#muse :: zeyrfial
dcviated · 5 months
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emoji headcanon asks :: open
@psychcdelica sent: 🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? - I wanna say for all ur ocs but at least ur favs
You fool I love all my OCs, so that qualifier is completely null. Damn.
So with that in mind here's the wishes of a few of my lesser seen muses.
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Recognition, easily. The girl has spent most of her life as something forgotten. Her parents didn't seem to want her, and all she knows from that is she had been left behind by her mother (no contact information) (she's got the same deadbeat bio father as wylan). And her intellect and drive were dismissed by most of her peers at the orphanage.
She runs away and is still seen as a joke. So her life from there has been cobbling together something she can be proud of. Amber wants to be seen as someone .... capable. Respectable. And yeah, she realizes her crass language and reckless behavior doesn't help that. But you gotta protect yourself when you're a girl out on her own.
I'd say that she's willing to go pretty damn far for it, given she's thrown away the safety nets she might have had. Getting properly adopted? Nope. Official degrees? Nah.
Kinda similar to Eira? And yet for completely different reasons and by entirely different methods.
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The archdemon's wishes are two-fold. First, is the desire to amass more power. Such is the way of his kind, and escaping that since his metamorphosis into his new body is nigh impossible. To survive both politically and physically necessitates these ends.
That wish is boring though.
The real wish is the one to find a way to undo the past. Becoming a demon? No, but nice guess. Really Zeyrfial wants a way to return his family to him by turning back time or finding a way to fold reality back onto itself so that he can ... well. Sort of tie a knot into the timeline of the material plane. Keep his current gains, but also get his wife and daughter before they died at sea.
To say he's doing a lot for this wish is putting it lightly. He's lied. Cheated. Killed. Misled. Pillaged. Make your choice- it's probably happened in the thousands of years he's been existing.
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Aw shucks. This lad just wishes to consume and replace the World Tree. Nothing special! Don't mind him or what disastrous effect he'll have on reality if successful~
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dxviated-old · 3 years
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onlyhorn · 4 years
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That was the most alive she’s felt in a long time.
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cadcnce-archived · 3 years
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December positivity meme || [ open ]
Anonymous sent: Boxing Day: tag someone whose writing style you love
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Lets move on to canon muses. Would you believe I don’t really set out to follow them all too often? Usually because, in my experience, not many tend to follow back. Fandoms stick to their fandoms alas. Either way. I typically don’t view canon muses as canons, most of the ones I’ve really enjoyed writing with I know or knew shit about their stories, so it was really like writing with somebody else’s OC. Except I could go and watch a show and get disappointed they weren’t as interesting as the person’s portrayal.
Examples? Easy.
@more-than-a-princess​ @psychcdelica​ @karnakian​ @onlyhorn​ 
Each of you have put an invigorating breath of life into characters I’d have gone “eh?” to (dangit what? re:zonks? akame ga huh? ...leon who???) and now instead here I sit impressed, and honestly a touch envious. I don’t make it a secret I’m anxious when writing canon muses, and hardly consider Raguna to be one in the scheme of things. You all have taken muses, done research, shown them so much love, and now portray that with a wonderful balance of respect and flexibility in regards to the source material.
A round of applause for how much of a grasp you all have, putting voices to your muses, and making them your own in a compelling way even for outsiders to enjoy. Each of you I’ve seen doing crossovers and honestly, I’m so supportive of that kind of thing. You’re not really writing canon muses right, imo, until you’re taking them out of their element and putting them in new spaces.
Sonia: I wish you the best of luck, Wylan is already having too much fun.
Sae: You deserve all the props for dealing with Wylan as you do.
Leon: . . . I’d say leave Raguna and Eira alone, but I’m living for the frenemy thing we’ll have going.
Echidna: Shut the FUCK up. Go bother Zeyrfial.
