musicinstrumentsins · 3 years
Why Music Lesson Insurance is Necessary?
We know there are so many risk factors in every business and covered these risk factors insurance is the best option. But in the case of music is this possible? So, my answer is yes. Yes, you can cover your music class and instruments by insurance just like any other business. As we know business insurance is designed to protect the owner’s financial and necessary investments and it is necessary for music lessons too.
 After reading this statement, you might be thinking that in which type of situations they need Music lesson insurance? So, here I am sharing some situations in which you need insurance for the Music lesson.
 Situations in Which You Need Insurance for Music Lesson Business:
 Imagine the situation in which your     student and her mother enter your premises through the parking. At the     time entering your office, her mother gets injured by a pothole and breaks     her ankle. In this situation, she decides to take legal action against     your business. So, in this case, if you have general liability insurance     then it will pay for your legal protection.
 Suppose your student walks into your room     and because of the wet floor, he breaks his elbow. So, in this case, if     you have general liability, then you can easily pay your student for his     elbow treatment.
 Imagine you visit your student’s home to     teach music. Accidently you trip over her cat and damage his music system.     So, in that case, if you have general liability insurance, you can easily     bear the cost of replacing his music system.
 In all the mentioned situations, if you have general liability insurance, then you can easily bare the cost of damage asset, medical treatment and legal protection. So, now you understood the importance of Insurance for Music Lesson.
 So, before starting your new Music Lesson Business to increase the capabilities of musicians and give proper training to the music lover, you should take Music Lesson Insurance for you and your students. As per one research, the cost of general liability insurance is 300$ to 500$. This cost of general liability insurance is based on different factors like,
Number of employees
General Aggregate limit
Deductible, and many more
 Although General liability insurance is crucial and the most important types of insurance, there are other so many types of insurance for music lesson is there that you have to know.
 Commercial Property Insurance
 This Insurance includes the structural damage to your property as well as equipment, supplies, and furniture in case of natural disaster, theft, or fire.
 Commercial Auto Insurance
 This insurance covers professional liability that covers your legal fees and necessary settlement.
 Professional Liability Insurance
 This insurance policy protects your commercial vehicle, drivers, and others on the road in case of an accident.
 Home-Based Business Insurance
 This insurance policy is used when you run your music lesson business from your home and to keep safe your musical equipment.
 Things that Covered Under the Insurance of Music Lesson Policy:
 When you decide to acquire general liability insurance for Music Lesson, you get immediate protection for your business under the below-listed cases.
 In case of physical damage or injury
3rd party asset or property damage
Medical Coverage
In case of Error & exception
In case of Defense Cost
 I hope you get enough details about the importance of Insurance for Music Lesson Business and why it is necessary for your music business. So, still, if you do not insure your music Business then take insurance for business and protect it from natural disaster, fire, theft, accident, and many other situations.
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How to Care for Your Instruments at Home
Properly caring for your instruments is essential for any dedicated musician. Ensuring they are safe and secure is a common concern, especially during the humid summer months or while traveling. Keeping your instruments free of dust and debris, and protecting them from humidity and heat are necessary if you want to both save in maintenance costs and prolong their life. Specific care requirements may differ, but there are a few general instrument care tips every musician should know and follow.
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The Basics
An instrument is a substantial investment. As such, many musicians choose to get some form of insurance for their instrument to protect it. While proper care can help prolong your instrument's life, there are plenty of unexpected factors it can't prevent. That's why musical instrument insurance is the perfect option for musicians looking to protect their investment no matter what happens.
One of the simplest ways to take care of your instruments is handling them properly. Instruments are delicate and need to be carefully maneuvered. So, it's vital your instrument is placed into its case gently. Most musicians know how to avoid bending or twisting anything or putting excessive pressure on their instruments’ joints. This will also help keep your delicate and expensive equipment safe while traveling. Other general tips to follow include limiting how often anyone else handles your instrument, and making sure you latch your instrument's case properly.
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Proper Instrument Protection
Another great way to protect your investment is to keep your musical instruments in a weatherproof case when you are not using or transporting them. Periodically check to make sure the handles, zippers, and locks on the case are working correctly. This simple step will help prevent accidental damage from your instrument falling out.
While it may be tempting to showcase your instruments as decorative pieces in your home or studio, this may lead to excessive dust accumulation, which may ultimately cause additional wear. As such, you should always keep your instruments clean and free of any dust or debris. Wiping them down with a specialized rag will remove any dirt or other debris that may affect performance or potentially damage the instrument itself.
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Heat and Humidity
One of the most impactful ways to boost your instrument's lifespan is to protect them from excessive heat and humidity. Your instrument should always be kept in a dry and cool place. Higher temperatures can cause the wood or metal to wear and warp, significantly impacting your instrument's lifespan and sound. It's also important to avoid moisture, as wood may expand and contract, leading to cracking.
Moreover, make sure to never leave your instrument or its case out in the sun, even for a brief period of time. As most instrument cases are black or dark blue, they retain a lot of heat, which could seriously deteriorate your instrument’s varnish or adhesive. You should also periodically check any screws, keys, or tubes of your instrument to ensure they're not loose or damaged.
While you may be able to make very simple repairs on your own, keep in mind that any complicated servicing and adjustment should only be handled by an experienced professional. They have the proper equipment and expertise to make those repairs. They can get it done promptly and adequately, while also taking liability for any potential damage that may occur.
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Following the above advice will help get you started on the right path. To significantly extend the lifespan of your instrument, as well as helping to save you money on unneeded and unnecessary repairs, you must remain vigilant. Properly taking care of your instruments is a great way to keep them around longer. However, proper maintenance can't protect you from all accidental damage or the risk of theft. Thankfully musical instrument insurance is a great way to help protect your instrument and the investment you made in it.
Our instrument insurance plans help cover the cost of repairing or replacing your instrument in the event they're lost, stolen, or damaged accidentally. We also offer additional benefits such as the ability to file a claim anytime, access to a nationwide network of dealers, as well as customizable policies to meet your specific needs.
