#my oshi's growing up I feel like a proud mother
momentarysilence · 9 months
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he heard you were calling him short
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hotarutranslations · 5 years
Eguchi Saya "20 Questions 20 Answers" Haro Puro Love Talk!
In 2018, we’re having a celebration of the Hello! Project 20th Anniversary (Hello Love). For the members who belong to Hello! Project, their thoughts on the 20th anniversary activities and enthusiasm for 2018, thoughts of an everyday idol, we had a passionate “20 questions 20 answers” talk~ This time its BEYOOOOONDS Eguchi Saya!!
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  Eguchi Saya = Born August 1st, 2003, Hometown Hyogo.
 Q1: Tell us the meaning of your name! It’s like it has the feeling of being breezy and kind, like the brightness of the sun. In any case I remember them wanting a kind girl. With the ‘sa’ character, it can often be mistaken for ‘sha’ but, I like my name so I want you to memorize the kanji.
Q2: What is a senior your aiming towards?
 Suzuki Airi-san (former C-ute). I got to know Hello! Project as my mother loves Morning Musume, I would wear a lot of Mini Moni items when I was small, like rings and swimsuits (laughs). Without realizing it I’ve been touching Hello! Project from when I was small, and as I gradually knew about them I came to like Suzuki Airi-san. Isn’t everything about her perfect! She’s cute, she does modeling work, she is skilled at singing and dancing. There are a lot of seniors I like but, I think I’d want to aim to become closest like Suzuki Airi-san.
 Q3: Who would you want to be reborn as?
 There are a lot of people I’d want to become. Hmm (worry). There are a lot! Like with Sasaki Rikako-san (Angerme), I’d want to do modeling work and be fashionable; with Oda Sakura-san (Morning Musume ’19), I’d be better at singing than anyone. With Sato Masaki-san, I’d want to have a performance everyone thought was cool; with Morito Chisaki-san, I’d want to be born with my face like a dolls. I like and admire everyone. If I could reborn as all the members each day, I’d want to conquer them all!
 Q4: What are you the best at in Hello! Project?
 I don’t want to say it—(laughs). What should I say for myself… I’m told this quite a bit, and I’m thankful for it, but I don’t really want to say I’m proud of my legs myself (laughs). My charm point is my eyelashes but, I don’t think I’m the best in Hello! Project.
 Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
 The level of singing and dancing is high. With concerts, I think it’s a luxury that I can listen to the other group members sing live. Personally, they’re skilled on the CD’s as well but, I like the powerful sound of listening to them at lives.
 Q6: Who would you want to be in a Hello! Project special unit with?
 At previous Hello! Project concerts they planned for those with the same member color to sing so, I also want to sing with those that have a yellow member color. Sasaki Rikako-san, Funaki Musubu-san, Takagi Sayuki-san, Yokoyama Reina-san and Kishimoto Yumeno-san. At first, I would have liked a pink member color, but now I like yellow. On the stage Sasaki Rikako-san said “I’m happy we have the same member color” to me, it was like, heart-wrenching!  I became happy about it.
 Q7: Tell us a BEYOOOOONDS song you like!
 CHICA#TESTU’s “Toei Oedo Sen no Roppongi Eki de Dakishimete”. I personally enjoy Country Girls-like cute songs, I think its nice to sing songs like that. With that, I got to sing a cute song. Since it became a train concept, there is a lot of choreography connected to trains that is fun. Besides that we also draw a heart; since the song and choreography are cute, I want to do my best in hopes everyone will think it’s cute!
 Q8: What is a Hello! Project song you like?
 Morning Musume-san’s “The Vision”. It was the song I challenged when I auditioned, because of that I have a lot of feelings towards the song. When I’m feeling down I feel that listening to the lyrics support me. Listening to it gives me a sense of security, it’s a nice feeling.
 Q9: What is the difference between current and previous Hello! Project?
