#most represented this time is karppi it seems
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so happy i did it even though i struggled with the prompts! majority is gifs and there’s also some videos, oc writing, a moodboard (& lyrics) and oc art. gifs and videos come from a variety of my fav shows. as always, general warning for blood and tv show typical violence
1. Head Wound - Ghost Wars 1x01 (gifs) 2. Failed Rescue Attempt - Ghost Wars 1x01 (gifs) 3. Blood Loss - Babylon Berlin 3x07 (gifs) (kinda gore tw) 4. Nightmares (OC Writing) 5. "Let Me See” - Karppi/Deadwind 1x11 (gifs) 6. Hypothermia - Karppi/Deadwind 1x11 (gifs) 7. Used as an Experiment - Another Life 1x07/1x10 (gifs) 8. Alt Prompt Blindfolded (art) 9. Kidnapped - Karppi/Deadwind 1x11 (gifs) 10. "How Long has it Been?” (OC Writing) 11. Suffocation - Dark 2x02 (gifs) (hanging tw but survives) 12. Spiked Drink - Karppi/Deadwind 1x08 (gifs) 13. Won’t Regain Consciousness - Primeval 3x10 (gifs) 14. Alt Prompt Left Behind - Deutschland 86 1x03 (gifs) 15. Hidden Scars - Dark 2x06 (gifs) 16. Alt Prompt Trapped Under a Collapsed Building - The 100 7x14/7x15 (gifs) 17. Self-Inflicted Wound - Supergirl 2x14 18. Forced To Watch - Karppi/Deadwind 2x08 (video) 19. Delirium - Babylon Berlin 1x08 (gifs) 20. Caged - Dark 2x02 (gifs) 21. Alt Prompt Natural Disaster - Karppi/Deadwind 2x07/2x08 (gifs) 22. Restrained - The 100 5x05 (gifs) 23. “Don’t Leave“ (Moodboard and Lyrics Compilation) 24. Too Weak To Move - The Shannara Chronicles 2x03 (gifs) 25. Muffled Screams - Atlantis 2x02 (video) 26. “Please Don’t Do This“ - Travelers 1x05 (gifs) (needle tw) 27. Alt Prompt Black Eye - Travelers 1x01 (gifs) 28. Presumed Dead - Legend of the Seeker 2x22 (gifs)
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