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rcguna-archived · 3 years
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symbols for the mun || [ open ]
@more-than-a-princess​ sent:   ✨ I think your portrayal is on point 💌 I just think you’re amazing 🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy! (Look, Sonia has yet to really meet Pickle Guy/Gardener/Cater Waiter over here but it's bound to be fun! I love how you've expanded Raguna's character into so many verses. He's such a wholesome, kind muse.)
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Well, when you write a niche muse like this you don’t really have a choice in how to write them except in multiple verses. I’ve said it a few times but that was the first thing I did, was write up  additional verses for him before the blog was open. I had no expectations to find Rune Factory fans and what do you know? They came around.
You’re a great friend, Rae, I’m not sure how to properly convey it through a quick meme like this but I always look forward to seeing your replies to our threads and it’s always nice to pick up the DM and chat. I’m glad you have fun with my muses and I’m always looking forward to more dynamics. We still have Zeyrfial and Harima in the pipeline even aside from Raguna!
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dcviated · 1 year
Which rage language are you?
open the floodgates
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your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
the regina george
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someone hurts you or pisses you off, and you don't do anything. at first. but you hold that feeling of rage in your chest for weeks after the fact, acting nice but silently hating their guts, pretending like all is forgiven until you can ruin their life and hurt them the way they hurt you. it's calculated. but when you've executed your revenge, will you be satisfied?
Tagged by: @ofliminalities (I did both because you're cool :V thanks!) Tagging: @babelmedicus @hallowleylines @nobleburn @dinomites @sercphs
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dcviated · 1 year
@more-than-a-princess from here.
Onward and upward. To some, perhaps her measure of conviction and decisiveness of question would be considered an inspiration. A human rising up above the cut and standing toe to toe with a demon. The thing from myth and legend. Were a third party present to share tale of what transpired the archdemon imagines many would find interest in the read. In her eyes, she is doing herself a service, but in his this is a droll annoyance. The princess was trying the last of his patience as her circular questions and stances continue to poise the muddled air with more needless murk.
Zeyrfial sighs, and stands from where he had been seated, adjusting his embellished attire and letting some of the weariness and disappointment of the transpirations coat his expression like a layer of darkened paint. Sonia isn't even finished talking when he does this, but he waits to speak until she is, once again, quite finished repeating herself.
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"I chose to accept the invitation due to its caliber, and the strength carried within the blood in the offering. You overestimate what I'm able to ascertain of your mind without your permission. Unfortunate, Miss Nevermind, that it appears as though we aren't able to come to agreement. I believed I had made the terms and my own situation clear, was that not satisfying for you?" Amber gaze meets her, to him a rhetorical question given her insistence to continue this line of questioning into his 'well being'. Did he not just say that he had plenty to converse with?
"If you aren't going to respect my answers then I will take my leave before I show you any disrespect in turn. I will leave you with this word of advice- the next time you attempt your summoning, ensure a clarity of purpose and desire is carried with your blood when it is offered. It is the key to a safer summoning. One that won't result in your death if any of our kin are called with less mind for transaction and barter."
A wave of his hand and claw gently rends the fabric of space time behind him, much as it was when he called into being the sample of his archives for Sonia to peruse. Golden halls can be just glimpsed through the space of the void, like peeking past the folds of a tent outside into a starlit night, were it bright and elegant instead of dark and unknown. And yet, a mystery it remains.
Ah, how the night can go from one end to another so swiftly. Taethea will find amusement in this resolution as well, but now Zeyrfial had the option to simply not tell her. Nobody would question his whereabouts for the time he was gone. Oh, but it was frozen? Yes, but only on the plane he currently inhabited. Multiverses were interesting like that. The more you consider time to be 1 dimensional the more problems you'll find yourself in.
"I apologize that my explanations were unsatisfactory. I wish you restful sleep." Zeyrfial says in closing, reaching out to dispel the unsigned contract.
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dcviated · 7 months
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questions for a bear :: open
@ordonianpumpkin sent a bunch:
What is the muse that you write for the longest?
