#murphycrow x reader
march-harrigan · 2 years
DK Scarecrow crush got hit with fear toxin but instead of being scared it made her … oddly affectionate. Hugs him, rubs her head on his neck and has a goofy smile.
Hey! Sorry this one took so long! I wanted to make up a hopefully fun reason that the toxin would affect the reader differently. I ultimately settled on reader being an alien. Something akin to John Carpenter's "The Thing" but... You know, friendlier.
Hope you like it!
Extraterrestrial physiology was a strange thing. Some weren't all too different from humans, or even some of Earth's other creatures. Some rested in between. Similar in some ways, but unique from Earthly lifeforms in others(Superman would make for the perfect example of this). And then there were those that were just something else entirely.
Jonathan Crane was aware of this fact, although he'd done no research into the subject himself. Despite the fact that he'd been dating one for the last year now. You, to be specific. Or maybe it was because the only alien he had access to was the one he loved. He was willing to bank on you being the 'something else' variety given your true form. An odd mass of a creature that could perfectly imitate the form of any other lifeform you chose(although for the sake of your life on Earth, you typically stuck to your human disguise). Jon wouldn't lie and say that he wasn't curious what effects his fear toxin might have on such a creature. But he never tested it. Not on you. Never on you.
But accidents were bound to happen from time to time. And whether he liked it or not, your proximity to him would eventually put you at risk.
He hadn't expected you that night when something went wrong with the bunsen burner. The flame turned up higher than it should have, and before he could put it out, the glass he had been working with overheated. Fortunately, Jon always took the proper safety measures when working in the lab. When creating a gas that attacked your psyche with your deepest fears, wearing a gas mask was just common sense. He was safe. But you weren't.
You'd been approaching from behind when the glass shattered, the overheated toxin having already evaporated into its gaseous form inside the beaker. As soon as it was unleashed, you got an unintentional whiff of the stuff, and with a loud squeak, you now stood stiff behind Jonathan. He turned, eyes wide as horror dawned at him at the realization of what had just occurred. You had inhaled his toxin, and now he was going to see its effects on your unique physiology whether he liked it or not. Not knowing what else to do, he took your hands in his and lead you a safe distance from the worktable. He couldn't undo what had been done, but he could prevent you from taking an even higher dose.
Removing his mask, he whispered your name. "Please… Say something. Tell me you're okay." Concern laced his tone as he gently took your face into both hands. For once, he was the one who was terrified. He had no idea what effect his toxin would have on you. And if it all went wrong, if it went downhill too quickly, he had no way of fixing it. No way of saving you.
And then you laughed.
Horror turned to surprise as your lips met his. A quick light kiss followed by a stunned blink from him. He repeated your name, this time like it was a question. And before he knew it, you were hugging him. Not just hugging, but embracing, tighter than you ever had before with a big, silly grin on your face. He breathed out before questioning you again. "You're… Are you okay, angel? You had me worried!"
"Oh Jonny, I've never felt better," you giggled, keeping your arms firmly laced around him. He couldn't help but feel that you were being excessively affectionate. Even for you. And when you peppered his face with several more kisses, it confirmed his suspicions. His toxin, designed to instill terror had instead left you utterly enamoured. This was a concern in and of itself, but he supposed that of all the possibilities, this was far from the worst case scenario. At the very least, you were alive and safely with him.
"Let's get you to the couch," he sighed, lifting you up. He may not have looked it, but he was at least strong enough to carry you that distance. As he walked you over, he couldn't help but chuckle as you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and hummed contentedly. Batting your eyelashes at him, you smiled and asked, "Will you stay and snuggle with me, Crow?"
"I suppose there's no harm in it." Setting you down on the couch, he sat next to you. If all you wanted was to cuddle, then that was fine. He'd hold your hand and let you hug and nuzzle to your heart's content, until you were relaxed enough to drift off. With luck, you'd sleep it off. If not, he was sure he could create an antidote. For your sake, he'd get you back to your still lovable, but not quite as love drunk self.
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march-harrigan · 2 years
DK Scarecrow with S/O who call him her Handsome Crow.
I wasn't sure what I wanted to write here, so I kind of just let this one take its own direction. The name doesn't show up until the end of the story, but I still hope you enjoy it!
Jonathan Crane was married to his work At least that was the impression he gave at times. Late night hours in the office tending to patients, or in the lab perfecting his fear gas. Not to mention the court appearances on behalf of Falcone's men. Arguing, manipulating, all in the name of having Gotham's most dangerous declared legally insane. Not that he would ever confess to the connection in these cases.
Between that and his condescending attitude. The way he walked with his back straight and his head held high, exuding a smug aura that said he believed… knew he was better than everyone around him, it was hard for his colleagues to believe that the man was capable of any kind of affection. That he'd even stop to consider someone worthy of that kind of attention.
But they would be wrong.
When Jon went home, he went home to her. The one person he valued above all others. The person he'd let down his guard for. Who was allowed to see another side to him, smiling and laughing and genuinely happy just to be in her presence. The person who made him truly feel like he was home. The only trouble for him was that she was also the one person who worried about him.
She knew of his work. She had to. A sign of the trust between the two of them. But as a result, her concern for him had only deepened. It never crossed her mind to tell anyone, of course. She could never betray him in that way. But on those dark nights when he came home late, gloomy and exhausted, she would fret and fuss over him. He'd assure her that he was fine. That he'd simply lost track of the time and she didn't need to concern herself with it. Even so, it was something Jon truly loved about her. Perhaps, on some level, he knew that her particular brand of love was exactly what he needed.
One night in particular, he came home more exhausted than usual. Drenched in sweat and sore all over from the day's labor's. Nothing out of the ordinary for him. Just a lot more of it. Even a workaholic of his caliber had to know a person could only take so much, and yet he'd pushed himself beyond his limits regardless.
"Crow… Not again," came her sweet voice as he walked through the door of their shared home. "You look like hell. You need to stop doing this to yourself."
"I'm fine," he mumbled. His usual response, but it lacked the energy he'd typically try to force when he said it. "There were a few minor delays, but I promise. I'm as lively as I've ever been."
The hiss of pain as he rolled his shoulder said otherwise. And her quirked brow as she carefully examined him told him that she damn well knew better and wasn't going to let it drop. Instead, she joined him at the door and took his coat. "Shower. Now. I'll heat up some soup and then you're going to bed. Understood?"
"…Alright." He held his hands up in defeat, a faint smile gracing those full lips. He couldn't help but cave to her wishes when she was firm with him. Not because he found her tone particularly authoritative. If anything, he found the way she held her hands on her hips and glared up at him(very seriously, might I add) incredibly cute. Maybe it was that cuteness that drove him to obey. Or maybe it was just that it was one of the things he admired about her. He took her hand in his and kissed it. "I'll comply with your orders, tonight. But I expect you to come to bed too. You've been up awfully late waiting for me, Little Jay."
"Deal! But just so you know…" Her frown deepened into a teasing one until she could no longer hold it. And as she threw her arms around him, going in for a peck on the lips, it spread into a massive grin. "I missed you, my Handsome Crow. Welcome home."
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