Contact us today for a quote, and see why Clarion is ideal for protecting your investment. Our comprehensive coverage allows you to keep your focus on playing while we take care of the rest!
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The Reasons Why Music Shop Owners Should Buy Music Dealer Insurance
So, you play musical instruments and also own some. Do you have enough insurance cover for your musical instruments? Every instrument owner and musician should make sure his/her gears are insured. Wait! Not only musicians and musical instrument owners but musical dealers and retailers also need the appropriate coverage to protect their businesses from unforeseen perils.
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An Insurance Policy is more like a Sigh of Relief from Financial Issues
Buying extensive coverage from a reliable and customer-centric Music Dealer Insurance company is crucial for music shops for ruling out the adverse effects of mishaps that happen when due to the stroke of bad luck.
The Reasons Why Standalone Insurance Policies Are Worth the Investment
Whether you are a musician, a music retail shop owner, or simply a music enthusiast, if you own or have rented a musical instrument(s), it could be anything, right from the string, keyboard, woodwind, or any other sort, insuring the same is very important. Here are some reasons to support the above-mentioned statement. Let’s have a quick look at the pointers given below -
● If you own a music instrument retail outlet or shop and it is the only source of your livelihood, you must have sufficient protection for it. As music stores are no different from any other business, these also have their fair share of challenges and perils.
● It goes without saying that music shops have a host of expensive musical instruments, accessories, and related paraphernalia in there. All of these things are constantly at risk owing to shoplifters, thieves, and miscreants.
● Plus, you cannot rule out the risks associated with natural disasters, like rain, thunderstorm, flood, and of course, accidental fire, which could happen at any point in time.
● Another crucial scenario is risks associated with third-party liabilities. Things can get even worse if any loss or damage occurs to someone else's musical instruments kept with you for various purposes, including - servicing, repair, or maintenance.
● Also, any musical product dispatched from your showroom might reach the desired destination in a bad/damaged shape, thus incurring extra costs to you.
● However, all these perilous situations could be taken care of without any hassle, if you have the protective shield of a standalone musical instrument insurance policy.
To be precise, the right Music Dealer Insurance plan will share your financial liabilities and provide you with financial backup (related to your musical commodities), as and when needed.
The Types of Insurance Covers for Music Dealers
When it comes to buying an insurance plan, music dealers should go for custom-tailored policies, which are capable of covering all the crucial aspects of their business. Here are some of the best insurance coverage options that businesses delving into music should have. Here we go -
● Business property insurance ● Musical instrument insurance ● Third-party liability insurance ● Crime insurance ● Workmans’ compensation cover
All these insurance segments cover different aspects of a business. Therefore, you should assess your requirements and the scenarios that could go wrong, and then ask your insurance provider to tailor a plan for you.
For example - your music shop is small, and you love doing things on your own. So, you don’t have any employees. In this case, taking Workmans’ compensation cover will not make any sense, and therefore, you can easily minus the same from the list of cover you want. It will save you a significant amount on your policy and its premiums.
Choose Insurance Company with a Decent Market-Serving Expertise
Always remember, choosing the right and client-oriented insurance service provider is as crucial as choosing the right policy. Therefore, before selecting any insurance company, make sure to do a good amount of homework. And, choose a company that has knowledgeable staff and has sufficient market-service experience.
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Specialized Insurance for Musical Instruments vs. Homeowner’s Insurance
Musical instruments are not just sound-producing equipment. There are finely crafted pieces of art and can cost a fortune to the buyer. Besides the cost, musical instruments mean the world for musicians, professional or amateur, that does not matter. These gears are crucial to the music shop owners and music teachers as well. To some, its passion, while to some, it's a source of livelihood. In short, it's a common thread that connects the people who are associated with music in a way or the other.
So, just like you insure your cars, jewelry, and other valuable possessions, insurance for musical instruments should also be there in your priority to-do list. Musical instrument insurance is the best thing you can do to your gears, apart from cleaning and maintaining them regularly.
Musical instrument insurance - the best gift to your musical gears!
By getting the right insurance cover for your musical paraphernalia or a single instrument can protect you financially if your gear goes missing, stolen, or damaged in a catastrophe. Buying standalone musical instrument insurance is indeed an excellent move if it would be a cost-prohibitive step to get a new one or if music earns your livelihood.
Musical instrument insurance means complete protection!
And, to add to your surprise, dedicated insurance policies for musical instruments with a customer-friendly insurance provider usually cover more than just the device you want to cover. It covers the entire thing, right from the case to the sheet music.
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Homeowner’s cover might not be enough for your gears!
According to many people, you might not need to buy a separate insurance plan for your musical instruments because you already have your homeowner’s insurance. Is it true? Well, yes, it is true, but with a catch. Although your homeowner’s cover can include your instruments (provided you have mentioned their names in the inventory to be insured), these have a cap for the total damage of the property of your home. It implies, although your musical instruments are covered, those are not protected completely.
Dedicated musical instrument insurance protects you worldwide!
Say, you are a professional musician, and you need to travel across the world for musical gigs and concerts. What if, unfortunately, your musical instrument gets damaged or goes missing, on the go, in another country?
Remember, no matter how much money you have spent on your homeowner’s insurance, it is not going to cover your musical gears if something happens to those outside your home. However, dedicated insurance for musical instruments handles this differently. Yes, with a trustworthy insurance service provider, your musical instruments are protected no matter wherever you go.
Standalone musical instrument insurance for better coverage!
What is the value of your instrument? Many insurance service providers have a maximum or fixed insured amount on a per-instrument-basis. This approach can lead to narrowing your instrument coverage options. However, dedicated musical instrument insurance policies will provide you with multiple options when it comes to valuing the instruments. It will help you get a broader extent of insurance coverage.
Choose a company that will understand your instruments well!
Different insurance service providers specialize in various types of musical instruments. If you own a rare piece of instrument that's highly valued in the market, you should choose a company that will understand your instruments and its value in the market well. The claim adjusters of such companies will understand your musical gears in the best possible way in case of a claim.
