#my dm just said i did the most damage in one single round than anyone in the whole campaign DAMN
jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 6  Chaos in the Cathedral
Candians v. The World
As sure as the sun rises and sets every day, a D&D session that starts with the DM telling everyone he loves them is a D&D session that’s going to end in tragedy. 
We begin with the stakes as dire as they’ve ever been. The PCs are in the Cathedral with 7 Tartguard and none of their other allies. Amethar has just been excommunicated from the church for adultery, stripped of his title, and ordered seized as--technically speaking--Candia is now at war with the rest of the Concord. They are surrounded on all sides, outnumbered, and there’s no easy way out.
And Jet decides to charge the Pontifex.
She grabs her water dagger (8d6 to Candians, 4d6 to everyone else, plus the poison cocktail Amethar suffered and only 1 Use--clearing up Keradin’s statement about there being 3 daggers) and says, “I’d rather be a bastard than a fool who believes in a bulb.” If she wants war, the Rocks family will bring it. She provokes an opportunity attack from Bonathan (the french fries fighter) but Theo blocks it and joins in on the heresy with a, “Fuck the Bulb!” The Pontifex screams as she takes 28 damage--though she burns a legendary resistance (which she apparently has) to avoid the poison effects.
War dog Amethar immediately starts looking for exits. He hears the guards on the other side lock the big, main door and he sees that there are these big, glass windows, but they are reinforced with crossbars that need to be broken for anyone except maaaaaybe the kids to squeeze through. He yells for the Tartguard to hold off the Imperial soldiers before running up to Jet and begging for her to cooperate for once in her life. “Please, do not die for me.” He physically picks her up and--on a Nat 20--throws her right up to a ledge where one of the big windows are. Once she’s up there, she sees that there are priest-archers in hiding, waiting to snipe them.
(Emily/Jet: You don’t have to worry about me.)
(Ally/Liam: We’re fucked. We’re absolutely fucked.)
The archers go, getting a shot at all three kids, including Nat 20 on Jet for an arrow in the back.
Liam (after considering an entirely different course of action that gets ret-conned away) Hunters Mark’s Bonathan and crossbows him. As he does, a familiar figure rounds the corner--Keradin, unshackled and bearing his mace.
“Witch. Is that the spell you cast on me?”
He goes to town, dealing a full 31 points of damage, bringing Liam down to 6. Theo also takes a beating this round, getting 27 points of damage from Plumbeline.
Lapin at first tries to goad Basha into joining the fight against the church by prodding at his pride but only a Nat 20 would entice him to take that bait and Zac doesn’t hit it. He did however hit a Nat 20 last week to find out more info about the Bulb and Brennan gives him the first piece of info now: The magic of the Bulb isn’t different from the magic of the Sugarplum Fairy. Power is power. A warlock is a cleric is a warlock. It’s a difference of semantics. With the rest of his turn, he casts Fly on Theo so he can get the kids up to the window and he stands in front of Liam to protect him (tossing him 2d6 of healing).
“I misjudged you,” says Theo.
“Oh, shut up,” says Lapin.
Ruby, twinning as always, decides to also attack the Pontifex, doing 28 damage with her grasping arrow (which also forces the Pontifex to stay in place or take damage).
On his turn, Theo (who is under strict orders from Amethar to save his kids) gets both Liam and Ruby up to the window--and still has the time to flip off the whole church and say, “Long live the Sweetening Path.”
The Chaos Continues
The knights attack Amethar. Amethar attacks the Pontifex. Grissini, filled with grim determination, attacks the Tartguard (5 go down). Jet chucks a crossbow priest off the ledge. 
Amethar grapples the Pontifex and declares, “I have your leader. Will you not defend her?” But on a 9 Intimidation check, everyone can hear the panic in his voice. Fine. Reckless attack: 14 damage. Onionpatch, weedy though he is, is able to break the grapple on his turn.
Liam tries to break the bars on the window--which Brennan has stressed several times is a very high DC to hit (Liam would need a Nat 20) and needs to take at least 20 damage at a time for it to stick at all--but doesn’t do it.
Keradin rains down blows on Lapin, the pretender, and Lapin goes down (the Fly spell on Theo going down at the same time). As he goes down, he has the second revelation about the Bulb gleaned from his Nat 20 from last session: the Bulb exists and it is powerful but it is mindless. It’s a pure source of power with no agenda or wants or desires. They’re worshiping a battery or a nuclear reactor. He rolls a death save. Failure.
Ruby gets out her rope, gives one end to Theo, then uses Mage Hand (which is invisible but, in reflection, can be seen as her Aunt Lazuli’s hand) to send the other half down to Amethar before casting Fog Cloud to make him harder to hit. 
Theo tries to drag Amethar up with the rope, but Amethar hasn’t had the chance to grab it yet so it just slips his grasp. He tries to break the bars on the window but fails. He wants to Compel Duel with Keradin to take the heat off Lapin, but he’s out of range.
The Pontifex heals herself, undoing many turns of effort. Amethar takes 9 points of damage from various knights. The remaining Tartguard go down. A Ceresian soldier tries to hit the prone Lapin but rolls a 1 and a 2, missing him entirely (somehow). 
Jet--who, as you might have guessed, has been very “Not Without my Father” all battle despite Amethar’s orders--attacks one of the priests and then uses her Maneuvering Attack ability to let Amethar move half his movement without provoking Opportunity Attacks--an ability that works despite the lack of line of sight caused by Ruby’s protective Fog Cloud. 
Amethar climbs the rope and gets to work on the window--hitting both times but only doing damage on the second. He does 22 points of damage but the bars have 30 HP so it’s gonna take another hit. The priest fighting Jet tries to disengage but her Sentinel ability activates and she slices him through, dead.
Liam sends Preston down to help Lapin with his death saves and then unsuccessfully tries to break the bars. Keradin immediately starts wailing on Preston and does 28 points of damage, dropping him.
Lapin has his second death save. Failure. 
Ruby tries to attack the bars but fails. She tries unshackle Manta Ray Jack (who was chained and tortured to get Amethar’s secret last episode) and fails even harder on double Nat 1s.
Brennan throws the gang a bone and says that the bars will now break on a 19 or 20 since Amethar weakened them and, what do you know, on his very next attempt, Theo rolls a 19. BAM, he rushes the window and immediately falls out. Jet grabs Liam and jumps out, taking most of the falling damage herself. Amethar throws Ruby out the window, looks back at Lapin’s body, then jumps out himself. Theo catches him, negating the damage that would have dropped him.
