#my guest living in madrid literally commented that they all have the same fucking face here
chaos-coming · 1 year
Tldr fuck this shithole village pretending to be a real city, i am moving to a different country in 6 months and hopefully leaving sooner i genuinely cant take it life here is so miserable
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chaniters · 5 years
Awan Cormac, post Rebirth, meeting Ortega once more at the Rangers HQ! 
Introducing his villain persona, PHANTOM. Thanks, @kruk-art for lending me your character again! :D
Looking around for a clean cup, you find plenty, though they are all new and impersonal. There's no trace of the old ones, chipped and personal, and in Ortega's case, the one that you had given him. Did someone throw them out when they moved?
It's been 7 years. Of course, they've moved on. The thought brings a mixture of sadness and relief.
"If you want some Coffee, it's going to cost you!" he says beaming a smile
"I'll pass... you know I'm cheap," you say keeping a straight face.
"Oh believe me I do... come over already!" he motions for you to follow.
You go through the corridors behind him. This is so wrong! Being back at their new place. Why... why did you ever return? You're not one of them and you never will...You should run. Tell him you had something bad to eat and leave. You should…-
"Here!" he stops and opens a door for you.
His office. You're still in time... you could just...
"Take a seat man!" he says pointing at a small sofa... there's a tray with some pastries... and two mugs with hot chocolate.
No... you shouldn't be doing this... you shouldn't...
And there are churros.
“I got some churros, I know you like them and…”
But you’ve already walked past him, sat down. You are completely focused on dipping your churro in thick chocolate. He chuckles shaking his head and takes a seat as well.
"You know, I never understood how you kept in shape back then" he comments. He has that fond half-smile. "You eat like there's two of you"
"Neither do I... maybe all the running from psychos with laser guns and evil robots had something to do with it" You speak between bites... it's exquisite... This is the best you've had since that mission in Spain when you stopped at the bar in Madrid. You were fresh off your training and full of questions and your handler told you to order whatever you wanted just to get you off her hair for a few minutes. Then she had to basically drag you out of the cafe.
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He takes a sip of chocolate... and your gaze freezes on him.
It's the very same cup. Crap... your
"Y... you kept it," you say, stuttering
“Wha…?” he asks
You point at the cup. He puts it down and looks at you.
“Of course I did… Sidestep gave it to me.”
He extends a hand, taking yours. You let the churro inside the chocolate as he presses your fingers slightly.
“I gave it to you. Sidestep is dead”
“I still see him,” he says letting go. “He’s just grumpy, as he always was”
“That’s… not… “ you can’t finish that sentence. You realize not everyone’ has moved on. He hasn’t. You can see memorabilia of your past self all across the office. There’s even a shelf behind a glass… full of relics... It’s like he’s living the past.
Shit. There are a few seconds of silence… more than enough to be awkward.
And then he changes the subject. He was always better than you at these things. Soon enough you are devouring the churros and pastries along. He laughs. He talks about the past, without mentioning Sidestep again. Makes you laugh too. You say he looks good, that you’re happy to be here with him, sharing some sweets once more. He takes it as a flirt and escalates by comparing the churros to something else and makes you blush and wish the earth swallowed you. You deflect, but it leaves both of you longing for more, like always.
He planned the whole evening. You go to the cinema, watch a new movie. Animated, about a hero who encounters different realities and versions of himself. You don’t need that. There are already too many versions of you lose in this reality alone. You own regene self. Your puppet, walking around in your name. Your villain persona. Your past self, engraved in everyone’s mind. Especially his.
Again the superhero theme in the movie he chose. He hasn’t moved on past your death at all. He wants you to  become your old self again. And you can’t… you can’t turn back time and erase your scars. You are heading towards mutually assured destruction. What will he think once he figures it all out? You’re not one of them…
He won’t want anything to do with you. You are the black and white, dissonant in a colored world. Perhaps It was better when he didn’t know you were alive… You were meant to protect humans. Your disguise was never meant for you to believe yourself one of them. That is where you failed.  
