#my mom was SO mad when I colored my barbie pink to look like Arcee
shyspider ยท 1 year
I was never really interested in transformers but after reading your fics I'm HOOKED. so I wanted to familiarize myself with the lore and did some light research and now I want to watch the shows, the problem is that I only have access to : transformers prime, transformers rescue bots, transformers robots in disguise, the transformers the movie and transformers war for cybertron(only 1 season for this one)
Idk if these are even connected or relevant lol but these are all i have ๐Ÿ˜”
could you maybe tell me in what order to watch them in? I figured you would be able to help me ๐Ÿ™
(also are the movies worth watching? are they a whole another thing?)
Also I LOVE LOVE your fics they're the only thing keeping me alive and entertained so far. adore your writing it's so well structured!!you're an amazing writer ๐Ÿค
Let me just yell to anyone scrolling by to REBLOG with any streaming sites you may know that would have more Transformer content.
Never in my life have I ever expected to get an ask like this. I am absolutely SHOOK. Like, I would have never thought anyone who wasn't deep into Transformers would bother to read my work, but here you are, in my inbox, asking for my opinion on what to watch.
Before I get into it, Thank you so much! This is quite the compliment and I'm getting all bashful in my own home. Reccs below cut...
I am just, hands on my face staring at the screen, trying to figure out what to recommend first. You sound like you have all the same stuff I do. I'll try my best not to overwhelm you.
First thing I'm going to recommend, that you haven't mentioned, is COMICS. My fic is based in the IDW universe. The stories are geared for an older audience, and the Lost Light series will make you cry. Get yourself an ad blocker, and check out readcomiconline.li/. You may be overwhelmed at first, but IDW published 'The IDW Collection' for your reading ease. I linked the name if you want to check it out.
As for what to watch... everyone will have different opinions, so don't let what I say stop you from checking out what you want or skipping. I listed them in the order I personally would watch them in.
Transformers Prime: Watched it. Highly recommend. Has some dark themes, battles gritty, things get tense. Well placed humor. Good story.
TF: RID: Watched it. Less cute and chill, but still wholesome. Tries to be funny, but most of the story is great to follow, and it actually ties in with Prime and Rescue Bots.
TF Rescue bots: Watched it. Cute, chill, wholesome. Recommend if you just want something nice to watch, especially with little ones around. That island has sure seen some shit.
War For Cybertron: Watched it. It wasn't terrible. Its good if you want a version of the story of the war BEFORE they come to Earth. It's dark, gritty, and dystopian. It doesn't really tie into the others previously mentioned.
Transformers (Bayverse): Watched it. I know a lot of people shit on bayverse but I'll watch anything with Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime, any day. Its good in some aspects and bad in many others. The movies are their own universe.
One thing I've noticed you didn't mention is a lot of the shows available on youtube: - You've got season 1 of the original G1 series - animation mistakes and all. - There's the very awesome, very retro, 80s transformer movie. I have the music on my playlist. - There's the Combiner Wars. Haven't seen it. Its in my watchlist - Cyberverse is a favorite with many. I haven't seen much of it, but plan to. Very short episodes, so if you want to consume content in short doses, this could be the one for you. I think it gets a little dark, but I'm not sure.
I hoped I answered well enough <3 Have fun and enjoy!
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