Lapin’s Big Day (Part 3)
Lapin is left alone in the church, Preston’s body still beside him, the Pontifex and Keradin above him, consciousness slipping away. He has one last death save and, on a 20, he’ll pop back up to 1 HP and get a turn. It’s absolutely his only chance. He rolls.
13, for the rabbit whose luck has run out. 
He does an Insight check on the Pontifex and, on a 14, he gets the sense that she doesn’t know the true nature of the Bulb and she doesn’t care. She just cares about power.
“Heretic, apostate, warlock of the Sugarplum Fairy. You mock all that which is bright and shining. Do you have any last words?”   
And, legend to the end, Lapin says, “The Bulb cares for no one.”
The Pontifex tells Keradin to end it but, before he does, Lapin hears a voice in his ear.
“They wouldn’t have survived this without you. My final wish is for you to come home.”
And Keradin dashes Lapin across the stone of the cathedral.
In Memoriam
I knew last week that I would be writing a eulogy for a piece of candy today, but I had my money on the wrong piece of candy (or pieces of candy rather). 
Lapin had the most to lose in this fight, and the easiest out. He was still, at least on paper, aligned with the church. He could have just hung back and let the others escape while he did nothing or sent an Eldritch Blast flying that purposefully missed its mark. There was a path out of this for Lapin in simply doing less. 
But he didn’t. He had exactly one proper turn all fight and he used that turn to turn the tide of the entire encounter. If he doesn’t step up to protect Liam, Liam absolutely drops. If he doesn’t cast Fly on Theo, Ruby and Jet are screwed. If Ruby and Jet can’t get that Fog Cloud/Maneuvering Attack double team, Amethar is screwed. He saved everyone. He’s *always* saved everyone. That is the entire story of Lapin in this game. The grumpy but loyal bastard whose last words to the party are, “Oh shut up,” when he’s told he’s been misjudged.
Lapin’s game was cut tragically short but, man, did he cram so many epic moments into the time he was given. From single-handedly keeping Ruby and Amethar up during the Ambush to his skillful manipulation of damn near everyone he came into contact with at the Tournament and then his heroic sacrifice in this ep, and getting to meet death with defiance for his enemy and praise from his patron. 
Many mid-campaign deaths are unceremonial and just kinda random, like in real life, but Lapin’s death really did have a poetry and a sense of closure to it. He was told he needed to protect the Rocks family. He was told boldness would be required. He said if anyone found out about him he would die. Check, check, and check. And death even came for him on the third fight--I absolutely live and die by the rule of three and, apparently, so does Lapin.  
To die in the stronghold of the church he infiltrated, secret out, more knowledge about the inner machinations of the religion than possibly even the Pontifex herself, secure in the thought that with his death, he bought his charges enough time to make a run for it is, I think, a lot more closure than a lot of characters get. That’s a full arc. 
Plus, he got one more sick one-liner for the road. 
And, let’s not forget, our baby boy Peppermint Preston who fell taking blows meant for Lapin, sent down by Liam who earlier that week was convinced that Lapin hated him. It seems like a waste, but that’s only because it’s how the dice shook out. How badass would it have been if he’d drawn the attacks and Keradin had whiffed them or if Preston had dropped, but Lapin had rolled a Nat 20, popped back up, scooped him, and left--healing him on the way out? It could have been great. 
But it wasn’t. It was just brutal. 
So, RIP to our boys. May they be doing shots with the Sugarplum Fairy in Candy Heaven.
Things I’m Concerned About
The Candians were pretty screwed no matter what they did in this episode, but man they truly decided to burn all their bridges with all the F the church talk, blatant magic, and attacking the Pontifex. They are fully terrorists at this point. 
None of their people (besides the Tartguard) were in the church when this happened. What happens to them? Do they have time to alert them? Are they all just dead?  
I wish Jet hadn’t used that knife on the Pontifex. Like, it’s the least of their worries but not only was it a waste, it makes it seem like the attack on Amethar was a false flag which would also make the attack on the road seem like even MORE of a false flag. That was tactically Not Good. 
Because of the way the information was tortured out of Manta Ray Jack (sidenote--are they, like, gonna kill him?), it seems like the Candians might still have allies in the Dairy Islands (as in, they know the Candians were railroaded and didn’t attack first) but this is such a crappy position to put someone in and the Dairy Islands are already weak. Plus, there’s at least one known bad actor there. Who knows who can be trusted at this point?
Where do they even go from here? The rest of the map is at war with them. If they can make it home, war will follow them there too. What is the victory condition here? Dismantling the entire church? If so, yikes.
And, speaking of, the church was really wilding out just having Keradin come out to fight the PCs. Does this mean he’s off the hook? Alfredi too? It seems like they very well might be now that their actions can be retroactively “justified”. Still curious about whether they were working under the church’s direct orders or doing their own shady thing that happened to align with the church’s goals. 
THEY HAVE NO HEALER. Like, unless Zac’s next character is also a healer, the party is now in the most precarious position they’ve ever been in with no healer. Hands down, the worst person who could have gone down, party comp-speaking.
Five More Things
There’s a rule in law school called the laugh test and it says that, before you make an argument, say it out loud and see if you can get through it without laughing. And there’s a part in this episode where Siobhan is proposing some BS but I don’t even know what it was because she just fully breaks herself and can’t get through it, and that’s the best illustration of that rule I’ve ever seen in practice. And, while we’re here, the other two A+ Siobhan moments this episode were her face at her double Nat 1s, and, to Lou for reminding Brennan that attacks on him get advantage, “You’re a good man. I’m gonna miss you so much.”
Man, how painful is it that Lapin got to see into the Matrix and figure out the Bulb and then he had the knowledge immediately die with him? Absolutely brutal.
The tension at the table this episode. The ominous music that felt bad until it would cut out completely, which was infinitely worse. The burying of heads into hands and leaning on each other for support. This episode was a LOT. I can’t IMAGINE having been at that table. And I had a week to make my peace with the idea that someone was most likely gonna die. To have to deal with this right on the heels of last ep? Geez.
Hearing on Adventuring Party how Zac planned to have Lapin give a bad guy speech and Thunderstep out with Liam if Initiative had shook out differently really makes it hit home how D&D is really about those in the moment things you can’t control. This could have been a very different encounter but was Jet supposed to NOT try and stab the Pontifex? Of course not, she HAD to. She’s JET. And she got to set the tone of the fight because she rolled highest. 
