your arse? You, who tells others to "not be funny, be useful"? You?! Make an actual joke?”
“It appears that your horrible sense of humour finally rubbed off on me.” Camille shook her head, moving forward to her daughter. “What am I to do with you?”
“Not throw me to sleep outside now that I'm a literal large wolf?”
Camille looked disappointed at her.
“So, have you had a wolf dream yet?” Fiadh asked, almost looking smugly. Némain didn't give a reaction.
Camille and Némain looked to each other. “I told Warwick that I keep the Wolves at bay. Rest assure that I will look after Némain.” Camille replied.
“I am not wearing a leash.” Némain tapped at the counter.
“So what is Warwick?” Fiadh asked but Camille shook her head. “According to him, a weapon. Boo hoo. He's a danger to Piltover.”
Némain stared at her mother. “So am I, yet you keep me.”
Fiadh and Camille look at their kid.
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
Némain: *sniff, sniff, sniff.* “You kinda smell.”
Mother Miranda: “What the fu-”
Némain: “Like a baka.”
Némain, as she cartwheels off: “Eren Yaeger.”
Miranda: *sad laugh cry noises. She's confused.*
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
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“Miranda, I'd just rather you call me a slur-”
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Warning, gore and death, rape mention/death of rapist. Read at own peril. Also, Némain, calm yo tits. @transgirl-artemis
Némain knew that Camille had killed the staff who had hurt her long ago. Her mama Grayson had told her why they never went on trial. But the Steel Shadow had not been able to find the two horrible people behind the orphanage.
But Némain had.
And she had tracked them down. Finding the Cromwells years after they went underground filled Némain with morbid joy. Steel tapped against cement as she walked towards them on her agumented legs, a constant reminder that she had lost hers not too long ago. Their scents did not match that of the scent at the ruins of the library: they weren't response for the loss of her legs. Her gold and purple eyes glowed in her anger, making the large woman seem more animalistic. “Who... Who are you?” The man asked. She had long forgotten their first names, that didn't matter to her anymore. She growled, insulted. “How dare you hurt me and then forget who I am.” She snarled, coming closer to the small pool of light where the Cromwells were tired to chairs. She had taken them there while they slept, and she wasn't planning on letting them leave alive. The woman started screaming, so Némain silenced her first, her unnaturally long canines tearing through the flesh of her throat as Némain aimed for her jugular. Warm crimson liquid splattered across the cement ground, across the walls, across the man and across Némain's body. Blood dripped from her mouth as she pulled herself back, watching the light leave the woman's eyes as her life blood sprayed from the large bite mark on her throat. The man, the woman's husband, was shaking, terrified. “You're a monster!” He screamed at her. “You're a fucking freak!”
“Oh that's fucking rich, comin from you.” Némain scoffed at him before lunging at him and ripping his throat out. Someone must have heard the screams for as Némain killed the man who forced himself onto her, Enforcers swarmed the area, guns up, ready to fight. Blood painted a small area around the two corpses, covering Némain too. Camille Ferros, her mother, was among the Enforcers.
They were going to arrest her for murder.
Camille looked blankly at Némain, and then to her victims. Némain glared at her mother, fists clenched in rage, her breathing heavy. Tears fell, unbidden, down her mismatched eyes. And she broke down in tears. Camille realised who these two were, and told the team she was with to wait outside. Curious at the demand, the enforcers moved out. Némain told Camille why she did it, why these two people had to die. “For family I will give. But I could not give you closure of my killing that man.” Camille shook her head. “The law is the law, my dear. You will still be punished.”
Némain sniffed. “You... You don't hate me?”
Camille allowed a small smile. “You make me feel human. You remind me of why I remain human for the most part.” She placed a small kiss on top of her daughter's head. “So no. I do not hate you. In fact, I congratulate you on finding them. For I wouldn't have given them the mercy of a quick death. Not for all the pain they put you through.”
Némain spent the night in a cell, facing the Council early the next day.
“And how do you plead?” Heimerdinger asked. Némain looked at the yordle. “For the murder of my rapist and abusers?” She asked. Camille presented the Council with the papers of the statement Némain had given to Sheriff Grayson and herself years ago for them to read. Mel looked up to her. “And you believe you had the right?” She asked curiously. Némain inhaled loudly. “Your honours, I live with an assassin. I don't think I'm in a very good position to answer that.” Camille pinched her arm, shaking her head. “What? You say it yourself. You're employed when negotiations fail. They were a problem, I solved. It's like you say "this is what problem solving looks like".”
