#my top tag being blurred lines love bc you guys are so amazing 😭😭 i love yall
biaswreckingfics · 2 years
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I posted 1,913 times in 2022
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961 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,400 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#blurred lines love - 235 posts
#quaaacky - 153 posts
#sehunnies-hunnie96 - 138 posts
#the boyz scenarios - 138 posts
#the boyz au - 137 posts
#the boyz fic - 135 posts
#the boyz ff - 134 posts
#the boyz fanfic - 125 posts
#sunwoo fanfic - 86 posts
#sunwoo scenarios - 86 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#i wish your throat never be parched and your stomach never empty. i want you to have perfect weather and a cold pillow always
My Top Posts in 2022:
Blurred Lines: Part 9
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Pairing: Kim Sunwoo x Female Reader
Genre: Fuckboy AU, Roommate AU, Acquaintances to Lovers AU
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: language
Previous Chapter
For the next week, you avoid Sunwoo like the plague. Once you realized that your distraction attempt did absolutely nothing to squash your apparent growing feelings for the man, you could've cried. Ever since your revelation, you've been thinking about him non-stop and nearly driving yourself crazy. It's like he carved out a little space in your brain and made himself at home. His scent is permanently etched into your nose, and those stupid pouty lips are engraved in your mind.
You were terrified to see him the next morning after you pleasured yourself to thoughts of him. He had opened his mouth to say something to you, but you were out the door before he could get more than a couple of syllables out. The thought that he could've heard you and was going to tease you made you want to disappear quicker than ice cream on a scorching hot day. However, to say you didn't touch yourself again would be a bold-faced lie. You just made sure you were quieter than the first time.
You have no idea what you're going to do about your situation. You can't keep running and hiding from him forever. He'll eventually call you out on it, but also… you just didn't want to anymore. A huge part of you wants to get caught. You want to come clean and tell him your thoughts and feelings, but you already know he doesn't feel the same. He's a flirt, and he's already told one person that he doesn't want a relationship right now.
A sigh of frustration is ripped out of you as you approach the apartment. You eye the building like it's going to give you some clue about what to expect when you walk into your home. Will Sunwoo be there? Is he going to attempt to talk to you for the 20th time? Will he ask you why you've been so skittish lately?
You attempt to collect yourself as you reach your apartment door and unlock it. Everything is fine. Everything is cool. If Sunwoo is home, maybe it's time you finally face the music. Maybe the two of you can sit down and talk…figure out if there's something between you or not.
Releasing the breath you didn't realize you were holding, you push open the door, only to be greeted with one of the last sights you wanted to see.
Minjee is here.
You stare blankly at the two figures on the couch. Minjee is pressed up against Sunwoo with her arms wrapped around one of his. One of her hands rests on top of his muscular thigh, and she is looking up at him adoringly until she realizes they're no longer alone. You don't even notice you're digging your nails into your palms until you feel the stinging pain that alerts you to how tight your fists are clenched. Forcing yourself to relax, you keep the blank expression on your face as you shut the apartment door, but it does nothing to stop the pain you feel in your chest.
Disappointment fills you, but you should've expected this. You knew about his complicated relationship with Minjee. You also knew he wasn't interested in you as more than a friend. Every sign pointed to it going this way. Yet you allowed yourself to hope for a different outcome, anyways.
Sunwoo's face brightens when he sees you. A twinkle enters his eyes, and his lips stretch over his teeth in a wide smile, wiping away the previous dull look that rested there. However, you refuse to let that smile do anything for you. It feels like any forward progress you made disappeared the second Minjee showed back up.
"Hey! You're finally home!" Sunwoo quickly attempts to pull you into a conversation. His eager tone should please you, but you can't get past the image of them being together. You mumble a "yeah", not willing to offer him much more. That doesn't mean he gives up, though.
"Come hang out with us!" He tries again. 
Minjee's glare warms up your skin, and you know in her head, she's throwing insult after insult at you. She's probably getting ready to curse the gods if you agree to join whatever it is they're doing. Luckily for her, you have absolutely zero desire to hang out with the two of them.