Can you imagine if Amethar had jumped out the window, taken that damage, and just dropped? And failed his death saves? And they had no healer? 
Just as a final note, I have to give major props to the whole cast for this episode. We’ve known that this was the “actions have consequences” season since it was announced, but this is really the first time we’ve really gotten to see the extent of the consequences and everyone handled it very well--the PCs staying true to character, even it wasn’t optimal, but still playing smart, and Brennan for facilitating such emotionally difficult scenes. This is peak D&D y’all.
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ocuk-dnd-5e-blog · 7 years
Session 5 - 17/08 - Owlbears and Bear Riding
Dave N - DM
Stu – Hendel – Barbarian
Dan – Darvin – Sorcerer
Dave R – Galath – Ranger
Andrew – Eriden – Druid
John – Dwon Fai – Monk
Alex H – Chance – Bard
Alex D – Fyvel – Fighter
 Dwon, Eriden and Darvin were gathered at the edge of town impatient to be away and about their business but were not having much luck with Chance, Fyvel, Galath and Hendel all missing. As they were musing on what to do next when Galath wandered into town from the woods with a huge bear in tow, trailing along behind him.
“What’s that?” Eriden asked.
“My pet.”
“Did all the women say no then?” Eriden quipped back and the group sniggered.
“What’s he called?”
“It’s like a leftover scrabble name.” Sniggered Dwon.
“I’m calling him Gavin.” Said Hendel as he came trundling round the corner, he was wearing a new suit of leather armor but with large metal spikes sticking out of it at random, offensive looking, angles.
“You look like an angry, metal hedgehog.” Someone muttered and Hendel glared at the group trying to find a culprit who didn't appear.
“It’s my new armor, spiked armor, even my hugs are dangerous now.” Hendel shot back and everyone, wisely perhaps, stayed quiet at this point.
As they were getting back into their normal routine of arguing and bickering Sildar walked up to the group hailing them.
“Where are your other companions.”
“Sleeping, probably together” Hendel snapped, now in a bad mood.
Sildar glossed over this and continued. “I have been impressed with your actions thus far and would like to know if you would be interested in representing the Lords Alliance moving forward. Out interests loosely align with your own, the destruction of those who would threaten the safety of the Sword Coast.”
“Does it pay well.”
“It can, dependent on the job.”
“We may be tempted, if the offer was right.”
Sildar looked at the group considering their merits for another moment. “I will pass word back to the Alliance that if they wish your aid, they can ask, whom do I tell them to seek out.”
“The Justice League of Faerun.” Darvin declared boldly.
Silence and a muttered “I preferred the Children of Mordred” greeted the statement, Sildar nodded and set off leaving the party alone.
“I was hoping for something a little more.” Darvin groused.
The group set off from the outskirts of Phandalin and set off east down the Triboar Trail, now  that the immediate threat to the safety of Phandalin had been dealt with there was money on offer for intrepid adventurers and the group had every intention of claiming it. Rumors abounded of a group of Orcs which had been gathering at the Wyvern Tor and Harbin Wester had been offering a reward if this threat to the trail was dealt with. The group set off with gold in their hearts and minds with the intent to claim it and get rich, they marched along through a misty day with Galath in the lead and nothing for company apart from mist, rain and at one point a group of passing merchants who had not recently had any Orc trouble. As night approached the group made and as they did there was a screech from the darkness, grabbing up their weapons a group of Stirges swept into camp attacking all in site. Gavin let our perhaps the most camp roar a bear has ever made and took up a chunk of turf rather than a Stirge as the group got stuck in. The beasts, whilst a pest, were quickly dealt with Eriden and his old reliable Shillelagh crushing more than a few skulls aided by Darvin’s fire bolts.
“Have you found a gay bear?” Hendel asked incredulously. “Not that I mind gay bears, a bear can swing any way it wants.”
“It isn’t a gay bear, he’s just emotional.”
The group settled down for an evening’s rest, everyone taking a rest apart from Hendel who was showing an alarming interest in the bear and Galath was now keeping a close eye on him and Darvin added “I don’t trust Hendel awake, never mind when I’m asleep.”
 The morning after as the group rose Hendel noticed his armor was covered in Stirge corpses which had been artfully added to his armor, he missed Dwon sniggering as he declared. “My foes now adorn my armor!”
Another days marching passed uneventfully as the group drew closer to the foothills of the Sword Mountains, the verdant grass starting to change into a coarse grass and dry rubble. Hendel marched closer to the bear and repeatedly asked if he could ride the bear. “No.” Snapped Galath after the fourth or fifth attempt.
Perhaps it was laziness or sheer bad luck but as the group settled for the evening there was a roar from the night and an angry looking Owlbear came rampaging into the camp roaring in fury. It ran directly for Eriden tearing a huge chunk out of him with its beak sending him sprawling (DM Note; 14 damage in one hit) the Owlbear rampaged round the camp tearing into anyone who got close until Hendel screamed “Double axe to the back!” and dived on the beasts back slamming both axes into its skull sending it crashing to the ground dead. “That’s how you do it!” Hendel roared at the sky.
Waking the next morning Hendel’s efforts had been rewarded as his armor was still adorned with Stirge corpses but also his hair had been braided with flowers, perhaps more surprisingly was Gavin who was snuggled up to him much to Galath’s disgust. (DM Note; A suggestion spell from Darvin to convince the bear was a great use of a spell slot for a practical joke!)
Midway through the next day the group were moving cautiously through the mostly desolate hilly terrain when in the distance they say the Tor towering into the sky, they headed for it cautiously, hearing the sounds of Owlbears all around but not close off enough to engage with. Eventually they came over a gentle rise and ducked back into cover, below them, the ground sloped steadily away to a darkened cave entrance which sat at the foot of Tor itself, covered by the overhang and outside stood two Orcs lazily scanning the terrain.
“What’s the plan” Darvin asked.
“We will sneak up and see what’s waiting in the cave.” Galath replied motioning to both himself and Dwon.
With that they stood and moved slowly over the hillside, slowly until Dwon tripped over his spear in a scene reminiscent of Cragmaw Cave he cart wheeled down the hill with a scream landing prone at the feet of the two bemused Orcs. Galath looked up in alarm at his companion and manfully ducked backed into cover behind the rise before he was noticed.
