#mostly a conversation with Tuffi i wanted to save
silasbug · 2 years
dream log Nr. -014
14/03/2022 (extracted from a chat, unstructured)
I had a dream where we were running dungeons and kept getting Elden Hollow I and you were getting sooooo frustrated
somehow i am jealous of you dreaming so much but since you told me it feels like not sleeping, i am not jealous
You shouldnt be, plus I was half-conscious during that dream and was aware I was half-awake, but the dream kept repeating somehow & I wasnt actually falling back asleep
I did feel a little rested during that time
then I fell deep again, had another intense dream where I was sprinting across fields with a plant-farmers market on them and I kept passing out while running and hence tumbling and rolling off the floor
then I felt fucking tired again when I woke up lmao
idk man I have periods where I dont dream or cant remember and sleep is super uneventful, and then there are times like these where I'm just.. "please, no more”
but ngl its very interesting being able to remember full cohesive dreams, I kind of love it besides the tiredness
Getting control of them would be sweeeeet
but idk how, I can be aware of thr fact that I'm dreaming but it'll have no bearing on whether or not I can change or impact that dream
when I am a little more conscious or close to consciousness (so waking, or being aware that I have to go to the bathroom for example) I can repeat parts of the dream but it will no longer organically continue
I just recounted them and I had 4 dreams last night, all of which I can remember in most-detail
when i have strong dreams with some kind of loop in it where i can't seem to move forward, i feel like i have a smidgen of influence on it and i bet if it would happen more often, then i could trick myself a little to gain more influence on it
it feels like a psychic wall i need to train my brain for, before i can cross it
maybe i would never be able to cross it though, no idea
that's crazy
I'm usually pretty blank? But I notice when I close my eyes that the moment I start to fall asleep a shit ton just goes on in front of my eyes and if I wake without having fallsn fully asleep I kinda feel like what the fuck was that mess and where did it come from.
it's like rapidly switching channels but with some cohesion
i can barely remember one dream, if i dream at all. since we are supposed to dream every night, i guess i almost never remember my dreams =/
usually same for me
but the last two days have been intense, because the night before this I was also able to recount 3-4
holy shit, that sounds .... confusing
maybe implementing some kind of trigger, or designating something as trigger that could make you realize you're dreaming but in a way where you can become lucid would be neat, but I don’t think every dream would include that trigger
but thats only when I'm almost falling asleep and then wake back up before really falling asleep, that's like a 5-10 min window
usually when I fall asleep it's just snap I'm asleep
our brain is so crazy
it's also quite interesting how little we still know about it i guess
"brain-daddy, no! please! no more!""
you just humanized your brain and made it a naughty man
I mean it almost feels abusive
if it werent so interesting
ive always loved dreaming and being able to remember that shit because theres just absolutely nothing like it
let brain daddy poke you a little
i'll be gentle
oh? you think you can run? let's trip you a couple dozen times
movies, tv, dont even come close to the weird shit your subconscious projects, the itch it scratches is so very satisfying
towards the end I had rapid succession of pass out fall down roll off back up and immediate repeat for like 4x in a row
it was almost like cartwheels with your shoulders and more scrapes
where did you want to go?
where you running?
why? where did you come from?
so many questions
where you just happily skipping across the field, enjoying the weather? or were you trying to reach the market?
we need to analyze the shit out of this
i mean ... your subconsciousness really gets to live out its shit when your consciousness falls asleep so ... i know i had quite a lot of dreams that made so much sense when thinking about what they've shown me
oh I remember more than running and tumbling, I just didnt write it all out, just the part that stuck the most vividly
ah okay
no worries, if this gets a little too personal. they are dreams after all
quite vulnerable state that is
no control of what you think and do
for one I had a girlfriend (someone who was actually my “girlfriend” in my childhood, her name was Nina), there was a plant market across thise fields and I was looking for a new plant  because one of mine died
this one was just weird, I just didnt write it all out because I didnt know how interesting dreams are for you and jusg the tumbling was super exhausting and memorable, plus funny
a new plant, I was looking for a new plant! at the plant market, because my girlfriend was a botanist and coming over and one of my plants had died and I wanted a new one and also to show her
didn't you say something about your plants just yesterday ?
when we briefly talked about the vinegar smell
I got soil gnats in my plants, yes (hence the apple cider vinegar traps)
but I dont think it was related
one thing that really sucks about these phases though, despite the exhaustion, is that once the dreams fade again, either from memory or me having any, it feels sooo empty
what do you mean exactly? you feel empty after forgetting what you dreamt about?
no, you feel the absence of the dreams
knowing you dreamed vs suddenly only waking up after falling asleep, just coming back from the black instead of movies in your head
it's a very distinct empty feeling
and also after forgetting what you dreamed about, because before there was knowing and remembering, and suddenly it's gone and you cant grasp it anymore
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