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By most definitions this would be Wylan, as he was my first OC and he is over here on tumblr. But to give a different answer, we'll go with my OC Zeyrfial. Why? Because he was the first character I added to my first tumblr RP blog! In fact, my first url when I began on here was just-beyond-the-mist in reference to his mist-aligned abilities!
Sadly, he got little traction outside of fantastic interactions with both my wife and my friend Abby. I have no intentions of retiring him, but it's a shame that his peculiarities make him difficult to interact with for most people. Same case with my other OCs. They're not widely appealing or are too overpowered (for me).
Good times though. Love this guy.
Do you have developed dynamics with the OC of another mun that has influenced your OC or Canon muse?
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Bird ( @sabuleum / currently most active on @mielmoto ) has had an unmistakable influence on Wylan's fantasy verses. It's to the point that, like they've done, Wylan and Emke have this unforgettable link between the two of them. I've rewritten his backstory because of Emke and frankly? His modern verse has had a tuning as well because of the interactions he had with their other OC, Mari.
I could not be happier or luckier to have met a writing partner quite like them. That Wylan has had an effect back on them in turn feels like a joke if it weren't something I'm honored by. All my blogs have been marked one way or another, and muses too. I would put a dozen chefkiss emojis here if I could.
What are things that you don’t wish to see on here?
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Tides are changing on this website. I know it. So do many other people. But some blogs have turned to being more about commentary on what's happening in private discord servers than they are for writing here. I'm not a big fan of that.
Is part of my distaste from FOMO? Yeah. But it's a strange disconnect that I'm not good at keeping up with. So personally I don't care to see it. Power to people who can write on discord! But I lament those who no longer focus effort on writing in public spaces or long form as a result.
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dcviated · 2 years
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questions for the mun || [ open ]
@hanafuda-s-p-a​ sent 2 questions
What was your first blog / URL? 
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Hoo boy. My first blog was also a multimuse, and is the one right over here. It went through a couple iterations before I settled on a url. Originally it was “its-just-beyond-the-mist” which lasted all of a week or so before I chopped off “its”, I know, really daring right? I named it such since back then I had intended for Zeyrfial to be the main muse, since I had cooked him up for the purpose to use as a ‘new start’ to RPing instead of just. Wylan.
That url lasted for some months at least, maybe half a year to one? I forget- but the eventual change was to dxviated after I learned more about tumblr and how back then having dashes in the url fucked up tagging.. It stayed that way up through to the end of the blogs lifetime, which included a revamp into a single-muse blog for Shayne and then eventually just being archived when I just dedicated all my time to Wylan after he got moved to his own blog some time after starting.
What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
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Being able to search and read logs for the fucking IMs.
Because before I moved some conversations over to discord I had some banger plots and conversations with some people and now they’re lost forever to that atrociously shallow system. I can scroll as much as I want inevitably the thing will blip and put me back down to the bottom or something. Awful.
Also fix tags and searching. For inexplicable reasons I cant find old threads I’ve done with people because their blog url doesnt pull up certain things whtslaljasldfjl sld??? why.
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dcviated · 2 years
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(indulgent) mun symbols || [ open ]
@more-than-a-princess​ sent:  🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy! 💌 I just think you’re amazing (And good luck tomorrow! I'm hoping to think up some more thread ideas for us, too. As always, please let me know if there's anyone you'd like to throw at Sonia)
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It’s been almost two years now. Our first thread with Sonia and Wylan was started up in August of 2020. Isn’t that something to think about? It is to me. And how many threads we’ve had since then. And also tossing other muses and the like into the mix. Whether it’s Wylan or Eira or the Guna and now Zeyrfial we’ve got a whole spectrum of dynamics and threads don’t we? Love to see it. And love to still be writing with you! I think we have 4 threads going right now..?
Thanks for the luck (and to everyone else who did, really) I’m nervous as hell but hoping for ... well, nothing too bad.
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dcviated · 3 years
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send “plots please” and get some thread ideas between our muses || [ open ]
@more-than-a-princess​ sent:  Plots please!