“I think we’re in trouble” Galath managed to say before they heard roars and screams from the bottom of the hill where a group of eight Orcs were delightedly stabbing Dwon full of holes (DM Note; somehow with eight attacks against him Dwon suffered 16 damage and survived with a single hit point left!) Stumbling to his feet the last Orc took aim with a spear at Dwon who nimbly caught it, spun and launched it back at the Orc killing it as the spear went straight through its skull (DM Note; in some marvelously fun rolling Dwon rolled to catch the projectile, used a Ki point to launch it back with a critical hit and max damage killing the Orc stone dead despite having only a single hit point left. I love moments like this.)
Feeling inspired, or shamed, Galath arose from cover and marking a target killed an Orc with his first arrow. With a roar Gavin appeared over the rise and charged down the hill, on his back sat Hendel waving his axes in the air and screaming a war cry, as Gavin reared up Hendel slammed his axes into the nearest laughing maniacally. Eriden followed him down the hill to heal Dwon as Darvin offered covering fire (DM Note; with his standard misses with the Fire Bolt)
The Orcs were on the back foot as the crazed dwarf and bear combo rampaged among them when a roar, much more fearsome then Gavin’s, echoed from the cave and a huge Ogre emerged, slamming its club into Hendel (DM Note; for 16 damage!) it sent him pin wheeling through the air losing his grip on Gavin. “Bastard!” Hendel screamed going into rage and charging back in to face the Ogre though he was so angry he instead slammed his axe into the floor with a huge clang. Eriden and Hendel harried the Ogre as Galath and Gavin picked off the Orcs (DM Note; Dwon was as useless as his worst in the second session with double critical misses abound and general ineptitude matched only by Darvin’s inability to hit with a firebolt) The battle was finely balanced as a huge Orc, taller than the other emerged from the cave bellowing orders and pushing the group back, Darvin muttered a spell suggesting that the boss Orc had threatened to kill the Ogre. The Ogre apparently agreed with this and instead of crushing Hendel turned and destroyed the large Orc with one huge swipe of his club (DM Note; a critical hit after Darvin’s suggestion spell killed the boss Orc in one) Heartened the group attacked anew with Eriden’s ole reliable taking the head of an Orc clean off and as the last Orc fled Hendel screamed “axe to the back!!” and launched his handaxe at the retreating creature planting it squarely in the back of his skull dropping him dead (DM Note; Hendel’s inability to hit with his thrown handaxe is legend, a critical hit strike kill was perhaps the most shocking moment of the night)
As the suggestion was released on the Ogre he turned to Hendel. “Dick!” He roared, perhaps echoing many people’s sentiments and attacked once again, Dwon danced in and unleashed his one two spear and punch combo felling the distracted Ogre. “Who's the dick now?” He demanded of the corpse.
As the group gathered up the loot from their victory, and Hendel tried to remount Gavin against Galath’s protests, Darvin suggested they put some packs on Gavin and he could carry the loot. Gavin gruffed, camply, at this and Galath snapped. “He isn’t a horse and he isn’t a fucking donkey.”
The group, weighed down with loot and expectations of the reward awaiting them back at Phandalin set off into the early evening without a rest. As they were forced to set camp there was a pair of roars from just outside the camp light, perhaps seeking revenge two Owlbears came charging into the camp. Hendel was gored and fell to the ground bleeding out and Eriden was dashed aside by the swipe of a huge paw suffering grievous wounds. As the group began to fight back (DM Note; and as usual Galath retreated) Dwon was also wounded; they wore the Owlbears down with superior numbers and Gavin, eventually, proving his worth by battering one of the Owlbears to the ground as Eriden’s ole reliable caving in another skull as the last Owlbear was felled. Taking the opportunity to continue the tradition Dwon ran over and kicked Hendel square in the groin sending him rolling and vomiting on the floor in pain.
Eventually, after finishing laughing, the group helped Hendel to his feet.
“Surely.” Darvin began. “There must be money in killing these big things, someone must care about it. I think we could use Gavin as bait, let’s get an Owlbear farm going!”
“No, no bait” Galath insisted protectively.
Instead as the next evening set Darvin paraded round the camp, waving his posterior in the air and screaming into the night “Twit-twoo-grrr” in what he thought was the mating call of an Owlbear (DM Note; the suggestion and the quite magnificently pathetic attempt at an Owlbear mating call by Darvin was enough for me to grant them their wish to face some more Owlbears) Darvin was apparently right as two more of the giant beasts appeared from the darkness taking a swipe and a chunk (DM Note; and 13 damage) out of Darvin’s behind the group responded with alacrity though as Hendel and Dwon got stuck in with some impressive blows Galath’s bowstring snapped and he gave himself a solid punch in the face from the recoil. Eriden fired in an Ice Knife wounding both bears which apparently infuriated them and responded ripping Hendel open (DM Note; 29 damage in a single shot) Gathering his feet Galath finished off one of the Owlbears as Dwon sprinted across the camp and vaulted through the air, spear clasped in both hands ready to plant it into the Owlbears spine, unfortunately for Dwon but hilariously for the group he misjudged his leap vaulting off Gavin, flying over the Owlbears head and face planted straight into the turf, spear quivering and face hurting. Before the Owlbear could tear him open Darvin unleashed a magic missile and it blew the Owlbears head off, corpse flopping to the floor. As the group nursed their wounds Gavin wandered over and gave the wounded Hendel a big soppy lick. “Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!! He likes me!!” Hendel crooned.
The group reached Phandalin without further event and on claiming their reward from Harbin Wester and warning him rather smugly there may be less of an Owlbear threat in the area now, the group, under the urging of Hendel, decided to set out to find Thundertree and the dragon Hendel was so determine to find and face. As the group moved the through the forest, stealthily and without event for once, they came across a large castle.
“Is this Cragmaw Castle?” Darvin asked.
“I think so.” Galath replied.
“So we found it by accident.” Darvin snorted, laughing.
Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor the group made note of the location on the map and set off to find Thundertree, awaiting their companions before challenging the might of the castle. Perhaps they had been witnessed by a watcher in the castle but as they settled down for a midday break eight Hobgoblins charged into their camp surrounding them. Not to be cowed the group piled into combat with Darvin once again sending out subtle magical suggestions leading to 2 of the Hobgoblins trying to kill one another enthusiastically. Galath followed his normal brave routine by running as far away from danger as possible to the shout from Darvin of “Far enough away yet Galath” (DM Note; he either has no shame or is wise, either or.) The group efficiently dealt with the threat presented by the Hobgoblins, being far too mighty a group for their threat (DM Note; apart from Dwon who, as usual, was stabbed to death) the Hobgoblins tried fleeing but the group were merciless with Galath, Darvin and Hendel finishing off the fleeing members of the group.