Hopefully, now it’s pretty clear to you why it is crucial to get a standalone insurance policy for your musical gears, right? Get in touch with a reputable insurance provider and stay safe.
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Benefits of String Instrument Insurance and Its Coverage
Insurance has become a part and parcel of the lives of humankind. It keeps the most expensive items protected from all odds. Right from getting your property insured to car insurance and musical instrument insurance must be done without neglecting as it gives amazing coverage as well as complete peace of mind. This article will discuss how you can protect your string instrument by getting it insured. Here is what you need to do. Let’s take a look.
When you own a string instrument, you must responsible enough to take good care of it. The instrument requires appropriate maintenance and continuous care for playing it perfectly. In addition to customary cleaning, you need to change the strings of your instrument as all these will keep the instrument in perfect shape giving complete protection to your expensive investment.
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It is equally important to have String Instrument Insurance particularly when you give it on rent or own an advanced version which is highly expensive. There is no other better option of protecting the instrument other than getting it insured as an accident is unpredictable. When any such unfortunate incident happens, the very first thing that comes to the mind of the owner is the high replacement cost. When you have insurance, it gives you complete coverage.  There are several insurance companies offering insurance for string instruments. Make sure to choose the insurance provider that specializes in string instruments.
Benefits and features
Purchasing String Instrument Insurance from an insurance provider who specializes in it enables the instrument owner to keep their instrument protected. Most of the insurance policies include replacement and repair coverage that includes the following:
a. Instruments made of string which are broken accidentally b. Damage from flood and earthquake c. Professional handling risk- accidents that happen during performance or transit d. Replacement cost guaranteed- the amount that you pay to insure your instrument is the amount that you collect when you have a claim. e. Gives complete coverage to all the accessories
There are many plans to choose for your string instrument but the plan must be chosen rationally keeping in mind your need and the plan that will suit you the most. People owning musical instruments are very much attached to their instrument and out of sentiment keen on retaining undamaged parts. When you have instrument insurance, you can do it with ease.
How to find the best?
There are several dedicated insurance providers ready to offer string instrument insurance to the clientele. Having so many options, it might become difficult for an individual to choose the right insurance for your string instrument. To find the best, all you need to do is to do an extensive survey. The survey will help you to know the insurance provider in the best possible manner. Other than the survey, you can rely on the customers' reviews to know which insurance provider is the best in the market.  To know about the best insurance provider, you can make use of third party recommendations. The insurance can be done online as well if you are unable to visit the insurance agent in person.
The Bottomline
So no more delay in getting the insurance done for your highly expensive string instrument. The best insurance provider is only a call or a click away. You must begin your hunt for the popular insurance provider before you make the investment in buying the string instrument. The instrument, to be precise, your investment must be protected from the very first day. When you have the insurance, it means you are 100% assured that the replacement or repair cost of your precious instrument will not come out of your pocket. The insurance company will bear the entire cost on your behalf.
Musical instruments and insurance go hand in hand.  The insurance is a shield for your musical instrument. Get it done at the earliest.
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Tips to Choose Music Insurance Company for Instrument Coverage
When it comes to describing a good insurance provider, what does 'good' mean to you? For some people, an agency that asks for the least premium amount for a decent amount of coverage is a good one. Some people think that the faster an insurance provider processes and settles the claim, the more trustworthy it is. To some, a company that offers comprehensive musical instrument coverage is the best. Different minds will have different perspectives. However, if you combine all these perspectives, you will find that a good and reputable insurance company is the other that can meet your insurance requirements in the best possible while maintaining your financial constraints.
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So, how to choose an insurance service provider to insure your musical instruments comprehensively. Here we’ve rounded up some tips that will help you choose the right insurance service provider. Let’s have a quick look at them!
First thing first, do the planning!
It is crucial to plan your musical instrument insurance requirements before buying it. For example, whether you need specialized instrument coverage or recording studio insurance, whether you own a woodwind or a string instrument, etc. you need to decide all these in the first place. Here are some crucial points to cover -
● Do you want to protect your musical instrument from loss or damage that could happen while traveling?
● What assets do you have in your recording studio that you want to protect?
● Do you have a band and have people who work for you?
● Do you perform in concerts quite often?
Getting the answer to these questions will help you determine what you want from your insurance policy.
Get the list ready!
After you have planned your insurance, you already know what you want to include and what you don't want to cover. Now it's the time to prepare the list and check with the insurance providers. It will make policy-service provider comparison easy.
Choose a service provider carefully!
Once the inventory is ready, probably, you'll want to know about the potential music insurance service providers. As many such companies are operating in the market, you should understand something very remarkable. Even though each one of them will claim to be the right one for you, choosing the best entirely depends on your needs and preferences. So, be very careful and nit-picky while choosing an insurance company. Otherwise, you might end up choosing a company that’s not worth it.
Services and budget comparison
Now comes in the comparison part. Once your list of the insurance service provider is complete, it would become easier for you to compare them against your needs from an insurance plan. After you are done with comparing the services, accreditations, memberships, and other crucial credentials, you should do a quick budget comparison. Always choose a premium amount that you can repay easily without burdening your regular finances. A reliable and customer-friendly insurance company will always be upfront with its pricing and terms and conditions.
Customer testimonials speak a lot!
If you want to check the quality of service and reliability of the insurance companies, read their reviews and customer testimonials. You can also look for word-of-the-mouth recommendations from people who you know are already using their services. It will help you find an insurance company that would be able to meet your expectations and protect your musical instruments, financially. Always remember, anyone else’s best might not be your best. Therefore, thorough research is very important.
So, these are some of the best tips that will help you find a reliable insurance service provider to protect your musical instruments from the mar of the unforeseen.
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musicinstrumentsins · 4 years
Music Teacher Insurance - A Benchmark of Professionalism!
Are you a music teacher? Great! Being a music teacher is one of the most rewarding professions. On the one hand, you help your students learn music and play musical instruments.  Whereas on the other, you get a chance to improve and hone in your skills. So, you can call it a win-win profession that revolves around music.
