#my roommate: augh i have to go to work in this weather
itstimeforstarwars · 5 months
"Baby it's cold outside" is problematic in a modern context and a lot of people would like it retired due to such but. It has staying power I think mostly because when it is 5 degrees with a thousand degree windchill you cannot help but mockingly sing the lyrics or any parody of them to anyone else in the vicinity who is like "hey I gotta go outside and do something"
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marymuft · 7 years
Can’t Sleep Survey
Did you cry when you first watched Titanic? I think I teared up.
What was the last thing you did before doing this quiz? Peeing
What would your parents do if you came home with a tattoo? I have four. They just say “Lemme see it” now. 
Ever purposely broken your iPod/phone just for a new one? no.
Ever kissed someone with a tongue piercing? No.
Gotten high in the past 24 hours? :)
Has a friend ever made you extremely angry? Yes.
Are your parents divorced? Nope.
If you got kicked out, where would you go? Uhh. Well, I’d text Liz, Diane, Ashley, maybe Dana, and see if they could house me til Damion realizes he’s stupid.
If any of your friends got kicked out, would your parents let them stay with you? I’m sure they would have when I lived with them. They put up some of my brother’s friends.
You’re locked in a room with the last person who hurt you, what happens? I don’t know who that is right now? Ashley’s parents? It’d be fine, we’d play cards.
Injured someone in the last week? Not to my knowledge
Do you like Pokemon? I like the pokemans.
Would you get your feet tattooed? Did that already.
Have you kissed more than ten people this year? Nope.
Have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it? Yes.
What was the last thing you and your mom talked about? What time Evelynn was coming over tomorrow.
Do you know people that smoke weed? Yep.
What was the most boring thing you did today? Woke up.
Last kiss drunk or sober? Not sober. 
How do you feel right now? I’m a little tired. Lil wired. Dry throat.
What were you doing last night at midnight? In my bed on my laptop.
You think that stars are people we lost? They’re just big balls of gas.
What are your plans for tonight? Go to sleep.
Is there any band/artist you would love to see right now? The Matches would be so cool to see.
What is/was your worst subject in school? I wasn’t really bad at any of the academic ones. But, GYM, if that counts.
When’s the last time you cried? I def cried this week. Probably... Tuesday.
Would it be more likely of you to fail science or math? Science.
Do you find it rude when people text when they’re talking to you? Only if it’s a serious conversation. 
Do you tell your parents everything? Nope.
Do people say you look like a certain celebrity? No, but I have gotten very different ones through the years.
Who do you think you look like? My mom
Name a flaw that you think you have: My teeth.
Name something that you like about yourself: I’m super compassionate.
What’s a word that you overuse? “Okay”
Had a blast from the past recently? I’m in my parents house right now. So yeah.
Ever seen a pregnant woman smoking/drinking? Yes
What’s something you want for your next birthday? Money. Lots of it. And a keyless entry lock.
Do you hate when people talk to you about their relationships? Nah. Unless it’s clear that it’s an inappropriate time or place.
What’s the last thing you said out loud? "Augh.”
Don’t you hate when you get hit on by creepers? Yes.
Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? I don’t think I ever close my closet door.
Do your parents use coupons a lot? Not that I know of. I do thought. 
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Usually on stairs.
What are you doing right now? This. And deciding if I need to pee again.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. 5. Maybe a 6. 
Do you always seem to lose your bobby pins & hair ties? Nah, i’m pretty aware of them.
Have you ever clogged a public toilet? Friend’s place count?
Have you ever been followed by a stranger when walking home? No, cause then they went their own way.
Do you have any jewelry on currently that came from someone special? “You are my sunshine” ring from my mom.
Have you ever saw someone get run over? No.
Is it currently cold where you live? It’s actually like Hell outside.
Do you put pepper on almost everything you eat? I’m not very good at eating. 
Do you own more than 50 different colored eye shadows? I probably do actually... Maybe 30.
Do you always feel like people are staring at you in public places? Yes.
What’s one of your biggest fears? Being thought of as mean and uncaring.
Is there currently any food crumbs on your bed? Maybe.
Have you ever watched the show Bananas in Pajamas when you were young? Yes. It was one my favorite shows!
Do you ever get any compliments on your eye lashes? Yep. I was blessed with perfect ones. 
Do you own a pair of converse? Since middle school.
Would you rather be unhappy being single or unhappy being with someone? I would rather be unhappy being single. 
What is something obvious about you that everyone notices? ... Uhm. My fishnet stockings.
100 Things You May Not Have Known About Me…
or care to know about me, but here ya go anyway…
1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? Lemon vodka press probs. 