With the Hobgoblins finished the group, even more cautiously now, followed the treeline for next two days eventually coming across the ruins of Thundertree in the crux of the river and the forest edge. Settling in to rest and taking particular  note of not being ambushed for once, Galath set out to whisper to some pigeons to summon aid from their missing companions before they set forth into the ruined village.
(DM Note; I have never known a group be so unlucky (or lucky as they viewed it by the end of the session thanks to the experience gain) when it comes to random encounter roles, of 14 rolls they had 5 ambushes which is terrible luck. Fortunately for the group they are now expert Owlbear hunters of immense renown!)
0 notes
jq37 · 5 years
[obligatory recap ask]
**spoilers for subway skirmish and borough of dreams**
@kickmuncher3 and @galfast: ty for your asks, I’ll use them for the next two recaps. this is probably the least efficient way for me to handle this but I want to keep all of these visually consistent dammit. 
One of the funniest things about this season of D20 is most if not all of the cast has lived in NYC which manifests as very specific references and in character complaints that you just know come from a place of truth and experience. Which is to say we got a lot of that in these episodes.  
Also, this has nothing to do with anything but living in NY update: On Sunday, I saw a man hanging upside-down from a tree--by his feet--and playing the flute. And barely anyone registered it at all. So I really cannot stress enough how much New York is Like That.
Pete opening the fight by blasting a fireball and then telepathically calling out Kingston is--como se dice--a Power Move.
Brennan *immediately* channels the opposite of whatever energy Emily's on and goes right for Ricky's dog to the horror of everyone at the table and his absolute delight. Like, it's a spectral dog but still. Bro. Dog. 
Kingston taking the heat metal damage to get Epona to drop him is so raw. But then, for the rest of the fight, he doesn't say a single thing except for his Command spells which is a very different kind of raw. 
Question: Is Riz's mom the only good cop that exists in D20?
I know this was an RP ep and I know they knew it was gonna be an RP ep but I wonder what would have happened if they had pretended to cooperate with Epona to get more info. Probably just an extended RP ep that would have segued into this same fight eventually. But I'm curious about what information they let get eaten by a swarm of rats.
Misty's Irresistible Dance spell is very clutch. 
The gators from the last fight are back in the form of Kug's summons and one of them still has a grudge against Misty. Misty is all, "send me your resume!" because she appreciates the spunk. I was starting a sentence about what the hell play this sentient gator is going to be in but as soon as I hypothetically asked it my brain was like, "Peter Pan. Next question."
Y'all, this really was Kug's fight. Between calling the roaches, crocs, and gators, channeling Moonshine to call lightning, and killing Epona within 40 mins of the ep, he truly was on fire. Good for him. He also turns into a bear but specifically a bear that would have escaped from the zoo. It's the little details that make this show great. 
Brennan putting his foot down on tying rats together not being acrobatics is the eternal DM mood. 
Back to Epona for a second, do we think she was working for Robert directly? Someone connected to him? Something else? When her shadow split after Ricky's attack was that meaningful or just flavor? Where did that badge come from? Has it always existed? What does destroying it mean? It didn't seem to help. The bad cop ghosts were still around, just no one could control them at that point. If they had yoinked that badge, could they have had a summoning item that hey could use? Or is it bad karma to use something like that? Is it still bad if you're forcing the bad cops to do good stuff? Did Brennan anticipate this or is the Coach Daybreak 2: Electric Boogaloo? Lots of questions.
Misty's cutting words to the cop (saving Ricky) making the Law and Order "DUN DUN" noise is great. 
Emily ends up not needing to roll to make rat nunchucks because her health goes low enough that her magic ring activates but I feel like she low key wanted rat nunchucks. 
Wild that Kingston went down for just long enough for it to be cinematic before being revived by Misty ("Get up, old man,")
Also wild that this whole fight only took about 45 seconds of in game time. It makes sense if you think about it the way you would a movie and that's how most D&D fights are but that's so much play time for so little game time and it hit me this ep because I was actually keeping track of rounds. 
Anyway, I have not mentioned up until this point that the whole crux of this fight is to last long enough for Alejandro to roll high enough to summon the train to Nod but, long story short, Pizza Rat shows up to save the day. Does that make more sense in context? Marginally. 
I like that the train to Nod shows up on the wrong side of the tracks. Like I said, man. Details. 
Oh and to my above point about the cast making comments about NY as people who have lived in NY, I loved Brennan looking directly at the camera when he was going off on people who just stand at the door like idiots while you're trying to get in and then Siobhan pokes like half her head into frame so she can also stare directly into the camera. Mood.
When Ally said Pete shoots Kingston I half believed it for a good couple of seconds. I was right there with Lou. 
OK, so I don't know how many of you have watched Sharkboy and Lavagirl (and, if you haven't feel free to skip this bullet) but no movie has brought me more enjoyment overall than SB&LG. Not because it's good because it's not. But it's so insane that it's amazing. It's right in the sweet spot. I always say, if it was any better, it would be Spy Kids 3 and, therefore, unwatchable (SK 1 + 2 are dope as hell though, for the record). I bring it up because the way Brennan describes Nod reminds me a lot of Drool in SB&LG. Like, the rollercoaster subway car def could be in the same universe as the Train of Thought. This is all to say that I think Brennan could have written a version of SB&LG that was better without being worse. Idk if that comes across as complimentary, but it is, and to both parties actually. 
From the way Nod (the kid) is being framed (in this ep and the next) I know we're not supposed to mistrust him but, put in that situation, there is no way I would trust the gray faced, black eyed, creepily gliding dream child. 
Post fight, Kingston wants to offer an apology for what he said about Pete and Nod wants to apologize for putting Pete in his current situation. Also, the group decides to be more open in general. Kug, as most of us guessed, got beauty and the beasted for white collar crime by his business partner (Gabby) who is Esther's mom and a witch (also, Ricky thinks his crush on Esther is a secret which is just adorable and completely incorrect).  
Brennan cuts sharing time off because this is the combat episode dammit! Save it for next session. But, because I'm behind, next session is now! Let's get into The Borough of Dreams.