However, besides being a satisfying profession, it involves many obligations and liabilities. And, therefore, you need the appropriate insurance policy, a Music Teacher Insurance.
Here are some of the chief reasons why music tutors need a specified insurance cover.
Public or Third-Party Liability Insurance Cover
As a music teacher, you conduct music classes at your home or studio, go to the students' place, or work from a hired property, right? In this context, public or third-party liability insurance cover is a must. This cover is designed to protect you in an unfortunate event of damage or loss to any third-party. Moreover, if a student injures himself/herself during a running session, then also this cover will come to your rescue.
On the contrary, if you don’t have the cover, then you have to bear all the expenses for the damage or loss of a third-party. And, we all know it very well that lawsuits are pretty expensive and emotionally draining.
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Professional Indemnity Cover
There are situations when you are held responsible for giving a piece of negligent or careless advice or information that might lead to someone else's loss or damage. In light of similar scenarios, professional indemnity insurance can help you a great deal by covering the expense of defending a suit filed against you.
Musical Instrument Cover
For music teachers, their musical instruments mean a world to them and make the crux of their profession. Therefore, they must protect their gears from loss or damage. However, sometimes misfortune leads the way, and accidents happen. If something unfortunate happens with you and you lose or damage some of your musical instruments or the entire paraphernalia, financial and emotional penalties are inevitable. However, if you have the protection of the right insurance policy that offers musical equipment cover, you are safe, financially.
In case you are not covered under the appropriate Music Teacher Insurance policy, and your musical instruments are damaged, stolen, or lost, it’s you who have to bear the expenses of buying a new one, or getting your instruments repaired. So don’t you think that you should get the right cover before it’s too late? Yes, you should.
Being Insured Epitomizes Your Professionalism
Being an Insured Music Teacher adds to your reputation and professional image. Also, there are many gig spaces that do not allow you to play if you do not have sufficient insurance cover. Besides, when your potential students or their parents go through your profile and find out that you are an insured professional, they are most likely to find you more reliable and reputable than others. They'll experience a sense of assurance that they are with someone trustworthy and responsible.
To sum up!
A note to remember, no matter whether you are a music teacher or a professional stage performer, your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance plan will provide you with limited coverage, and most of the time, it won’t be enough for your musical instruments. Therefore, getting a standalone and sufficient insurance cover for musical instruments and music recording studios is crucial. You will find many musical instrument insurance providers in your state. So, make sure to do a decent amount of research and find a good and customer-friendly service provider to say goodbye to everything unwanted and unforeseen.
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Get Sufficient Violin Insurance Cover and Play your Heart Out!
You love playing the violin, and all your musical instruments and accessories are valuable to you. You have also secured a great place in the good books of your audiences. You often travel to places to take part in various musical concerts. People know you as a noted violinist, and you're happy with what you're doing in life. However, a little stroke of bad luck can turn your world upside down. And, the most unfortunate thing that can happen to a musician is the loss, damage, or theft of his/her musical instrument.
Apart from a musician, these unfortunate accidents can create the same amount of mess for a music tutor or maybe a music instrument shop owner. So, whether you play the violin, teach it, or own a curated musical instruments store, you need to make sure that your gears are safe from the untimed mars of misfortune.
So, how can you do that in advance? As emergencies don’t inform you before coming, what you can do is preplan and get specified Violin Insurance from a reputed insurance company.
Peace of mind is a must - Insure your gears!
When your mind is at peace, you can churn out beautiful things. And, when you are a musician who connects to a large number of people through music, peace of mind is of utmost importance. Isn’t it? When you are touring, rehearsing, or going live for your audience, you should be tension-free.
You should be only focusing on your music and giving the best performance. In such situations, if you’re continuously worried about the safety and security of your musical instruments, giving your 100 percent can become a tough challenge for you. Therefore, it is highly recommended to insure your musical gears and safeguard them from events of theft, loss, or damage.
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Handle public liabilities like a pro
You could land up in a legal mess if someone in your classroom, shop, or concert gets injured. Such scenarios are known as public liabilities. The person who is injured or whose property has suffered damage or loss due to you and your musical instrument can file a lawsuit against you or ask for paying for the loss in the form of monetary compensation, like medical bills and other expenses. And, needless to mention, you would not like to break your bank for paying out for the lawsuits and medical bills, right? Therefore, get an insurance policy and stay safe from the legal perils.
Having homeowners’ cover is less likely to work!
You are not much worried about the safety of your violin because your homeowner’s policy covers all your belongings, including your instruments. Right? Don’t forget, even if your homeowners’ insurance policy covers your musical gears, the extent of coverage is more likely to be limited. For example - if your home catches fire and your violin and other gears get damaged, your homeowner's insurance is likely to cover those it with some caps. However, if something happens to it outside, you are very unlikely to get a cover for your violin. So, it's wise to get an all-round cover specially designed for musicians and musical instruments.
Musical instrument insurance makes an ideal criterion to perform!
There are many concert halls and auditoriums that will not let you perform if you don’t have sufficient insurance cover for your instruments, especially the public liability cover. Most importantly, all renowned musicians highly recommend everyone related to the music industry to get sufficient insurance cover for their musical instruments because it's worth it.
Get your cover now!
Hopefully, now you have got some good reasons to buy a dedicated insurance policy for your musical instruments. However, before you choose a Violin Insurance policy and a service provider, jot down your specific needs from a policy, compare multiple policies, do some brainstorming and research about the insurance service providers’ reputability and credibility, and then decide on a plan and insurance agency.
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musicinstrumentsins · 4 years
Musical Instrument Insurance: Cost and Covers
Any musical instrument is considered as a prized possession to a musician. Suitable insurance for an instrument is highly advisable in case of any damage. If you are a musician and haven’t considered buying insurance for your musical instrument, then it is time to think about it. People lost their instrument due to various factors like damage or mishap during travel, theft, mishandling at the airport, overexposure to any other calamity like flood and fire.