"No, thanks," you quickly decline. What you miss is Sunwoo's expression falling from his face. You miss the way he so obviously wants you to join them and maybe even save him from the girl latched onto his arm.
You force your feet to move past them, hastily dropping your bag by your bedroom door and going straight to the kitchen. You begin to rifle through the cupboards in search of snacks but keep coming up empty. You realize your eyes aren't really seeing anything, or maybe it's just that your brain isn't computing anything at the moment. It's too busy doing somersaults inside your skull.
Footsteps penetrate the brain fog in your mind, and you glance over as Minjee enters the kitchen. Attempting to not roll your eyes out of your head, you look back into the cupboard to see that your snacks are directly in front of your face. You grab the bag and shut the cupboard as Minjee comes to a stop in front of you.
You stare at her as she smugly looks you over, and you immediately feel all of your energy seep from your body. "Whatever it is, Minjee, I don't want to hear it."
"I know you like him."
Against your will, you freeze in place. You attempt to keep your face neutral, but the task is becoming increasingly harder. "What are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me. It's not cute," she snobbishly says, her perfectly manicured brows scrunching in irritation. "I know you like Sunwoo."
She seems so confident in your feelings that you see no point in trying to deny them. That doesn't mean you're going to confirm anything for her either. Making a move to walk away, you turn and throw a "whatever" over your shoulder. 
A tight grip latches onto your arm, and you have to keep yourself from stumbling as she yanks you back around, forcing you to look at her. A sneer sits on her face, but it's nothing compared to the anger simmering inside of you. Just when you think you can no longer be surprised by her audacity, she goes and ups it a level.
"No, it's not whatever because he's mine," she grinds out. "So, stop acting innocent and thinking you're all special because you'll never have a chance with him."
"First of all," you start while grabbing her wrist and ripping her hand off of you. "Don't you ever touch me again. Secondly, he's not yours, so quit acting like you have a claim on him. You're nothing more than a fucktoy to him and everyone else."
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248 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
Blurred Lines: Part 3
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Pairing: Kim Sunwoo x Female Reader
Genre: Acquaintances to Lovers, Roommate Au, Fuckboy AU
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: reader overhears Sunwoo having sex, language
Previous Chapter
The cycle you and Sunwoo fall into repeats itself. He brings a random girl over to have sex, the two of you binge-watch your TV show, Minjee comes over to have sex, and then you hang out with your friend group. It's like a neverending revolving door of girls and friends, and you have no idea how you ended up on this rollercoaster of a ride. A part of you feels like you're getting whiplash whenever you come home because you never know what to expect. Will Sunwoo be there by himself? Will Minjee be there? Some random girl? It's always a surprise for you.
Over the past couple of weeks, you've seen two different sides to Sunwoo. When he's with the other girls, he's indifferent, careless, and only focused on their bodies. He's, kind of, a dick. When he's with you, it's almost like he lets his guard down, like he lets his player image melt away. He's caring, considerate, and there's, almost, a childlike excitement to him. He lets himself not worry about how others are going to see him.
The entire thing makes you confused. You're trying to figure out who he's putting on a show for and why. Is he really this kind boy who feels the need to act a certain way in front of others? Or is he putting on a show for you because he's worried you'll kick him to the curb? You hope it's the former because you've come to thoroughly enjoy his presence when it's just the two of you.
Minjee has been the worst part of him staying with you. She randomly drops by whenever she feels like it - like they're actually dating - and she makes her hate for you clear. Before, you could stay out of her way and forget she even existed. Out of sight, out of mind. Now, it seems like you see her every time you turn around.
The snide comments she makes to you as you pass her in the kitchen are enough to get under your skin. The need she feels to comment on your appearance or your clothes is beyond you. It's almost like she thinks if she can say the right thing, she can get you to move out. Like she doesn't understand that it's your apartment, or she just doesn't care.