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1. Eira and Sonia attending an event together. We’ve done two threads/encounters elsewhere that she was outside or finishing up. How about something where it’s going on? Both of them are high profile for one reason or another and I’m sure we can come up with a reason why they’re there. They can tag team annoying guests and get through it together. Also if it’s an event where she’s drinking you’d best believe she’s there to get her water and keep her head on straight. Especially if family or others are there raising emotions. Maybe things get flipped around with Sonia helping Eira too. She’s already been to one of her shoes, maybe there’s a reception she’s a guest to as part of the production and oh man the things she puts up with sometimes.
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2. Zeyrfial is unintentionally summoned by Sonia. Perhaps she was performing a ritual out of humor and good sport for a certain holiday but something about it was done wrong or done unknowingly right to capture the attention of one Arch Demon of Memories. Instead of him playing with her naivete or bartering for some wealth of her mind- she actually manages to bind him in some way, a first that he’s experienced but this is Sonia. So he’s trapped to her will and probably suffers various shenanigans as he finds ways to escape and gets in touch with his lawyers. This could be a whole escapade and he goes with her to meetings and everything.
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3. We need a high school verse with Harima and Sonia. I don’t know much about Danganronpa but the idea of him being involved with any of that stuff is pretty interesting to think about. Whether its the killing game or otherwise. He’d probably end up the target of a lot of suspicion because of his size and mannerisms, would Sonia back him up?
3b. Regular high school interactions with these two. Maybe Sonia is a fan of the manga he’s doing and we work with that? OR. He does part time jobs that indirectly come in contact with her.
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4. (Bonus) Wylan and Sonia kissing.
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dxviated-old · 4 years
@cloudpools​​ for Blythe
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His entrance into the gardens is unceremonious, the opening of the grand glass doors the first sound made before the clip of leather shoes carries the demon through perfectly tended gardens. He knew Blythe would be here, of course, but she would not have expected him at so early an hour.
“Good morning, Blythe.” His warm voice perhaps the first she would register as someone other than himself being in the grounds under the eternal dark lit skies. “Taethea has told me you have been making steps in your magical studies. Would you care to share some of your progress with me?”
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onlyhorn · 4 years
This time Echidna's offering of tea would be politely declined by her favored and otherworldly guest, Zeyrfial. From a rift he procures a teapot of his own, gold and glamoured as if taken from the most royal of tombs. He pours his lovely host a cup from it, offering it to her on a fitting plate to match the rest of the set brought with him. "For all that you have treated me to over these years I thought it prudent I reciprocate with some hospitality of my own." You know exactly what that tea is.
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Confusion marks her expression when her usual offering of tea is suddenly declined by one she’s considered to be a very polite and present guest within her castle of dreams. Zeyrfial had never once declined her offer of tea before now - which means that he was up to something. Though she lacked her usual smile in the moments leading up to the reveal, her natural curiosity had peaked, and she instead watches as he produced his own teapot, and almost instantly did that usual grin of hers resurface on her fair and seemingly perfect features.
She didn’t even need to be told what was inside of the tea -- she had a feeling she knew, and she anticipated it just as much as he anticipated her tea. Naughty, naughty! She was absolutely privy to the idea, if the excited expression on her face didn’t already make that clear.
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“ And here I thought you’d never be willing to share your own brew with me, “ she jokes, taking her ornate plate and teacup filled with Zeyrfial’s special tea - a quick sniff confirmed almost every suspicion she may have initially had. But it’s only fair that they share their bond with each other further than they already have, no? 
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“ To allow me, the Witch of Greed, the first opportunity to taste a taste that has never been tasted before... “
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“ You know I couldn’t possibly deny it, even if I wanted to. Fuhuhu. “
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And so, the tea is brought to her lips, and she takes a nice, long sip of its contents. The flavor is literally out of this world - it’s something she’s never quite had the experience to taste before, and it excited her tongue to no end -- and the drips of energy she can taste within it only made it all the more appealing to her.