Camille inhaled. “You are on trail and arguing over my profession after you took it upon yourself to murder two people.”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
“And how do you plead?” Mel asked, cutting in. Némain grinned wolfishly. “I ain't gonna deny it. I'm not even gonna pretend to beg or weep. I just ridded these cities of two rapists. You're welcome.” Camille glared at her, silently saying you're on thin fucking ice. The Council didn't know how to handle this. Murder was murder, even if Némain believed it was righteous. But her sassy ass mouth got her into even more trouble than the actual murder.
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nemain-og-mactire · 2 years
“I like women.” Némain announced to Camille Ferros in the early morning, as though she was scolding her adoptive mother for waking her up in the unholy hours of the morning. Camille looked over the brim of her tea cup. “I know.”
The reaction her daughter gave her almost made Camille chuckle. “How do you know everything about me?” The young adult whined, planting her head next to her coffee. “Because you're easy to read. Predictable. At least for me.” Camille reached across the table to pet Némain's hair, comforting her. “So... I can marry a girl I like?”
Camille's hand removed from her head. “No.”
Némain raised her head in shock, frowning slightly. “What? Why not?”
“The survival of our clan is paramount.”
“But I'm not even from Clan Ferros!”
“You are my daughter by law!” Camille stood up, voice raised. She paused, inhaling deeply. “You are still a Ferros by law. So by law, must you abide by our rules. I didn't marry Hakim Naderi. And you do not get to marry a woman. Women cannot reproduce without a man.” She sounded like she was trying to apologize. “We do not have a choice.”
Némain stood. “No, we do have a choice. We could ensure a better future for our children and their children. You told me about Hakim Naderi, at how you were gonna run away with him but your brother prevented you by using his frail condition to trick you into staying.” Némain is clearly angry. “And yes, women can have children. I'm sure we can have a donar or use science... Or maybe even adopt. Gay couples can adopt, it's not so hard.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm saying that Clan Ferros won't have to worry about not having heirs. Your grand niece probably has her own heir and, while anyone who I mother mightn't ever be in charge of Clan Ferros, it's not to say the Clan will die off.”
Camille shook her head. “Being nice is getting so tedious.” She mumbled. “I feel like I have humoured your rebellions long enough. It is time to stop, you must grow up, Némain.”
“You're so...” Némain made an angry growl. She downed her cooling coffee and marched off, leaving Camille behind. The Grey Lady sighed.
She found Némain in her room, laying on her bed. “You shouldn't sulk. It's unbecoming.” The Steel Shadow scolded her daughter. Némain sighed. “What do you need, Mother?”
“You are throwing a tantrum at not getting your own way. You are an adult.”
Némain turned around. “I just thought... You'd be fine with me marrying a woman since we're not in line for succession.” She said slowly, and Camille sighed. “There are many things you still need to learn. About aristocracy, about our clan.” Némain watched as Camille walked over to her, sitting beside her on her bed. “I don't want to marry a man.” Némain whispered softly. She could feel Camille pet her head, she leaned into Camille's touch. “You must do what's right for the family.”
“You adopted me, can I adopt too?” She kept poking at this, and it annoyed Camille. “Please, Némain, drop it.” Némain pouted but nodded.
Camille kept a closer eye on Némain, her interactions with women whenever they stayed beside each other, whenever Camille isn't needed for assassinations. She could see how Némain's eyes would light up, shining, and her massive grin when she spoke with Seraphine.
It made the cyborg tilt her head, assessing, watching. Némain's hextech crystal pulsated, and Camille could tell. The feelings Némain held for Seraphine was just like the ones she had for Hakim.