There have been multiple times where you've overheard her making comments to Sunwoo about him staying with you. She doesn't think it's normal that he's sleeping in the same apartment as some random girl. She’s even made several comments about him moving in with her instead like she's not some random girl herself. Sunwoo always brushes off the comments or changes the subject which makes you laugh. It's exactly what he gets for having a carousel of girls.
A part of you likes the idea of him moving in with her because then you would no longer have to see her. You could push the horrible memory and imagery of Minjee out of your mind. Another part of you, though - a part you'll never admit to - hates the thought of it because you've grown to like having Sunwoo around. It's nice to have someone home with you sometimes, even if he's not always alone.
The apartment door shuts with a slam, pulling you from your thoughts. You blink a few times as you stare down at the open textbook in front of you. The words are a little blurry for a moment until you focus your eyes. How long have you been sitting here thinking about Sunwoo and his harem of girls?
A laugh echoes throughout the apartment, and you roll your eyes when you recognize it as Minjee. Great. Another night of this shit… These are the nights where you're almost ready to pay Sunwoo to move in with her.
A part of you swears you could strangle Hyunjae for telling Minjee where you live. The man is lucky you haven't seen him since you found out it was him who gave her Sunwoo's new address. Also, why can't they ever go to her place? Why do they always have to come here?
Minjee's laugh continues. You hear Sunwoo trying to shush her, but he might as well be talking to a deaf hyena. It's almost like him trying to get her to be quiet spurs her on even more. Her laugh becomes slightly higher and more obnoxious, or maybe your impatience with her is just finally getting to you.
You grab your headphones that are conveniently placed next to you on your desk from the last time and plug them into your phone. You immediately pull up a random playlist and blast it into your ears because you know exactly what comes next. All they do is have sex, and you're tired of listening to it. They never talk or just hang out. She probably doesn't even know anything about Sunwoo. There's no substance to whatever it is they have. No matter how hard Minjee tries to force it.
Looking back down at your textbook, you try to focus your mind on studying, but in between the beats and melodies of the song you're listening to, something else reaches your ears.
"Oh, my god!"
You freeze in your chair as the words rattle around in your brain before quickly reaching up and attempting to adjust your headphones. In the meantime, more moaned words greet your ears.
"Fuck, Sunwoo, baby, you feel so good!"
You feel your body deflate as you try to move your headphones in a way that'll cancel out the sounds around you. Irritation burns within as you find yourself in yet another awkward situation. Usually, Minjee is annoyingly loud, but your headphones have always been able to drown out her irritating sounds. This time, however, it's almost like your headphones aren't even working anymore.
Pulling the headphones out of your ear, you attempt to hum along with the song that’s playing as you examine the small electronic pieces. Your first thought is that they somehow broke, but they look perfectly fine to you.
"Yes, Sunwoo! Right there!"
Minjee's screams - and yes, that's what they are - pierce your ears, and you aggressively shove your headphones back into your eardrums. You turn the music up a little louder, but the volume hurts your ears, and you have to debate if going deaf is worth not having to listen to Minjee being obnoxiously loud.
A part of you is almost afraid that your neighbors are going to call the police in fear that someone's being murdered in your apartment. You glance over at Sunwoo's wall and wonder if you should bang on it and tell them to be quiet. Then again, the extreme smug satisfaction that you imagine would be present on Minjee's face keeps you glued to your seat.
It's almost like she's being loud on purpose. Like she wants you to know what she and Sunwoo are doing and that she's the one sleeping with him, not you. Though, you wonder if she knows she's not the only one sleeping with him. Maybe she wouldn't be acting so pathetic right now if she did. Besides, you've never even shown interest in Sunwoo. You don't have feelings for him, so she can keep playing her games with herself.
The next afternoon, you meet up with Sophia in your usual spot in the quad. The warm sun has her leaning back against the table with her face tipped up to the sky. She looks like she's attempting to soak up as much Vitamin D as possible. You follow her pose and sit down in the seat next to her, eyes falling closed when the warmth hits your face. You could use a boost of sunshine yourself.