Misty, as a faerie, is instinctively mistrustful of vising other magical worlds and eating the food or taking things at face value. I love that she's playing a character where she can ask these questions and not be meta-gaming because I had some of the same concerns. 
Wildly, WALLY walks out of the train as he just happened to be on it (as conductor) at the time. Kug bursts out with the fact that he's his dad and Wally takes this to mean that Rat Jesus is his bio dad but, even after being left alone for so many years, he claims Bruce as his real dad. He's wrong but he's sweet. 
"I thought you were mad at me." Brennan, you didn't have to do that.
Murph clearly trying to not accidentally call Wally a piece of shit because that's his go to Kug way to describe things is so funny.
"We could turn me into a rat." WALLY
Kingston and Misty looking at each other like, "These absolute children," while Pete and Soph are making Brittney Spears references. 
So we find out what all of the magic stuff they picked up does. Misty's mirror can see invisibility. Pete's grill helps with persuasion. The thousand hour energy makes you immune to sleep for 42 days(!) The bagel can be used for divination or to essentially kill a person but spread their essence throughout the universe  (which low key sounds like a sacrifice someone might make to help cancel the spread of say an undead presence or a money virus). 
I want Ricky and Wally to be friends forever. 
Kingston's lack of connection to the dream world is so sad. Like, he's no nonsense but he's like NO NONSENSE. Like no nonsense possible. So he's just walking around like Eddie Valiant in Toontown. 
And, at the same time, the rest of the party is doing the MOST nonsense. Mary Poppins-ing into the sky. Misty is making out with the moon. Wild. 
Ally drops the ketamine on the tomatoes line and Brennan fully breaks
Very sweet for Pete to bring Kingston a salad, even though that's such a random food to just have in your pocket(???). Why does salad keep coming up on this show? One more time and it's officially a motif.
So the dream world basically works on Sharkboy and Lavagirl/Xanth/Phantom Tollbooth/Wonderland/Toontown logic. If you've seen/read any of those, you basically have it down. 
"Only people with Sprint have service."/"Oh, amazing!" Brennan threw that softball out for anyone who wanted it and Emily, as usual, hit it out of the park.
Brennan very clearly knows his NY history. The mob boss (lucky Luciano, no not that one) that he mentioned during the sleeping with the fishes bit is a real dude and basically the dude who brought organized crime to the US (in the form we know it now). 
Ricky and the mints. Lord.
Anyway, the one item I didn't mention earlier is the holy grail detergent which can literally clean souls. Which sounds mighty interesting considering some of the other stuff that's come up this campaign. 
(Also, I wonder if you could use the bagel as spell components since it contains everything in the universe in microcosm).
I can't believe Pete was the one saying, "At least eat before you shotgun that 1000 hour energy." By the by, the 42 hour span of the energy drink makes me suspicious. Is that just for humor (and accurate math) or it this a Chekov's Gun kind of an item indicating some kind of time jump at some point? Ricky drinks it later in this ep so, if there's a clock attached to that, it's ticking. I'm prob reading into this but I assume if you're still reading these, this is what you're here for. 
Ally making sawing motions before being told an egg creme has nothing to do with eggs and is in fact a drink.
Pete! OK, so Pete has made some good steps in this ep, starting with promising to start reining in the drug usage. Later he works on his magic and also gets over Priya. This is the most endeared I've been to him all season. Especially his, "I try to do a good job," line. I felt that. 
"It's still open to you." Aw.
Brennan clearly saw the chance for a lore drop this ep and boy did it drop. Let's run through the highlights.
Nod dumped all this on Pete the way they did because it's super super hard to contact a Vox Phantasmus beforehand due the the natural, waking world inclination to brush off dreams. You have to have the job before you can talk to the boss. Cruddy system but that's how it goes. 
When Sophie said the thing about Robert Moses creating spaces that can't be accessed she meant by magic but it's an interesting way to phrase it because the irl Robert Moses is known for (allegedly, but like, it tracks) trying to keep black people out of certain spaces. 
Robert Moses sold his soul to Hell and Faerie which is why he's still alive it seems. No one wants to collect on his soul and anger the other party.
Whoever predicted that the golden door for Emma Laz's poem was the rectangle from episode one, collect your prize because it's confirmed in this ep. 
We learn about the ephemeral axiom which basically says, a dream can be all things but once it manifests, it's a single thing. (you might even say, "it is what it is".)
So another big thing we learn is that if a dream gets so big that manifesting them in the real world would break the game, it's called a Paragon. There are four total: Heaven, Hell, Faerie, and The American Dream. (Wild that The American Dream is the only country specific one that exists. Like, I rep my home team of course but the U.S. is a pretty latecomer to the country party. You'd think someone else might have gotten Paragon status at some point.)
"Was one of them the Grand Canyon?"
Anyway, dragging the American Dream into the waking world would fix the American Dream to mean one thing--I assume making tons of money if Robert Moses has his way. I'll admit, I was a  little fuzzy on the mechanics of this on my first watch-through because pulling the American Dream into the real world sounds like it should be a good thing. But I think, at the most basic level, it's a matter of you shouldn't put magic that shouldn't be in a box in a box. I'm still wondering about the exact implications for the waking world if he succeeds though. Like, how would that manifest? Would everyone suddenly become money hungry (lol, how would you tell)? Would people still want what they want but the American Dream would just be understood to mean making stacks and none of the good Superman-y stuff?
"It's not Protestant work ethic is it?"
Robert Moses is undead and can't get into Nod, so those are good things to note. 
I was so ready for Wally is get dispelled and for him to be a figment of Kug’s imagination or a dream or something. I braced myself so much. I was ready to set up a firing squad for Brennan for doing that to Kug.  
Who tipped the bugsters off to where Pete was gonna be? As far as I can tell, the only people that knew were the gang plus Alejandro and Esther. Maybe someone was scrying on them and that’s what the roll Zac failed during the wedding ep was. 
As soon as Brennan mentions locking the door, Ally immediately makes the connection and goes, "Key to the city." Nod "locks" the American Dream and gets rid of the lock which seems to mean the American Dream is temporarily unavailable. Which seems not good and like it's gonna have collateral damage for sure but I guess you bad is a matter of degrees and Robert getting in would be worse. But still, imagine your immigration papers get declined because some random kid decided to close down the American Dream for a couple of days. 
