#musnae rps
stabbitystab-blog · 7 years
Teagan: Cuddle up with your rainbow drinker friend, Musnae. Is he your friend? well, you think so.
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H-Hey Teagan!
> Hug them right back, aww yes, friend hugs.
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karangasemnow · 4 years
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Petugas medis selama ini menjadi garda terdepan dalam penganganan pasien COVID-19. Terkait kondisi itu, dewan mendorong Pemerintah Karangasem supaya bisa memberikan mereka tempat seperti PMI karena di nilai cukup memiliki resiko tinggi penularan COVID-19 kepada keluarga. “Kami mendorong pemerintah diharapkan bisa memberikan tempat kepada tenaga medis. Karena selama ini, mereka usai bertugas langsung pulang ke rumah masing-masing bertemu dengan suami, anak dan keluarga lainnya. Itu memiliki resiko besar untuk penyebaran virus COVID-19, karena kontak langsung saat memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien. PMI saja bisa di fasilitasi tempat karantina, kenapa tenaga medis tidak?,” tanya Kadek Sujanayasa dalam rapat kerja, Senin (27/4). Sujanayasa juga menanyakan terkait masalah PMI. Pemkab diminta secara tegas bila ada PMI wajib untuk menjalani karantina yang sudah dianjurkan pemerintah. “Pemerintah harus tegas kepada PMI yang baru datang dari luar negeri. Mereka jangan diberikan menjalani karantina di rumah masing-masing. Karena sangat rawan dalam penyebaran virus COVID-19 ini,” jelasnya. Anggota Dewan lainnya,  I Made Wirta, menayakan kepada eksekutif bahwa berdasarkan informasi adanya pungutan di tempat karantina. “Kami dengar informasi adanya pungutan di tempat karantina. Kami ingin tahu, terkait pungutan itu. Kalau memang ada, itu untuk apa. Dan kalau memang tidak ada juga harus disampaikan, biar ini tidak jadi masalah di kemudian hari,” jelasnya. Sementara I Nyoman Musna Antara ingin mengetahui anggaran untuk penanganan COVID-18 ini disisir di OPD mana saja, sehingga pihaknya mengetahui OPD sumber dana itu. “Kami ingin tahu berapa anggaran untuk penangan COVID-19,” jelasnya. Sementara Asisten II Sekda Karangasem, I Wayan Suama, mengatakan, penyisiaran anggaran dalam Perkada 2 jumlahnya sebesar Rp 8,7 miliar.  Anggaran sebesar itu bersumber dari DID dana lainnya sebesar  2,5 miliar, dana infrastruktur  Rp 6,2 miliar, kesehatan 2,5 miliar. Selengkapnya: http://www.balipost.com/news/2020/04/27/118078/Dewan-Dorong-Eksekutif-Siapkan-Tempat...html #karangasemnow_official https://www.instagram.com/p/B_exQy6g57i/?igshid=o5o1eig7m6yf
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bipolarfantrolls · 11 years
shamelessfancies answered your question: [ʘ.ʘ]Is...is a-anyone...is anyone t-there?[ʘ.ʘ]
[ʘ.ʘ] S-Shalez? Is...Is t-that you?
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stabbitystab-blog · 8 years
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(゜-゜) Oh. Man... (゜-゜)
(゜-゜) I. Really. Have. To. Talk. To. Her... (゜-゜)
(゜-゜) But. I’m. Worried. It’s. All. Going. To. Go. To. Hell. Again... (゜-゜)
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stabbitystab-blog · 8 years
Setting Up Shop
You pace around the floor, your footfalls echoing in the mostly empty room as you go over the checklist in your hands. The electricians would come out tomorrow night to set up the remaining electrics that weren’t already connected; the plumber would be out tomorrow too to set up the plumbing around the bar, having already set up the bathrooms last night. You had to still organise the manchester for the back rooms and get the furniture for them as well as the main room delivered, that was a job for night after next.
Things were really coming together. This club was really coming together. You couldn’t have done it without your, loosely termed, business partner. The idea of a Jade club wasn’t unheard of, but there wasn’t one here that combined what you and Alyssa could give them. And this wasn’t a drinker club no, of course not. It was just…a club for jadebloods. It was a club for those more discerning folks who wanted an escape from the monotony of their lives and a chance to be treated as more, like they were truly supposed to.
They acted more like highbloods than most you had seen.
You lean back against the bar, grinning as you glance around the room. It was a basement club; the entrance was upstairs, and that would be where people would leave coats and similar things after paying the entry fee or showing their membership cards. Members would have access to VIP opportunities and could bring non-jades into the club, within reason. The room was decorated in a dark hardwood, the walls in a similar dark wood panelling. It was classy and perfect for the situation. There would be armchairs and tables around the outside of the room, a dance floor and DJ booth near the back. The DJ would operate on weekends, while most other nights there would be a band who would play on the various instruments that were stored in the back room [apart from the piano, that never left the stage.]
It was going to be perfect. And you really couldn’t have done it without Alyssa.
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stabbitystab-blog · 8 years
Siren Song
You sat at your piano, fingers delicately placed on the keys. You run them over the keys carefully, never playing a note, just enjoying the feel of your own piano beneath your fingers. 
You’d been gone a long time. You were always gone a long time and then returning, it was what you did. It was your job. Since you got your job with the Royal Alternian Orchestra you had been home twice. Twice in 3 sweeps. It felt nice to be able to walk into your hive and take in the sights and smells of familiarity. 
It was what you were doing now, as you sat at your piano, as you let your fingers dip into one key and continue to the next until you were playing, until a lilting harmony was leaving out your window and into the beyond.
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stabbitystab-blog · 10 years
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[ʘ.ʘ] Maybe I should talk to her... [ʘ.ʘ]
[ʘ.ʘ] What happened clearly DID happen, there's no escaping it [ʘ.ʘ] 
[ʘ.ʘ] But hell, what would I even say? [ʘ.ʘ]
[ʘ.ʘ] "Hey Meekah we need to talk about the other night. You know, when you tried to kill me and then other...things...transpired." [ʘ.ʘ]
> You proceed to facepalm.
[ʘ.ʘ] Perfect. [ʘ.ʘ]
[ʘ.ʘ] I can't even voice it anyway. [ʘ.ʘ]
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stabbitystab-blog · 10 years
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> Suddenly realizes he's not spoken to any of his friends in perigees.
> Internal screeching.
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