#my body thinks that ill be alive for the next thousand years hahaha
hanabeeri Β· 29 days
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helloooo im back 🧸 <3 i had a very busy week you could say.. if you were to ask me what i did specifically i wouldnt be able to give you an answer, haha. my memory is quite bad.
it was quite warm for a few days, so i was able to wear my pretty summer dresses!! i wish the weather would stay warm.. but itll be cold again for some time. my sweet mutual @zzzzzestforlife tagged me in a challenge (thank u for the tag!!! ill do my best πŸ©·πŸ’•), which im still a bit confused about but ill do my best to participate :)) im not a goal oriented person so instead of setting goals to accomplish ill just make some regular weekly updates until the end of my summer term!! which is why i wont set any amount of days. if were being honest here, its just my diary posts rebranded and me sharing some more details AHAHAH oh well πŸ₯ΉπŸ’¦πŸ’ž
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so what did i do this week?
> I finished two short novels: a psalm for the wild-built by becky chambers and the suitcase by sergei dovlatov! i loved them both, i gave both 4/5 stars > i turned in an assignment for my russian class (my lecturer didnt give me feedback yet, but he praised the entire class for well written texts:)) ) > my friends and i went on an involuntary walk throughout my universitys garden (its huge.. and apparantly has set opening and closing times, we ended up being lead outside haha. momentarily evolved back into monkeys when we walked through a forest) > i cleaned my room and finally (!!!) had the time to sort everything out. its so much easier to navigate throughout my room now > today i had breakfast with my friends in a cafe <33 i didnt see them since lent started, so it was nice seeing them in person again. we are planning on reading two books together. though im not sure if theyll stick to dracula since we wanted to read it in english. their english isnt bad, but they also dont use it as often as i do, so it can be hard sometimes for them to follow a plot when its in english
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for next week i dont have much planned. i want to finish reading fight club by chuck palahniuk and perhaps start the novel my friends and i want to read together (a good girls guide to murder by holly jackson). theres also a test i have to study for and two writing assignments i have to turn in (japanese and russian, if youre curious).
ive been listening to this a lot lately while studying :)) its so calming. and it makes me happy to see that i understand almost all voicelines even without the subtitles! πŸ₯ΉπŸ’• one day.. also am i delulu for dreaming about lil peep on a monthly basis at this point? i swear, every now and then i have a dream where he appears in. last time i dreamt he got out of a car and walked towards me to comfort me. today i dreamt that i watched him film a music video for a song of his. gus is visiting me in my dreams, dropping hints to get a grip, surely πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ’¦
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I'm using the borders from saradika and enchanthings!! <3 πŸ§ΈπŸ’•πŸ’ž
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