So, we get some backstory of Misty. She apparently just was straight up not having a good time in Faerie so she stole Titania's shoes (allowing her to be in iron-filled NYC without triggering her fairy vulnerability) and peaced out. 
"She's gonna kill you."/"Only if she can get here and I have her Goddamn shoes." (**A million airhorns in the distance**)
I love that Emily is still on the souls thing. Emily doesn't believe in Occam's Razor. In fact, I'd like to propose a corollary called the Axford Axiom: The coolest path between two points probably isn't the correct one, but it should be! I want her to run a campaign so bad so I can see her be in a game where her crazy endgame is what's going on because she's the one who wrote it. 
Misty: Let's go to hell!
So much like a videogame, the map has opened up and we have three places to check out. The former locations in the dream world of Faerie (Carnagie Hall), Heaven (JFK airport), and Hell (where do you think? Hell's Kitchen). The gang splits up to look for clues (and drinks, in Misty's case). Actually, make that four places: Pete goes to the Met Museum of Memories to basically Avatar mind meld with the other Voxes and get a handle on his magic to a degree (thank God--Nod?). We'll take these in order of appearance, which means we're off to Hell with Kug and Ricky (plus Ox and Wally).
(Focus on the Pizza, baby!)
At first I wanted Ricky, the good boy, to go to Heaven, but the idea of a firefighter in Hell also has appeal. 
Re The rat holding his guts: Gross. 
Ricky holding his axe like a cell phone.
So we and Kug learn that the rat-spell that was cast on him wasn't actually a rat-spell. It was a spell that would make his outsides reflect his insides and his insides happened to suck. I'm wondering if that means that it's a static spell that reflects his outsides at the time it was cast and it would need to be recast to reflect any moral progress made or if it will just revert him once he's made enough progress. 
I'm also wondering (partially bc one of my players asked to do this last session) can a Druid wildshape into a person? I feel like no, but like, did any of you ever read Animorphs? You know how in book 1 Tobias gets stuck as a red-tailed-hawk but then later her gets his morphing ability back and then he can turn back into his human form for 2 hours at a time? What if Kug just started doing that? Just being a rat who is sometimes a dude. 
They also go to the statue of liberty (which has a French accent, natch) who shows them that there's, like, a money/greed virus infecting the Dreaming and the American Dream. Ricky smells undeath again. They think vampires. That's plausible but I'm not sure. 
OK, Heaven. 
WHOOOO, strap in y'all
(Sidenote: I wonder what would have happened if Soph hadn't chose to go to heaven. I feel like she could have easily run into you know who in hell had she chose to go there, but I'm getting ahead of myself).
Brennan actually tries to lead Emily into the thinking about Dale mindset but Emily, having reached a note of closure in Soph's character arc, pushes back on that.
Brennan,about to wreck her entire life: Cool.
I and the cast keep saying heaven a lot but it's like an all roads lead to Rome situation. It's heaven, Valhalla, Elysium, nirvana. Like, whatever Good Place you believe in. It's the Good Place. 
Sophie, upon being told that if she jumps into the fight at the Pearly Gates she knows nothing about, she might literally die: And what about it?
Emily's face when Brennan says, "And you see Dale," is so much. You can see the entire range of human emotion in her eyes in that moment.
Sidenote: I wonder how much of her backstory Emily planned and how much Brennan dropped on her. Like, she knew Isabella was part of her backstory obv. Did Brennan come up with all of this whole-cloth or did she say she wanted there to be something supernatural and and let him fill in the details. Very curious about the collaborative process.  
 When Dale's character art comes up, it says "Sophie's Angel" for Dale's descriptor so where I thought we were going was that Dale was Sophie's Guardian Angel who wasn't supposed to be romantically involved with her and the reason he was gone is that he was forcibly brought back to heaven. But that may be because I recently watched this.
Dale, is upsettingly sweet with Sophie, calls her "sweetie" the entire time they're together, fights a ton of angels to get to her, and says he got her text message. Emily is about to cry. *I'm* about to cry. I'm sure the only reason Brennan isn't fistpumping is because he needs to stay in character. 
Dale gives this cryptic piece of advice before he is dragged off by angel guards: When you get to the top, I know what it'll seem like, but there is someone there.
Emily, of course: I fight the angels.
The angels, hilariously, don't take it personally that she's fighting them--and very well, but not well enough to beat a nat 20. Sometimes the dice are spooky in tune with the story.
"He's got a job to do here. Who's gonna watch the deer?"
Dale also tells Soph to tell Jackson he said hi which is interesting to say the least. 
Emily gets two very dope lines in a row:
"Let me hold your hand through this Alejandro."
"I'm gonna kill her. And I don't think she's going to the great big airport in Brooklyn."
That's it for her for now, but let's put a pin in that for now and come back to it after we check in with the others. 
Siobhan and Kingston are at the former spot of Faerie, the Glamour Bar.
Zac jokingly (I think) guessing Dr. Doolittle as the thing Siobhan can't remember when she says Eliza Doolittle is so funny. 
Also, her terrible cockney British accent on top of her actual British accent is great.
I love that the two actual Real Adults are the ones who go and get wasted mid-mission. 
Brennan introduces "Bobby Goodfellow" and it takes Siobhan exactly four seconds after Brennan finishes the word "Goodfellow" to be like, "It's Puck." She knew and she knew her character would know it and she hardcore pounced.  
I meant to mention this before but it's super funny that Kingston has been around the magical block but there's still so much he doesn't know. He was surprised by a bunch of stuff in this ep that I'd think he would know about (like the Midsummer's faeries being real) but nah. He's like, "This is my specific brand of magic nonsense. That's what I know about. I don't mess around with any of *that* stuff. I stay in my lane. I stay in my city."
Ty Brennan for teaching me how to pronounce sláinte. This is the first time I'm hearing it out loud. 
I love his Puck voice. Like, the little British street urchin voice.  
No big surprise, Puck sent the mirror on the order of Oberon and Titania (who are not back together but are knocking boots according to him). 
Puck warns Misty, "The world of mortals is not long for this world," and follows it up with a seemingly sincere, "Come home. We miss you," which is an interesting thing to say after announcing that Titania is gunning for her. Who is this we, Puck? Your boss wants to bodyslam her!
Also, what do the faeries know that they're not saying? All of them in the bar seemed to know something was off but none of them said anything and Puck didn't elaborate. 