Thus, Musical Instrument Insurance is for those owning expensive musical instrument and the cost of the insurance depends on the worth of the instrument. The factors which can affect the evaluation of the instrument are the condition, age, and quality. The foremost benefit of getting insurance for the instrument is that if anytime it gets damaged or stole, the insurance provider will give the full amount for replacing the instrument.
Various musical instrument covers
1. For the professionals
Musical instruments are expensive and must be insured. The Musical Instrument Insurance is especially suitable for the professionals and for persons using an instrument which is part of their activity like music teachers, collectors, luthiers, etc.
Insurance for musical instruments includes various covers. The most common covers are related to theft, fire, water damage and deterioration.  The premium of the insurance varies based on the musical instrument type and its worth.  As it is part of the profession of a musician, he or she might sometimes use various instruments while performing in a concert. Thus, for this profile, the insurance provider offers particular insurance which can give coverage up to 5 instruments. All-inclusive insurance is what the insurer looks for and gives the best possible guarantee to protect the instrument in a concert, musical tour or in a rehearsal.
2. For amateur
Musicians who are amateur wishes to insure the instrument and this type of cover is found in some homeowner’s insurance contract. The contract does not cover those losses which take place outside the residence. Therefore, the guarantee of a breakage and theft policy is highly advisable.
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Insurance cost
The cost of insurance for musical instruments depends on the value. A purchase bill is enough for the insurer to define premium that is to be paid. When it comes to expensive musical instruments or an exclusive piece, an experienced person assesses the value of the instrument and therefore the insurable value. The premium of the insurance varies between 1-2% of the value insured.
Ask for a quote
There are many insurance providers willing to offer insurance to the musicians. Whether you are a pro or an amateur, make sure that you do comprehensive research to find the best insurance provider. The provider must be so chosen that it offers the best insurance for the insurer. An in-depth search will enable you to choose the appropriate insurance for your precious instrument. When you begin your hunt for the best insurance provider for musical instruments, you will come across various companies, compare the cost that each one is offering and go for the one which suits your need.
There are many insurance companies which offer a free quote, feel free to ask the service provider before you proceed to associate with them. once the insurance of your instrument is done, you can have complete peace of mind and relax.
Summing up
Now no more brooding over the matter as what to do with your precious instrument; grab the instrument and move from one place to another for musical program or concert with your instrument without having any tension in mind. To get started, you are only a click or call away.
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Tips for Choosing Right Audio Equipment Insurance
Just like a sound body requires a sound soul, the same goes for a musician with their instruments. It is their instruments that add value to their creations. But, what if the same thing, that is attached to your heart gets destroyed at an act of God? Or what if someone actively destroys your equipment to get revenge? There is a tonne of possibilities that can go wrong with your audio equipment which you hold dear the most. But the answer lies within CLARION musical instrument insurance.
Audio Equipment Insurance: How is it Different from Home Insurance?
One of the most common misconceptions among the musicians is that, if you are having a home or renter’s insurance, you are always good to go. But, truth to be told, your gears can never be covered with such insurance. For instance, even if you have a home studio, in case of any natural calamity, the insurance company will never be able to evaluate the exact price for the damaged equipment. In such a scenario, you would only end up with nominal expense costs. This is exactly where audio equipment insurance comes into play.
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What to Look for the Right Audio Equipment Insurance?
Choosing audio equipment insurance can be tedious at times, but there are certain sets of benefits that you can reap from the right one. Down below are some of the tips and tricks worth following for the right equipment insurance:
1) Get to Know Your Gear’s Worth
Something that the right audio equipment insurance will always do is repaying you with the precise amount, which is the worth of your equipment. Getting your musical instruments equipment comes with its own benefits. It is the musical instrument company which can exactly determine the current evaluation of your gear. For instance, your $10,000 violin won’t be placed with its proper value under home insurance. They can always provide you with a decent sound entry-level violin with $500 price tag.
2) Is Public Liability Insurance Included?
Often, external factors have a huge part to play in the destruction or malfunctioning of your musical instruments. It is highly advised to choose musical instrument insurance that covers public liability. For a better understanding, public liability insurance covers common mishappening such as adding up your amp with an outdated electrical system at the venue while all of a sudden it catches fire. It is something that every other musician can relate with themselves.  
3) Know the Limitations
Just like every other person is different from each other, the same goes for musical instrument insurance. So, before applying for insurance, make sure you know the limitations that are offered by the insurance policy. For some reason, while one company might agree to insurance your costly guitar after it has been dropped from your hand while for others, they might not. Make sure that you do your research before choosing the right one for you.
4) Premium shouldn’t Be Expensive
Last but not least, if music is passion, make sure to protect your equipment well. But, after spending a few grand on your instrument, it is very unwise to pay a large premium every single year. So, always look for insurance that is not too much expensive for you, while covering all the major accidents that might happen in the near future.
Wrapping Up
We can understand your frustration when it comes to insuring your musical instruments. There are several factors that one needs to consider before choosing the right one for themselves. This article was to enlighten you with the some of the most common aspects to look forward to your musical insurance. Here at CLARION musical instrument insurance, you can always get the insurance your instrument deserves. Always remember, where the sky is the limit, insurance is only a medium to attain it, not to tarp you with shackles.
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Why Do You Need Protection for Equipment along with Guitar Insurance?
In the world of music, the guitar is considered as the ‘king of epic solos’. Only a guitarist knows the true value of a guitar as well as the best way to keep the humble instrument protected in order to carry the tune. But what if something inevitable happens and your prized instrument gets damaged? That is why every guitarist, from a beginner to a professional, must befriend with a bespoke guitar insurance policy from a specialist insurance provider. However, this is not all. Safeguarding the equipment needed to rock a guitar performance is also very much important. If you are yet to pick your way to the right coverage for your expensive guitar and its equipment, here is why you should think about it right now.
What is Insurance for Guitar?