How Némain managed to have feelings after undergoing the same augmentations as Camille baffled her. It was as though all of Camille's feelings were given to the strange child that she adopted, the joy, everything. The Steel Shadow felt slightly jealous before scolding herself for the childish feeling. Némain looked to her, with the smile fading as she read Camille's face: she didn't approve, and Némain blushed deeply, before walking over. “Seraphine and I are just friends. Besides... She doesn't swing my way.” Némain informed her. Camille looked to Seraphine, the pop star wearing a simple dress instead of her stage designs. Without the magical feeling flair, Seraphine looked like a normal Piltovian. “You love her but it is one sided.” Camille said lowly, pursing her lips curiously. “Yeah, sucks. Now I understand why Hakim left you after working on your augmentations.” A slap to her bicep, much larger than her own. Némain was always a heavy lifter, even now prefering to work in a forge than to sit around doing nothing. For someone so well built, she had the grace and agility of a dancer, something Camille saw she had since first living with her. Camille watched Némain's gaze follow Seraphine, heard a sigh from her daughter and felt a nudge as Némain silently asked her for them to leave. Well, Némain did have a good point. She could adopt a child. Camille thought. She pinched the bridge of her nose. Gosh, thinking of doing what this child wants... It's as tedious as being nice. Why is she like this? And why do I give in to her wishes? Am I too soft?
“You may marry a woman if you wish.” Camille smiled as Némain hugged her. “Hey, so what's changing your mind?” Her daughter asked her. Camille snorted. “You are a horrible influence and I'm losing sanity by giving in.” She ruffled Némain's hair, watching Némain smile sweetly. “So... Now that I have your permission to be myself... The hell am I supposed to do? I don't know who else is gay, other than Cait and Vi and they're already a couple.” Némain pouted. Camille paused, her daughter smacking into her back. “Well, be yourself. Be loud and proud of who you are. Let others know.” She gently brushed Némain's shoulders, watched as dust flitted off. “You're a wonderful young woman and you make me proud to be your mother.” Camille rarely complimented anyone, so Némain knew she wasn't bullshitting her. “Thanks, mother.” She smiled.
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
Corrupted!Némain: “H̵͇̹̼̳̻̝̹̀ẻ̷̮̲̤̪̪̯͙̖̅͌̄͘̚͝y̶̹͇̞͋,̷̪̱̮̭̞͖̣̣̹̏͌̕ ̴̨̢̝͚̳͆̈̏̿̓̾̕M̵̮̗̰͕̫͕̿̊̐́̈́̂̏͘͝͝i̴̺͐̓͗̔̊͂̚͘r̵͖̫̝͒̊͂̆̑͗̉̀͋̌ą̴̹̪̣̙͂̈́̈ǹ̶̠̺̹̾̏d̵̪̬̰͋̅̃̓͂͋ą̴̢̢̠̻͕́̇̿̇͌.̸͓̰̍”
Mother Miranda: “That's one fucked up child and I had nothing to do with anything that's happened to her WHATSOEVER.” Turns around, flipping everyone off. “Fuck y'all, goodbye.” Disperses into crows and fucks off.
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nemain-og-mactire · 2 years
Not sure if I've already done this, bad memory. But some behind the scenes of Némain:
The idea for a RE oc actually came to me in a dream.
This dream character actually looked like a Targaryen: silver hair, violet eyes. Too close to my already existing Targaryen OC, Rhaerys.
I didn't want another Targ oc, not after season 8.
Her colour pallet is like Tyrian Callows, and for a while, she was known as “Tyrian Óg MacTíre”.
Some time later, I found a name that suited her, and thus the plot that she's named Tyrian because of the people who stole her.
I didn't have a plan for her dad, except then I accidentally made him a selkie.
Since she was taken at five, her dad died when she was in the 2-4 age range. She can remember him, kind of, but can't remember his voice. Like, at all.
Her mum technically has his seal coat, and was supposed to give it to Némain when Némain was 7, but Némain was taken when she was 5. So... She never got her father's coat. (he died without it on, died protecting his wife and their only child).
Némain is the only oc of mine who isn't related to Rhaerys Targaryen or the cruel loop of her always coming back from the dead in different universes.
Nor is Rhaerys in any way connected to Némain and/or the RE/WolfWalker fanfics that I'm writing.
But like Rhae, Némain's back is littered with scars. For different reasons tho.
Her teeth seem to get bigger everytime I draw her. So. Yeah.
Her story is on hiatus. Yeah.
I started it on my Samsung's notes, and I uploaded it to ao3. Except for Dollhouse, which is on wattpad and has nothing to do with the RE parts of my crossover oc- it's based solely on her background story and isn't published and is 100% forgotten. Whoops.
The chapter names in Dollhouse are based on songs that have song title names that have/are about abuse. Because she was abused.
Her corrupted form is probably not gonna be canon except in an au but she is always gonna be feral.
The first art I did of her, the braid is thin and sad. I need to draw braids better ngl, but her hair is actually thick and wild.