"Hello, my lovely friend."
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267 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
I Still Love You...
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Pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Female Reader
Genre: Angst, Exes to Lovers AU
Word Count: 6.8k
Warnings: pure pain awaits you 😅😅 good luck?
Summary: At the time, it seemed like the smartest decision when you and Baekhyun broke up. You deeply loved each other, but priorities and life were against you, and being together became too hard.
Coming face-to-face with him half a year later, reveals how deep your feelings still are for him, and you're terrified that you'll never be able to move on from him... or that you'll even want to in the end.
Notes: *inspired by this drabble* *italicized parts are flashbacks* *listen to Baekhyun's song Love Again to suffer even more* *Lastly, Happy birthday, Baek!!*
Laughter fills the air as your group of friends tease each other. Focusing mostly on the elusive host of the quickly planned get-together you're attending, Yixing smiles good-naturedly as he willingly takes the jokes being thrown his way. An overwhelming sense of happiness floods you as you watch them all. This is how things should be. You and the people you love relaxing and enjoying life together. 
It's been way too long since this group of people has been together like this. Where you've all managed to get away from work and school, and Yixing was able to take time off and fly back to you guys. With Yixing being in a different country, it's hard to come across moments like this, so you cherish them and hold onto them for dear life.
There's just one integral piece of your community missing. If you have to guess, he's probably going to show up any second. Baekhyun never misses it when Yixing comes to town. No matter how busy he is.
Your heart flutters at the thought of seeing your ex again. Of seeing his bright smile grace his face as he laughs at something one of you says. You take a calming breath as you think about Baekhyun and remember that things are different now. That beautiful smile he always sent your way was no longer yours to receive. That reminder alone nearly breaks your heart all over again.
Yixing's laughter greets your ears again, and you pull yourself out of your thoughts to study his face. The pure joy you see on it helps you make a decision you didn't realize you were contemplating. Tonight, you'll push aside the feelings you still have for Baekhyun. You'll pretend that you're fine and unhurt just to keep those smiles on your friends' faces. To not cloud over their night with your angst. 
You'll ignore him as much as you can and try to forget about how you're still completely in love with him. How you're actually excited to see him. To see his eyes sparkle as he animatedly speaks to everyone.
After the breakup, you had tried to move on from Baekhyun. You pushed yourself to go on dates - to try to connect with other people - but it just didn't work. You found yourself comparing all of your dates to him and wishing it was him across from you instead of these random strangers. You wished it was Baekhyun sending you good night texts or showing up at your door with flowers, and you felt bad for those poor souls who tried to capture your attention. Unfortunately, your mind was stuck on one person.
A knocking sound on the front door fills the room, and your heart beats wildly in your chest. Yixing gets up from his seat to answer it, and you do your best not to turn around and watch. A chorus of greetings surrounds you as the door opens. Soon, everyone is yelling some variation of hello towards the newcomer. You turn your head toward the door, unable to stand it anymore, and your heart nearly stops as you take in Baekhyun in all his glory. A giant smile is present on his face when he sees Yixing and everyone else behind him.
Somehow, you find yourself anxiously sitting on some stranger’s couch all thanks to your best friend Dabin. The people around you are all very nice and seem lovely, but you've never been good at first meetings. You'd consider yourself an introvert when being introduced to new people, and it took a while to get out of your shell. The only reason you're here is because Dabin is finally meeting her boyfriend's friends, and she dragged you along for moral support.
A knock on the door slightly startles you, and you glance around the room wondering how many more people could possibly be showing up. There are already like 15 of you here. You turn to see who else has just arrived and when your eyes focus on one man, your breath is taken away. He's gorgeous… and the way he lively greets the host enchants you…
You swallow, trying to wet your dry throat as you silently watch him enter the home like he owns the place. Everyone shouts greetings or cheers as he approaches, clearly happy to see him. You feel a part of yourself shrinking as you take in his larger-than-life persona.