 I think that the coolness and cuteness are different now than before. Within the 20 year history, there are eras of cool that then change to cute. With dancing and singing, depending on the era, the perspective changes.
 Q10: Other than yourself, who would you recommend as an oshi?
 You should come to like Hello! Project no matter who you are watching. With Sato Masaki-san and Oda Sakura-san, I think when you see their performing and singing voices its like they’re the real idols? Its cool. Also Sasaki Rikako-san and Makino Maria-san, don’t they also do modeling work? Therefore, you can often see them at bookstores, couldn’t you get to know Hello! Project from that? I like everyone! Everyone has amazing points, I can’t decide who you should watch. I think you should want to know more!
 Q11: What do you want us to see most from yourself?
 It’s not like I’m super skilled at singing or dancing yet, so I don’t really have anything I am proud of. But, since I’ve begun singing, the teacher has told me I’m better than how I was at first. I’m still unfinished, but can’t you see me get gradually better at singing at dancing each time? I want you to come to think that.
 Q12: What is work you’d like to challenge?
 I want to try modeling work (bashful). Since I was small it was my dream to become an idol but, with fashion, everyone has a presence of models. My height is steadily growing now! In one year I grew 16cm!
 Q13: What do you want us to see most from BEYOOOOONDS?
 Everyone has their own specialties; the characters are interesting. Our personalities are also strong, when we perform, when we properly come together, we come together. There are a lot of members who are good at singing and dancing, without relying on the uncommon part that is play-like, I’d want to try being noticed through a normal performance.
 Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
 35? Eeh? After I graduate it will be different whether I remain in the entertainment world or not. The seniors have built up for a long time, and even furthermore after 20 years. Therefore, I’d want Hello! Project to continue. I’d want to go see lives. Also, now you can see seniors who have always been active, I think its cool. So, perhaps my thoughts for the future will change but, I think I’d like to go on TV.
 Q15: Since it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
 Its alright to talk about this scary thing with everyone but, when I’m returning home after work, when its dark I get scared. I’m always crying while walking home quickly (laughs). When I pass by people, its like, is everyone a killer? (laughs). If there aren’t a lot of streetlights, and there aren’t a lot of people, I’ll call my mama.
 Q16: After the 20th anniversary what do you want to be able to do?
 Making a full course meal, I’d want my family to eat it…… I guess, I want to be able to ride a super scary roller coaster while smiling. I’m going to Tokyo Disney Sea for a graduation trip, and I’ve been told I’ll be forced to ride the Tower of Terror. Until then I wanted to practice falling. Like jumping on the bed? I have to practice to get used to it.
 Q17: What would you be doing if you weren’t an idol?
 Since I originally liked Hello! Project, if I hadn’t joined I think would be going to lives as a fan. As a fan I’d wave the pen lights like waa—(laughs). I’ve always been thinking about wanting to become an idol. Perhaps I would have continued to audition for Morning Musume. Even if I failed many times.
 Q18: Now, what are you most into?
 Trampolines and collecting dolls. Since I love Disney, I’ve decorated my room with Disney goods. Also, I’ve collected cute shoes. With a 100cm diameter trampoline, I’ve been jumping on the circle type.
 Q19: Who do you get along with in Hello! Project? Tell us about a recent episode! Recently I went out with Morning Musume ’19’s Ikuta Erina-san and Angerme’s Funaki Musubu-san. Also Angerme’s Ise Reira-chan. We’re the same age so I’ve made a promise to hang out with her. I hadn’t talked at all with Ikuta-san but, we were together at the 20th anniversary; I’m happy that we’ve come to talking. Before, she has asked me out to dinner!
 Q20: What is an idol to you?
 Life. I think my mom had always wanted me to be an idol from when I was small; after failing an audition once, I got really discouraged. But, I really wanted to be one so I tried again, and failed. From there I joined Hello! Project Kenshuusei, and now I’m active as BEYOOOOONDS, I’m really happy.
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