She only really wears her hair up in a braid in the Remnant crossover (despite Rhaerys also being in this universe based on aus of mine, they never even meet because, I'm a bitch).
I'm thinking about giving her two braids like Jinx but keep her fringe that looks like Callows'. Why? Because I like it lmao.
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@transgirl-artemis some memes
Silco, walks into the kitchen to see a sleep deprived Némain standing over a bowl with three different cans of Monster before the bowl: “What... What are you doing?”
Némain, opening the cans and pouring them into the bowl: “Making battery acid.”
The front door gets kicked in by Renata Glasc and Camille Ferros is at her side: “OH NO THE FUCK YOU AREN'T.”
Némain: *chugs the battery acid-*
Camille: “nO!”
Némain running around with a bottle of what looks like Fanta.
Camille: “Némain, what do you have there?”
Némain, excitedly: “BATTERY ACID!”
Camille, knowing what it is: “NO!”
Renata: “Oh my gods, who gave her battery acid?”
Némain: *drinking her first battery acid cup*
Némain, instantly: “I feel like I can fight God.”
Némain: *immediately fist fights Miranda*
Némain: *shrieks like an unholy banshee*
Eris Morn: *shrieks back*
Renata: “The fuck is happening?”
Petra: “Feral on feral communication.”
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
@luzura-blight Némain but in the Conjuring universe: yes, I'm watching my very first horror movie, the Nun. Yay.
Valak: *makes their presence known.*
Némain: *doesn't fear anything, but is horny.*
Valak: I have one fear.
Némain, at Annabelle's house: Sup whores.
Valak: *appears as the Nun*
Némain: Yeah, I grew up with Catholics that weren't religious enough to have nuns in their orphanage. Probably because they didn't want the Nuns and Monks, the Pope to know.
Valak: Fuck.
Némain: Besides, I'm fucking pagan, so lmao good luck.
Valak: *respect.*
Valak: *stalks the halls of the church as the Nun*
Némain: *stalks Valak by default dancing behind her.*
Sister Irene: *is near Némain*
Némain: *sings Come On, Irene*
Valak, taking form of the Abbess: What do you want from me?
Némain: *eating a KitKat bar incorrectly.*
Valak: Just stop.
Sister Irene: You're unholy.
Némain: I've fucked a Mother before, I won't hesitate to fuck you.
Valak: *angry demon noises.*
Némain: Never mind, I'll let Valak have the honours.
Némain: You've sinned.
Irene: What?
Némain: You slept with your shoes on, what the fuck kinda human does that?!
Valak: *messes around with humans.*
Némain: LMAO.
Valak: What the fuck are you?
Némain: I'm the god damned WolfWalker.
Némain: I'm also half selkie. *cartwheels off* Eren Yaeger.
(Miranda: *suddenly shudders*)
Némain: *sniffs Valak*
Némain: You kinda smell. Like a baka. *cartwheels away again.* Eren Yaegar.
Valak: The fuck does that even mean?
Castle: *turns*
Némain: *walks like nothing is happening despite literally walking as the castle turns.*
Valak: *makes the shadows follow Némain and overtake her.*
Némain: *Literally calm as fuck as she just strolls through the dark with her night vision.*
Valak: Wtf.
Némain: Ima wolfwalker, ya daft cunt. I'm nocturnal too. Or in Dungeons and Dragons terms, I've got darkvision.
Valak and Némain: *play D&D*
The Nuns: *holding up crosses, holy water, whatever might save them, thinking that D&D is evil.*
Némain, who's playing as a tiefling cleric: Get fucked.
Valak, who's tiefling rogue hit 0 hp: I hate this game of emotions.
Némain: I cast save the die.
Valak, flipping through the book: What?
Némain: Spare the Dying, or Spare the Die.
Valak: Makes sense. Fucking grave cleric.
Valak, tearing off Némain's shirt to carve an upside down pentagram. Is met with scars of crosses, and deep scars from cat'o'nine tails: What the fuck kind of holy people do this fuckery?
Némain: Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you. They physically abused me.
Valak: WHAT THE FUCK. Well, that fucking explains everything.
Valak and Némain: *communicate solely in swear words.*
Irene, who has slept with Valak: *understands it all.* Huh. So that's what that means.
The other Nuns, not knowing that Irene and Valak have had sex: ????
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nemain-og-mactire · 3 years
@luzura-blight Némain has rabies. 🤭
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