You’ve certainly not protected Ortega. He’s been tortured all these years by the death of a friend that doesn’t even really exist. And he wants to be much more than your friend. And you…
You want it too, more than anything.
You suppress the contradicting thoughts.
Whatever finally happens between you, you’ll help him move on.
It’s the least you can do.
Mortum was dead right on design...
The extensible nanomesh cloak swirls theatrically as you reach the window, leaving a trail of fog behind you through its small smoke machines.
With the addition of the silent thrusters, you appear to glide in the night. Phantom is really a sight to behold. And you’ll play the part literally tonight.
The window is open, so it only takes a simple push to create an opening, and you hop inside.  You’ve been here before, so you know your way around. The hallway… the guest room… You are careful not to step where you know the boards will creak, revealing your presence.
You glide through the last part, opening the door with the utmost scare.
Your target’s asleep, as you expected.
Without a single sound, you take the magnetic cuff from your inner pockets.  
“Once it hits the target, it automatically binds them with titanium grade bindings” Mortum explained. You hope he’s right, or this will be a very awkward encounter.
The thing is shaped like a small disc, with a pair of buttons.
He stirs in his sleep, his chest facing up. Good, it’s almost as if he’s asking for you to do this.
You place the disk atop his chest. It sticks to his skin, with a small hiss of air suction.
He opens his eyes, groggily at first...  And then they fix on you, with a sudden moment of terror, followed by recognition.
And you press the button.
He attempts to incorporate, his senses warning him about the danger...
Metal tendrils extend everywhere from the circular device stuck to his chest, binding his arms and legs. It looks awfully uncomfortable, you’re glad they didn’t have any of these terror devices back at the farm.
“What in the hell…” He fights it, but the metal tendrils extend everywhere, and finally pull his arms together, behind his back, and his legs end up bound to each other.
Defeated, he falls on the bed struggling like a fish out of water. He glares at you.
You stand unmovable, your cloak swirling in the air, and fog filling the room. You must look ghostly and terrifying right now…
“Good evening Charge. Is this a bad moment?” You let out a few laughs, which isn’t hard because this is actually funny in a very twisted kind of way. And, hey, that’s you these days. Twisted.
You turn off the for generators with a flick of your wrist. Enough smoke already.
“Phantom! How did you…”
“I disabled your security systems Charge. It wasn’t difficult. I wonder how do you expect to stop me when your own house is such an easy target” Really. You could have just walked in and killed him. Not fun at all.
He lets out a powerful discharge. It doesn’t break the bindings but reminds you this won’t stop him indefinitely.
“Hijo de puta! Get this thing off me! What the fuck do you want?”
“I want what’s in your safe. The one behind that painting” you state. Better to go all about the business and not prolong this unnecessarily.
“What? Why? THere’s not even that much money in there! Do you think I’m rich pinche pendejo? I’m still paying debts, idiot!”
“Really? Because I know there’s something there that could be worth a small fortune” There are so many ways you could have found out, you should be safe from suspicion back as Awan.
He looks puzzled for a moment. And then he understands.
“No! No way!”
“Yes, way!. Tell me the access code. It will make this whole thing faster”
“Never! Go to hell! Vete a la chingada!!”
You laugh.
“You honestly think your old safe is going to stop me when I’ve robbed banks?”
He spits on you. “¡Púdrete!” he adds finally.
“I expected you to be a better loser” you sigh, clearing the spit from your mask. “Whatever, I’ll open it myself.”
You turn and remove the painting, some old picture of a farm. You hate farms. And then you begin working on the safe, connecting it to your wrist computer. All the while Ortega keeps yelling profanities from the bed.
The door opens.
And there it is. You pull it out.
Your old gun. Sidestep’s old gun.
You turn to him showing him your prize.
“Put that back you fucker! You’ve got a problem with me you take it out on me! THat’s…”
“You know, you say you’re paying debts, and you keep a lot of memorabilia that could be worth so much all around this place. I’ve studied it well…”
“THat’s mine you psycho! It’s part of my fucking life! What the hell would you know about that?!”