“ It’s lovely, Zeyrfial. “
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dxviated-old · 4 years
Very often are games like “shogi” or “chess” used as metaphors to explain the movement and progression of one’s plans. This would be a poor fit for the recent events that were unfolding in Lugunica. To say it was either of these simple board games would imply that the other player was working with the same pieces, that they had the same insight and same ability to stand against his machinations. No no no, this was much more one sided. To call it a game to begin with was almost misleading.
After all, how can it be a game if barely anyone knows that you exist? That you’re even playing?
The presumption of his new title. The reawakening of his apostle. The tormenting of the vagrant oni. The strategic ransack of villages in the rural countryside. The amassing of power and creation of his ‘pieces’ were so scattered, so indirect, that it would take a stroke of great fortune to connect them all together. The hows. The wheres. The whys. The foreign being knew them all and played everything close to where he kept what remained of his heart.
There may have been one person in this plane of reality keen to his existence, but even he doubted how keen she may be to the plan he was spinning. The steps he was taking to claim the vault of power that was secreted away in this kingdom. He wondered if they knew that even she, a witch, had taken steps to bring his plans to fruition. 
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Ah how wonderfully the dominoes fell. Each beautiful piece of ivory pushing the next into motion. And now the greatest of harvests was ready to take place after what had been hundreds of years, a moment had made itself available. A moment that he had taken full advantage of with the sacrifice of barely any effort or danger on his part.
If there was one thing that Zeyrfial abhorred, it was senseless violence.
The town of Asten had been rocked by incredible power, the decaying host of the Heart of Despair now a decimated husk barely clinging to existence at the center of the market district. Any individuals who had woken from their state of despair or injury suddenly found themselves lulled into sleep as a thick mist roiled and saturated the entire town. As it billowed and encompassed the area it was like time itself had stood still. Ah, if only it were so. Zeyrfial and time had a rather curious relationship.
His entry would be considered casual were there anyone conscious to witness it. The demonic archbishop manifests from a rift in the mist as he steps out across what remained of the stonework in town. The town had seen some damage, the boy who had done his dirty work having done so quite haphazardly. Each step of leviathan-hide boots carries him closer to the heart, the lingering ache of despair hanging in the air.
Nothing left to feed upon. Nothing left to sustain itself. It was a shell of its former self within that corpse of a woman. It’s with pity in his eyes that he looks down upon the tattered remains as ichor-filled eyes turn and revolve to regard the entity.
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“How good to see you again, old friend.”
There is no mercy or concern in his shadowed features despite the apparent connection he implied between them. He sweeps clear a place on the ground from blood, gore, debris, and ichor so that he can kneel closer, giving the other a piercing smile as they stare past those eyes into the true entity that lay beneath the host.
“I had warned you, had I not? That your freedom would only last so long. That you could only accomplish so much with these limitations. It’s a shame that I couldn’t just end this myself so long ago. I also told you that I am patient. And my forbearance now grants me you.”
He sweeps his cloak, the normally human like hand now cloaked in serpentine scales that ended in onyx talons. 
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They dig only through the charred shell of the corpse, but into the ichor itself, seeping within the pool with that ever present smile on their features. The other’s inhuman eyes flare in anger, hate, they try to resist but they were rendered far too weak to do anything in the face of the man’s breadth of power.
There’s a pulse, a flurry of air, and where one moment the ichor and Despair were there, the next there was nothing. Just the hollowed and decimated corpse of the great healer once known as Eris. The mortal’s eyes clear of distortion, and for the briefest of moments she too perhaps experienced a light of freedom from the parasite that had consumed her. A final look up at the sunny sky before the lack of mana and decimated body sent her to a final slumber.
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Eris, however, was of no interest to Zeyrfial. Her long awaited passing goes without witness, without care, with nobody in the world left to mourn her death. He stood from the now twice finished corpse, turning to admire the prize held within his grasp. A solid black tome with blackened pages and a liquid sheen to the cover. It pulses angrily, but a simple squeeze of the binding adds another set of wards to the book, icy white chains now binding through the cover and insetting themselves into the book, quelling the anger and forcing it into submission.