2. Do you follow college football? Nope. 
3. Who took this survey before you? ???
4. Who was the last person to send you a text message Damion
5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? ...Uhm. Two weeks ago, if just feet count. 
6. Are you happy? Not usually.
7. Where was the last place you went shopping? I went to Tom Thumb this afternoon.
8. How do you feel about your hair? It feels nice. I just washed it.
9. Where do you live? ATX bby.
10. Last thing you ate? Little Caesar’s cheese pizza.
11. Do you wish you were some place else right now? Yes and no. I want to be back in the morning. But, impossible givne distance of where I’d like to be.
13. Do you have any expensive jewelry? Not really.
14. AIM or MSN? Was def an AIM kid.
15. What classes are you taking? Next semester I’m taking Graph Theory, Cirriculum, and uh... Specialized Content.
16. How many hours on average do you work a week? 30+
17. Who do you like right now? My dog.
18. Do you watch the olympics? Yeah.
19. Last restaurant you went to? Whole foods count?
21. Who was the last person to call you? My roommate.
22. What’s your sign? Sagittarius. 
23. Do you have a favorite number? 16. 
24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? I bought a red nose.
25. What do you spend most of your money on? Food.
26. Where does most of your family live? ... Even spread of extended.
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? Sibs.
31. Favorite kind of beer? Don’t dig that shit.  
32. Have you ever experienced true love? Yes.
33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Nah. I mean I had some, but I wasn’t like super into it.
35. Myspace or Facebook? Facebook.
36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.
37. What is your favorite subject? I enjoyed the fuck out of DiffEQ.
38. Do you sometimes wish you were someone else? Yes. Or just a better version of myself.
40. Are you an outcast in school? I felt like I was, but looking back I was not as much as I felt.
41. Last time you saw your parents? Like, 3 hours ago.
42. Do you have any talents? I’m good at teaching mathematics.
43. Ever been in a wedding? Flower Girl.
44. Do you have any godchildren? No.
45. Last movie you watched? I put on The Bucket List. But, I think the dark tower counts.
46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Yes.
47. Did you take a nap today? I woke up at 2. NO time for a nap.
49. Ever been on a cruise? Nope.
50. Favorite vacation spot? Snow places.
51. Favorite genre of music? Been grooving to indie alt. 
52. Do you have any wealthy friends? Yeah.
53. Ever met anyone famous before? Yes.
54. Would you give your ex a second chance? No, doesn’t seem like a good idea.
55. Are you multi-tasking right now? Nah.
57. Could you handle being in the military? Not at all.
58. Are you hungry or thirsty? I’m thirsty..
59. Favorite fast food restaurant? Panera.
60. Favorite Nightclub? I love Highland. 
62. Do you own a camera phone? Yeppp.
63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No.
65. Can you speak any other languages? Only a little Spanish. I’m only fluent in English.
66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Last month.
67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Like 20..
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? No, google photos?
69. Last place you were at? Tom Thumb.
70. What is your school mascot? Bobcat.
71. Ever been to Las Vegas Nope.
72. Ever been to Mexico for spring break? Nope.
73. Have you ever bought condoms? Yep.
74. Do you have any regrets? I have some.
75. What do you think is your best feature? My eyelashes.
76. Have you ever been gambling? Yeah, love me some Brittney Slots..
77. How old are your parents? 69 and 56.
79. Do you have your wisdom teeth? Unclear. Never had any removed, but not sure if they were there in the first place.
80. Favorite place to be? My bed.
81. Have you ever been to New York City? Once, I need a redo
82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Idk. I go to a few. I always like Olive Garden breadsticks.
83. Ever been to Disney Land/World? Disneyland... I think. 
84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Tina Belcher. 
85. Last thing you cooked? A microwave bowl of soup...
86. How is the weather today? Hot.
87. Do you e-mail? It is how academics communicate. Less awkward.
88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? My mom sent me a card. 
89. Favorite store? Target.
90. Are you dating someone right now? Nope.
91. Last voicemail you received. Momma.
92. Do you drunk dial? Nope. 
93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? Dropped it in the toilet once. 
94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? ATX is the best.
95. Favorite band? I’m gonna go with The Matches. Lyrics are perfect.
96. Last time you were sick? Had a sinus infection a few weeks ago.
97. Are you lactose intolerant or do you have IBS? Nope.
98. What’s the last concert you went to? Oh lord... Warped like. 7 years ago? I can’t remember. I haven’t been to one in a while unless you count happening upon ones as SXSW.
99. Ready for the weekend? I’m ready to see my little nugget of a niece.
100. What did you do last night? Got wired and did things.
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