His eyes survey the room as he greets everyone, and when they fall on you, they light up with interest. He sends you a sweet smile that has your heart stuttering, and you know right then that this man is trouble.
"Y/N, this is our friend, Baekhyun."
Chanyeol’s voice still replays in your mind as you watch the same scenario unfold before your eyes. There's only one difference this time.
Baekhyun's not alone. His new girlfriend is with him.
Dabin had already warned you about her existence and the possibility that she'd be here tonight, so you were prepared for the most part. Dabin told you they've been together for a month and that it was still relatively new, but that didn't make it hurt any less. That did not mean that it didn't suck seeing them together. 
Forcing a light smile on your face, you allow yourself to meet Baekhyun's eyes. They brighten as they find you, much like they did the first time, but that luminesce quickly disappears after a moment. You can see he's holding himself back and making it clear that you're nothing but an old friend. Someone important, but not important enough.
He offers you a small smile in return before his hand reaches toward his girlfriend, and he finds her fingers. If you could crawl further into your body, you would, but you try not to let that show as your gaze falls to her.
She's stunning. A piece of art that looks perfect besides Baekhyun, and from everything Dabin has told you about her, it seems like her personality matches. Good. Baekhyun deserves someone that'll treat him magnificently. He deserves happiness.
The quiet murmurs behind you make you realize that everyone is watching this moment. Even if they're attempting to be subtle - which, you know if you turn around, they're anything but - it feels like the room is collectively holding its breath. They all knew this moment was coming, but none of them knew how to properly approach it, including Baekhyun, who looks just as hesitant as you feel.
His girlfriend steps toward you, breaking the tension in the room and pulling your attention to her. She holds her hand out to you and introduces herself, breaking Baekhyun out of his stupor, so he can finish the introduction. 
You lightly shake her hand, seeing no ill-will or malice in her gaze, and find yourself relaxing a bit. When you give her a genuine smile, you visibly see her shoulders relax. Obviously, she's extremely nervous to be meeting all of his friends like this. You knew exactly how that felt, so you didn't need to add any extra stress for her as the ex. You can put on a fake smile and pretend to be happy for their sake as well.
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269 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Blurred Lines: Part 2
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Pairing: Kim Sunwoo x Female Reader
Genre: Acquaintances to Lovers, Roommate AU, Fuckboy AU
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: reader overhears Sunwoo having sex, language
Previous Chapter
While you head home from your night class, an unexpected excitement fills you as you think about seeing Sunwoo. Ever since the two of you hung out that night, you've noticed Sunwoo trying to be more engaging with you. His attempts at building a friendship have made you realize that him becoming your roommate might not be so bad. It might bring you some new energy that you haven't realized you've been craving until now.
It surprises you that you can see yourself developing a friendship with him, and maybe makes you feel a bit shameful. Admittedly, you haven't really made an effort to be friends with Kevin and Eric's friend group, and maybe you should change that. You could be holding yourself back from a lot of great friendships.
With a growing smile on your face, you begin to make the trek up the sidewalk to your apartment. Thoughts of maybe starting that show you've been talking about with Sunwoo fill your head as you wonder if he's home. While you come to a stop in front of your apartment door to grab your keys, you try to figure out why you're excited to hang out with him and when this odd flip occurred.
Sliding the key into the lock, you twist the handle and push open the door. Your eyes scan the living room, and when they come to a stop on the couch, your excitement immediately dissipates. There, sitting on the cushy, black furniture with some random girl straddling his lap, is Sunwoo. The pair is in such a heated and deep makeout session, they don't even notice your presence.
Ripping your eyes away from them, you shut the apartment door. The couple jumps apart at the sound and looks over at you, but you can barely glance in their direction. The image of her hands buried in his hair and his hands grinding her body against him refuses to leave your head.
Somehow, in the last couple of weeks, you've forgotten Sunwoo's reputation. You've allowed yourself to forget that, in his heart, he's a fuckboy.
"Hey," Sunwoo says, slightly pushing the girl off his lap like they weren't just about to have sex on your couch. "Welcome home!"