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“Ahhhh, come now. You should be pleased with me, Hod, you may have not been able to claim that boy as your vessel, but I have been preparing something much more suitable to our needs. I’ll give you exactly what it is you seek, and I believe that eventually you will find it in yourself to thank me. And I will patiently await that day, my dear friend.”
He flips the book into the air, letting it vanish into mist as he too, disappears into nothingness, the mist and fog coming along with him. And only then, did Asten finally find peace that day.
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dxviated-old · 4 years
Examine! Moriko -- also for Zeyrfial
Examine! || [ closed ] || @onlyhorn
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You are not the big bad wolf. Your appearance in this forest may be unnatural and out of place but you are not the evil, you are not the malice that plagues this world. You are a traveler, a seeker of knowledge like many others with your own assortment of methods. What evil is there to be found in being effective in your goals, after all? You are nonetheless so far from the minds of the people who dwell on this world, your ephemeral influence like gentle strokes of a brush over the finest of paintings. But you are not the match that will burn it.
You stand before the girl. The one you had found thanks to your ever fortuitous planning and circumstances. Luck may not be on your side, but you had time and influence to make up for any possible shortcomings. Even though she was not meant to be your chosen host (no, you had... other plans for her previously) you felt the despair and mental agony in her during this meeting. You felt the hollowness in her spirit that was ripe to be filled.
'Moriko’ is a demi-human child, small animal ears popping above soft auburn hair. Your knowledge of her pins her as one who has already been through so much, who has seen terrors like you have in the past. You see her and see too many memories of your former life. One you had buried. One you have willed to be forgotten. Her face is like her face. And if you were capable of crying over the dead perhaps you’d shed a tear at the resemblance.
That lingering part of yourself, long buried, millennia forgotten, screams back at you as you kneel down and entreat her to approach you as a hand outstretches. For a creature so terrified of others and the world around her, it was almost pathetic how a single look into your molten gaze was enough to dissuade all those thoughts. She looks at you as a kindness, her crippling fear working against her, only tearing apart her inhibition and panic as your hex makes her believe you are instead friend.
The tears stream down her face as she hobbles in your direction, hiccupping, snuffling, arms out stretched as she stumbles to take your offered hand. You offer her the sweetest of smiles and the warmest of laughs and her pace quickens until finally she takes it. She wraps herself around it and then pushes herself into your chest as she cries. Your free hand drops to run through her hair, once. She continues sobbing into your arms. You are her savior. You are the warmth she has never felt.
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>Use her to further your goals >Kill her, end her suffering >Take her and protect her
Then, the rift opens by your hand and the tome is procured. A black book that seethes with anger and drips with despair. It is bound in chains of ice and silver, bindings that the entity inside continuously tries to break from but you know it can never will. This is the sign of your victory. And this girl is the next of many to achieve what it is you seek most. A finality. An endless knowledge. The world. The infinity.
With the girl in your arm and the book in your hand, you cast the ancient magic that binds one soul and entity into another. A spell you have already used numerous times on this plane and in this world to court its people into your puppets. This one would be no different, though it would be far more special. Far more powerful. Your teeth bare in a grin as she gasps and chokes. The tar of the dissolving tome grips and finds bearing in her body, and you sense Hod screaming as it finds itself being forced into its new host. feels those chains wracking its mind as it remains under your rule. After a moment of suffering she cries again, a soft sob different from the relief she had shown before. Ah. She pulls away, and looks up into your eyes and you see the darkness blotting out the familiarity you had seen before. Sweet child no more.
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You offer your hand again as you stand, a request to take her, to guide her. She accepts.
You are not the big bad wolf in this story. For you are the forest itself. You have brought the wolf to red riding hood, and fed it to her.
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dxviated-old · 4 years
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“My my, how very exciting.”
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