I've always liked the trope of the person from the otherworldly, magical or super advanced being like, "Idk what you're talking about. Humans are great!" because it's the opposite of the snooty elf/vulcan/whatever trope that I really can't stand. Misty showed shades of that in this conversation but I feel like there's still so much that we're missing in her backstory and I wanna know what it is.  
(Also, this is prob just me being a little pepe silvia but I would be very unsurprised if Misty got an opportunity to betray the party at some point. Don't @ me. It's just something I could see myself offering to a player for the drama of it all). 
Anyway, Kingston is extremely uncomfortable in the bar and makes a hasty exit so let's go to the museum with Pete and Nod.
Ally jumps onto the, "Suggested donations are for suckers" train w/ Siobhan. 
Turns out, Pete f'd up Robert up so much that he has kind of a brain link with him. I wonder how long that's gonna last. 
Pete gets proficiency in arcana and a choice between lesseing wild magic surges or gaining some control over them (2 wild magic rolls on a fail and ally gets to choose which effect takes place). Obv the second one is more fun rp-wise so that's what Ally picks.
It's a memory museum so OF COURSE he gets a chance to look at the memories of the rest of the party. But it's getting late so he only has a chance to check on one person's memories. He, naturally, picks Kingston. Makes perfect sense from an RP perspective but out of character I feel like Misty is the most closed book of the party. 
Pete sees Kingston's life from his childhood to the present (Brennan puts Lou on the spot to do some improv...I mean beyond the improv they're already doing) and it's about what you would expect based on what we know about Kingston but it's very beautifully described (sidenote: did any of y'all ever watch the life and times of juniper lee? where she can't leave the city bc she's like the buffy of that world? I really felt shades of that, except more self imposed).
During that montage, a character is like, "You could make hundreds of millions of dollars--I mean, I'm exaggerating," (s/t like that) and I'm not gonna go back and check but I feel like Brennan (or maybe Lou) made almost exactly the same comment in the first ep of this season in a very similar context.
Oh, also, Kingston gets dubbed Vox Populi by a dragon on Bleecker Street in case you were wondering about logistics. 
Again, Nod says that inviting Liz into his life was basically dooming Liz to be stuck dealing with the Unsleeping City but I feel like unless you have a Vox position or something similar you should be able to, like, opt out. So what you need to ignore some weird stuff day to day? May I direct you to my earlier anecdote about the flute dude in the tree. New Yorkers are good at that. And if she moved away, would it even be an issue?
Actually, that raises another question. Is NY the only place where magic is happening? It can't be because Santa is doing his thing at the North Pole. And NY has the Umbral Arcana which shields magic from muggles. Does that mean that elsewhere, magic just isn't hidden? I'm guessing that works because the bulk of magical happenings are happening in NY. Which, again, if so, couldn't Liz just move if she really wanted to? Or is she actually being *kept* there? 
Ahhhhh, that argument scene with Kingston and Liz. Ow. 
Robert's subconscious is heckling Kingston's memories the entire time. 
The party gets back together, Pete immediately lets Kingston know he was memory spying on him and hugs him (while Misty is drunk a singing over him). Their rift literally caused a kind of rift in NYC which is now healed (which causes Sophie to see the Unsleeping City/Dreaming Yin-Yang sign over their heads).
 Ricky drinks the 1000 hr energy so start the clock I guess. 
Misty, upon hearing that Dale is dead basically does that John Mulaney bit: Hey, do you want me to kill that guy for you? Because it sounds like [s]he sucks and I will totally kill that guy for you. 
It's the day of Priya's art show which I totally forgot was happening. Before that, Sophie finally goes to see her brother and we can return back to that pin I mentioned earlier.
(Also, it’s the 20th which means we’re getting really close to Christmas)
He says that their family got mixed up with the Confettis and they've been helping to launder magical items that Confetti is paying some rep from Hell (an associate of Robert's).
And by, "Some rep from hell," I mean Isabella Infierno specifically.
Emily, hilariously riffs for a while about how small it was of her to call Isabella a succubus even though she clearly knows at this point that Isabella is some kind of demon. I mean...Infierno. Come on. 
Sidenote: Which demon actually trying to be subtle would pick the last name Infierno? You wanna blow your cover for the aesthetic that bad?
Emily goes, "Oh my (beat) Nod," which I think is the exact way she dropped the first, "Oh Melora," in one of the first eps of Naddpod. 
Anyway, it turns out that Soph's family knew that Isabella was gunning for Dale (he was getting close to realizing something shady was going on) and, while they didn't call the shot, they let it happen.
Oh! He also says Dale was a chosen one from "some monastery" which, of course, fits in with Dale's comment about saying hi to Jackson. Now I'm wondering if his other comment--about there seeming like there's nothing at the top--is about whatever chosen one test he had to take to get the position to begin with. And maybe he was giving a clue to Sophie so that when she takes it, she'll for sure pass and get whatever dope powers or weapons or privileges come with the position. 
"The only reason I'm not going to go after you right now is because I'm not organized enough to give you the fucking revenge you deserve." Soph is cold as ice after hearing about what her family did. 
"Maybe you should have said that to Isabella before she went after me." Another mic drop line from Emily. This really was her episode. You can really see Emily channeling hr genuine emotional reactions into her character.  
La Gran Gata shows up to let Soph know she has her back to hunt down Isabella. The only other warlocks really seen played are Fjord on CritRole and Leiland on Bloodkeep so it's wild to see a character with such a chill relationship with their patron.
So, Priya's art show. They show up (to a distressingly unsafe building from Ricky's perspective) and it turns out, not only is it performance art (the worst kind) Pete *is* the art.
"I present to all of you: cruelty, a exploration of a relationship. Peter, take my hand."
major barf.
Pete goes OFF
Kingston: Picasso is art, this is bullshit!
Siobhan: Her last name is Danger? I hate this bitch.
Pete gets over Priya instantly which totally tracks because, like I said, barf. 
Sophie stealing Ricky's thing and rooftop jumping. Zac narrows his eyes when she says that.
I love Isabella's title card. It says, "Literal Succubus". It reminds me of the funniest scene in Bedazzled when the Devil (Liz Hurley) gives Brendan Frasier her business card and it just says, "The Devil".
But she's here and she's here to fight! I'm so excited for this one y'all! Unsafe building. Lots of civilians. Sophie (and Emily) going totally feral. I haven’t looked forward to a fight this much since Adaine went for Aelwen. Let's gooooo!
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