#mwd emi
candypink08 · 4 months
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⭐unfinished works from 2023 part 3~
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ombaqq · 11 months
onibi seriez headcanonz !! :33
1 - Akari is the cool SIL for shizune, and dont tell me they dont talk shit abt kanishiro, CUZ THEY DO.
2 - Emi is around her 30s, but she somehow looks young...Oh and also she's a samurai masa told me!!!!/j
3 - Tsukuyomi(MS) constantly asks emi on how she looks young even with that gauged out eyeball of hers
4 - even tho mai is tall and akari is short, mai actually has a high pitched voice while akari has a deeper voice.
5 - Amaterasu(OS) cries himself to sleep, or sometimes he would roam around the house looking for something to eat(+Tsukuyomi would end up finding him rummaging through the drawers to find food)
6 - mikoto is a black cat while emi is a gold retriever, thats literally them wym
7 - kanishiro is deaf, and communicates via sign language. 8 - kaori is left handed !!! :333
9 - tbh all of kaori's descendants r mentally unstable..
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