soleilnomoon · 2 years
Hi! I really like your writing! I hope you don't mind writing my first request from you 😅 I want a scenario for Sabo having a crush or falling in love with a member of the strawhat pirates🏴‍☠️☠️🦁 please and Thank you! Please keep up with the good hard work! You have my support!😊
hiiii (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡ you’re so sweet, i’m glad you like my writing! also i love that you requested sabo, he’s the best idc what anyone says *biased* also omg thank you so much, i will def do my best to keep consistent to say the least lmao <3 anyway, i hope you enjoy :)
885 words, fem reader, sfw, something light, no (real) angst i promise; sabo is bad at emotions, ok, let him live
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life has been relatively straight-forward for him; his goals have always been clear, his assessment of people concise and accurate, he’s kept himself in a box of sorts in order to hide certain parts of himself from his fellow revolutionaries. it’s dangerous work, made even more dangerous by the fact that he’s reunited with his younger brother after twelve years of being apart. weaknesses can be exploited and he hopes that luffy is the only weakness he’ll have moving forward; he can manage that — or, that’s what he tells himself before meeting you.
dressrosa is in shambles, but the people are elated regardless. being free from doflamingo and his wretched family’s oppressive reign has brought about a lightness to the people, especially with the assistance of the revolutionary army in handling some of the criminals who try to escape. sabo decides to spend a few extra days in the country, wanting to make sure he ties up all of his loose ends before leaving. koala insists on staying, but he manages to convince her to leave him behind — if too many of them are congregated together in one place, it’ll put a giant target on their backs.
and while koala attempts to refute his argument, sabo gives her a look that informs her that he’s done with the conversation entirely.
because luffy is still resting, you decide to head into town to purchase a few things. it’s on your short excursion that you run into sabo — bump into him, literally. his body is firm and sturdy, so you actually stumble but he catches you before you fall. you steady yourself and apologize profusely.
“sorry, i’m a little clumsy when i’m hungry,” you offer lamely, cheeks flushing lightly under his scrutinizing gaze. 
“you’re a part of luffy’s crew,” he says in response, and you nod, not feeling the need to hide it; you’re proud to be a straw hat, and since the townspeople weren’t actively chasing you down, you don’t see a reason to not reveal that truth. 
sabo extends a gloved hand outward and you shake it, a small smile tugging on your lips. 
he introduces himself as luffy’s older brother, which shocks you, as you only thought he had the one brother. sabo, noticing your confusion, laughs softly and walks with you as you shop. for some reason, there’s a magnetic aura about you and he can’t seem to leave your side. the way you talk, the way you laugh at things freely, the animated way you move about. it’s all very interesting to him, which should have been the first warning, but he lives life dangerously, and the heart wants what the heart wants after all.
you’re surprised that someone as important as him is still hanging around, but you don’t question it openly, instead enjoying the time he’s spending with you. sabo is much more worldly than you’ll ever be, refined, with a deadly gracefulness that you should be wary of, but you’re not. if anything, you feel safe around him. a fact that unnerves you, but you push that thought to the back of your mind so you can properly ignore it.
he finds every excuse to hang around you, steals you away from the remnants of your crew to show you various spots around the island that he thinks you might find interesting. there’s a hint of childishness in his excitement, one that you can’t help but find sweet and charming; when he catches you watching him, it throws him off, and he stumbles over his words for the first time in a long time, until you place a hand on top of his and tell him to relax and laughing once you see his gaze soften.
on your last day in dressrosa, he comes by early to see you off, asks you to walk with him for a bit, so you oblige without hesitation. he seems a little nervous and actually can’t find the words to say; you tilt your head, watching him, amusement growing with each passing second. before long, you finally say, “i think i understand.”
blinking repeatedly, sabo’s eyes narrow a bit, mouth parting to ask you several questions at once, but you don’t give him the opportunity. you take a few steps forward, lean up and kiss him. whatever he wanted to say, whatever he was thinking previously, dissipates almost immediately. if he wasn’t so sure that he was already awake, he’d think this was a dream. but, rather than lose his nerve, sabo pulls you closer to him and returns your kiss with one that he hopes will convey just a bit of what he feels. you kiss him until you can’t breathe, and then kiss him again. when you finally pull apart, you pat his chest gently, and press your lips to his ear.
“this isn’t goodbye,” you say a little softly, a bit melancholic, “so you better not forget me.”
he laughs at that, head turning to kiss you again, lips moving as he makes a promise to never forget you, no matter how long you spend apart. and, even though you know there is a possibility you might never see him again, you hold that promise in your heart and tuck it away safely for the day you reunite with him.
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
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Heyo love! I wanted to say thank you for following me and know I love having you here! I hope you are doing okay and things are going well for you! Please know this blog is here for you and that you are loved! Please stay safe, I love you! ❤️
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