growit-india · 2 years
9 Great Benefits  of Mulching
India is called the land of farmers, as most of the people of the country are directly or indirectly involved in the agriculture sector. It would not be wrong to say that ‘Indian farmers’ are the backbone of the economy and the agriculture sector is a key sector of the Indian economy. Indian farmers are amongst the most flexible and resilient farmers in the world as they have the strength to survive changing seasons, climate change, varying soil conditions, and often severe disaster conditions like wildfires, droughts, and floods.
Water conversion and weed control are the main benefits of mulch and many other advantages in agriculture. These are as following Mulching benefits
Water conversion:
It prevents the direct evaporation of soil water; hence crops required less water.
Weed control:
This is the most important motive behind many farmers using mulching techniques. It helps to suppress weed growth.
Soil moisture:
It helps prevent water in the soil from evaporating and maintaining soil moisture for a long time and preserves the plant root zone’s constant humidity level.
Root development:
It creates a microclimate near the root zone; it helps the white root development of the plant on the upper surface of the soil.
Substrate for plants, flower, and fruit:
The mulching films prevent direct contact between soil and flower, fruit, and other plant parts, helping improve flower and fruit quality.
Pest control:
The mulching film reflects light, so pests like aphids and thrips, leaf miner so easy to control. It is also very effective against nematode. While- Yellow mulching films attract whitefly help to control whitefly growth.
Heat and cold insulator
The mulching film acts as a heat and cold insulator in winter; mulch helps prevent soil from rapidly freezing, while in summer, it helps control soil temperature.
Substrate for plants, flower, and fruit:
Mulching becomes a barrier between soil and raindrop and slows down the soil erosion process.
Salinity level:
It is observed that there less salinity level around the dripper where mulch-film is used.
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growit-india · 2 years
What is Mulch
Mulching means it is a process of covering the soil and make more favorable conditions for plant growth, development. Mulching is forming the protective layer around the plant. The practice of applying mulch is an ancient and effective technique. It is beneficial for plant health while it is creating a microclimate around the plant root zone.
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