With a slight nod, you say, "Sorry for ruining your fun."
"You didn't ruin anything," he tells you, flashing a small smile your way. His black curls lay messily against his forehead, and you want to smack him for being attractive at a time like this. "How was your class?"
Your eyes land on the girl pouting next to him. The messy hair that frames her face and her swollen red lips tell you they've been at it for a while, and when she catches your stare, she sends you a nasty look. With a small scoff at her behavior, you focus back on Sunwoo and, with a dull tone, say, "Same stuff, different day."
Sunwoo lightly nibbles on his bottom lip as he notices your tone - likely feeling awkward about the situation - but then the girl next to him wraps her hands around his arm to get his attention back on her.
"Sunwoo," she whines in a cutesy voice. "Let's go to your room for some privacy."
She shoots you a look as she says the last words, and you roll your eyes. You couldn't care less that she doesn't like you here. It's your freaking apartment.
Sunwoo looks over at her, and when you see her bite her lip and give him her best sultry eyes, you decide that's enough for you. You kick your shoes off by the door and begin to head to your room. Sunwoo looks like he wants to say something, but his girl is done with not getting his attention.
With a glance behind you, you see her get up to her feet and pull Sunwoo up from the couch. His eyes fall down to her as he stands up and a slow smile begins to grow on his face as she drags him towards his room. The awkwardness he felt about being caught is replaced by lust once again.
You hear the door shut behind them as you head into your room and follow suit. At least, you'll have two shut doors between you as they do whatever it is they're about to do. You swing your backpack towards the corner of your room and drop down onto your bed with a sigh. Okay. New plan. Tonight, we'll avoid doing homework by doing what we usually do - waste time on YouTube.
Putting on your pajamas and booting up your laptop, you get yourself settled amongst your cozy blankets and pillows for a quiet night when you hear it. The sounds that let you know your night is about to be anything but quiet.
Your eyes immediately go to the bedroom wall Sunwoo and you share. The wall you failed to take into account when you shut your bedroom door to block out the noise. Feminine moans reach your ears, and your entire body freezes for a moment.
When you do break out of your trance, you quickly open up YouTube and click on the first video you see. It doesn't even matter what it is. You just need a noise blocker immediately. Turning the volume up obnoxiously loud, it helps drown out the moans until the bed squeaks and the thumping of the bed hitting the wall greets your ears.
Jumping up from your bed, you race to your backpack and dig out your headphones. Pushing them near painfully deep in your ears, you go back to your laptop and jam them into the headphone jack, nearly deafening yourself in the process. The squeaks and moans get drowned out, but now that you're calming down, awkwardness seeps into your system.
You feel awkward that you're overhearing them have sex, and that leads you to feeling mad that they're making you feel awkward in your own damn apartment. This is exactly what you dreaded about Sunwoo living with you. The exact reason you didn't want the fuckboy around your space. Frustration slams into you as you realize you're stuck in your room with your headphones in for the rest of the night.
The next day, as you walk up to the café that you're having lunch with Sophia at, you're still grumbling to yourself about the events that unfolded last night. Your hands come up to rub your sore ears which just adds fuel to your griping. You couldn't believe you had to fall asleep with headphones in.
Sighing, you walk into the café and quickly spot Sophia in the front corner. She waves and smiles when she sees you, but the greeting slowly fades when she sees the annoyed look on your face. You sit down and try to wipe away your negativity. It's not Sophia's fault that you had to listen to Sunwoo have sex half the night. Well, it kind of is, but you're not going to take your frustration out on her.
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304 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Blurred Lines Masterlist
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Having one of your universities fuckboys become your roommate is the last thing you expect ...that is until you realize you're falling for him.
Now, you have to navigate the rude snob trying to be his girlfriend, an ex that isn't thrilled about you moving on, and feelings for a man that you're unsure can even reciprocate them.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 8 (Sunwoo's POV)
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14 (M)
Short side stories:
Hiding in the Woods
The Campfire Scene
612 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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