Well, this is an insurance policy, which is specifically tailored to the individual needs of guitarists. A wide range of unexpected incidents like theft, loss, or accident can happen with your guitar while performing at a gig, traveling to another place along with it, or even rehearsing at your home. These not only cause significant damage to your instrument but also lead to a hefty bill for funding the repair or replacement. Having comprehensive guitar coverage can help you be prepared for such a predicament. It provides a greater level of security for all types of guitar and their accessories available in the market. These include acoustic, electric, bass, twelve-string guitar, archtop guitar, steel guitar, resonator guitar, double-neck guitar, etc. The stand-alone policy also helps guitarists strum all the way across the globe with its worldwide coverage.
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Why Choose Insurance for Equipment?
If your pricey guitar equipment gets stolen or damaged accidentally, you will have to spend lots of money for its repairing or replacement. Could you really afford this expenditure? If not then choosing insurance for equipment is a wise choice. Fortunately, a musical instrument insurance policy covering the guitar also covers the equipment associated with it. All you need to do is discuss the scopes of your policy with your insurance provider and go through the details thoroughly before investing in it.
Coverage Options for Guitar Equipment
Now, here is a brief detail of how guitar equipment insurance can keep your precious instrument protected all the time:
Instrument and Equipment Cover
When you have the right policy in your hand, you can stay assured about jamming to your heart’s content anytime, anywhere. It covers your instrument, its accessories, and all its equipment in events like theft, vandalism, fire, and even mechanical breakdown.
Accidental Loss and Damage
Accidents are unpredictable and so is their impact on your instrument. This insurance covers the cost of repairing and replacement resulted from accidental loss and damage, thereby ensuring complete peace of mind for you.
Off-Premises Insurance
With this coverage, your valuable instrument and its equipment stay protected even when you use them outside your own premises.
In-Vehicle Cover
In-vehicle coverage is necessary for every guitarist who travels a lot. It keeps your equipment absolutely safe during transit. The insurance also covers your possessions when they are left unattended in a locked vehicle.
Equipment Hire
What if you already claimed for the repairing or replacement of your equipment and need a substitute to carry on your activities meanwhile? With this insurance, you can hire equipment immediately without spending an extra amount.
New for Old Cover
You can get your old item replaced with a brand new one of equivalent value if it is damaged, stolen, or lost. In this new for old cover, there will be no value depreciation on your instrument or its equipment.
Loss of Earnings
If you suffer from a personal injury due to an accident and your earnings get impacted negatively, you should opt for this insurance. This will make sure that you never miss a gig even when you are not able to perform.
Choosing customized guitar insurance will always keep your equipment shielded. So, talk to your insurance provider and find the right policy for you.
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How Beneficial is a String Instrument Insurance Policy?
If you are a string instrument player, you know that it takes a lot of care and proper maintenance to keep your gear playing flawlessly. To make your stings weave magic every time you play it, you need to wipe it, fix the strings, and adjust the position of the sound post and bridge from time to time. Doing all these will keep your instrument in good shape while protecting it for years to come from the possible damages.
What about the unforeseen events?
However, have you thought about the sudden and unexpected events that life can throw at you? Yes, we are talking about accidents. Although we refrain from thinking about the unforeseen, as much as possible, misfortune can knock you down at any point of time. So, how can you keep up with it? How can you protect your string instrument, be it guitar, violin, cello, or something else from accidents? It’s by getting a suitable String Instrument Insurance from a reputable insurance provider. Such insurance policies protect you against many scenarios. It includes - loss, damage, costs of replacing or buying, and a lot more.
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It’s good to be nitpicky and informed
As professional musician, parents, or students, you might have got a lot of questions to ask about musical instrument insurance. How to find an adequate insurance plan? Will investing in a string instrument cover worth the deal? What are the benefits of getting one when you already have a homeowner’s insurance cover? These and many more, going through this content will help you get a proper insight into the benefits and features of string instrument coverage. So, let’s dive in!
Is your homeowner’s insurance not enough?
Well, although some rental or homeowner’s plans do cover your gear in case of theft or loss, it happens under some specific scenarios. Those are - firstly if you’ve specifically included it in your policy. And secondly, if something happened to your instrument within the premises of your home. However, when you take a dedicated insurance plan, it covers a lot more scenarios related to your performances that are otherwise excluded. Let’s find those out -
The benefits and features of a dedicated string instrument cover
A standalone musical instrument insurance plan taken from a reputable insurance agency will provide you with the cost of replacements and repairs under the following scenarios -
● If your instrument is accidentally broken ● If you lose or damage your strings to flood, earthquake, thunderstorm, and similar elements of nature ● If you lose or damage your instrument during a show or transit
In addition to the above-mentioned coverage, you are also likely to leverage the following benefits -
● When you make a claim, you get guaranteed costs of replacement at the amount in which you covered your guitar or violin.
● You get the cost of a replacement instrument so that you can carry on with your performance in an audition or show.
● You can avail worldwide coverage so that your instrument and finances are covered no matter where you go.
● Adequate insurance cover not only for the instrument but related accessories including - music stands, bow, mic, sheet music, etc.
Certain musical instrument insurance plans provide you with the benefit of repurchasing a string instrument if your gear is lost or stolen. Moreover, most musicians form a deep connection with their instruments. And, therefore, many policies allow them to retain the undamaged parts, if any. Do check with your prospective insurance providers, whether or not they offer the same program.
How much does standalone musical instrument insurance cost?
The cost of insurance policies with a customer-oriented service provider won’t burn holes in your pocket. Basically, their price ranges from a minimum of $0.75 to $2.00/$100 in cover. Also, once you do the Price-Value Analysis, you will find that the benefits you are likely to leverage will surpass the cost of the policy itself.
So, the bottom line is, when you have the assurance of a String Instrument Insurance, both your instrument and your finances are protected.
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3 Reasons Why E&O Insurance should be Mandatory for Appraisers
It is an evident choice for people to stay clear of expensive lawsuits. We are talking about the truth behind Errors & Omissions (E&O Insurance) protection, especially when it comes to insurance for appraisers dealing with any kind of physical belongings, whether be musical instruments or other things. There is a common misconception that a General Insurance Protection policy covers all the threats related to such belongings.
