#most of the 1st evolutions of pokemon in gen 9 are fine
aaronymous999 · 2 years
Okay imma explain something here, basically my opinion on newer Pokemon designs.
The new designs aren’t bad. They just don’t feel like pokemon. Certain designs do feel like pokemon but recently, it feels less like they’re designing fantasy monsters/animal species and more like they’re designing feral/monster/furry characters with personality and backstory. Which to be fair, is cool! But it doesn’t feel like pokemon. It feels more like digimon than anything else or someone’s oc, which isn’t a bad thing but it’s not the direction pokemon character design should be going in. ( designing for characters instead of fantasy creatures in pokemon really only works with legendaries like Mewtwo, who is actually just a character or Arceus who there is only one of, because he is GOD. )
This problem I’m describing started popping up in Gen 7 in my opinion, and while I’m a certified gen 7 defender, I will say that designs like Litten’s final evolution feel much more like a character in a kids tv show than a pokemon if that makes sense?
This is probably all worthless rambling, again I do not think the designs are straight up bad, but the less memorable designs that have come out as late don’t feel like pokemon. ( also I will mention that another thing that’s bothering me is how cluttered the designs are getting. Fuecoco’s final evolution would have been perfect if not for the sheer amount of clutter on it’s pattern and design. )
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