“I know I could have killed you for the safe codes. You should put your priorities in order ranger. Sidestep is dead, after all” you say tapping his hair with the gun as you leave. He screams and yells, and you hear a loud thud as he falls from the bed trying to slither his way to you.
You glide away, trough the streets.
You hurry to the elevator. It’s on the news already, and you’re really worried.
Did you overdo it? Of course, you did, as usual. You should have left things as they were.
You get off the elevator and walk to his office passing the kitchen. Steel is there.
“He’s at his office,” He tells you, from the opposite end of the corridor. “And he’s completely out of it, see if you can talk to him”
“Will do. Thanks!” you stride through the corridors, and knock once you reach his door.
“Go Away” he yells.
You open it anyways and come through
“I said go awa...! ” he stops, as he sees you.
“Hey, it’s me… Are are you ok?” you say. It feels odd. To be the one asking. This isn’t how it always goes.
He’s teared up. And he’s got a remote control on his hand. The TV is on, and you can see Mia Ochoa reporting on how Phantom stole and sold Sidestep’s original gun on the Dark Web to an unknown collector for 1.5 million dollars, mocking the Rangers once more.  
The remote sparkles in his hands, his electrical power acting up under stress.
You approach, hesitantly… and hug him. You wonder if you’ll get a jolt… but he seems to calm down and hugs you back.
“I couldn’t… couldn’t stop Phantom” his arms hold you tight, his voice trembling. Fuck you definitely overdid it. He’s already traumatized by your death and now you pull this... You are hopeless trying to understand humans. You should just... “I’m sorry... He took… he took it…”
“It’s just a gun,” you say
“It’s not… It’s… It’s your gun. The real one!”
“That’s not mine Ricardo. Sidestep is dead. I buried him”
“No, he isn’t! You’re here!”
“I WAS Sidestep. Not anymore. I choose to be myself. Not him.”
“I’m alive. I survived. Isn’t that what counts? He’s just a memory… let it go”
It takes a few moments before he physically lets go of you.
“Mierda… I… I guess you’re right.”
“I am?” you ask surprised. Is this actually working?
“Yes, pendejo. I’m thinking I got too attached to your old stuff… when you were...”
“... you don’t have to say it”
“You get me”
“Yep… “ when you were dead.
He plops down on the sofa.
“Thanks,” he says leaning back. “I’m still pissed. That money should have gone to you“ he says pointing at the TV which is showing a cash icon for the sale for 1.5 million “
It takes all of your acting skills to keep a straight face. “Well… yeah, it could have helped, but … Just let it go Ricardo, ok? It’s a stupid gadget. And I don’t need it.”
He rubs his face, then looks at you. “Since when are you the grown up?”
“I don’t know Ricardo, and it's fucking scary… so please let’s not do it anymore?”
You manage to make him crack a smile this time. “Alright, deal then.”
“Also, talking about scary… You should get rid of all this!” you point at a lot of your old stuff all around his office. “It’s hella creepy” you add as you fall on the sofa by his side.
“Shutup,” he says jokingly, punching your arm.
“Ow… I mean it You know, I could help you sell it. I think I remember what most of this shit is… Is that a piece of Quasar’s positronic brain?”
“You bet… “ he sighs “I’ll think about it… “.
And then he holds your hand… and you made the mistake of being too close, and he kisses you…
It takes longer than you’d want to regain control, but you make do, manufacturing an excuse to leave… but before that...
“Hey, I’ve got something for your office!” you say
“Huh? Really?”
“Yep! Here!” you hand him a small box.
He opens it… there’s another cup there. Just like the one you gave him back then. You had to pay 300 dollars to get the exact same, but you did.
“What the… “ He smiles, surprised “Is it my birthday or something?”
“No asshole. That’s for me to use the next time you have churros and chocolate, obviously!” you say closing the door behind you.
My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero    
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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