However, unfortunately, that is not the case. In case of any damage, you need to gear up for some hefty liabilities. This is even more detrimental when an appraiser performs a blunder that is irreplaceable. It can be a dangerous sign for an owner or the insurance firm itself since both can suffer big losses from the mistakes committed by an appraiser.
In order to handle your business-related insurance protection risks, or to secure claims after damage, you require the understanding of protection offered by Errors & Omissions (E&O) insurance protection plan and how it is being misjudged as an optional choice.
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•    General Protection Plan does not cover all threats related to assets damage
A General Protection Insurance Policy is just meant against the physical crash defense that usually happens with musical instruments. But, what if negligence caused by the Appraisers? There are no such clauses covering losses due to appraiser negligence, or mistakes - and hence there has to be something in place such as insurance for appraisers which is the case with E&O Insurance Policy.
E&O covers mistakes due to points to like bad code of consult or late disbursement. It's basically an Insurance policy for the malpractice on part of appraisers. E&O Insurance covers mistakes such as:
-    Mistakes, oversights, and carelessness -    Failure to offer a timely settlement -    Confidentiality violation -    Document errors -    Mismanagement -    Misrepresentation of facts
•    Human mistakes happen all the time and hence E&O protection plan is a smart choice
You're deceiving yourself if your service strategy is constructed on ideal scenarios - since everyone makes errors. You can't possibly guarantee perfection, and it's reckless to even think that way. After all, you can't always peep into the job of your musical instrument or other such property related appraisers at any point in time.
Blunders happen; some are huge, some are little, but no one can stop them. An E&O plan ensures a business or a property owner to cover whatever degree of danger lies behind man-made mistakes. Errors and Omissions Insurance cover all those legal charges, maintaining priceless musical instruments possessions risk-free, as well as safeguarding a firm from useless claims.
•    E&O Policy is not that costly especially keeping in mind the after effects
You don't have to go overboard or spend a fortune into getting insurance for appraisers in the form of the E&O Insurance Protection Plan. Your E&O plan can be crafted to fit the size and the extent of your firm, consisting of workers and independent professionals. When looking from the property owner's perspective, think how important your musical instruments or other assets are to you, and what if the appraisers falter.
So, are you taking up an Insurance Cover or not?
As we have seen, E&O Insurance has a number of vital advantages that have been overlooked by most for some time now. This is so true and making it quite evident with musical instruments that are most vulnerable to damage. Hence, insurance for musical instruments becomes the utmost necessity in the form of E&O.
You have no control over the appraisers responsible for analyzing the insurance claims. They can commit mistakes that can either harm an insurance firm, or the property owner. This makes it so necessary to have additional insurance for appraisers that can have both sides protected while rectifying the mistakes.
Make no mistake about it that E&O Insurance, especially for musical instruments, is irreplaceable by any other insurance coverage. Hence, consult an experienced specialized firm like us to have you all set for an E&O insurance policy.
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Reasons Why Your Casual Music Lessons at Home Need Insurance Too!
Lucky are those who get the chance to turn their passion into profession. However, even if you don’t get the scope, there’s always a way to live your dreams! If you’re a music lover, you can always earn your living from the thing you love the most – music! Yes, you can do your regular job and casually start teaching music at your home! It’s a pitch-perfect deal, isn’t it? It will be; if you have the music lesson insurance by your side!
Wait! What’s that?
Well, it seems perfect to pursue your passion for music and earn money from it. But like every other thing in the world, music teaching at home is not always smooth! Things can take a bitter turn at any time! But the good news is there’s always a way out! And in this case, that’s insurance!
Reasons for Having Music Lesson Insurance Even While Teaching at Home
Accidents can happen at any time. With kids (mostly), learning music lessons from you, accidents are waiting to happen! Well, from the children to your instrument, anything can get harmed!
So, if you’re wondering whether insurance is really needed if you casually teach music at home, let us tell you the fact. YES! You need insurance!
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The following are the reasons why you need insurance for teaching music class even at home.
Students’ Injury and Compensation
As we have already mentioned earlier, injury can appear at any time. In most of the cases, people are going to teach kids. So, they can injure themselves in many ways – they can get their head hit to the Piano you have or they can get their legs tangled with the wire of your electric guitar while passing through! Either way, they would be injured and the families can ask for compensation for the injury of the kid. In that situation, you’d have nothing to do but spending all your hard-earned money for a sin you’ve not done!
To get you rid of the matter, Public Liability Insurance can be a great help! It covers the bodily injuries which would make sure you don’t go bankrupt even if the parents of your kid trainee ask for a skyrocketing amount.
Damages in Music Instrument
Music Instruments are the oxygen for every music teacher. So, if your music instruments get damaged, it means your business (regardless of its size) stops breathing and starts dying! When you have kids learning music from you at your home, they cannot learn without touching an instrument. And in doing so, they often damage the instruments! And buying costly music equipment every now and then may not be your forte, being a common man. In that very scenario, insurance would be the finest thing that can help you!
Public Liability Insurance and Portable Equipment Insurance covers the property damage, which means you don’t need to take out a single penny from your pocket to buy a new instrument.
False Blame from Clients
The world is full of people who like to blame! And that’s no different from a divine art like music. People can quickly turn against you and say that you have not done your job properly. Parents always become super-ambitious about their children and start thinking illogically. If a kid doesn’t perform well or doesn’t get good grades, their parents may come for compensation from you, saying that you were not good enough at teaching which caused their child’s poor performance!
Professional Indemnity Insurance of music teachers is the best way out of this hazard. This insurance will help you find your way out of the complex legal jeopardies and will take care of the financial part too!
We feel it is quite evident why you require the music lesson insurance even when you’re teaching music casually at home! Whatever you do, come with a risk and jeopardy. It’s your duty (and smartness) to cut off the risk! The above are the three most common issues with their finest solution! Now, start living your dream without worrying about anything!
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Choosing the Right Music Insurance Company is Crucial
You are a musician. However, even after analyzing various scenarios and situations, you still couldn’t decide if or not music insurance is worth going for. You are not alone. Probably, getting a clearer insight into this topic would help you understand the importance of musician’s insurance and why do you need a reliable Music Insurance Company. Let’s read on!
Scenarios that call for a music insurance
There are many scenarios that highlight the importance of having the right music insurance coverage handy. Here we have handpicked some of the most common situations that can swipe off your saving of you don’t have suitable coverage. Here we go –
When you are a music teacher…
If you hold music tutoring sessions at your home or studio, then you will have students coming therein. However, what if a student trips over the carpet and breaks his/her leg? What if she/he claims compensation for the bodily injury he/she has sustained? What if you have to face a third-party lawsuit? Lawsuits can burn holes in your pocket.
A suitable studio or home business insurance policy can protect you from the liabilities of the lawsuits.
When you are the owner of a music store…
If you own a music store, you can be at financial risk because of the instrument you showcase. You will have customers coming and inspecting the gears all the time. Things can be even riskier if the customers have little kids along with them. What if an instrument falls off from the display and injures a customer? What if the court asked you to payout for the medical bills of the patron?
Get your music store the protection of a custom-tailored music store insurance and bid adieu to risks.
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When you own a recording studio…
If you have invested your hard-earned money designing and building your long-cherished recording studio, you’ll definitely don’t want to take any chances, right? What if someone torches it down or vandalizes it? What if the studio suffers heavy damage due to flood?
The right recording studio insurance plan can be your savior.
When a concert is on…
Imagine that you have organized a rock concert and unfortunately some attendees got injured due to a sudden pyrotechnic explosion. Or a speaker or any other equipment falls off and injures a spectator? What if the court holds you liable to compensate for the medical bills?
A concert insurance cover comes to your rescue.
So, these are some of the situations that make taking music insurance company a top priority. So, whether you teach, sell, or record, make sure to have yourself, your instruments, and your studio covered under the best possible music insurance.
Points to ponder about when choosing a Music Insurance Company
In order to get the right and sufficient coverage, you need to consider certain important pointers. Let’s check it out!
Know your requirements - What are your requirements? How much coverage do you want? How much are you willing to spend? Different policies come with different benefits and pricing. So, knowing your exact requirements and budget will make it easier for you to choose a suitable policy.
Choose a trustworthy service provider - Music insurance service providers are many. So, you need to be extra careful while choosing one. Make sure to go for a reliable and customer-oriented service provider. Choose the one who can live up to your expectations and needs and presents a good track record. Choose the one that’s upfront with pricing and the extent of coverage. Refrain from selecting a service provider that happens to play hide and seek with you when it comes to pricing and terms and conditions.
Go for a licensed insurance company – Make sure to check all the relevant credentials and certifications before choosing a service provider. A state license is one of the most important documents you should look for.
Choose the one that offers impeccable customer service – Always remember, your relationship with a Music Insurance service provider is a long-term one. So, make sure to select an insurance company that offers impeccable customer assistance, no matter when you need help buying a policy or settling a compensation claim.
Music defines you, protect it with the right coverage
Now that you know about the significance of music insurance and how choosing the right Music Insurance Company will help you deal with the possible risks to your business, do some homework and find a good service provider, right away!
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Secure your Musical Instrument Business with Music Dealer Insurance
Just like owners of musical instruments must make it a point to get their equipment insured by a feasible and trusted Music Insurance Company, in the same way, dealers of musical instruments should also make it a point as well to get their business insured. Not only is the competition getting more robust, and there is the need to protect the business evermore, there are always chances of mishaps as well. These are something that cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the best way to put the seal of assurance on your livelihood (your business) is a Music Dealer Insurance.
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A right insurance provider will give you personalized policies so that you can choose the most fitting one for your business. However, before pursuing any Music Insurance Company, do keep this in mind that the company's experience matters. An aged company will have the market-serving expertise at their disposal, and they will offer you the best policies available, curated precisely to fit the nuances of your business. It is something that a new start-up may not be able to deliver.
What can go wrong with a music instrument dealer?
Just like every other business, a business dealing with musical instruments also has its reasonable share of challenges that might come in the way. While building the insurance policy for the business, the owner must make it a point to include the little-big stuff that makes a business dealing with musical instruments complete. Like, apart from covering the expensive and delicate instruments in the store for sale or rent, there is also other equipment that maybe they're in the store for a variety of purposes like repairing, cleaning and so on. So you're already in liability of a lot. These must be included in the Music Dealer Insurance.
In the same way, music stores often cater to business, making new and unique liability concerns. Although general insurances do cover most of these needs, sometimes they can miss as well. Hence you have to go after the complete option you get.
A Good Music Insurance Company will have these few nuances:
•    Protection for accidental damage. •    Pretention for accidental loss. •    Coverage, including the retailing stock and tools and other repairing machinery in the store. •    Customizable policy suitable per need •    Coverage of the workshop along with the retail floor •    Professional staff, on-time reach and prompt action on demand
Now you know what you should be looking for while selecting the insurance provider for your musical instrument business. The insurance must undoubtedly cover the other aspects of the industry like the workshop, the tools, machinery, and other elements of liabilities.
Why Clarion Associates Inc.?
The third generation, privately held family business, Clarion Associates, Inc. has been there on the market for the last 25 years, making them perfectionists in their business. They strive to provide the best insurance policy, catering primarily to the music industry and its souls- the musicians.
Their tenure in serving the music industry and the musicians have made them experienced player in the industry. Even though the insurance market has been volatile for long, the company has continued to serve without fail, and only developing in the process. Harnessing their time in the industry, they're able to deliver the best possible insurance coverage to musicians and music store owners that can be hard to find. Their policies are curated to perfection, thanks to their expertise. What is more? They have an excellent customer service record and the recognition of musicians from all over the world.
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